95-911I_ L CZTY OF ST. PAIIL PFELIZIIBA%Y 08DBE r+� r� : v `�f � ,.� � � , . . .e. BY VOTIRG .�!`J 2 I ��'J 33 3� In the Hatter of £or the operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Smith Ave. Area for the months of January thru December 1996. West side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 feet south of Baker Street; East side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet south of Baker Street; Both sides Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to 50 feet north of Annapolis Street for the months of .Ianuary thru December, 1996. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,166> financed by assessments only. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the llth day of October, 1995 , at 3:30 o`clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �lakey �rimm �erin rris M�gard i�Rettman Thune — (�:e-� lo In Favor Q Against � {��sev.�' Adopted by Council: Date 1\�v..,, -� ' �q5 � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary B n,,,,�,�„P+, Mayor A��� teu�n AUG 26 1995 ��� 2 � �gg5 9sy�/ ,�� Public Hearing Date - October il, 1995 x� t�-4-95 FMS - Real Estate Division Date: 7-25-95 Green Sheet Namber.� DNPAR'ThfFNi' DII2ECi'OR C1TY COUNCIL ContaG Pexson and �umbcr. CIIY ATTOR'�'EY CITY CLERK �. � � �A. Roxanna Flink 266-8859 suD�sr ni�crox a� :�cr. svc nnz. ��L4YOR (OR ASSISTANT) 1 OUNCIL RESFARCH Must be on Council Agenda by: 8-23-95 Must be in Council Reasearch Of�ice no later than noon Friday, 8-11-95. OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Setting date of public hearing pprove estimated operating costs for the Smith a�e. Area nbove Standard Street Lighting Project for 1996. File NO. 18434 RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJELT (R) PERSO:�AI.SERVICECOA��CISMUSTAIVSWERTHEFOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFF 1. H2s the person/fimi ever worked under a contnct tor this departmen[? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE LOMM _ 2. Has thS pe�on/firm evei been a City employee? YFS ?QO G B COMMI TTEE _ 3. Dces this person�firm possess a s1:ill no[ normally possessed by any SUPPORTS LIHILH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Neighborhoods CurrentCityemp7oyee? � �� Eaplain all YFS anrn�eis on a separzte sheet and attach. Council Ward: 2 Dis[rict Pianning Council: 3 :v TII�G PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUK'I'TY (Who, What, When, R'here, Vlhy): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It 's required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual operating costs. The first above-standard lighting system began with the I.owertown system in 1983. ese systems have increased at a rate of about 2 systems per year since then. VAI�'TAGES IFAPPROVED: is has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct enefitting parties to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the system. GOUl1C� P�„a��4�i C��?t� ISADVMrI'AGES IFAPPROVED: JUL U � e one ���J ISAD VAI�TAGES IF ?�OT APPRO VED: e City as a whole, would bear the added expense to operate these systems insYeadro€-��e-diL�ct _�,�' enefitting parties that requested them. otai Amount of Transaction $1 ,166.00 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO unding Source Assessments Onl�_ Activity Number inancial Information: (Explain) 23 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.