96-741y: . �L CITY OF SR. PaUL PRELIIdBiARY 01�ER QRIGI�!AL � COLTPICIL F'TLE NO, q�- � t BV �la�. �i7'l�t...� F`iie Ida. ^ u�6G05 Yoting Ward ? Sn th� t4attsr of Reconstruction of sic�ewalk an both sides Maria xse• from Enclid St. to surrey xve, �N�' . _ � . e\ : .. _._"�—_ _-Y.. FzEgT F157T7AT ATFS tCme, two or three fami2y structures) Rsconstructiost (replacement of old sidewalk} -$7.22 per front foot for a five (5) foot vride vzalk and $9,64 per front fo�t for a six (6} foot wide walk, All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Haw canstructioa {where no wa2k existed) - 100� of the actusl cast estimated to be apgroxamately $3.23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will reeeive a credit up tca the first 150 feet �f new �r recon�truated sidewalk alonq anci abvtting the "l�n� side^ of the property. Mttim - F�rj} �T7ai {More than three family struc±uresJ rrofr- F�zn �r 7ar RAT S For new anci reaonstructe� sidewalk; 1U6� oY actual cost estimeted ta be agproximately $9.;5 �r squ�re fa�t, The Counoil af the City �f 9eint Paul havizg rraeive3 the report of th� Mayor upon the abore improvement� and having considered said renort, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and *_he same �s hereby appreved with no alternative�, and that the estimatad aost thereof is 'SEE 11BOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by asse�sments and 1996 Public Improvement Aid. 2. fihet e public hearinq be had on said i.mprovement an the 28th d�y of August, i996, at 4;30 c,'cloak P.M., in the Cauncil Chambers af the City Hall ana Court House Buildinq in the City of Saint Paul. 3, mhat natice of said public hearinq be given te the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the ti.me and piaca of hearing, the natura of the imprcrement and tke total ccs* thereof ss e�timate�. A(�91(Sf1�S1 Yeas� 2davs Blakey �3ostrom �erin �/fI� sris +/Meqard �ttman ii4'hune JUL 201996 �opted by Covncil: Bate V tRg�, Certified Passed by Council Secretsry � In �'avor $y �Against �� Mayor - Public Hearing Date — August Z8, 1996 RE 6-21-96 � ^ DEPARTMENDOFFICFJCOUNCIL ' DATEINITIAiED GREEN SHEET NO. �`�"O Public Works Sidewalks ' 3-5-96 �ry�7�qUpq7E iNRwwar� CONTACTPEq$pNdPHONE �� , �DEPARTMENTD�RECTOR �D{TYCAONCIL Thomas P. Keefe - 266-6121 =ASS��� '" . NU438FAiOFl GCINATTOflNEY �COYCLERK MUSTBEO.y CAUNCILAGENDABY ATE) ] Ej �y'SFOIiTING BUDGETDIRECTOq �FIN.SMGT.SERVICESDIR. r1llSC f/e 1R C011RCl Research 4ffice ` �����MAYOft(ORASSISTANn 7�� QOUtiCI� Research no later than noon Frida 6-28-96 ?�.,_ ❑ TOTAI/G57GtiANREPAG'cS i _ (CLiPACLLOCATONSFORSIGkATfIRE) �ASSOCIATE �DEPAFiMENTALACCOUNTANi �ACT7CN flEOUESTED ]� � �-�-q� � Reconstr�ct Sidewalk in Ward 7(See attached fist) �C: �� � s � Fiie-No. 595005"�='.`=M'- ' RECAM;lENCATIONS lsppmve {t� w Ftojea (A) pER50KkL SEftYlCE CONTRACTS 1€UST 1^:SWER THE FOLLOYJIRG GUES7lOP7S: PtANNING COMM75510N CNII SERYICE COMMISSION t. Has Ihis personlfirm ever workad urMer a conVact (or this department? — — YES NO CB CoMMtiTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO A S7AFF 3. Dces this parsonmrm possess a skiil not normalty possessed by any current ciry — — employee7 _,DISiRiCTCqUNCiI —�{ _ YES NO SUPPoftTS WHICH COVNCILO&)ECTNEI Ezpfain aIl yas answars on saparate sheet and attach to g:ean sheat Neighborhoods =S7a �"'7=`��`� IN{TIATING PAOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNISY ('V:fiO, VJHAT, WHEN, WNEAE, WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tres roots, deleterious subgrade material, al,ernating freeRhaw cycles, service 1'rfe 4imits, chemica! add'Rives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These pro6lems occur on a cRywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual 6asis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condiiion would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjsct to increased pedestrian injuries irom falis and possible litigations. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROYED: The community will benetit from this project because it will provide sate detect tree sldewalks tor its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by prlvate contracrors, so it toliows that private secior jobs are created as a resuR of this activity, DISADVANTAGES iF APPROVEO: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructians have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one•half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains crontroversial. , �C0l;I1C� �b�CC�i �F1�lC JUN 21 1996 DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This opiion would afiow the infrastructure of sidawalk stock to deteriorate, whicfi in turn, wiA generat� moYb personaf injury suits, uftimately rasulting in the expenditure of farger dollar amounts in eventual repairs andlor replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWMOFTNANSACTIONS 9,��5_QO COST/fiEVENUE8UD6ETE�(CIRCLEONE) YES !ro FUNDINC3SOURCE g6-M�o665 q, PIA 96 � 535.000 ACRVITYNUMBER C96-2T728-0784-2 Oti FINANCIAL INFOpMATiON: (E%PIAIN) B z /�ST °�13Z � OOO C, C�e 96 = 50,000