09-80Council File # 09-80
Green Sheet # 30jpS�f 3��/'
Presented by
� An ordinance amending various chapters of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to eliminate obsolete
z references to the Department of Community Services and to conform references to the Departrnent of
3 Pazks and Recreation rather than the Division of Parks and Recreation
s TxE coulvciL oF T� ciT� oF sa1NT rAU�, voES o�aiN: ���
� Section 1 ��R 0 2 �pp�
9 Section 21.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code as hereby amended to read as follows:
11 Sec. 21.01. T'�°°^*�� T`°~�� ^°��-~m ^ ^ Reserved.
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17 '
19 Section 2
2 t Chapter 73 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
23 Sec. 73.01. City may acquire and dispose of real property; certain purposes.
24 Tn operating a program of public recreation and playgrounds under Minnesota Statutes, Sections
25 47115 through 471191 (the "Acf') and for the purpose of constructing, equipping and maintaining
26 recreational facilities as defined in the Act, the city may acquire and dispose of a fee or such lesser interest
27 as the council may deternune in any real property, including improvements to the realty and equipment
28 located thereon, as authorized by Sections 13A1 and �38413.01.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter or as
29 authorized and in the inanner provided in the Act or other applicable law.
31 Sec. 73.02. Procedure.
33 Any acquisition or disposition under Section 73.01 shall be considered by the council upon the
34 recommendation of the mayor and director, department of parks and recreation, and
35 report of the office of financial services director and city valuation engineer, and may be approved by the
36 council, after public hearing, upon specific findings of public purpose and conformity of the transaction
37 with the city comprahensive plan, by resolution passed by five (5) affirmative votes.
38 **�
Section 3
a2 Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
44 Sec. 74.01. Partner's Mini-Grant Program established.
�6 There is hereby established for the City of Saint Paul a partner's mini-grant program to be administered by
47 the �sieff department of parks and recreation °F''�° a°���°�* �° �^-�^^. The purpose of
a8 the program is to make "seed money" directly available to local citizen organizations for implementation of
49 innovarive and cost-effective neighborhood volunteer efforts in parks and recreation related areas.
sl Sec. 74.02. Purpose.
52 The purpose of the program is to encourage innovative parinerships between the �i�isiert depariment of
>3 pazks and recreation and neighbarhood groups. Priority will be given to projects which have the potential
54 to becQme ongoing and continuing community efforts. City funds will be administered by the �is�ea
55 department , and groups recaiving funds far projects which generate other sourees of funding will be asked
56 to donate back to the city's partner's mini-grant program to ensure that funds are available for future
57 projects.
59 Sec. 74.03. Guidelines.
6o The ���isiea department shall develop guidelities for the implementation of the program, which guidelines
61 shall ittclude the folJowing:
62 (1) Money will generally be available for technical supervision, supplies, printing, postage,
63 services, materials and adverkising.
6a (2) Projects eligible for funding will include, but not be limited to, activities such as park
65 cleanup, flower bed maintenattce, supplemental programs, fund-raising, public information
66 and recruitment of volunteers.
(3) Money will not be available for capitat improvement projects such as equipment, sidewalk
replacement, etc.
(4) Eligble groups must provide services which will benefit citizens living in the City of Saint
(5) Projects must be park and recreation-related.
(6) Grants up to five hundred dollars ($SOOAO) will be given to local neighbarhood groups for
self-help projects in their community.
(7) Priority should be given to:
a. Innovative, low-cost projects which benefit the neighborhood and ciry.
b. Projects which have potential to continue beyond the initial gant.
c. Projects where the local groups provide at least twenty-five (25) percent self-help
match (funds, volunteer labor, equipment, tools, etc.)
d. Projects which have strong potentlal for reimbursement to the city's fund.
8o Sea 74.04. Annual reports.
s i The �s� department of parks and recreation shall submit an annual report of the activities of the
82 partner's mini-grant program, which report shall be submitted at the same time as the next annuat proposed
s3 city budget is presented to the council.
Section 4
�7 Chapter 105 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
89 Sec. 105.03. Staff and budget
90 (a) Staff. The commission shall be staffed by a representative from the �is� department of parks and
91 recreation. The responsibilifies of the �visiea department of parks and recreation's representative include:
92 (1) Serving as staff person and recording secretary to the commission;
93 (2) Informing the commission of the progress and conditions in the area of park development, recreational
94 facilities and programs;
95 (3) Advising tha commission on matters pertaining to parks and reerearion when requested;
96 (4) Cooperating with the commission in such matters as may be requested;
97 (5) Administering the commission's budget; and
98 (6) Providing additional support service as needed.
99 Tn the development and review of the parks and recreation element of both the city's comprehensive plan
loo and five-year capital program, the commission shall also be provided staff support as necessary through the
lol divisionofplanning.
102 (b) Budget. For the operations of the commission, including staff salaries and other related expenses, such
io3 as trauel, training, per diem, postage, copying and supplies, an annual proposed budget shall be submitted
i o4 to the appropriate officials for inclusion in the city's budget.
105 Sec. 105.05. Powers and duties.
106 The commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council in all policy matters
107 pertaining to the acquisition, development, improvement, maintenaiice, rnanagement and evaluation af
108 parks, lakes and waterways, reereational facilities, ciYy trees, paskways, tralls and bikeways �vithin the City
i o9 of Saint Paul through the following aetivities:
i lo (1) Review and recommend as provided in Section 105.06 the proposed parks and recreation etement of the
� 11 city's comprehensive plan, or amandments thereto, individual park master plans, and the parks and
ll 2 recreafion element of the city's ten-yeaz program for capital improvements.
113 (2) Review and comment on the proposed annual operating and biannual capital budgets of the �+��
114 department of parks and recreation.
I 15 (3) Participate in the review and comment on any projecC involving the granting of a permit for a new
116 structure on any parkland, acquisition or sale of any pazkland, or any other major project that matexially
117 affects the character or use o£ any parkland.
118 (4) Advise and comment on the coordination of programs between governmental agencies.
119 (5) Hold joint meetings with other groups of similar interest.
izo (6) Seroe as an advocate for city parks, parklands, lakes and waterways, recreational facilities, trees, trails
121 and bikeways.
122 (7) Request a notificafion of sale for all significant pazcels of open space lands for potential acquisition of
123 (for] park use.
124 (8) Prepare and present an annual state o£ the parks report to the mayar and city councit.
125 (4) Conduct all business in such a manner as to encourage and utilize maximum citizen participation.
126 (10) Recommend policies to develop, inventory, preserve and protect the city's natural resources in all
i2� parks and parklands.
128 Sec. 105.06. Plan and capital prob am review.
t29 (a) The commission's responsibility. The commission shall review and comment upon recommendations
30 for the parks and recreation element of the ciry's comprehensive plat�, related studies and asnendments, and
31 regional park master plans submitted to the office of the mayor through the division of parks and
�� :�
� 32 recreation. The commission shall also review and comment upon recommendations for the ten-year
t33 program for capital impzovements submitted by the division ofparks and recreation to the city planning
U4 commission. The commission shall aiso recommend to the mayor the initiation of such planning studies as
135 it deems necessary for the proper preparation of the comprehensive plan element, capital program or
136 master plans. All such studies transmitted to the city council through the mayor's office shall contain the
137 recommendations of both the �isie� d�artment of pazks and recreation and the commission.
13s (b) Public hearings. Prior to the commission's recommendation conceming comprehensive plans or master
139 plans to the mayor and city council, the commission shall hold a public hearing and seek recommendations
140 from all concerned citizens. Prior to such hearing, the commission shali publish in a newspaper of general
Inl circulation notice of such hearing at least twenty (20) days prior to day ofhearing.
142 (c) City planning commission review. The commission shall adv3se the city planning commission of any
143 proposed comprehensive plan, amendment or master plan, and secure from the city planning commission
t44 its recommendation with respect to the relationship of the proposal to the overall comprehensive plan of
145 the City of Saint Paul and the clty capital allocation policy, and its opinion and recommendation as to any
la6 other planning consideration which may be relevant to the proposal, with its recommendation of approval,
147 rejection or modificarion of the proposal. Said recommendation sha11 become part of the official record
1d8 concerning the proposed plan ar capital program and shall be submitted by the commission along with its
]44 recommendaCion. The commission may make such modifications, changes and alterations conceniing the
15o proposed plan or pxogram as it deems necessary in consideration of the recommendations of the ciry
ts1 planningcommission.
Section 5
iss This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days foliowing its passage, approval and
156 publication
`�' ►; j
Yeas Nays Absent �� ~ � ������
Reqa . ted by D� t� ent f: .
Harris ;✓ --- BY:
Adopted by Council: Date �/��,
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
$Y / d //>/li� �.iiisf�i�
Approve M or: ate /tj ��
By: �� ,(
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Approved by Ci�y Attorney
BY' —�� �'`c_ � �� ��
Approv by �y r fo �ubmiss' o Co cil
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
o9-ao �
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUOffice/Council: � Datetnitiated: GPeErI ShP+P+t NO 3065439
� PR _ Parics and Recreatian ' pq_DEGOS '
Contact Person & Phone:
Tam Russell
Must Be on Coancii Agenda by (Date):
: 07-JAN-p9
� �oc. Type: ORDINANCE
E-DOCUment Required: N
Document Contact: Tom Russell
Contact Phone: 664'I5
� Routing
I Ordet
2 City Attoruey '
3 MayoYS Office MayorlAssistant
4 �Coqncd �i
5 Citv Clerk i` titv Clerk
Totai # ot Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature)
j Action Requested:
l An ordinance amending various chapters of the Saint Pau1 Adminsihative Code to eliminate obsolete references to the Deparhnent of
i Community Services and to confonn references to the Departrnent of Parks and Recreation rather than the Division of Pazks and
i Recreation
Recommendatians: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civl Service Commisslon
Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? -
Yes No
3. Does ihis person(firm possess a sk�il not normalfy possessed by any
current city employee�
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What When, Where, Why);
Parks and Recreation has been treated as a department level component of Saint Pau1 City government since the Department of
Conununity Services was abolished. This ordinance, along with others will complete ihe process of officially making the Division of
Parks and Recreation, the Deparhnent of Parks and Recrearion.
Advantages H Approved:
The Saint Paul Administrative Code will accurately reflect the true status of Parks and Recreation in Saint Pau] city government.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Parks will conrinue to have inaccurate staus in Saint Paul city government
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
Financial Information;
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
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December 24, 2008 1 �:49 AM Page 1