10-156Council File # 10-156 Green Sheet # 3097916 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 �2 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Presented by An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to clazlfy that mana�ement agieements are not effective until approved by the Departtnent of Safety and InspecriQas THE COUl�'CTL OF THE CITY OF SATi�'T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409_ 11 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended to Lead as foliows: Sec. 409.11. Transfer of license; change in service area. xr� (h) License is a privilege. A license issued under this chapter is a piivilege accorded to the licensee to engage in all the lawful activiries pernutted thereunder and is neithet property nor a properiy iight. Such lieense may noY be leased, assigned, pledged, mortgaged or liened. An agreement providing for management of the licensed business or prerruses (or any part thereo fl shall be reduced to writing executed by the parhes thereto and filed withm ten (10) days afrez rts execution in the department of safety and inspections, to2ether with the new license apolication. The manaeemen[ agteement shall not be effective unril it has been appsoved in wnting by the depariment af safety and ins�echons and s1�a11 remain in effect onlv while rhe new license anplication is nencling Failure to xeduce a management agceement to wnting, and failuze to file the same with the inspector as requued above, shall each constihxte sepazate grounds for adverse action. The hcensee notwithstanding a management agieement remams fully respons�ble for the licensed business and/or premises, as wel] as the conduct of all employees, managers and agents in accordance with sections 310.17 and 409.14 of Che Code. ��� Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publica'�����E� �'AR 2 5 1�10 Reques�ed by Department of: �.J n �.r12� �}�n,� �3 B y' � � Approved by the Office of Financial ervices By: Approved by i� Yy Attomey BY� - / " c�� ' Approved by ayor foL Submission to Council By: �a ,- 7 r-�1 �,Qf� d� 3 ��v Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretazy BY � i r Gf2 Approv by alyoi' Date �� � 1r0`C: Bv: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet � � DepartmenUOffice/Council: Datelnitiated: ' � /�� � S � _Dept.ofSafery&Inspections , 03FEB2010 Green Sheet NO: 3097916 Contact Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent 7o Person initialiDate ChriStine A. RoZek � ' 0 Deut of Saferi & Iasoections , � 266- ' 1 Dent of Safetv & Inspections Depaztment Director � Assign ' z GYtvAttorn¢v � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Number � / 10-FEB-10 • Por ,, 3 iVtayor's Office llawrlAssistant �_ �--/ 4. ' Routing ', 4 Cooucil '' � J ��, �, Dnc. Type; ORDINANCE ',, Order i 5'�ty CIerR Citv�Clerk �, ' E•DocUment Required; Y Document Contact: Ro6ert Humphrey CoMact Phone: 266-9123 � ! Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) I Action Requested: I Approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code to clarify that management agreements aze not I effective until approved by the Departmen[ of Safety and Inspections. Rea�mmendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): Pianning Commission CIB Committee Givii Service Commission I Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: I 1 Has this persoNiirm ever worked under a coNrad For this department'> r Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skdl not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Probiem, lssues, OpportuniTy (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This legislafion clarifies existing code and would assure that certain establishments that serve liquox, and operate under a management agreement, meet certain cxiteria. Funding Souroe: Fina�cial Informatian; (Explain) Adivity Number: February 3, 2010 221 PM Page 1 j TfanSaction: t,osurtevenue ouayeaea: i