95-1040ORIGI�AL �� CZTX OF ST. PAIIL CO CI Z+I E 0. �� ��� PEELIHZHAgY OgDSH BY V1 � — �� �IIO D d F SO. 18798 VOTING AA&D _3 In the liatter of Improve the Alley in Block 1, Gilbert's Greenway Court by grading and paving with bituminous material. (Bounded by Hamline, Bohland, Syndicate and Beechwood). The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $15,029 financed by assessments only. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th_ day of October, 1995, at 3:30 o`clock P.M,, in the Gouncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Faul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPBRSONS Yeas / Nays i/�.Ya k e y t�G i mm �erin rris � gard ttman rhune l In Favor �Against 9imircuen Adopted by Council: DaCe l �q� Certified Passed by Council cretary BY /1 �--o � - �ILG't�-� �, GG�'�-=� Ls--.-C ` Mayor ... s _ i .�,i.�'.. �.,�-- ,. � , _ �x Public Hearing Date — October 25, 1995 RE 8-18-95 jf� ` ('`„j' —�(I �'v iE ARiM[N � OUNGIL A EINI IA ¢ U Pubiic Works Department sn oiss G R E EN SH E ET No.316 0 0 INITIAUDATE INIT�AVDATE CONTACTPERSONdPHONE DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR CIttCOUNCIL PdUI St. Merti� Tel. N0. 266-6118 : N�B� � �GtTY AT(OFiNEY � �m GLEflK MlST8E0NCOUNCLLAGEN�ABY(DAT�(�.�� HOUTNO 9UpGETDIfiECTW �PW.EMGT.SERV�ESD6i. Must be in Council Researc _Off'c � O i CoundiResearch no late a t MAYOft(ORASSISTANT� � TOTAC# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOtJS FOR SIGNATURE) ❑�ARTMEMRLACCpUNTANT ACTION REDUESTED Improve the Alley in BLOCK 1 GILBERT & GREENWAY COItRT (bounded by Hamline, Bohland, Syndicate and Beechwood) by grading and paving with bitu_minaus material. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessazy for the slopes, cuts and £Ils, including right of remo�al of lateral support from subjeci land orremaiader thereof, occasioned bv excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the AradinA and �avina of said alley. RECOMMENOATpNS: nypwe 1A) v Pepe (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING �UESTIONS: PIPNNiNGCOMA/t$SION _CIYILSEAVCECOMM6SS�WJ �, {{asthi59erso��meve�woskedunderacortractto�UusdepartmenY? CIBCAMMRTEE YES NO 2 Has V�is perso�rm ever been a ciry emp�oyce? A STAFF FILE NQ. 18798 YES NO y po �c by any cunent ciry emWoyee? otsrniCT couHCa — 15 a. Does this pes oNPvN possess a skili not rwrmafi O SUPPDR75wHICH CAUNCIL O&IEC7rvEa EXp�atn all yes answers on sepa2te shebt and attach ic grebn shaet Neighborhoods Ward 3 INRNTING PpOBIEM, 65UE OPP�RNNITV (NMO. MMAi. WHEN. WHERE. WHYJ: This improvement was inftiated by a petition signed by 83 % of the property owners. � �°���� �1 ��ilt@f AUG 18 1995 _, ADYANTAGES IF APPROYEO: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and generai disruption will occur. � c e : SOSAL AMOUFiT OF TRAhSACT10N S 15,029 (:057! REVENUE BUDGETED (CHECX QNE) YES NO FUNDING SOUqCE A S SES SM EN TS ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIRLINFORMATION:(EXPLAIf� � -