96-951���.j�L CI'PY OF' ST . PAUL PR�LII�RY 4RD832 B ° �'� ( L- r' £ � � i � z d ':s' e '� �y i?''at ?� F=LE 370. \ V 185 W In thae Matta� aP far ttie ogerati�n of the I�ove Standard Streat Lightia� Syatem far the St. Pet�r Strest Area Pwr tha mon*_hs of �anuary thru �cea�her, 2��7. Weez sic�e of st. Feter street fram Kellcqy Rlvd. t� E. C1Y.tYi Street �nd frc+m E, uaventh Str�et ta Intcrstata 94. Easr_ side of 5t. Peter Street from E. 1'aurth Street te Interatate �4 with multiqlave iiqhts from E, Sixth 5ireet to 3eventh Place Niali only also, West side of Wsshington St. frc� Fth ta 5th st, for tAe *_nar_ths of ,7�rsuPry thru Pecen_rL 199?. The Ceuncil of the City of Saint Peul ha� ing re;;eived th2 report af ±he Niayor upon the above imgrovement, and having considered aaid report, hereby re�a2vesa l. That the said report and trie samc, is hereby approved with no alternatirea, and that t2:s a�timate3 co�t thereof i� $$,16� financed k,y �s9essmarets only. 2. Thet a public hearing be had on said iarprovement on the 9Eh day of �ctc,ber, 1596, at q;3^v - v'ci�ck P.M., in trie i.c�uncil Cha.�bers of t�ie City Hall and Court House Buildina 1n the City af Seint Paul. 3. Thst notice c�f sRi�3 �u?�lie h�frrin� be �iveri �o thF pprsor_a Rnd in the manner provided by the G`tiarter, stating the time and plaoe of hearinq, the nature of the in;�roiement and the t�tal cost th�reof as e°±ia;at�d. CflUNC2LPER83Y3S Yaas Nsys �fl7€ey ��trom �erin �rris ✓1°�gard +/,'�tt�ar. p11QIMUrn �/'��une AUG 319996 Adopted by Council: D�te A�, ��{, l�q� —�`� Certified Fasse� :�y C�uncil Secietary � In Favar &y ` ��� n �,�,_� . � �gainst �PIqIICUC '//�"��'(� May�r .�_k :, ..� .,a._ _..� /, Public Hearing Date � October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number$ 34224 _ Er,�xn�,-r vu�crox crnr cocrNCU, onfatt Person and Phone Number: '� ATIORNEY i'['y C[,gnR IZoxanna Flit�k �� ZGG-rSHSJ UDGEl' DIRECTOR 1. & MG'f. SVC. DIR 1AYOR (OR ASSTSTA,`71) I OUNCII. AESEARCF{ ust be an Council A enda by: 8-21-96 b7ust be in Council Research Of�ce by noon on F'riday 8-9-R6 OTAL # OP SIGNATURE YAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RzQ�D: etfing date of public hearing �proving estimated operating costs for the St. Peter Street Area Above Standard Street Ligt�ting Project fo ��g�• File No.13590 COnSDiENDATIONS: APPItOVE (A) OR RFJECI' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSP✓ER 2'f� FOLLQR'IIAG: 1. Has the person/�um ever worked under a contract Cor this department? FES NO PLAM1T'ING COAIDfLSSION A STAfF � ^ . Hu tLis person/firm ever beeu a City employee7 YES NO CIVQ. SERVICE COMMISSiON ^� . Does this persodfum possess a skill not normally possessed by any YE5 NO current Cfty etnployee? Qa Col�Afi1'tEE ^ E lain all YES ans�sers on a se arate sheet and attech. PORTS R7iICH COUtQCII, OBJECTIVE? Nei hborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S� 2 DIS'iRICT PLANNING COUh'Cb I 7 'i'ITAITNG PROBLEM, I5SUE, OPPORTUNiTY (K'ho, What, When, �F'Nere, R'hy?): gublic hearing svas Held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In eac6 case after hearing from arious neighborhood district counciis, business associations, grogerty owners and staff, the Cquncil approwed both the construction of these systems and their operation by t6e City on an assessment basis. It is req�ired that a pubPic hearing Ue held each year for both the estitnated operating costs and then the actqal operating cosfs. Tdae first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav increased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the di�ect bettefitting arties to a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of the s stem. nr' �3.� .�;,-�; �'.,.:4i' ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �,._.'�. [i� �.. i .,,. 1 QP8 • �+. it' i �, "... iv.J-. ISADVANTAGES LF NQT APPROVED: �h� City as a�hole, �ouid bear the added expense to operate these systems instead of the direct beneFitfing �arYiQS Ckat re uested th€m. � — - ...." �..�-.�.�>�r� OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION; � '/ f ��/ /ln __�p� VEA'C7E gUDGETED (CIItCLE ONB) YES NO Cl� C il / u�resouncE: Assessments Only AC'CIVITYN[J��ER: ANCIAL INFORMATTON: (EIiPLAII� �i� properry owners wni oe nonraea oz me pubiic nearmg ana cnarges.