96-943�f�� ►_� �RI������. CITY OF ST. PAUL PP.EL�RY QRDSR ��L� • - ��tJ,L,? � • . 3�4 Sn the tR�ttaa of far the �perstion of the Abave Standard Street Liqhtinq System for th� Grsr�3-Sdest Fves f�r tha mor.ths of .?anuary thru I32cea�sr, 1�3'.17. �a YI Both sides of 6rand Auenue from Snelling Avenue ta abcut I54 feet west of Fai±�vieu.r Arenue ;167 fEet nortti side, I4� fezt sc�utti sidej fcr tha months ci January thru Decesber 1997. 2'he Council �f the City af s�int Peul hsviii� r�ceivec� t2�e re�+ort c thE Mravar upvn the a2rove imFrov�msnt, and haYing can�ic}ered said report, hereby re�olves; l. That the said report and the same i� hereby appraved with na slternatives, and that tlie estimated cos± thereof i� $2,565 financed by a�sessments omly. 2. That s public hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th dav of Octo�i�r, 1996, at 4�30 o'clock F.24., iix tY.e Counci2 Ch�mL�ers of tha City Hell snd Court Hc+use Buiiding in the city of saint p�ul. 3. That notice af said public hearing he aiven to the persons anri in the manner pravideci by �he i.hartEr, scating the time and place of hearing, the naturF cf th� ��+ro4eaeent �r,�3 rt tctal r�st thereof a� estimsted, COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �akey ✓ 3�o�ti�m �uerin �rris �gard r/�€'�tman �hune �_ PIIRI ISU�n AU6 311996 � _. Ad�pted 7�y Council: Date ,, � ��q ( Certifi2d �assed by ��oun�il Secrerary 1 In F'�y�ar By , QAgainst �PB( ISUFn N$yot � ..� rublic Hearing Date - October 9 1996 F.D2.S.1�4EA.L E57['AT'E DIVISIQIY Date: an:ad Persan and I"uoce T�u�her: y nIY � �Q3X2is��?'�I a�'' �K .� i u' Le o;� �au.nc3 : 3-21-96 I�'fusE be in Councii ResearcIi flf�ca by azoon on F:i� &-�-g6 AL fl OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL IACATfONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) iO;v :�r Q:J`��;;: inb uate oi pa�>ic �aari�3g 3roving est,�:;a�ed ope:ating costs tor the Grand West Area Above Standard Sireet Li�;`�tiz�� Project �%y File Ido.1�423 PLAFNLCG COTL�fI5510N 2fi6-&859 t%��j-':m { �'._'Y� �,: -�--� RE 8-2-96 7-15-96 � Green Sfaeet Numl�er 34216 Er.vcrn�m' omeca aR c7y cow�cu. i7YATTOPIz�Y CITYt,'LiS{IC �wcEr Drnr,cro� � .;a. � nic�6. svc. D:z. to:t nssLSrnn-n CR"R, SEAYICE C0�IMLSSION as conc+rrrrEe � STAFF w�acx cotmcu o�crivrt COCNCII, SVARD(S� RSONAL SEP.VICE CO7�'17tACTS D'fU$T AI�iSS{BR T'SIE FOI.LQW{'L`?G: FIu t6e person/firm eser worked under a contrect for Ihis degartinCnt? I`ES NO Hu £,vs personlfirm ever 6een a City employee? nrsEnxcn i�s r:o . Does this person/t'irm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current Cily emplo}ee? Explain all PE$ answers on a separate sheet and att8cb. �igl ^ 'j�,4 DISTRICT FLh.N7QING COUP;CLL 14 PROBLEn4, dSSlTE, OPPORT[7NITY ({i'ho� What, R'hen� �i'hece, {Yhy?}: pubizc heariaag was hefd for each of the above-standard Iighting system�s. In eacFn case af'tex hearing trom rious neighborhool d'zstrict counciis, business associatSons, property owners and staff, tbe Coµncil appro� 1h ft�e constru�tion of these systems and their o�erat9on by the City on an assessment basis. I� is rec�uired aY a gublsc hear'sng ba 2�ei� each year for bofh the estiuiafed operatiztg cosfs and 2hen the actaai oper�ting sts. 'The frst ar�ove-slandard lig�ting system began with the Lowertawn system in 1983. x'hese sysfeuzs h; ereased at a rate of abont 2 systsms per year since tven. � nrrxavEn: has become an annual budget �rocedure. The assessment policy originated ta allow the di�ecf benefitting es to p� for the additional operating costs and nravzdQ far uniform maintena�re nf thP �verP.,, AGES IF APPROVED: IF NOT APFA20VED: �O1:SiCi� �':r3ri;c`�l �',4'a?1$�?!' City as a�whole, wauld bear the added expense fo operate tbese sys4ems instead o i't he direck bene£tting ies that rec�ussted them. -- -- "T`""T' QOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $� �/„� �)D COST/REVEN[TE BUDGETED (CIItCLE pNE) S'ES NO [X (J sovxcE: Assessments Onlp ACTn'ITYNUA4SER: INFORMATION: (EXYLAII� 49 property owners will be notified of the pubiic hearing and charges.