96-952� (z) LL G`ITY OF ST. PBUL PREL�7RRY ORGER rr �,�R4�{;�;;f�f �, Za tl:f Matt�s o#' foa the cgeration af the Above 8tan�ard str�et Lightinc� System for the Department af Revenue Area for the manths of .7anuary thru December, 1957. Area i� bounded by the Missisaipgi F,iver, Robert Street, Fillmore Arenue and :�tate Street for the months of January thru Decemher, 1�397. The Council af the city of saint ?aul having receivee� the repart of the Mayor ugon the above improvement, and "r,aving oonsidared said report, hereby rssolve�: l. 2'hat the said repr�rt and the same is hereby approved witn no alt2xnati=res, and that the estizRSted cos± thereof is $4,664 financed by asse�sments only. 2. fihet a public hearinq be had on �eid imprc,vement on the �th dsy uf October, I59�, at 4:30 o'cicek F.i�i„ in the Council Chamt�ers of the City Hall snd Court House Buildinq in the �ity of Seint Peul. 3. That notice of said public 2�earing be csiven to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the ti�e and place of heariug, the natur� of tne im�ravemer.t az:d the teta2 ce�t therecf as evtimatsd. CGUPdCSLPEFSt�Nfi Yeas � Nays c�lakey �trom ��rin �ris �ard �� ar. vR'�iune PIRl��eucn At1G 311996 A�opted ry �c�nail : Date ��C/� / Y1 Czrzifiec� Fe��seu �,y Cou Secretary IIn Favor gy �Agair,st �� 6lmneurn Meyor SEP 7199� .�..Y.,. .�., Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 F.M.S./BEAI, ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-IS-96 Green Sheet Number; •3azas EPARTMEKI'DIRECTpR CTCY COUNCII. oatact Person and Phone Number: �' ifY A'[TORNEY CRY CLERX RoxaltLUa I'1iIIk ��j 266-8859 uncEr nmECrox .& ntcT. svc. �m. I � UYOR (OA ASSISI'ANn 1 0417�CQ. RESF.ARCti � tnst be on Couacil A enda by: 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 8-9-96 OTAL k OF SIGNAI'UStE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACi70N PwQLFS"I'$D: etting date of publie hearing pproving estimated operating costs for the Department of Revenue Area Above Standard Street Lighting rQ3ect for 19�7. File No.18607 lStECOniAtExnATTOnS: AePROVa (A) OA RFaEC1' pt) ERSOIIAL SERVICE CONCRACTS MLIST AhSR'ER Tf� 60LL(1WII�G: � 1. Hu the persodfum ever korked under a contract for this depertnl0nt? S"ES NO PLNTNG COTfhtISS10N A SiAFf ' . Haz this person/firm ever been a City employeel YES NO � CIVD.SERVICECOI.R[i5570N -- � — . Dces thic pecson/Cu'm possus p skill not normally possessed by any YFS NO c�s cor.ut�rres current Gty employee? Ex Iain aR YES answers ou a se azate sheet and allpch. roxrs w�iicx couraciz, oarECrrvE+ Nei hborhoods CO'UNCII, WARDi� 2 DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCb � TING PROBLEAi� ISSUE� OPPORTUNII'P (WLo� What, Wlien, W6ere, R'6y?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from �arious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Coraxicil approved both the construction of tbese systems and their operation by the City on an assess�ent basis. I# is reqaired that a public bearing be held each year for both the estimated ogerating cosfs and then the actual operating cos2s. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav intreased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES IF APpAOVED: � his has becozne an annual budget procedure. The assessment pol9cy originated to a11ow the direct benefitting �arties to a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of 4he s stem. I ISADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED: � ._�'�x X� ✓S-I E-•C' � 4 i e�Q , wu� �� `� � ' t:iJ� v dSADVAATAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City as a vrhole, would bear the added expense to operate these systems instead of the direct benefittSng�' arties that re nested them. OTAL Ai'SOUNT OF T'RAI�SACTION: �/ �� COSC/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) 1'FS NO mc souxcE: Assessments Only AC'fIVITY NUMffiER: �'� A2�CIAL INFORASATION: (EXPLAA� i yrvperry owners wni oe nounea ot tne puoiic neanng ana charges.