96-956I � �?��i�''���� f: � �Z) �- , � ` � � °. � �, p �., CITY OF ST, PAUL pg}�r.rrnr�iaAY ORDER s5 � 4'OTIN6 j 2 In ths Matt•r af for the operati�n �f the �ve St�,iaard �treet Lightiny System for the Ci*y Hall/Court Aouse Ares for the manths of January thru �cemher, 2957. This area is bounded hy Ydalaasha St „ Kellogg Blvd., St. Peter ot, an�t Fourt_h �t_. fcr the montha of January thru DecembFr, 1A97. m2xe Council r_.f the city ei saint gau� havinq reaeived th� repert of tre Mayo? 1:}JQI! the abo=re 33R�£pt2IIi@RL� and hsvinq c�nsiderad said re�port, here'ay resolvaac 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no �ltern�tives, and that the ast.isssated cost th�reof ia $2,?38 financed b_y asaes�ments anly. 2. That a public hearing L-+e had on said improvement on the 9th day of flctaber, 193&, a� 4:3C - v'clook P.M., in the c`ounail Chambers of the City xal2 �sad r_.ou,-� �5use suilding in the City of Ssint �aul. 3, That notica of ssid pubLc *?ea±�1n� ��iaen to ti?e �erears enti in the manrrer pravided by ttie C,'harter, �tating the time and plaae of t?earing, *h� natura �f t'r.� imprcvemeut enct the total ccst thar�of s� �:;timated. C4UZdCIL£ERSORSS Yeas Nays �ai�ey y/� st rom �Giierin �/Ifarris a/�eC�&rr3 p11411QUCfl i/f�'ettman �i^nune A � G � 11996 Adopted by Cauncil: rate �.��qc� �e Certifizc� passec� by Counc;il Sec:ret�ry � In Favor By ,� - Q q �� � ��q�inst � p�IAI IeFrcn Mayor SEP 71996 Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number 34229 EPARTMEhT DIILECCOR CITY COUHC� outact Person and Phone Number: - �' ICY A7TORNEY CITY CLL•RK Rox2nna Flizik'�� 266-8859 p �� nme.cron w. & nzc�. svc. nm. � YOR {OR pSSLSTeVin 1 OUNCII, ItFSEARCii ust be on Council A enda b: 8-Z1-96 Must be in Countil Research Office b noon on FYida 8-9-96 OTAL R OF SIGNA'CORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATUAE) I CTIOiV REQUFS2 cD: etting date of gublic hearing gpro�ing estimated operafing costs for the City Hall/Court House Area Above Standard Street Lighting roject for 1997. File No.18709 Conin�rnATIONS: nprROVE (n) Ox 7cFaECC �c� ERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG: i 1. Has the personiCvm ever korked under a contract tor this department? YES NO run^�wc co�cssion A srerF . Has this person/Fvm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SEAVICE COFAfISSION � . Does tLis penodfirm possess a skill not normally possused by any YES NO cia co�rrree current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. � PORTS WHICH COUNCII. OBJEC7'IVE? Nei hborhoods I COUNCII, WARD(S) 2 DIS'I'RICT PLANNING COUNCIL � 7 TING PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPOR'ITJNITY (R'ho� What, When� K'here, W6y?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In eacfi case after h�aring from arious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approy�ed both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. Tt is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actuat operating costs. The first above-standard lighfing system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav increased af a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' his has become an annual budget procedvre. The assessment policy originated to allow the di¢�ect benefitting arties fo a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of the s stem. ISADVANTAGFSIFAPPROVED: ���(;� [ �� i'1�OI1C i � � '� 6."P.�� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City as a whole, would bear the added expense to operate these systems instead of the direct benetittf�g arties that re uested them. `�----' `^ OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: �� /� � COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO —Q'__L ure so�cE: Assessments Only AC7IVITY NUt��ER: ANCIAL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAII� � , y.vyc�tiy vwiici wiii uc iivuiicu vi ine puoi�c nearang ana enarges.