96-751►� ���I���ti�� � CITY OF 3T. PAVL COUNCI� FILE NO, �p •� S! PRELIl�T,RY ORDER By ���%LL����l/ I'`il.� No. a Voting Warc3 6 �n t2+� l�ttsr a£ S"idewalk reconstrution at trie following locatioa(s); S96D45 - an both sides E. Montana Itce. from F'landrau St. to N. White Bear Ave. � � i : ti RFgTD.t�m7ni nm iUne, two or three family struoturas) R�CD�tY13flt�OII {replaaement of old sidewelk} -$7.21 per front foat for a fa.ve i5) foot wide walk and $8.64 per front foot for a�ix {6} foot wide wa2k. All other wldths wiil be pr�rateci accordin�2y. Necr coxsstruetiaa {w3xere na walk existed) - IOQ� of the actuel c.oat estimated to be approximetely $3.23 per scgu�re f�c�t. A�.l corner re�idesitial �rvpertie� wiil rECeiva a credit up to the first 150 feet �f new or reconstructed aidewalk along and abutting the '�2onq aide" of ttte property. M[TT.'j�T_CF.. TjjR'NTTAT (�ore than three fBEi'Li]7 structures} �'HQN- F4TD NTTAT pATFS' Fflr new and racc,nstructed si3ewalk; 1Q0q af actual cost estimate3 to tae approximately $4.35 per squere foot. The Ccunail of the CS.ty of saint Feu1 hsving race3ved the re�ort of the Mayor upon the above itaprovement, and having considerad said report, hereby reso2ves: l. That the �aid report and the same is herEby ap�,roved with no alternatives, snd that the estitttated cast thereof is *SEE ABOVE for esti.mated eonatruction rateo, financed k,y aosessments and 199f Public Improvement Aid. 2. Th�t a puY,lic hearing be had un �aid imgroaement vn the 28th ctay of Auaust, 1�95, at 4:3C� o'clack F.M., in the Council GhamL�ers of the City Hali and Caurt House &uilding in the City of Saint Paul, 3, That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in tIla manner presvided by tha Charter, stating the time aud place cf hearinq, ths nature of the improvement and the total cost th�reof as estimated. � C4C7NCILPER34PT� LISHED Yesr� Alsys siexp� �BOStrom �erin �rris ��rd �tman �trune Adopted by Cauncil: I}ate_Z���l�� � JUL 201996 Certified Yassed by Counril Sec tary � In Fav�r BY � � � Against � Mayor • Public Hearing Date — August 28, 1996 RE 6-21-96 r � C DEPARTMENTIOFFICFJCAUNCII, DAtEINITIATEO GREEN SHE� NO. `��`��� Publ'�c Works Sidewalks 5-10-96 INI77qUDATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PEBSpN & PHONE � OEPABTMENT DIftECiOR � � CIN COUNCIL �� �' ThomasP.Keefe-266•6121 ASpaN OCI7YATTORNEY �CfTYCLERK ' HNE2EA WR MUSTB'eQNCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) �_lO-9(� AOOTING �gpp�ET01RECtOR - � �FIN.bMGT.SERVICESDIR. Must be in Council Research Office °PJ �' no later tha o n �MAYOR(ORASSISTANTJ 70 Counal Research TOTAL 11 OFSIGN.6TllAE AAGES ], _(CLlP LOCA710N5 F-0A 9GNATUpE) � ASSOCIATE EPARTMENTAL ACCAUNTFNT ACi(OVREOU�STED --- � �����j Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward 6(See attached list) ` File No. 596045 RECOMMErvDAiroNS: Fppmve (A� or fte,�ect (B7 pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWfhG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSfON 1. Has ihis pers Nfir Ne�vx worked under a wnt�act lw Itiis deparanen[? , YE CIB COMMfTTEE � � 2 Has this personrtirtn ever been a city employee? � � . — — YES NO A STAFF 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any current ciry � — — empioyee9 DISTRICTCAUNCIL — Z YES NO _ SupPOais wHICH CoUNCII oBJECTrvE7 . Explafn aIl yes answers oa separata sheet and attach to 9raen sheet ." - Nei hborhoods � � �Y'3�6'��? � MITIAT(Na PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WNO, NMAi, WHEN, WHERE, WHY�: � . � � � .. The problem "defective sidswalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freeRhaw cycles, sarvice life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. Thase problems occur on a citywida level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left u�corrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would ba rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible litigations. ADVAM'AGES If APPROVED: - The community will benefit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for fts many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tollows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. ;.. DISPDVANTA�ES IF APPflOVED: , ' ' - � Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negafive teedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property ownars detest assessments, and daspite the fact up !o one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it stiil remains controvarsial. � �. � � �ouncii f�ss�arch Cent�r _ ��'��� JUN 21 1g96 DISPDVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � . - This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, ukimately resuiting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs andlor rep(acement, as wel( as ciaim payouts. 70TALAMO21N1'OFTRAN9ACTlONS a$ qfjp pn COSUREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE 96-M—o6bS A, Pt•A 96 ��3� AqTVRYNUMBER � — FINANCIALiNFORMATtON:(EXPUiIM . B AST ° 1 F3Z OOO - C, c�s g6 = 5o,oao