D00319CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: 170031 � Date: � ! ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER� cons_sce�� :'_:� _'-e ac��ori:y ���°:ec �c -e ��a. . s�c _o� :�. .- of the City Charter and based en the :e��es� c_ ��e �_ _.._.,. .,_ c�e �e. _. �_ _„` PubliC Wofks to amend the 19 94 budgec of �he P W Engineering __. ,-�e �.."__.,_ „-_ Department of Finance and Manaaenent Services is atiLhe^zed te zmend sz_d b..6ce: i, �'^e �.,__,,,,_ , manner: Curren[ Bud�ct 205-12190-0848 Capital Outlay 205-12190-0857 Capital Outlay 205-12190-0299 Services 205-12190-0383 Materials • 1�,145.00 11,500.00 1,000.00 175.00 Changc (8,424.99) (125.66) 7,550.G5 1,000.00 Amended Budge[ 2,720.01 9,782.17 8,550.65 1,175.00 To transfer monies within a Public Works Engineering Fund activity. Purchases that were budgeted in capital outlay did not meet the minimum dollar requirements for capitalization, therefore, required expensing out of services and materials budgets. � pa�re by' 'vity Manager �- � --� Requested by Depanment Direcwr . proved Qy: `1ayo� � / ���-`�� na« Public Works wrv���.� ronavrvern�rvc n ��� Bill Cutting 266-6075 "� SIGNATURE PAGES 1 ATE INITIATED 10/13/94 GREEN SHEET� NO. 16869 r � f INITIAUDATE INITIALIOATE—� ASSIGN r� DEPAftTMENT DIREGTOR c' � CITV COUNGL i ......_____., rICITYATTOflNEY (cl CINCLERK , ORDFA � MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'� (CLIP ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNATUflE)�" G ASSOCIATE � FlN 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. Q DEPARTMeNT Transfer of capital outlay budget within P.W. Engineering aciuvity. RECAMMENDATIONSApprova (A) w Ra�ed (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL _ qB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICTCAUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a conttact for this tlepartment? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skdl no[ normally possessed by any arreni ciry employee� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green sheei INITIA7ING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): Items that were approved in capital ouday budget required expensing from service and ma[erial budgecs. RECEIVED OCT 2 6 1994 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED; �xpenditures will be properly accounted £or and line item budgets will not be ove�spent. I DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: None REC��vE� NOV3 CITY CLERK _----__------_- -- - - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Uniess monies are transferred, service and material budgets would retlect insuffecient funds while capital outlay budget would indicate an unexnended balance. LAMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ 0 00 COST;REVENU@BUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) NDING SOURCE P W F7�ll�rering Fnnd ACTIVITY NUM9ER ]'_ FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) NO ��