96-62LL CIYY OF ST. PAIII, PHELI2[IHAHY OZDE2 _ In the 21a[tes of sewer andfor water in conjunction with Street. nEiW�!�t3�P The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is per connection assessed at the actual cost in effect at the time of installation. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th_ day of March, 1996, at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays ✓B akey +�`�57kvrr� 1�" ✓�uerin H a r r i s.- ��Sem}'r ✓�M gasd a/Rettman �t�h u n e the construction and/or repair of sanitary sewer,-storm service connections, if requested by the property owner, improving Wabasha Street from Concord Street to Congress public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof �E6 m � 199� � �7�T� 7� ��-l�� BY FILE HO- 18815-Conn VOTI$G AARD _2 Adopted by Council: Date_�\ i� 199'� ) I Certified Passed byCouncil Secretary �In Eavor By iv- ��il� �Against ' � � �� Mayor i��t+l �.�- netll LlI}'� IRILC — IIi�LCIl 1J� 17>U Rli 1���JU � Public Works Department sn2i95 GREEN SHEET �� 0`. INITIAUDATE MITIAUDATE CONTACTPERSON6PHONE OEPAR7MEMDIRECTOR CIiYCOUNCIL PBUI St. Mertin 266-6118 � S assiox CRYATTORNEY � CmCLERK NUNeERFOR MU5T9EONCWNCILAGENDABY(DA'fq 1-24-q6 qOUTINa BUDGETOIRECTOR � FN.EMGT.SEflVICE50W. Must be in Council Research Off' se OROER no later than noon Frida i-12-�b OMAYOR(ORASSISTANn �7 CounalResearch TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACT10NflE9UESTED - fmprove WABASHA STREET between Concord Street and Congress Street (City Project 9EP-1142) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil_and sodding boulevards, storm water drainage struciuess, maks sanitarv sewer reoairs� instalt lantem style lights, and doing all other work necessary to com lete said im rovement. File No. 18815-CONN RECOMMEf�IDATqN$; qpprwa (A) a Re�ed (R) pEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI3 MU3T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _PLANNINCiCOMMISSION _CINLSFAVICECOMMISSION �, t{ygthispersorvfirtneverworkedunderacontractforihisdeparmrent? CIBCOMMrtTEE YES NO A STAFF Z H35 thls �S Nfi! Ne�ver been a ciry employee? oI57AiC7 CWNCIL — 3 3. Does ihis ES oNfirN passess a skill not rrormally possed by arry curten[ ciry employee? O SUaPORrs wHICH CoUNCIL oa�EC7IVE7 Explaln all yae answon on sepanta shoet and anach to grean ahaet Neighborhoods Ward 2 INRIATINl3 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WFIEFE, WF1Y): This projec[ was initiated by a West Side citizen organization and tunded through the 1996-1997 Capitai Improvement Budget Process. Street lighting improvements ase proposed to be made ut+lizing previously allocated C4B dollars through the Neighborhood Partnership Program ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A newiy rebuiit roadway, with new curb and gutter, wiil restore the drivability of this street and continue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. The wider boulevards created by this proposat witl make the lighting improvement possibte. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, d'ust, and general disruption will occur. The pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service provided by this stseet witl drop. Citizen demand tor an improved lighting system wiif not be possible. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TFANSACTION S F COST I flEVENUE BUDGETED (CHECK ONE) ��'E9 NO V FUNDIN�80URCE �IB �� t� �T �5�' ACTIVfTY NUMBER FINANCIAI.INFOqMATION: (EXPLAIN)