96-706� � �a L11� VY' `.li. YAUL I�UUPIC:IL 1''11+C; lUC�. -}� � `O� P�T.I'Y!l'NjyRY ORDE� BV 6�! lTT�IN.I. ���� - `�^' � i 2iB i�C. ��� .�'i��id7� �U Votinq Ward 4 In the Mattar af Reconstructioa of sidewalk oa the west side of M�ore St, frem ?Iershall A4e. re 3qlehar± Ave. � r �, . RT�,.'STDF.NTTAT. RATF.S (pyle, two or three family structures} Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk} -$7.21 per front faot for a five {5} foot v�ide welk and $8.64 per front feot for a si?; (5} foot Fride walk. All other z,*idths wi11 be prorated accordingly. Naw canstsvctian {where no walk existed} - 100'k of the actual aost estimated to be approximately $3.23 per 9quare foot. All corner residential propeztiea will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the '*long side" of the property. j+jL7T.TT-RF._4'TT1I.TTTTAT.� than thrse fxmily struoture�), PION-R�:�SDEg?mrpi. �3?mE� For new and reconstructecf sidewalk; 100$ of actuel evst estimat�d to be approximataly $A.35 per square foot. The Council of the City of Satnt Faul havinq received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and t�aving con�idered said repoxt, hereby resolves: i. That the said report and the aame is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated c�st thereoP is *SEE ABflVE f�r e�timated con9truction rates, financed bv asaessments and 1996 F�ablic IIDprovement Aid. 2 3. That a pubiic heaiing be had c,n said imgroves�en� on the 7th day of Avgust 1�96, at 4:3U e'clock P.M., in the Counail Chambers of the City Aa21 and Court Hause Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearinq he qiven to the gersons and in the msnnar �r;.vid2d by the Charter, stating the time and place of h2arinq, the nature of the improvement and the total co9t thereof a� estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas ATSys B2akey ✓BOStrom Guex — 1����' ✓x�srris ✓�qara ✓t�ettman Thune — ��sex��' PIIRIIC{ICfl �dopted by Council: Date \` ��q � JUL 131996 �e*rified Pas�e� by �_aunail �ecratary �In Favor QAqainst � � �.S cY�� BY 1'�. L Mayor �Public Hearing Date - August 7, 1996 RE 5-31-96 q` � DEPARTMEMlOFFICE/COUNGL DATEMRIATED GREEN SHEET NO.�`��� Public Works Sidewalks 3-5-96 INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE CONTACTPEpSONBPHONE �pFPAqTMEMDIRECTOR �C�iVCOUNCIL Thomas P. Keefe - 266-6121 p��N �CIT' ATTORNEY � CRYCLERK NUMBERFOH MUSTBEONCOUNCILAfENDABY(DATE� 6-19-96 pOUT�� �BUDGETDIflECTOR �FIN.EMOT.SERVICESDIR Must be in Gouncil Research Office �R MAYOq(ORASSISTANn t� Coundi Research no later than noon Frida 6- - � TOTAL t OF SIGNANHE PAGES 1 _(CUP ALL LOCAiIONS FON 41GNATUp� � ASSOCIA7E � DEPAF77MENT ACCOU�'1TANT ACTION REqUES7ED � � L Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward 4(Sse attached list) File No. 596003 RECOMMENDAT10N5: Appmve µy a peJea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION ^ CNIlSEqViCE CoMMtsSroN 1 • ���S �ES � NOer wurked uMer a mrttract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — -- YES NO A SiAFF 3. Does ihis persoNFlrm possess a skill not normafty passessed by arry curreni city — — employee7 D�STRICTCWNCIL �I3 YES NO SUPPOpTS WHICH CoUNCIL oeJECTNE7 Exp�ain all yea anawen on separate ebad and aUach to pnen shaat Neighborhoods Ward 4 INITIA7ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOPTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The probiem "defective sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade mataTiaf, aNernating freeAhaw cydes, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible litigations. AOVANTAGESIFAPPRO�ED: Tha community will benefit from this project because h will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many cBizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVAIiTAGES IF APPAOVW: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and desp@e the fact up to one-haif the assessment is City subsidized, % still remains controversial. ��titlCt� Pt?u��9'Ch Cf>ilfi�r MAY 31 1996 DISADVANTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, wi{I generate more personal Injury suits, ukimately resulting in the expenditure of large.r dollar amounts in evenival repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTIONZ 7�0.00 COST/HEYENUEBUDGETED(CIfiCLEONE) YES N� FUNDINGSWflCE 96-M-o665 A, PlA 96 = 535.00o ACRVRYNUMBER C96-2T728-0 84-2 Ott FINANCIALINFOHMATION:(E%PIAIN� � � B, AST =. 432 �000 C, C�B g6 a 50,000