96-58l-- L �-�; ��` � � CITY OF SR. PAIIL PFELIl[IBAYY OEDBH , ��r�� YY COIINC F LE 0. BY FI 18 VOT RG AA$ 2 33.��� r.:'r' In the 1Satter of improve Concord/Congress intersection (City Project 96—P— 1144) by a reconfiguration of the Congress Street intersection with Concord, by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm water drainage structures, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $49,000 financed by Municipal State Aid $44,000 and Capital Improvement Bonds $5,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th daq of March, 1996, at 3:30 o`clock P.M., in the Council Chambeis of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �lakey ✓� CST�'U/7'� Guerin Harris-- �bs�i �egard f/I�ettman �t'fiune public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof anai seue� � _ ��� �pin Favor � Against � ��.oe,.r Adopted by Council: Date �� �� Certified Passed byCouncil Secretary By �u , u�v�.- Mayor ruoMic nearin uace - Marcn t3 lyyb x� 1—�—yb � �/ PubllcWorksDepartment 6/12/95 GREEN SHEET No.33 6�� INITIAI/DATE INITINJDA7E CONTACTPERSON6PHONE DEPAqTMENT0IRECTOq CITYCWNCIL aulSt.Martin 266-6118 PFiS "" �cmarroaraEr �cmc�aK NUMBERFOfl MUSTBEONCOUNC�LAGENDABV(DATE) 1-24-96 pOUTNO BUDGET��RECTOR � FC7.8M6T.SEfiVpE5�71 Must be in Council Research f' ce °p0 �' Coundl Research �MAYOR(OFiASSISTAfJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S1GNA7URE) �� ACT�JN RE�UESTED Improve Concord Street - Congress Street Intersection(City Project 96-P-1144) by redesigning, grading, paving wdh bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, a driveway apron, waiks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, storm water drainage structures, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. File No. 18813 RECAMMENDATqNS:lpprws (A) u Rejeft {R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEFi THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: _PUWNINGCOMMISSION �_CMLSEFiVICECOMMISSION 7, HasihisparsorufirmeverworkedurMeracontrac[forihisdepartrnent7 CIBCOMMfTiEE YES NO 2. Nas this perso�rm ever been e clry employee? A STAFF YES NO DISTAICTCWNCIL— 3 3. Does ihi YES o�vfirN poesess e aki11 not rrormally possed by any currentGry employee4 O SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTIVE7 Explaln sil yaa enswen on aoparat� ahwt end atlach lo prosn sl�aot Neighborhoods Ward 2 INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (NM110. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WFf1): This project was initiated by a West Side citize� organization and funded through the 1996-1997 Capftal Improvement Budget Process. ADVANTAGES IF MPROVED: A redesigned intersection will deliver significant improvements in service and safety tor both vehicies and pedestrians. Norma{ probiems associated with constnaction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occur. � �+{g�!�9;� i?»r�7y°�,�7 ,r 0 Jf��,l �� �,� ?�:�y � The existing configuration of Concord-Congress intersectio� does not meet a standard of service and safety the public has a right to expect. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S$49,000 COST( FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CHEdC ONE) �'E� NO U FUNDING SOURCE MSA AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANC4LLINFOFiMAT10N:(EXPLAIN) -