95-1041CITY OF ST. PAIIL PEELIHIHAFY OBDSB ��I��i���4€ a9 y � CO CI FI 0. gJ �� BY 333�5 E HO. 8798-5 VOTIAG AAED 3 In the liatter of Condemning and taking an easenent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support £rom subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving the alley in Block 1, Gilbert's �reenway Court. (Bounded by Hamline, Bohland, Syndicate and Beechwood). The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is not yet determined. 2. That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the 25th day of _October, 1995 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas / Nays ✓B�akey ✓G�S imm �G�7re r i n � �/f� r r i s gard �ttman �une public hearing be given to by the Charter, stating the of the improvement and the �In Favor �Against 5�re��euer : :_ . •• the persons and in time and place of total cost thereof Adopted by Council: Date w .� �5� Certified Passe3 by Council ecretary �Y e.�� � �Z�e/�3—�0--- /1✓%�'✓ s' d `v'"��� � Mayor i��� -�-- �I S- /a � / Yublic Hearing Date - Oc[ober 25, 1995 RE 8-18-95 �/� 333 ►S Jc AR MtN /O UNCIL DA INI Wit Pubfic Works Department snaes GREEN SHEET No.3�{�$g MRIAVDATE MITIR✓DaTE CCNJ7ACTAEPSONdPHONE DEPAATIAEMOIPECTOP qTYCOJNdI Paui St. Martin T@I. N0. 266-6118 Cy�h '��N CITYATfOFiNEY � CT'C�ERN NUMBEA FOq 4J5T BE OP1 COUNCIL AGENDF BY (DA1E) —— FOUTNO g�p(ET DIREGTOa � F W. 8 MGT. SERYLES DIA. .uiust be in Council Research pff"ce � no later than noon Fr'da B-ZS- ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn Oi CoundlAesearch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑ DEPAFTMENTAL ACCOUNTANT w�TqNRE0UE5TE0 Improve the Alley in BLOCK 1, GILBERT & GREENWAY COURT (bounded by Hamline, Bohiand, Syndicate and Beechwood) by grading and paving with bicuminous material. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessazy for the sloves, cuts and fills, includinR riAht of removal of lateral support from subiect land orremainder f casi ned bv excavations thereof or construction of sl es in the radin and vin R::AMMENDATqNS: typrws (A) or Reptl (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING OUES710N5: PlANN1NGCOMM15S10H _CIVILSERVICECOMM1SS10N 1, Hasthisperso�rmeverworketluntleraconVactforihisdepartrnent? ' CIB COMMfTTEE YES NO 2 Has this perso�rm e�er been a ciry employee? A sTqcF FILE N0. 18798-5 3. Does ihis perso�rm�possess a skill not nortnally poss �C by any curtent ciry employee7 DISTRICTCIX1NdL — LS YES NO $JPPORTS WHICH COl9JCll OBJECTIVE7 Expiafn ail yes answars on saparete sheet and attach tc 8reen sheet Neighborhoods Ward 3 �NRIATUJG PROBI.EM.ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Wl10. WHAT. WHEN. WHERE. WhR'l: This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 83 % of the property owners. 0.�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 61�Cr� i�tv�p�'a � la�� F��.t AUG 1 g fg�� , ` .. ~m - �--. , -�. , ....�....._._ ,_, Normal probiems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption wiil occur. tOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 4St82� �YOT YE'l (JG7F_/fiy ��y[+p�ST / fiEYENUE BUDGETED (CHECK ONE7 VES NO FUNDING SOURCE aeSSeaom�mS ACTIVITY NUMBER f9�qNCIAL INFORMATIpN: (E%Mlt� -