95-148�� � ORIGINAL a� CITY OF SAIHT PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDEB In the Matter of connection with the easement is located as follows: COIIA ZL FILE A0. �S BY ; �/v'Y ��l � `�v`�� FILS A0. 18748E VOTING WAgD 3 Condemnation and taking of a permanent utility easement in Davern/Edgcumbe Area Sewer Separation Project. Said proposed near Davezn Street and Lower St. Dennis Road and is described A 20 foot wide utility easement under and across that part of Lot 69, Lane's Edgcumbe Hills, City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the centerline of said easement described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 69, thence south along the west line of said Lot 69 a distance of 114.71 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence deflecting to the left 108 degrees 59 minutes 47.3 seconds, a distance o£ 36.62 feet; thence deflec[ing to the left 45 degrees 57 minutes 51.8 seconds, a distance of 49.93 feet; thence deflecting to the right 51 degrees 04 minutes 05.3 seconds, a distance of 161.64 feet to a point on the southwesterly right—o£—way line of Lower St Dennis Road, said point being 21.93 feet southeasterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 69 as measured along the southwesterly right—of—way of Lower St Dennis Road and there said line terminates. The northerly and southerly lines of said easement are to be prolonged or shoreened to terminate westerly at the easterly right—of—way line of Davern Street and easterly at the southwesterly right—of—way of Lower St Dennis Road. qs-�y� ������� MAR - 41995 The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby zesolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $13,250. financed by Sewer Revenue Bonds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day March, 1995 at the hour of 3:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the petsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas � � Nays VBlakey �rimm erin � H rris �Cgard !/Ae� tman � .�.hune �In Favor Q Against Adopted by Council: Date o � �� � S Certified Passed by Council Secretary B Y �-�_� � - ----- Mayor Public Hearing Date - March 22, 1995 RE 2-3- fi.M.S./REAL ESTATE DfV1SIOTf Date: Ol/31j95 Green Sheet Number. 31387 DEPARTMENC DIRCCI'OR CfIY COUNC[I- Contad Peison and Phone Number ,. wesw� CC1Y ATI'ORNEY CI"I7 C1.LRK PETER WHITE � 266-8850 °�° UDGEI' DIRECl'OR I'Q`7. & MCi I'. SVG DIR � MAYOR (OR ASSIST�INI) 1 COUNCIL Rf?SI�RQ I tH„s� t�e on ca��it ngrnaa ty:2-22-95 To Set Hearin Date For March � 22; = 1995 AL # OF SIGNA'iVRE PAGRS 1 (C[•IP Ai i- IACA'1'fONS I�OR S{GNATURL� Ci't N RP,Q 1. Set hearing date for condemnation and taking of a permanent utility easement as per the attached description and map for the DAVERN/EDGCUMBE AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT (Finance File No. 18748E) . Approve said project R[3(.'OMIvffiNDA170NS APPROVE (A) OR RFJP.CI' (R) PERSOIYAL SCRVICE COM'RACTS MUSI' AN.SWL?R Tf [L ROLIAWING: PIANNING L'OMI��SSION A �� L[las thc person/firm cvcr workcd undcr a rontrec[ for this dcpartmcnt? YPS NO C1VII, SERVICE COA4vIISS[ON Has tAis pe�son/(im cvcr bccn a City cmploycc? YI3S NO . Dors this person/fixm �OSSCSS a skill not noima0y possesud by any ��M�`�TT�'' _ G1rnnt City employee? YPS NO laio aIl YPS aorneis on a scparatc shec[ and atiach. verox�s'x'I�c� covrrca oHTf'-�1T�E' SEWER SEPARATION COUNCII, WARD(S� 3 DISl'RICI' PIt1NNING COUNCQ. 15 INPI7AT'ING PROBI.EM, ISSUF„ OPPOR'i'[JNTl'Y (Who, WLat, WLcq Where, WL}'!): sewer separation project is planned fur this area. The installation and future maintenance of the se�ver system to be installed requires the taking of an easement as per the attached map and legal description. , _,_ �., VANPAGPSIFAPPROVIID: � ` •��. °.� i `'�;�"� ��r'6,.,�:. : Project can proceed as planned ��, � Eo �� F�a DISADVAI�TI'AGES IPAPPROVED: _- -__ Cost of the easement damages to be paid to the affected property owner DI.SADVANI'AGFS IP NOT APPROVED: Proposed sewer project would require either significant alteration or be discontinued �. aMOUxr or �r�sncriox: $13,250.00 COSTJREVENI7E BUDGtiPED (CIRCL6 ONC) Y�s No I'�v°II''� S°uRC� Sewer Revenue Bonds ^Cri°r'�v NL'MneR C95-ZT628-0787-29217 cr.ai. u�mo�ziox: �inrx� Ref. 95-5-8105