09-480Substitute: May 6, 2��9 � Presented by Council File # 09-480 Green Sheet #3070016 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapters 14 and 56 of the Administrative Code regazding the Budget Calendar. 2 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: p 4 Ue ��SH 6 Section 1. JU�221�0� 7 Sections 56.01 and 56.02 of the Administrative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 8 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sea 56.01. Departments, etc., to submit budget requests to mayor. Annuallv, �all departxnents, bureaus and agencies of the city government shall transmit to the mayor�-�� T••�° '��� ��^'� -°��-, such requests deemed necessary to be included in the budgets for the following fiscal year. All requests shall be submitted on forms approved by the mayor. The requests shall be transmitted not later than ninety_(90) davs before the date requirine adoption of the proposed maYimutn tax lew in accordance with state law. Sec. 56.02. Mayor's recommended budgets to council; public heazing, notice. Annuallv, n" �~'�°` ~° n..�..°' , ��F�°�" -�°� the mayor shall submit to the council �ris the recommended budgets. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall fix a date or dates for public hearing on the submitted budgets, and shall publish once in the official newspaper of the city notice of the proposed public hearing thereon. The budeets shall be submitted not later than thirtv (30) da� before the date requiring adoption of the proposed maximum tax lew in accordance with state law. Section 2. 25 Section 14.05 of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sec. 14.05. Budget and fiscal matters. (a) Budget. The director shall annually prepare and transmit a comprehensive budget for operations, debt service and capital improvements, which shall be presented to the mayor, for review and recommendations The budeet shall be transmitted not later than ninetv (90) days before the date rec�uirin¢ adoption of the proposed tax lew in accordance with state law. w'� ,.�;,,��_ jb) Director's prioriries. Prior to transmitting the budeet to the Mavor �is, the director shall have presented a needs and resource assessment to the library board with a list of the directar's priorities The presentation shall be made not later than one hundred sixtv-five (165) da�before the date rec�uiring adoption of the proposed maximum tax lew in accordance with state law. �e ,,,.,._a,.... �.,�, , �T• (c) Review bv board. The board shall review and present the board's list of priorities for the next year's budget to the mayor not later than one hundred thirty-five (135) davs before the date requirin¢ adoption of the proposed maximum tax lew in accordance with state law. w'�. � �� � S � / "G'� �• :� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 64 70 71 72 73 74 75 (d) Proposed budget presented. The mayor will present the proposed library budget to the library board and the public within one (1) week of the City Charter prescribed deadline for the mayor to submit the city budget to the city council. T1us presentation will take place in a city public library. (e) Boazd's approval of budQet. Annuallv, the �e boazd will take action to approve the budget not later than twelve (12) davs before the date requirina certification of the final propertv ta�c lew in accordance with state 1aw �� �T�- �^^'��- , � �F ���� •,� (fl Citv Council's adootion of budeet. The library budget shall be formally adopted � the Citv Council not later than twelve (121 davs before the date requirin� certification of the final propertv tax levv in accordance with state law �, ��;,��h�- �����. "�� Lev . The city shall, at the request of the library board, levy a property taY in any yeaz for the benefit of the library agency. Such levy must be sepazately listed from the remaining amount of the city's levy on the Truth In Taxation notice of proposed maximum property taxes. A maximum library property tax levy for the year shall be set by the date specified in state 1aw for adoption of the pr000sed maximum taY lew for the Citv c°����. (�} (hl Joint Pr�ertv Tax Advisoxv Committee. The agency shall participate wiYh the joint property tas advisory committee, comprising the city Ramsey County and Independent School District 625, in order to plan for and manage property taxes levied against the city taac base. (� (i) Participation with other organizations The agency shall be authorized to participate with other community and library organizations to pursue federal and state grants, corporate support, and foundation and individual grants. The agency will continue to seek partnerships with the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library to pursue grants to address unmet needs of the library and new initiatives. (e-} (i) Acceptance of eifts. The agency is authorized to accept gifts ofmoney, collection materials, and real or personal property to be used for the direct benefit of the agency. (�} (k) Cash flow needs. The agency will budget through funds that are accounted for and audited separately, independent of city funds. The agency will not maintain its own cash pool to meet cash flow needs in its operating budget. The agency's cash flow needs in its operating budget shall be met by the city through prudent use of the city's cash pool, pursuant to agreement between the city and the agency. Such agreement shall preclude or significantly minimize any cost to the city of the agency resulting from the use of the city's cash pool. {^` ^� �=,�� (1) Bud�et amendments. �Budget amendments may only be initiated by the mayor. The provisions of sections 10.07, 10.07.1, 10.07.2, 10.073 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter and section 57.09 of the Administrative Code apply to the agency and mayor, except that the board assumes all of the powers and duties and restrictions that those sections impose upon the city cowicil. 5�� "� � c-J� 09-48� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co - � Z9-�R-09 ! Green Sheet NO: 3070016 : Contact Perspn & Phone: ! Margaret Egan 266-8564 Must Be on Council F�qenda by (Date): 06-MAY-09 Doc. Type: �RDINANCE E•DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: � Assign Number j For i Routing I Order j 0 Councd i I Council Marearet Eeau ' 2 (,5tyAttornev CiryAttorney 3 k.Yty Cierk ' Citv Clerk a �� 5 i il Totai # of Sig Pag _ (Clip Ail L for Sig Action Requested: An ordinance amending Chapters 14 and 56 of the Saint Paul Adminisharive Code regarding the Budget Calendar. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): Planni�g Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advan W ges If Approved: Modernizes the text by deleting specified dates from the ordinances and replacing with a time interval. Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Financial Information: Attactunent A shows the proposed budget calendar. (Explain) April 29, 2009 332 PM Page 1 Council Rile # 09-480 Green Sheet # 3�70�16 Presented by ORDINANCE N7 PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapters 14 and 56 of the Administrative Code regarding the Budget Calendar. 2 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: 4 5 Section 1. 6 7 Secfions 56.01 and 56.02 of the Administrative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sec. 56.01. Deparlments, etc., to submit budget requests to mayor. Annuallv, =4a11 departments, bureaus and agencies of the city government shall transmit to the mayor, �r=�r��n 3arie-K not later than ninetv (90Ldays before the date requirin¢ adoption of the pxoposed tax levy in accordance with state law ^��a� r���, such xequests deemed necessary to be included in the budgets for the following fiscal year. All requests shall be submitted on forms approved by the mayor. Sec. 56.02. Mayar's recommended budgets to council; public hearing, notice. Annuallv, n~ �~ w°f ~° n..R..°' '��F �°�'� -°�- not later than thirty�301 days before the date requirine adontion of the prouosed tax lew in accordance with state law, the mayor shall submit to the council kis the recommended budgets. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall fix a date or dates for public hearing on the submitted budgets, and sha11 publish once in the official newspaper of the city notice of the proposed public hearing thereon. Section 2. 25 Section 14.05 of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Sec. 14.05. Budget and fiscal matters. (a) Budget The director shall annually prepare and transmit a comprehensive budget for operations, debt service and capital improvements, which shall be presented to the mayor, for review and recommendations, not later than ninety�901 davs before the date requirine adoption of the nroposed taY lew in accordance with state law �����' °°^��=��. Prior to this, the directar shall have presented a needs and resource assessment to the library board, with a list of the director's priorities, not later than one hundred sixt -five (165} davs before the date re uiring adoption of the proposed tax levy in accordance with state law :�-:°*°� *�-�rr. The board shall review and present the board's list of priorities far the next year's budget to the mayor not later than one hundred thirtv-five (135) davs before the date reauirinQ adoption of the nr000sed tax levy in accordance with state law'�"�- :�-yz. The mayor will present the proposed library budget to the librazy board and the public within one (1) week of the City Charter prescribed deadline far the mayor to submit the city budget to the city council. This presentation will take place in a city public librazy. The board will take action to approve the budget not later than twelve (12) days before the date reauirin� property tax lew certification in accordance with state law of each yeaz � �r�°° ,`^` °°�'� �° . The library budget shall be formally adopted bv the Citv Council not i �' �' Q �, - � �• :� 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 0'9 70 71 later than twelve (12) davs before the date requiringprooertv tax lew certification in accordance with state law of each vear'�-� T'°�°�^'�°� " °^^" ..°°r (b) Levy. The city shall, at the request of the library board, levy a property tas in any year for the benefit of the library agency. Such levy must be separately listed from the remaining amount of the city's levy on the Truth In Taxation notice of proposed property taxes. A maximum library property tax levy for the year shall be set by the date soecified in state law for adoption of the proposed tax lew for the Citv °°���=��=n`. (c) The agency sha11 participate with the joint property tax advisory committee, comprising the city, Ramsey County and Independent School District 625, in order to plan for and manage property taxes levied against the city taY base. (d) The agency shall be authorized to participate with other community and library organizations to pursue federal and state grants, corporate support, and foundation and individual grants. The agency will continue to seek partnerships with the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library to pursue grants to address unmet needs of the library and new initiatives. (e) The agency is authorized to accept gifts of money, collection materials, and real or personal property to be used far the direct benefit of the agency. (� The agency wi11 budget through funds that are accounted for and audited separately, independent of city funds. The agency will not maintain its own cash pool to meet cash flow needs in its operating budget. The agency's cash flow needs in its operating budget shall be met by the ciry through prudent use of the city's cash pool, pursuant to agreement between the city and the agency. Such agreement shall preclude or significantly minimize any cost to the city of the agency resulting from the use of the city's cash pool. (g) Mid-year budget amendments may only be initiated by the mayor. The provisions of sections 10.07, 10.07.1, 10.07.2, 10.073 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter and section 57.09 of the Administrative Code apply to the agency and mayor, except that the board assumes all of the powexs and duties and xestrictions that those sections impose upon the city council. Section 3. 72 This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after passage, approval and publication. Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom Carter Hanis Helgen Lantry Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: BY Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey �' � �� Approved�iy Mayor for Submission to Council By: c/_'�`j �� � 0 O h U J n J � ° w V V r "'r .+ Q� 9 = '�O .� � � U � � � Z � Z I � Z � � U CR � C.1 �' G1 � O .= O O O �") y � � N ,V. L N u r 'V .... O = 4 0 � ^ o �'' � 9"� a"o N � o <^ �,., � �, E >, � a >, � ' � C. �i. T eJ C_�.0 � '�t'i "� � 'G � c�i R � : y N � e� N m a� � 4 � � Q VJ � y � -- `r� Q a � O N O � 4"' N � N � C � U i L � ^ 'O N C� N 7 V N p 9 C�"' � � � � "' � � a��i v o v b a�i a � a � � 0 3 v�,� v ¢ �' ., ¢ � z � q N ca �, � � � � V ul Yl V1 h � ul YC Vi y O O O O � y� O � O O V d' <t 7 C O � C � � � ¢ Q Q � � �c N Q � N � ti � � � O � b � N cJ �L V � O +� `� ~ W �n Q� m O l'� � � p b o e�� E T `� � � � � L C � C1 b a,�. 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