96-754x � � nRiG1N,q� �i CI7R QF SR. PBUL. C � L LE , q� � T " IIHIIiBR.Y oRDER gy I v F`11 �G. .�`i����Q voti_nq wara s Zxi the Mattlr a£ Sides+ralk reconstrution at the foliowinq location{s); on bcth sides of Kenneth St. from Bohland P.ve. to Saunders Ave. �urc � • � '.�: s_u RF.STD NT'�AT. ATF' (one, twa or three family strvatures) Reconstruction (replaaement of old sidewalk} -$7.21 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide we2k and $$.5? per frent faot far a six_ (FJ foot wicie walk. A11 other widths wi12 be prorated accordingly. New canstruction (where no walk existed) - 10�$ of the actual cost esti.mated to be approximately $3.23 per square foot. A11 cornsr seaidential oropertiev will receive a credi.t +3p to the first 15Q feet o£ new or recoristructed sidewslk alc,ng and BbllYGIkICf �tYB "lonq side'* of the gsoperty. p+f( T,TS FSSf7FNTTAT (MOI2 than three femily structures}, NCAT-R�' T _.�.Z?�NT�$T Ra__�_7'� For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100$� of actual cost esti.mated to be approximately $4.35 per square foot. The Ccuncil of the City �f Saint Paul having received the report ef the Mayor upon the above impravement, and hsving consideret3 said report, hereby reaolves: l. That the said report and the same 1s hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost �hereof is *SEE ABOVE far estimsted construction rates, fi.nanced by assessments and 1996 Public Improvement Aid. 2. That e puhlic hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th day of ^ oeptamker, 1995, at 4:30 o'alack P.M., in the Counci2 C7iambera af' the Gity fta11 and Court Heuse Building in thE r_ity of Baint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearinq be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the L"harter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement anr2 the tctal cost there�f as estimated. COC3NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays "�lakey �pg GInEi ✓�uerir, �LZ'13 v1°�garcY ��tmar, vt'�ime PUBtr,auFn Adopted by Cour�ci2: Date � ��� J U� 20'gg6 Certifieci Fa3sac� i:y Council se etsiy � Sn F'PsYOa BY , � � Against �� Mayor .. Public Hearing Da DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Public Worka Sfdewalke Cf7NiACT PERBtlN 6 PHtlNE Thomas P. Keefe - 266-6121 MUST B'e ON COUNqL AGENDA BV (Ol Must be in Council no later than noon TOTAL i OF SIGNATUAE PAGES Of WOGET OIRECTaR MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOq SIGNATURE) � � ASSOCIATE 1996 RE 6-28-96 DATEINITIATED GREEN SF9EET 6-12•96 --- INITIALJBAT€ � � � DEPMtMENT tlIHECTOR E ASSIGN 6... ._.... _.._ rl cm nrroarvEr Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward 3(See attached list) File No. 596050 PLANNIN6 COMMISSION C18 COMMITTEE STAFF _CIVIL BERVICE CAMMI9910N ^ DISTAICTCOUNCIL — IS _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTNE7 �` PERBONAL BERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWING 4UESTIONS: 1. Hae M�a poEe NOar workad undor a wn[ract tor thie depertmant7 Y 2. Has this pe Nfi Ne been a ciry employee? Y 3. Does Ihis pe�son/firm possess a skili no[ wrmally possessed by arry current ciry employea? YES NO �piain ali yas answers an separeta shaet snd etiach to graan shoel Ward 3 � (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freerthaw cycles, service I'rfe limiis, chemical additives, extreme temperaiure variaiions, etc. These problems occut on a city,vide fevel and must be addressed and cnrrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a siate where it would be rendered unusabfe and subjed to increased pedesirian injuries from fafls and possible Vitigations. The community will benefit from this project because ft will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contsacts are executed by privaie coniractors, so it tollows that privats sector jobs are created as a resu{t of this activity. Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of consiruction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it stili remains controversial. C� �a�r C�tP�� .lUN 2 6 t996 �wvnmwc�ts m mm �rrr`uvtu: This option wou{d a{low the infrastructure ot sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in tur`n, wi gen r 'E�`f on�"""a� n�ry suits, uftimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. �1�� � • • �i CItY CAUNCIL `��" �; q7Y CLERK FIN. d MGT. SFRYICES DIR. fOTALAMOUNTOFTflANSACT10N5 j,OH3.00 COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONEy YES No RJNDINGSWRCE 96—f�—�0565 A. PiA 96 � 535.��� ACITVIT'NUMBEA Cg6-2T728-0784-27ott FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PIAIt� B � qsT = 432 �OOO C, Cis 96 A 50,000