95-544L L_� CIYY OF ST. PAIIL � Q���NAL PESLIHIHAYY OYDSB a7 COIIRCIL FS ���7 YY By'�,(1'�'e •' ,3/5/3� �iLS HO. '18779-5 YOTIHG AAHD 6 In the Zfatter o£ condemnation and taking of slope easements near Prosperity, Rose and Maryland Avenues to be known as the Prosperity Avenue Realignment Slope Easements. Slope easements to be located as shown on the map on file with the City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division, Dept. of Finance and Management Services, Room 140, City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota. �I Iki f�p�;. ,'�..:. ', � ����.- The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $10,000.00 financed by Municipal State Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21st day of June, 1995 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �akey +/ fYrimm y/�erin ���Karris ��� egard i/ Rettman Thune public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Chartet, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof Adopted by Council: Date_T��S f�b s�a. �- Certified Passed bp Council Secretary � In Favor `� Q Against .� Rb.�.�;� .��...� ,: � �� �sl �j' 9 f�> � - — - .. � g� ��y � Public Hearing Date - Sune 21, 1995 RE 5-8-95 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: O5J04/95 Green Sheet Number. 31438 F.PAIYIMFNC DIRECl'OR QIY COUNCII. ntact Ycxson and Phope Numbcr. '� Q1Y ATS'ORNHY QERIC PET'ER WHITE 266-8850 °°°� BUDCEI' DIRECI'OR & MGI: SYG DIR MAYOR (ORASSIS1ANn 1 UN((9.. Rs'v �n��co�n�aany. May24, 1995Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Fri 5-12 9: AL # OF STGNA'IVRE PAGES 1 (Q.IP AI,L LOCATIONS FDR S[GNt1'NRL� C1I0 REQUESIED: 1. Set Public Hearing date of June 21 for the taking of slope easements as per attached map . Approve taking of slope easements in connection with the realignment of Prosperity Avenue near aryland and Rose Avenues. File #18779-5 RECOr4iF1YDA110N& APPROVE (A) OR REIF.Cl' (R) ERSONAL SERV[CE CONLRACIS MUSC ANSWER Ti� FQLIAWR�IG PTr1NNING COMI�4S40N A ST� ��y� �� Mr wodccd undcr a mntract far this dcp�actmcnt? YP.S NO C1VII. SERVICE COMhIISSION Has this pexsoa/firm ever bccn a Gty employec? YES NO Does this pusou/firm possess a still not noimallP P�d bS �Y CB COMMI'1Tg' _ Cumnt Gty employee? - YPS NO lain ail YFS aoswc�s on a sepamtc slteet and attach ro�rsw�nc� cou�vcu-oa��c11v�' Better & 5afer Streets � COUNCII. WARD(S7 ( DLSTRICI' PIANNING COUNCII. 7, NPTfATII`IG PROBLEM, ISSUE., OPPORIVNIIY (Who, R'hay Whcq Whero, Why!+} project has been approved to realign Prosperity Avenue. Slope easements are needed to re-contour the abufting properties with cuts or fills to match up with the new roadway area. VAI�TI,'AGPS IF APPROVYD: etter final product from the roadway realignment ISADVANLAGES IFAPPROVID: ese slope easements would become encumbrances against the affected properties. ISADVANI'AGES IF NOTAPPROVED: oadways that do not match up with the abutting driveways, outwalks or land areas AL AMOUNl' OF TRANSACTION: $LO ,000.00 °°s�YRev�x�s Bcm��rm (cmc�e or�e� xrs xo INGS°u�ce: MunicipalStateAid ^�'nYr�u�ER C94-2B019-0786-00000 REF. #95-P-1119 crAt. u�mo�ur.a�nox: (�cns� ,� r , ��...��--� `s�`�� x�`�{$ �'�?�' f�iRY " � i995