96-949� L �. � � � CITY OF SR. PAUL FREL�I&RY ORDER ° i ,�.. p > F ! � P � ! : E� �":'.I .l� <_,> (--� r� �� � I�J 1 1 Ya th� 2�ttmr af far ttia operation of the 7.� Stan�ard straet Lighting System for the Concord Phase I Area for the months �f ,Tanuary ±hru December, I99?. �Tarih side Concord Street fram 50 feet southEast vf Ada Street to ap�roximmatelv 125.06 feet northwe�t af Stete Street and S411t1�1 side of Gonccrd Street fram appraximately 78.59 feet northwest of C;eorge Street to appraximately 362.22 feet southeast of State 8treet for the months oi January thru Dece�ber, I597. The Council of the Cit_y ef Saini Peul hsviny reaeived Lhe rE�art af the MBycr upon the above improvement, and havinc� cansidar�d said report, riEre'r�y reaaives: 1, That ths �aid report and the same is hereby agp�oved :vith na elternatives, snd that *_he eatimated cost thereof i� $1,399 finaneed by assessments only. 2. That a public hearinq be I 4R said 1IItF+i'OS'gIilQS}� un the 5th day of OctoJ�er, 1996, at 9e30 a'clock P.M., in t2ie Ccuncil Chamber� of thz City HaI1 and Court Aouse Bvilding in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That natice af said nublic hearing be given to the persons and in the �anner pravidsd by tha Charter, stating the tima and p3ace of hearing, *_he na±ure of the improve�ent and the total c�st therQaf as estimated. COUNCILFERSONS Yeas IVays ��key �strom �e r:in �rri� vl°�garci �tman hune p��pi ieurn AUG 311996 I�o�te:: by C�uncil: Dete��, ��-} ,`q C� � Certifi2d Passed �y Ccuncil ��eta y �Ir_ Fsi �r By �`��_,��� �Against � ` E �r� ' � _ MaVOr DII�I iQ4ftt1 �EP 71996 � - Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 5-2-96 F.M.S./REAIG ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green 3heet Nuanber: 34z2z ,�.�� ,, EPARTMENT DRtF,CfOR CITY COUNCII, :autact Person and Phone N er: .,,., ATIORNEY CIi'Y CUiRK �OXc`lIll2al J��131�: 266-8859 -� p- ��DIAECf'OR �A. & MGT. SVC. DIP POR (OR ASSISTAI.'n � OifiCQ. RFSEARCft ;fiust be on Counci2 Agenda by: 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 8-9-95 5 OF ALL ing date of pablic hearing >roving estimated operating costs for the Concord Phase I Area Above Standard Street Li�hting Projcct 1997. File No.l&550 PLMT'LtiG CQhUiI55ION CML SERVICE COI.➢.fI55ION CIB COMMTIIEE A srn� �6'IIICH COUNCII, OBJEC'CIVE? cotmicu, wnxu�s� RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER Tf� FOL[,(SWGVG: Haz t6e person/fu ever worked under a coutract for this depar4pent? YE8 NO Has ihis person/firtn ever been a City employee? YES NO . Does tUia person/Cum possess a skill not normally possessed by any Y'ES TO turrent City employee? Ex lain all YES ansx�en on a se arate sheet and attach. ighborhoods 2, DI5IRICT pLANNING COUNCII. � PROSLEM� ISStJG, OPPORTUNIT'P (R'6o, R'hat, Whea, W6ere, R'hy?): pablic hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after heariug trocu rious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approved �t6 the constraction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. �t is required at a gublic hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and theu the act�al opet°ating sts. The first above-standard lighfing system began ��ith the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems havc creased at a rate of about 2 systems per Year since then. IF APPAOVED: has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the dia es to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for unifoem maintenance of the svctem IF APPROVED: IF NOT APFROVED: P- �i�A13!f^.�� �19�9�L�1 �^:�i��' City as a whole, would bear the added expense to operate these systems iz�stead of the dirsct b��t�fitting ies t�tat requested them. A----- --"" AMOUNT Q� TRANSACTION: $� 3 99 Do C��T��NUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ON$) YES NO SO ��� Assessments Only f'CTn'ITY NUMBER: u�rFO�nnox: �7ai.nu� 1 16 property owners wiil be notified of the public hearing and charges.