96-12. V' ! \ ! � i �4" ! '� y CIYY OF ST. PAIIL PRSLIHIHAFY OBDSt COIINCIL FILE A0. � BY �� FI HO. 18803 VOTZAG WA D 1 6Rte�s4ee?- R /�•Z In the �atter of improving and widening Dale Street North, University to Minnehaha and St. Anthony to Central. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,146,000 financed by Municipal State Aid $314,000, Ramsey County $678,000, Public Improvement Aid $105,000, 1996 Capital Improvement Bonds $30,000 and Assessments $19,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 7th_ day of February, 1996, at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas Naps ✓ Blakey '�� �pST�oM Guerin 7/r'� ,/ Harris i Megard ,/ Rettman ✓ Thune p���t@61eP �In Favor �Against ! �6oer�� Adopted by Council: Date ,� �y Cert' ied Pas ncil Secretary ayor JAN 201996 Public Hearing Date: /Z.� 7" l� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Peison and Phone Numbet / J� o� 266-8850 �ST � �-2i-9s -�f � - 12-20-95 Green Sheet Nomber. 29929 DFPARIRSIIVP DIILECfOR (.T1Y COUN QTYATIDRNEY C71YQ.ERg BUDGEI' DIRF.CTOR & MGl: SVG DIIL YOR (OR ASSiSl'e1Ni'1 1 mdl R�eacrh n� � co„� n�naa t� 1-10-96 Must be in Councit Research no later than noon Friday 12-22-95 # OF StGNAT'URS PAGFS 1 (QIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR STGNANRL� nnd wlden llule Strcet North, Unlvcrslty to MlnnehAhu and St.Anthony to Centrnl. I� .: „.., r::> �.::.; ;:: File #18803 PIANNING COMPmSSION Cf VII. SERVICE COMMISStON CM�� ��K7�SLSl���:f:1 A "'> � NAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MUST ANSWER'TFIE POIdAWING � L Has We pefson/£um ever wozted u�ec a mntract for tttis department? YFS NO Has this person/fim� ever been a 6ty employee? YPS NO . Docs fLis peisop/fitm poacss a skill eot nocmaliy pasesw,d by any (Wcacat Gty employce? YES NO laiu a11 YPS aoswerb on a sepatate sheet and altach. wtacx courrcn, osmc;riv�� Neighborhoods cour�cawn�(s� j DISTRICTPIANNiNGCOUN(9. 7,8 N1'IIVG PROBLL�M, ISSIIE, OPPORT[JN[tY (R+ho, Wtu4 When, Wheic, Why?): improve parking, driving and to prevent vehicles from running up on the median or boulevard, this ject has been proposed as a 1996 Capital Improvement Program. i IFAPPROVED: in accidents and improve vehicular :ES IF APPROVID: construction disruptions. VANi'AGES IP NOT APPROVFD: street wiil continue to deteriorate further. AMOUNI' OF 7RANSACTION: PUNDING SOUR(:L� FINANCIA[.INFORMATION: (SXPLAINI (See Below) ��'`��� ��G� �lS��R ��'�i��*� .� �`°' DEC � l 1�93 a._., ....__.�....�.:...�;.i.-..�.-.,�.. cosr/�v�ae sun���n (c�x� o� � ACLIVICY N[JMBER YSS NO Costs: $1,146,000 Funding: Assessments $19,000 Other