96-950p ;2� �� CITY t3F Sfi> PAUL F`RBL�RY oRD�R �:'RIG�f��A�. t. �, . 4 � 2 ` �ii� a� i►. �i. �� �� � `/ . . '_. � i In the Ma�ttar of for the operation of the Above Standard Street Lightir,g 3ystam fcr the .�elby ��vitalization Na. 2 Area fcr ±hs months af January thru ueoem7�er, 1997. Both sides 3elby AvenuE from Viotaria ;itraet to Lexingt�n Parkw�y; .�outh vide - vi Selby Avenue to 55 feet aast cf Victoria Street and Both sides Victoris Street to 55 feet north of 8el�y Avenue and ta 55 feet sautn of �elby Avenue far ttie months �f ,7anuery thru L�e��amL�er, 1?97. The t:=�u:�c ii �i t! City af �,aint r�u3 ha7ing F�C824'Es� i,tiL report �f ti�� 21,xyor upc�n the a�ave improvement, and having carsiclere� said re�ort, hereby r�soives: 1, mtygt *_he said repert and the ssme is hereby approved rrith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,498 financad by asse�smar.ts c�niy. 2, That a puhlic h�ariny be Y�ad or said in�provestent or� the Rth day uf October, 1996, et 4:30 o'clock P.Ni., in the Council Chaarbers af the City Aall and Court AousE Puildin� in t�is City of oaint Fan1, 3. That no':ice aP said pubiic hearing be given to the persons and in the menner �?ra?ided �y the Chsrt�i sr�ting the titne an� place of hearing, the nature o£ the improvement and the total cost tnereof as estimated. Cc:�UNCILPERS�NS Y�as NayB �akey s✓n�stro2� �erin �/I�Y'Y'].3 V�CJ&SC� �ttman �ne p��p��eu�n AUG 311996 Ado;�te� b_y C�suncil: L�ate_� `�� ! b Certified Passed �y Council 5ecretary �Ixi Fava1: By � � � � .� � j,, � � Against /��fX- bN �IIRI ICUers :layor �EP 7199� -..Y.�.,. -..k , Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 F.D'I.S./REA,L ESTATE DIVISIflN Date: r:ontact Person and Phone Number: � Roxaana Fli:ak `�� - P� be on Council PAGES 8-21-96 Must be in FOR Research Office CLiY CLCILK � }o — . ]h h1CT. SVC. DLR. 1 ouncu.ixFSFnncfa noon on Fridev 8-3-36 date af gvbIic hearin� ing estimated opera6ng costs for the Selby Revitalization No. 2 Area Above Standard $treet Liglating for 14?7. _ File No.l$�88 : �a 266-8859 RE 8-2-96 7-15-96 EPARTT�NT D I'I'Y AiTORi�'EY Green Sheet Number; 34223 IRECfOR CiCY COUtiCIX. DIRECLOR tox nsscsr,wri rw�n°mc co�ssro� CIVIL SERVICE COMTiLSS CIB COTAlIT1Eg A STAFF WIiiCH COUNCII, OA.TECTSVE? covivcn, wa�xncs� RSONAL SERVICE CO;QTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLQR'ING: Aas ihe person/firm ever worked nnder a contrnct for this depart'qent? yE5 A30 Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee7 1'FS NO . Does tLis persoWCvm possess a skill not normally possessed by any 1'ES D70 current City employee? Ex lain all yES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. ighborhoods � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, �_ PROBLEM� ISS[JE, OPPOR'I'UNIT'Y (R'ha, What, When, K'here, WLy?): public heariug was hetd for each of the above-standard iSghting systems. In eacu case after kearing fro�z rious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council appro� th the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required at a pubiic h�aring be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual operating sts. The first above-standard lighting system began wifh the Lowerto���n system in 1983. These systems h �reased at a rate of about 2 systems per year since then. IF APPROVED: has becotue an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the di¢�ect benefitting es to pay for the additional operat9ng costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the svstem. IF APPROVED: u �) 1:��0 IP NOT APPROVED: City as a s�•hole, wouId bear the added expense to o�erate these syatems instead of the direct benefitfing ias that re�,uestsd them. TRANSACTION: ��� �C)� � COST/REVF.NUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE On'E? YES Fi0 souxcE: Assessments Only ACT��TY NUA�ER: (EXPLAII� 95 propezty owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. � ��� SA18T PFUL � AAAII r ro:¢. Date fr►terdeparfinerrtal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL idancy I�x�iersc�n Cour.cil Resear4h �14 City Hall �/ � 6!� F.�>xanna Fli:�k � �.eal Estate ➢zvision i4� City Aall RECEI VE� AUG - 2199& ufTY CLERK �uly 31, 1996 S',i�J j6C't: cli�?11C:3t1��21 tiii idO�1C° Ci� P'�'�'Si3C FicnTlPif iU£ i�:UV9 /„S�'t-d:1CIdS� Ctr'PP� T.ly�l't1.T3�. _V G�� 39L1'1 IOT L�Wei2o4�s1 P.r6a � �S# ��2i3 iu£ SeiY�y i�£ea �/ �°� 'a?lq f^r F�:rd-cle=.rela:.d area 3J ll J a. �l`GS# 34?I5 for Grand-East I A=ea iAGS# 3421� fc�r Gratic� :ve�t �ea ✓GS# 34217 for Grand East II Area �GS� 34218 for NUrth Waba�ha Area y/GS� 34L1� ior Smitn Ave. Area �/G9� 34220 for .da�asha-5tt�-6th Ax•ea ��S# 34221 inr SelbjJ R�vit�lizatinn Nn. I RsP� �/ GS# 3422'L far Conc�rd Pnase I Area T. � � GS# 3922� for Selby Fevitalization lYV. L F,zea � G5.# 34224 fnr st. Peter street Asea ,/GS# 34225 ror Uepartment of Revenue Area �/G�� 34226 for Univarsity/kesternlriackubin Area d rS# 34227 fer SnellinglRar.dclF�h Asea ✓ GS# 39228 for E. 7thlArcade Area � GS# 34229 for City Ha11ICourt House Area � GS# 34230 for 7 JnitedjChildren's Hvspital P.rea To cvmply with Ntinnesata State Statue, Cha�,ter 429, the attached Preliminary Orciers must be pi;blished twice/ene vrsek �part with publication on September 21, and september 28, 1996. City Clerk's office woulc� need the signed Frelir¢inary Orders in their office no later than Friday September 13, 1996. If you have any c{uEStions, ca11 �ue at 2G6-8850. RF: kt cc: nebcrah I�iley