10-176Council File # 10-176 Green Sheet #3093716 ORDINANCE 3� ►1NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented by 1 An ordinance amendin rdinance No. 13543, approved January 31, 1967 pertaining to One-Way 2 Streets, as regulated by Chapter 147 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 0 Section 1. 8 That Ordinance No. 13534, approved January 31, 1967, is hereby amended by adding the following to 9 Section 1 thereo£ 10 I 1 ONE-WAY 12 STREET DII2ECTION FROM TO 13 Fourth Street Westbound Wacouta Street Minnesota Street 14 15 16 Section 2. 17 18 The effecrive data of this ordinance shall coincide with the completion of Light Raii Transit (LRT) 19 improvements and the installation of one-way signs on Fourkh Street, wbich is estimated to be in the fall of 20 2010. �'UBLISHE� �1AR 2 5 101d Requested by epartment o£ PUBLIC ORKS By: Form Approved by City Attom� � J r1/� BY� �/�lQ �j • {' Adoption Certified by Coun 1I Secretary Form A pr e b ayor for Su mission to Council BY• � �� G By. b � Approve ayoi: ate � � (p p By: 1Q-176 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �C�d DepartrnenUOfficelCouncil: Date initiated: Pw_P°b'�°w°�ks 3ooE�ZOOS Green Sheet NO: 3093716 Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiallDate Linda MurphV y 0 ablic Works Pam St Marsn 2-3- ld 266-6205 � 1 nblic Works RhondaG�71 aist o Z J`7' Assign . 2 ablic Works Bruce Beese �1 �� Must Be on Council Agenda by {Date): Number 3 " Attorne Lisa Veith ____�_ 24FE6-�0 For Routing - 4 or's OSce Ma or/Assisfant Doc.Type:ORDiNANCE Order 5 anuc0 DaveThane � 6 ' Clerk CS Clerk E•Document Required: Y Document Contact: Linda Murphy , Gontad P6nne: 266-6205 Tofal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locafinns fnr Signature) ' Action Requested: Approval of an ordinance cbanging Fourth Street between Wacouta and Minnesota from a two-way street to a otte-way saeet to coincide with the completion of light rail on Fourth Sheet. Recommendafions: Approve (A) nr Reject (R): Personal Service Contraets Must Answer the Pollowing Questiom: Planning Commission � 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB CommiNee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not lwrmally possessed by any , cutte�t city empbyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): With the construcfion of the light rail along Fourth Street between Wacouta and Minnesota, rhere will no longer be room for two-way traffic. Advantages !f Approved: . Allows light rail to nui on the south side of Fourfh Sheet and one lane of vehicixlaz haffiq westbound, to nm on the north side of Pourth Sheet. Disadvantages If Approved: N/A ����� � DisativanW ges If Not Approved: , There would be a conflict with light rail. �� ��� � Tota1 Amount of Cosf/Revenue Bud eted: Transaction: 9 Funding Source: ' Activity Number. Financiallnformation: . ` (Eycpiain) Februa .ry 2, 2010 1:27 PM Page 1