96-955(��EF=g��sft€ / 1 t.�� i f t;°`i :d. (�.�2� LL CITY OF 3T. PACTI. �2EL�FARY OP.DER 5 � BY��y �/04.-� ` � — � S � E`II,E NO. 18639 YOfi2t7G AARL i Ir+ tha Mattor af for the operation af the �ove Standard Street i,igiiting �ystem for the E. 7th/Arca�e Area for thfl �,or.*_?-.s �f ;7auuary thru DeceaWer, 1n97. This area is bounded by Arcade, Esst Severitn and Marqaret StreEts f�r tne months of January thru L�cember, 1997, Tne C�uncil of the City - vf 3aint Paul hav;.ng r�c-c�ivad tl�i� re�ori of rrie �i��� upon the above improvement, and havinq considered said repQrt� hereby resolves: 1.. That th� galrj r«pnrt 8rz� Tha BEP[e 18 h�rc�+ 3 r-z � � �n_�Y�a ���.tr_ nr alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,632 financed �y assees�ents anly. 2. That a puhlic hesring be had �n said improvemerit an tl yth 3ay uf c�ctaber, 1996, &t 4:30 a'aioak P.M., in trie cauncil chssnL�erg of the City Aall and Court House Buildinq ir. the c:ity of Saint Faul. ti• ThaM notice of s�ia pui�iic hearing be giver, LO t2xe persans and in tne �?�nn?r prn�ir��d by thg �-r�rr£r; ateting rt,� r��i� �xs� r.=ac+� of h�srin4 the n�turc, �f the improve�ent and tr.e total cast_ ��ereaf as sstimated. CQUNCILP�RS4P3S Yeas Nay� � �ke�� ostro� �erin �/t�Iarris �2eg�rd �ttman p��p��CU[n �une AUG 311996 Adopted J�y Council : �Jate �, , � `�� � Certified P�ssss� i�y Co+sncil SecrF£�sy ` In Favor By � � Ayainst PitAneucn Mayor � � ''� ,,... � -- Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 F.M.S./RE ESTATE DIVISION Date: �ontact Persoa and Phone Number. Roxauna F1ink��� 266-8859 I r� RE 8-2-96 7-15-96 T Green Sheet Number: _34z2$ EPAR7MENT DIItE(,TOR CI7Y COL77iCII, � ]iY AITOANbY CIiY C[,EptiC cmcsr viaECrox .& nicr. svc. nm. (OR ASSLSI't.Nt) be on CounciI 8- 21-961VIust be in Council Research Office RFSEARCFi noon on Friday 8-9-96 date of public hearing ing estimated operating costs for the E. 7th/Arcade Area Above Standard Street Lighting Project for File No.18b34 PGATA'G CODV.fISSiON C[VILSERVICE COhQ.fISSION CIB COMAfItTEE A srnrF NHICH COUNCII. OBdECTIVE? couxcu, wa��s� RSONAj, SERVICE CONIRAC7S MI1ST ANSV✓ER THE FOLLOR'Ii�'G: Raz the person/fu-m ever Rorked under a contrad tor this depaetment? yE$ Np Au this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO . Dces this person/fum possess a sldll not normally possessed by any yES Np current City employee? Ez lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and altach. ��hborhoods '7 DISTRICT PLA.NNING COUNCII, Q TING PROBLEAi, ISStJE, OPPORTUNII'Y (W6o, What, K3en, W6ere� R3y?); public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after ttearing from rious ne'sghborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council appro� �th the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required aY a public hearing be held each year for 6oth the estimafed operating costs and then the actual operating sts. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertotvn system in 1983. These systems h; creased at a rate of about 2 systems per year since then. IF APYROVED: has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting es to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the svstem. 7F AYPROVED: IF NOT APPRO VED: r�a�;��:�t � City as a whole, would bear the added expense to operafe these systems instead of the direet benefitting ies that requ�sted them. �-` -"" "' `'�'""•`��:'' AhfOUI\T OF 7RANSACTTON: $// f( �• �J� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCL6 ONE) YFS NO ! .t Lil/ SOURCE: ASSPSSIttCIitS OIIIj' ACTIVITY NUNBER: INFORTIATION: (EXPLAII� 14 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.