10-348Amended 4/28/10
Presented by
Council File # 10-348
Green Sheet # 3100616
An ordinance amending Legislative Code § 63.210 pertaining to
bicycle parking, adding minimum requirements for bicycle parking
and additional standards for location and design of bicycle parking.
� WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on September 23, 2009, released draft bicycle parking
6 amendments for public review, and set a public hearing for October 30, 2009; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed bicycle parking amendments was conducted by the
Planning Commission on October 30, 2009, at which time all persons present were allowed to testify; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the public testimony and the recommendations of its
Neighborhood Planning Committee on the proposed amendments to Sec. 63.210 of the Zoning Code, and
made its recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on December 4, 2009; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on April 21, 2010, at
which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all
the facts and recommendations conceming the amendments;
Section 1
18 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 63.210 pertaining to bicycle parking is hereby amended as
19 follows:
20 Sec. 63.210. Bicycle parking 1�is.
(a) Bicvcle qaNkine repuired Off-street azking facilities sha11 orovide a minimum of one (1) secure
bicvcle narkin� space for everv twenty (20) motor vehicle parking spaces disregardine fractional
bicvcle spaces. A mmimum of one (1) secure bicvcle arking space shall be provided for an off
street oarkine facilitv with twelve (12) or more motor vehicle parking snaces ^���-��:a�� •,
28 (b) Substitution foY repuired motor vehicle arkin �^^^-^��a��*��� ' w � �
29 � � ' Bicycle parking ma ��be
30 substituted for a-per�iea up to ten (10) nercent of �s minimum off-street parking requirements }�et te
31 �°°-' ����� (�) ��--�;�i.,,g;P�, (c� For the u ose of calculatin a
� P 1 P g�te� substitution, two (2)
32 ;;� lii,',°�°�,�;�,_� secure bicycle lockers are the equivalent of one (1) parking spaee; €rve{3j
33 four 4 spaces in a secure bicycle rack aze the equivalent of one (1) parking space.
34 Le�) Location and deszQn The followine standards shall ap�ly to bicycle arkine provided to meet the
35 requirements of subsechons (a) and (b) above•
37 Page 1 of2
38 � The location of bicycle parking facilities shall be at least as convenient to the main entrance of the
39 primary use as the most convenient third of the automobile parking.
40 �2) Outdoor bicvcle parking shall be visible from the public rieht-of-way or from inside the building
41 With a use of rieht-of-wa�permit from the city eneineer, bicycle pazking mav be located in the
42 public ri¢ht-of-wav.
43 � Bicvcle parkina provided within a buildin� shall be siened for bicycles, and the location shall be
44 approved as easily accessible as oart of site olan review Indoor bicvcle parkine for commercial
45 uses shall be accessible durine reeulaz hours of operation. Indoor bic�pazking for multi-
46 familv dwellines shall be accessible to residents at all times.
47 (4) Where motor vehicle pazkine spaces aze monitored covered or weather orotected required
48 bicvcle parking spaces shall be provided on the same basis.
49 (5) For the purposes of this section a secure bicvcle parkin� space is an area and facilitv used for the
50 securine of bicvcles. This term shall include enclosed bicycle storage covered bicycle racks or
51 fixed bicvcle racks which oermit the locking of the bicycle frame and one (1) wheel to the rack
52 and supoort the bicvcle in a stable oosition �, R:���'.� Y��'r��rt''°�: ����� �-�
53 anchored to prevent easy removal.
�) Bicvcle parkin� facilities shall be maintained in accordance with section 63 315 and keot free
from rust and corrosion. Liehtin of bicycle parking facilities shall be provided in accordance
with section 63318.
Section 2
59 This ordinance shall become effective thirCy (30) days after its passage, approval, and publicaYion.
Page 2 of 2
Requested by Department of:
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Approved by City Attorney
FIAY 1 7 ?lli8
Adoption Certified by
BY l / /i.�
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
.. � � . , : : �. �,.
Adopted by Council: Date ��5/pz///l1
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
Departrneni/OfficelCouncil: Date Initiatetl: �
PE _PlanningBEconomic 01MAR2010 � Green Sheet NO: 3100616
Dev elopment
I Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person In'I''a1lDate
I KateReilly I � 0' lannine&EconomicDeveloomei� 3 Z �C
266-661$ I �laonine & Economic Develoome� De artment Director C ;�?i���
Assign 2 CitvAttornev � ln(0..Pncf S'' � °
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number
07-APR-10 For 3� ayor's Office Mavor/nssistant
Routing 4 ',Council 0
Doa Type:ORDINANCE � Order i 5 �Citv Clerk i Ci Clerk
E-Document Required: Y
Document Contact: Laura Eckert
Contact Phone: 266-6633
Total # ot Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve ordinance establishing a minimwn parking standard for bicycle parking. Public hearing to be held April 21, 2010.
Recommendatlons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions:
� Planning Commission 1 Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Commiriee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/f rm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atWch to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '
In 2005 PED staff was asked to research bicycle parking requirements in order to establish minimum bicycle pazking standazds in the
city. That reseazch has been completed and the proposal has been through the Planning Commission, who made a recommendation to
the City Council. Afrer vetting by the City Attomey's Office, ordinance has been drafted for City Council approval.
The City would have a city-wide bicycle parking requirement for new developments, which is important if we aze to meet our mode
share shift goals by 2020.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
DisadvanWges If NotApproved:
There would be no bicycle pazking requirement for new development and mode share shift goals would not be met.
Total Amount of •, �
Transactiorc 7'� CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number.
Financial Information:
March 1, 2010 2:25 PM Page 1
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number 09-71
date December 4. 2009
Bicycle Parking Amendment
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on September 23, 2009, released a draft Bicycle Parking
Amendment for public review, and set a public hearing for October 30, 2009; and
WHEREAS, notice of the hearing was published pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.357, Subd. 3, and
mailed to the early notification list and other interested parties; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed Bicycle Parking Amendment was conducted by the
Planning Commission on October 30, 2009, at which all persons present were allowed to testify; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission referred the proposed ordinance to the Neighborhood Planning
Committee for consideration, review of the public testimony, and recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Planning Committee, on November 18, 2009, forwarded its
recommendations to the Planning Commission; and
W HEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the pubfic testimony and the recommendations oS the
Neighborhood Planning Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, under the provisions of § 61.801 of the Zoning Code and
pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 462.357, that the Planning Commission recommends
to the City Council the following amendments to Chapter 63, Regulations of General Applicability, of the
Zoning Code:
Sec. 63.210. Bicycle parking �ie��is.
(a) Bicycle parkin2 reauired. Off-street �azkin� facilities shall orovide a minimum of one (1) secure
bicvcle parkine space for everv twenty (20) motor vehicle parkin�spaces, disrepardinQ fractional
bicycle snaces. A minimum of one (1) secure bicycle pazkings�ace shall be orovided for an off-
street parkin fg acility with twelve (12) or more motor vehicle parkin�spaces ^°� ..°�
...,a ic nnm ,.,....,.e ree. ,...,� .,... .�.,...,.,...a ii n nnm ,.,.......,. c,.,,, ,.r i.,..a ,...,.
.. .... ............. ..... .......o...... �.. ..� „ ., ..,..� ...... w.. �....�.,,�.�... �. v� o � �rv.-,m.a-mca
(b) Substitution for reauired motor vehicle parkine. �.�^� °�a°�'�°' ���� �- �'" '� " a
Bicycle parking mav be
substituted for a-ge�He�t up to ten (101 percent of �ts minimum off-street parking requirements t�eE
:s ������ ��..� ��� Y^����:�,�s. {ej For the purpose of calculating a�er�i#ie� substitution, two
(2) completely enclosed and secuxe bicycle lockers are the equivalent of one (1) parking space; €�rve
(3j four 4 spaces in a bicycle rack are the equivalent of one (1) parking space.
moved by Wencl
seconded by
in favor Unanimous
File #
Planning Commission Resolution
Page 2 of 2
L�) Location and desien. The location of bicycle parking facilities shall be at least as convenient to the
main entrance of the primary use as the most convenient third of the automobile parking. Outdoor
bic�parkine shall be visible to the public right-of-way or from inside the building to increase
safety and security. With pernussion of the city eneineer, bicycle pazkine maY be located in the
public right-of-way. Bicvcle parkine mav be provided within a building, but the location shall be
easily accessible and si2ned for bicycles. Indoor bicvcle parkine for commercial uses shall be
accessible durine rea_ulaz hours of operation. Indoor bic�cle parkine for multi-family dwellines shall
be accessible to residents at all times. Bicvcle oazkingprovided at a motor vehicle uarkin fg acility
shall be available on the same basis as motor vehicle uazking. Where motor vehicle parking spaces
are monitored, covered or weather protected, bicycle parkine spaces shall be provided on the same
basis. For the �ucposes of this section, a secure bicycle �arkin�space shall include a bicycle rack
that �ermits the lockin� of the bicvcle frame and one (1) wheel to the rack, and supports the bicycle
in a stable oosition without damaee to wheels, frame or components. �-a�ditierr, Bicycle pazking
facilities shall be anchored to prevent easy removal. Bicvcle parkine facilities shall be maintained in
accordance with section 63315, and kept free from rust and corrosion. Li�huna of bicycle pazking
facilities shall be �rovided in accordance with section 63.318.
Greater Saint Paul
Building Owners 8�
Managers Association
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-1379•PHONE: 651291.8888 •FAX:651291.1031
aPrit 2i, aoia
Councilmember Russ Stark
310-D City Hall
I S West Kellogg Blvd
Saint Paui, MN 55102
Dear Councilmember Stark:
Please consider our comments on the proposed Ordinance to amend Legisiarive Code 63.210
Pertaining to Bicycle parking. The Greater Saint Paul Building Owners and Managers
Associarion does not support the current proposal. We support the City's current law on bicycle
parking as it provides an incentive based approach for incIusion of options for secure bicycle
pazking. Consumer and tenant demand for bicycle parking drives the inclusion of options, an
ordinance only serves to add to burden development with additional regulations.
Saint Paul BOMA not only represents Downtown Buildings, we also represent building owners
throughout the City of Saint Pau1 and the East Metro Area. We cannot accept an ordinance that is
currently unclear in expectations of building owners requirements to provide indoor bicycle
parking to the general public. The inciusion of an indoor amenity like a bicycle locker should be
at the decision of a developer for the end user. Further, where fuhxre bicycle parking spaces may
be required to be included in a covered, weather protected area consistent to those provided for a
motor vehicle, those space shoutd not be required to be provided at no cost and the decision be
left to the property owner how spaces are provided.
We appreciate what you are trying to accomplish, however we aze unconvinced that there are a
lack of bicycle parking spaces in the City of Saint Paul.
Ma ang
Preside t
CC: City Council
Mayor Christopher Coteman
2�&2009 QFfICERS
Richartl H. Zehnng, Chairpersron • Fred Kcehler, Vice Chairperson • Jerty Hersman, Sec�etary/lreasurer
Juiw Fesser • Nan Hynes • Laune Reed • James A. Scanrreil • Patnck Slun�r • Daa�d Wright
hfadhew R. Mfang.?residerrt
Council File # �0-348
Green Sheet#3100616
Presented by
1 An ordinance amending Legislative Code § 63.210 pertaining to
Z bicycle parking, adding minimum requirements for bicycle
3 azking and additional standards for location and design of
4 'cycle parking.
6 WHEREAS, the Plannin Commission, on September 23, 2009, released draft bicycle parking
7 amendments for public revi w, and set a public hearing for October 30, 2009; and
8 WHEREAS, a public hearing the proposed bicycle parking amendments was conducted by the
9 Pianning Commission on Octob 30, 2009, at which all persons present were allowed to testify; and
10 WHEREAS, the Planning Commis ' n considered the public testimony and the recommendations of
11 its Neighborhood Planning Committe on the proposed amendments to Sec. 63.210 of the Zoning
12 Code, and made its recommendations to he Mayor and City Council on December 4, 2009; and
13 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the Ci Council having been conducted on
14 , at which all interested arties were given an opportunity to be heard, the
15 Council having considered all the facts and rec mendations concerning the amendments; NOW
19 Section 1
20 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 63.210 pertaining bicycle parking, is hereby amended as
21 follows:
22 Sec. 63.210. Bicycle parking �enHS.
23 (a) BZ�
24 secure 1
25 fractior
26 rro ovide
27 s�aces.
28 �8�88f
29 �et�ie�t
(b) Substitution for required motor vehicle parking
mav be substituted for �ge�Eie� up to ten (10) percent of �ts minimum off=stre t pa
requirements :�� �� ;,;;�;,;,����'�`-� a,g��s. (�j For the purpose of calc ti
�e� substitution, two (2) secure bicycle lockers are
equivalent of one (1) parking space; €tve{�} four 4 spaces in a secure bicycle rack
equivalent of one (1) parking space.
37 _) Location and desiQn. The following standards shall applv to bicvcle parkine orovided to meet
38 the reauirements of subsections (a) and (b) above:
39 The location of bicycle parking facilities shall be at least as convenient to the main entrance
40 f the primary use as the most convenient third of the automobile parking.
41 2 O door bic cle arkin shall be visible from the ublic ri t-of-wa or from inside the
42 buil '. With a use of ri ht-of-wa ermit from the ci en ineer bic cle azkin ma be
43 locate � the ublic ri ht-of-wa .
44 3 Bic cle in rovided within a buildin shall be si ned for bic cles, and the location
45 shall be a r ved as easil accessible as art of site lan review. Indoor bic cle arkin
46 for commercia ses shall be accessible durin re ular hours of o eration. Indoar bic cle
47 arkin for multi amil dwellin s shall be accessible to residents at all times.
48 4 Where motor vehicl azkin s aces are monitored covered or weather rotected re uired
49 bic cle arkin s ace hall be rovided on the same basis.
50 5 For the u oses of this s tion a secure bic cle arkin s ace is either an enclosed
51 lockable bicvcle locker or a icycle rack that oermits the lockin� of the bicvcle frame and
52 one 1 wheel to the rack and orts the bic cle in a stable osition �iea, �e
53 �-��� F��'�*��° �w°"'�° ancho d to prevent easy removal.
54 6 Bic cle arkin facilities shall be �ntained in accordance with section 63315 and ke t
55 free from rust and corrosion. Li htin of bic cle arkin facilities shall be rovided in
56 accordance with section 63.318.
58 Section
59 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days r its passage, approval, and publication.
Yeas Nays Absent
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Requested by Depard�ent of:
jty Attomey
�`_' !�— �l — ( v
for Submission�to Council