D00330White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Blue — Engineer Green — Contractor . No._o Ot��30 Date I I- 8- q�i CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 5 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions whieh proved to be aecessary to the Improvement described as Neighborhood House/E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center Addition & Remodeli known as Contract �s- 012517, City Project No. B91-03-21R. Lanqer Constructi on Comaanv , Contracta, is composed of the following: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Add frost footing for stoop at door #216 - option #2. Cut holes and relocate ductwork from beam space. Add circuit for range in room #105. To do unforeseen electrical conditions repair work. Add emergency lighting to stairway #212. Add electrical work for installation of new compressor. Relocate rainleader in gymnasium to allow ductwork access. Installation of field light pole base and soil excavationl correction work. Additional work required for garage footirg due to unforeseen conditions. Remove from the contract allowances #1 and #4. Add $1,331.00 Add 1,085.00 Add 1,108.00 Add 403.00 Add 1,029.00 Add 266.28 Add 637.00 Add 2,402.00 Add 1,734.00 Deduct 1,200.00 TOTAL ADD $8,795.28 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $$ > 795 • 28 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideratio¢ named in the contract, known as contract Ix 012517 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original ContracL Sum Change Orders to Dats Amount this Change New Contract Sum D'uector of $714,600.00 79,475.34 8,795.28 $802,270.62 ��/�19 �� C91-3C009-0898-32070 Langer Construction Contractot i , t o/1�19 �y BY reation � 19 He+ 19 _ of Finance Administrative Assistant to the Mayor � Chief Engneer � `� � ���e�on DEPARTMEPRfOFFlCEICOUNGL DATE INITIATED � 1 V_ L V J y J Parks and Recreation (' �/,•}��,94.- GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE � OEPAFTMENT DIRECTOR O CrtY CAUNpL uane $tOlp2 266-6400 ���N arvaTroaNev �ci�vc�aK ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) „ �� p � BUDGET DIRECTO .& MGT. SERVICES DIR. flOUiING NA °"oE" ��YOR(ORASSISTAMn � Par'ks & R TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: _ Approval of Contract Change Agreement Neighborhood House/E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center Addition,and Remodeling RECOMMENDq7loNS: apv�� (AI m Reien (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESiIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this pe�sonRirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmenM _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ �ISTRfc7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis perspnNirm posse55 a Skifl not nmmalry possessetl by arry CurreM CiTy employee? SUPPOFT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawels on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): Necessary for additional structural (footings, soils correction) work, and to repair/ replace mechanical/electrical deficiencies found in existing building during construction, and to deduct allowances that were not used. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Contractor will be compensated for additional work done, City will receive credits due. R�CEIVE� , DISADVANTAGES iF APPRdJED Mone RECEIVED ���� ���0���� NOU "7 - 1994 CITY CLERK � DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Contractor will not be compensated for additional required work and City cannot accept credits due. T�TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ 8 • 795 • 28 CQST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE CIB/CDBG pCT1VITYNUMBER C91-3C009-0898-32070 GINANCIAL WFOR6�ATION' (EXPLAIN) � i � J ��