96-753. � �-L �RIGIN�L �, GITY OF ST. FAUL GOUNCIL F'ILE NO. `�_S J PREI+Il'�NBRY �ER B � X�- FiZe No, c^y,�iO48,39 Yotiva v�ard 6 Ia tha Mattir of Sidewalk reoonstrution at the followinq looatianf�); 596048 - an both sides Ross Ave, from Flandrau St. to N. White Bear Ave. 596099 - on hath sides E. seventh 3t. from Hazelwaod st. to Germain St. �A'ST�'A471T !'fTQST TTOIS pi'1`R`C p�+'STD R*^�rAZ nmms (��� two or three family struatures} Recoasty^uction (reglacement of old �iderralk) -$7.21 ger front foot for a fire (5) foot wide walk and $8.64 yer froxtt foot for a six (6} foot wi�e walk. All other widtha will be prorated accordingly. Nom canstrustion (where na walk e�cisted} - 100�k af the actual cost estimated to be $pproxi.mately $3.23 per equare fc�ot. P31 corner reai�er.ti�l progerties will recaive a oredit ug ±o the first 15Q feet of new or reconstructed sidawalk slong and abutting the �loxxc� side" of the prc�perty, :a?UL.Tr- ��mF�*mTTMT.(�y than three ismily structures}, - For new and reaonatructed sidewa2k; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.35 ger sqvare foct. �RIGI�;�l�� a G- �s3 The Council of the City of �ai�t Paul hasing re�eieed the re�rt af the Mayar upcn the above improvement, and ha considered said report, hereby re�alve�; 1. That the said report and the same is 2xereby spproved with no a2ternat.iass, and that the esti.mate� cost thereef is *8EE ABbVE for estimated construction ratea, financed by assessments and 1996 Public Improvement Aid. 2. That a public lxearing be had on said improvement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at A:30 o'clock P.M., in the Counci2 �hsmbers of the city As22 and Court Hvuse Bvilding in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That nc�tice of �aid gublic hearinq be given to the pereona +xnd 3R the mesu �r�vided hy the C2 stating the tia� end p2ace vi he� the nature of the im�rovement and the total cast thereof as e�tim�te�, COUNCILPER80N3 Yeas Nays B akey ✓oatrom �erin v'FT�arris ✓l�gard ��ttman vTtiune Adopted by CounoiS: Date�� V ��� � Certifi�id Passed by Council Secretsry �In Favor By 2- . ��_ � � Aqainst _ �/� Mayar PUBLISHEA i ••� Works Sidewalks Date:- Au¢ust 28. 1 RE 6-21-96 GREEN SHEET CoNTqCTPEflSONEPHONE � y Thomas P. Keefe - 266-6121 ASSIGN ' rSCITY ATTORNEY MBFR FOR SJ MUSTBEOYfqpNqLAGENDA6V(DATEJ].-1O—�IE) ..�� �OUDGETDIRECTOfl Must be in Council Research Office Y� MAYOft(OBASSISTAtJT) no later than noon Fridav 6-28-96 �- �� TOTAL d OF SIGNATUaE PAGES � _(CL1A ALL LOCASiONS FOR SIGNATUflE) � ASSOCUITE LGTION aEQUESiED , Reconstruct Siderratk in Ward 6(See attached list) �„ • • CITV CLEFK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES b- � � File No. 595048 & 546049 FECAMNENDATIONS: Apptove (!a or Re�l (R} pEHSONAI SERVICE COMRACTS �iU3T ANSWER THE FOILOiYING QJES'IONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSroN �• � m�s �ES � NOef worked unde� a cmtreci Eor fhis departrneni? _ CIB COMMRTEE _ 2. Has tl�is P ES n �� NO e � been a city employee? Y � STAFF 3. Doea this peraon/firm possess e akill not normally possessed by arry current city '— amployae7 DIBTAIC7CAUh'GL— 2 YES NO SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTNE7 Expiain NI yw �nawan on saperete ehaet �nd �Itaeh to groon ahaet Neighborhoods �Waid'�b� ' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIiY (WHO, WHAT, NM1iEN, WHERE, WH1�: 7he problem "dsfective sidewa(k" was created beca�se of tree roots, deieterious su6grade material, aitemating freerthaw cycles, service 1'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF The communky will benefit from this project because ii will provide safe detect iree sidewalks for fts many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area oi construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments. and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. Coanc� I�s�rch Gac�ter JUN 21 1996 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastruc[ure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uftimately res�iting in ihe expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventua� repairs and/or replacemeni, as we�l as claim payouts. fOTALAMWNTOFTRAN5ACT10NS S,Z48.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIpCIEONE) YES xo RlNDING30URCE 96 A, P�A 9= 535,000 pCENiTYNUMBER �96-2T728^0784-2701] FINANCIALINPORMATION:(EXPLAIN) B AST = 32,000 C, C(8 96 = 50,000