96-773L (� CITY {JF 3T. P$US. �R��I��,�.� e .0 r� • • - � ;�- � ���, F�� ��. q t� -'1 � 3 BY �-�"�`�-�� � FIIS� ii0. I8R32 / VCITING i�IP,RD S6h In the Matte� of Condemnzng and taising o� tem�orary easements necessary for the Edgerton st. Hridge Constructian Pro�ect, near Edqerton and �uhitall Streets, as shc�wn on the i¢ap an file with the De�artment cf Finance and Nlanagement Services, room 140 Citv xall, marked sheet 3 of 3, Sridqe Project PrII70. Said Easements to expire January 1, 1998, or at completion of project, whichever occurs first. The Council cf the City of Saint Pau2 havin� receiued the report �f the Mavor upon the above im�rovement, and havinct considersd said f�et��ft, hezeby iesolves: l. That the sazd re�ort and the same is hereby ag�?r�ved with n� alternatives, and tllat ths estirnate� �ost t�iereof is $S, 500. U� finar.ced by I99z Murticipal State Aid. 2- That a pizblic hearing be had an said improvement an the I4tn day of August, 7.49b, at 4:sd o'clock P.M., in the Council Chara�ers af the City Hall and :.aurt Hcuse Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be aiven to the pers�ns and in tt�e ra�nnet provided by the Cliarter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement ancl the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILFERSONa Yeas � Pday� �$3akey �strom �ierin arris ✓l�teg�rd ��Lman /� Thtu'le — + - Y Priat�cu�n Adopted by Council: ➢ate . �,,� \SJ . �qq � JUL 271996 Csrtified Fa�sed by Ct,ur.vil Secretary �In Favor p xc�ainst ` �bSer�s-1— uY � o. _ � ��%�n.-�-.-. 6%- /!� L�i2�'� P�Iayor Public Aearing Date - August 14, 1996 RE 7-3-96 �"�� �� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 28, 1996 Green Sheet Number: 34107 EPARTMF'�Yf DQ2ECtOR 4 CtIY COUCICIL ontact Penon and Phone Number. 1 I"lY AITORNEY CIY CLERK Louise A Langberg� 266-8850 UDGEI' DIIZECTOR 2 LY. @ MGT. SVG DIIi. 3 YOR(ORASSISCANn ust be on CounCi( A enda b:7-17-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 7-12- E OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PACES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA"IURE) CT101V REQUESCED: 1. Set Final Order hearing date to approve the acquisition of temporary easements for the construction of the new Edgerton Street Bridge � Fivat-cc.E F.`e- r�o, t8F13Z . Approve said acquisition project CotM�tR[vnpnONS: nFPROVE (A) OR RFJECi (x) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS httiST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the petson/4rm ever worked under a contnct for tlJs deparqnent? YES NO PLAHNMCCOMMIffiON A STAFF . Aas th[s pecsonitirm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CIVI65ERVICE COMMISSIOIi . Does th6 penon/Rrm poeseaa a akill not normelly po�.seaeed by any YES NO current CYty employee? CIB COMMITfEE Ez lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach CJPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.TECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S� 5�(� DISTRICT PLANYIYC COUNCIL t� � YITIATING PROT3LEM� ISSUF.� OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whn4 w'�+en. �i'here, Why?): he oid Edgerton Bridge is scheduled to be demolished and replaced. To do this work, it will be necessary to cquire temporary easements on the adjoining properties both for the construction and for access to the onstruction site. �Ol1fiC� f�$3�lAfC�t VANTACESIFAPPROVED: i!' � �� ���� NU � ew bridge can be constructed as planned ISADVANTAGE5SFAPPROVED; � amages would have to be paid to compensate the property owners for the temporary toss of use of their land. [SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ew bridge could not be built as planned. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $SSOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEORE) YES NO uNnr;vc sovxcE: 1994 MSA A�IViTY NUbBER: [NAYCIAL INFOR�GITION: (EXPLAI�