96-954J + P �:�' �.�1 L �.. GTTY OF ST. PBUI, BRBL�Y ORDER � � � � P f J j ; � � co i Fx xc, q ��, _ 9 S & F xQ. las2� vaart�� �a�xc� 3a 'Ehe Mattor oP for the operation or thE Above Stanciard Street iigiiting �ystem for the Sne12?ng;'Ra:�dolph Araa for the m�:±�a ef 3ai:esary ±hru �cea.ber, 133?. Hoth sides of Rsndolph Avenue to 255 feet east of Snalling Avenue, North sicte c,£ Randclph A�enue to 285 feet w�st �f Snelling and south sidE to 3s9 feet rrest; Hoth sic2es of 3nelling Aeenue to approxiaeately .�94 feet south af Randoiph Rvenue ai�d East side of Sneliing Avenua to $$D fest south of Aaadc,lph and v� st �ide to 255 feet soutlh for the months of January thru December, 1997. The C�uncil af the City of Saint Favl having raceiued ti:e repart of the Mayor upon the above impr�vement, and 'naving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated ca�t thereof is $3,255 finanaed by assessments �nly. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th dey of October, 1996, at 4:30 a'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber3 �f tt�e Cit� Hall arzd Court House Ruilding in the City of Saint Paul, 3. T??at n�tice ef seid pv�lir. �P$rin� b? gi4en to the *��rson� anc i?i *};e manner �Sr�vided b_y the C2xsrter, �±ating the time and pl«ce a£ hsaring, the natur= of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. UOUNCILFEF2�0235 Ye�a N�ys Elui�e V '�o9ti'C�IIt �erin �rris r.t�gard �ttman vt'Fune PIiRi ICuen AUG 311996 fida i�y Couiivil: Dat2 �.�� � ���� Cetiifi�c� Fa��eu ty Cuuiicil s�vretsry �In Fa=ror By `"� � � . � ��,� J r—., � � �Ag�inst �IIRIIC{iFf9 � �. _ j[I f .�.� ] �EP 71996 ASayar Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number: 34zz� EPAR'IM1fENT DIRECIOR IlY COUNC7L / S ontact Pecson and Phone Number: � ATCORNEY CLIY CLFytK � Roxantt8 Flink.�' �j 266-8859 �Ei. nm�c� oR .& ricr. svc. nnc. ' fAYOA (OR A.GSI.STANTI 1 OUNCIL FtF_SEAACli Tust be on Council A enda by: 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research OfHce by noon on Friday 8-9-96 OTAL A OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4CTION REQUESIED: ei#ing date of public hearing pproving estimated operating costs for the SnellinglRandolph Area Above Standard Street Lighting Project :or 1937. File No.1862G OMAtENDA710NS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONZRACTS Mi7ST ANS4VER THE FpLLpV�'ING: 1. Hu tLe person/firm ever worked under a conlrad tor lbis departry�cnt? I'ES T'O PLATT'VJC COTSMISSION A STAFF . Aaz this persodfirm ever been a City employee? PES NO CIVSI. SERVICE COhIML5510N � . Does thiq person/fum possess a skill not normally possessed bg any YES NO turrent City employee? Cta ConunriE¢ Ex laia all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. PORTS WHIC$ COUNCII, OBJEC'ITVE? Nei hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) �j DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, t4�1 S TIA7'ING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (5i'Lq 1i'hat� R'hen� R'here� Wtxy?): puklic hearing was held for each of the above-standard Iighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actuaI operating costs. TBe first above-standard lighting system began with fhe Lowertown system in 1983. These systems Uav increased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VAN'fAGES IF APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting arties fo a for the additionat o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of the s stem. ISADVANTAGEStFAPPROVED: NOSY;r� f�`-3���1�C�1 �� i one �,i �� . a .�u ti - ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: i&e Ci4y as a whote, �vould bear the added espense to operate these systems instead of the direct benef�tting zrties thzt re uested them. -- _-.. .. ._......W_LL_ OTAL A7140UNT OF TRANSACTION: $�� ��QO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO uac souxcE: Assessments Only ACTTVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAII� z4 property owners wiii be nonTiea ot tne public heazmg ana charges.