96-942r���� j p p , � �•o �✓ S F F : +� �(�j �� CIfiY flF ST. PBUL PRlL�INARY ORD&R dS l�doptad L�y Co•�ncil: Dat� IL� �`_ �j ( Nays Certifie� Faesea L-y Counci? S�cr�tsry In tha Mattar of far the 4�i1t].OR of +he Above Standard 3treet Lighting system for the Grand-East I Aree fer th� �o:;t�s of ,3anuary thru Deceau��r, 1�97. � Bc�th sides Grand Av�nue fros 2E0 feet ;�zst cf Victoria to IOC feet �ast bf Daie street; Boi.h si�es rictaria otreet frcm 15Q fect north o� Grand te I50 iaet seutii �i Jranc� Avenue; West side St. Albans Street from Grand Fivenue ta 15t7 feet north of Grand Avenue; East side Dale Street from 6rand Avenue te 150 feet north �f Grand Aue�iue f�r tYie monttis of January thru December, i997, Th� Coti�iail of the City of Saint Feul lxaving recaived tt�a report uf the Ma ugcn ttce abave imprcveu.ant, and 2aac;.ny c said reF�:;rt, harery r��alves: l. 2. 3 That the s�id repvrt and ths sa� is hereby apgroyed with no eltarnativas, anr.� that the estimated cost thereef i� $5,364 financed by assessments oniy. That a pub2ic hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th d�y of Octo�r, 199fi, at 4:30 o'alock P.M., in the Council eham�er� of *he City Hall and Court House Buildinq in the City of Saint Paul, Thec notice of seid pubiic hearing be given t� the persons and in tY,e manner providecz by the CYiarter, stating the timE and glace �f hEaring, the nature of the improvement snd tha total coat taereof as estimated. Yeas :�'�-3ake}• �ostrom ✓Guerin ✓fIairis r/Fieyard � ttmsn v2'f�une e BY FTT Nfl, vaxris� � In Favor Ety � Again4t //l�LlCi � C11Rf I.CF1CIt t�yar PUBUSHFn �EP 71996 AUG �11996 Public Hearing Date - Uctober 9, 1996 ]E'.NI.S./F.� ESTATE DIVISION Date: �ontact Yerson and Phene Nmnper: ` ROSIIII22 P'.iFi� ��J 266-8854 �'�: ��: � 3� RE 8-2-96 7-15-96 Green S2ieef Nu.-aber; ! 34zis EPARI7.SENi DIIiF.CfOA C� COUp7CIL CITY ATI'ORNEY CitY CLti�(� UDGEI' DR2EGTOA Fi7Y. & T;GT. SYC. D:R. (OR ASS[.STANn tie cF Ce�rtci' OF 8-Zt-96 Must be in Councit Research Offce nr•sra.ncit f10CR 4I1 }�i'Tls c�'�-gJ --- �--- _. � =;�4 s�a,n o. � �bi'ac hea:i. � >roting Esti;nzfe� �pera�ing costs for the Gra�d-East i Area AboFe Standard Street 3,ighfi�ag Yraject � x ite t�Tc.I83'.�2 PLMT'L�C COhIh71S510N CR'IL SEAYICE COhfTfIS510N cre CO�mr�rs�e A STAFF �SIi;CIi COtJ74CII, OBJECTZVE? COU'NCIT. V✓.ARD(S) It00dS �? F.SONAL SEAVICE CONIItACTS DIUST ANS1i'ER TItG i OLI,C�i'LtiG: Has t6e personlfvm erer �sorked under a coo(ract for ISis ilepartm¢n.? 1"ES n0 Naz this person(Cum ever been a City empioyee? S'ES T�`O Does this person/firm possess a skill not nocmaily possessed by any S`ES NO curreut City emple?�¢e? Exnlain ali YE5 answers on a seParate s6eet and attp�c nzsrtuCr ra„v.m�uac Cour�cn, j � PROBLEhf, ZSSUE� OPPORTUNST'1 (1}'hq W6at� 4Vhen, Where, R'hy?): public fiearing �vas beid for each of the above-standard lightzng systems. In eacl� case after bearing from rious neigtibarhood district counci3s, business associations, progerty owners and staff, the Caa�ncil appro� �fh the construefiom of these systems aad their operation by the City on an assessznent basis. ff is required at a pubtic heariug Le �eld eack year far both fhe estimated operafing costs and then tke actugl opea•afing sts. '�'he first ahove-sfanc��..c3 lighting system begau with the Lowert�svn system in f983. These svstetns h at a rate of abaeat 2 II+APPILOV since thezi. has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to altow the diYect benefitting es to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for unifar.n maFntenance of the svs4em. IFAPPROYED: IP NOT APPROVED: �0�lP.CI! C743' 8S 8 K =hoie, would bear the added exQense to operate these sy§texns instead of f€�e direct bemefitting ies Yhat requested them. `"" AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $,5 �`� /)n COST/REVEI�[IE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YFS NO v� i sovxcE: �$�sments Only ACTNITY NU(vffiER: INFORMATION: (EXPLpII� 297 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.