09-231 / 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Councif File # 09-231 Green Sheet# 306671b ORDINANCE OF PAUL, M{NNESOTA Presented by � An oriiinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legisiative Code, Church of St. Andrew Kim duly petitioned to rezone 1449-1465 Cleveland Ave N, being legally described as ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOT 4 BLK 16 and ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOTS 5 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 16, PINs 202923140116 and 202923140117, from RM1 Multiple-Family Residential to TN 2-Traditional Neighborhood; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on November 17, 2008, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 11, 2008, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on Dec 19, 2008, and recommended approval to the C+ty Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 19, 2009, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 4, 2009, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Councii having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE C{TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OftDAIN: �UBLISH� �iPR 13 ?flD9 Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 1, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 1449-1465 Cleveland Ave N, being more particularly described as: Council File # 09-231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ST ANTHQNY PARK NORTH LOT 4 B�K 16 and ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOTS 5 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 16 be and is hereby rezoned from RM1 to TN2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �UBL►SH�p AP� i � 100� e Cader Harns 0 � Adopted by Council: Date: ������� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Date: Requested by Department of: Plann' and c nomi evelopment By: Approved by Financial Services � Form Appr ved by City Attorney BY: � ✓ � �+^�--- 2 —ll-- Approyed b, ayo f r Subm' s'on to Council B '�� �'���� �U QpR i 3 i�a� BY: � 09-231 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet �C� Departmentlpffice/Council: Date Initiated: PE _Planning & Economic 05-FEB-09 Green Sheet NO: 3066716 � Development ConWCt Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiallDate Patricia James � 0 lanniu & Economic Develo me [ a� �639 1 jPlannioa & Economic Develoome De arhnent D'vector Assign 2 Attorn � Z- - d1 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number g or's Office Ma or/Assistant For Routing 4 ounc� � Dot. Type:ORDINANCE Order 5 ' Clerk C5 Clerk E-Docume�t Required: N Document ConWct: ConWCt Phone: Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Lowtions for Signature� Action Requested: Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning from RMI Multiple-Family Residentia] to 1'N 2- Traditional Neighborhood for property at 1449-1465 Cleveland AvenueN. between Hendon & Buford (ZF# 08-201-656). Public hearing held February 4, 2009. Reco mendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1 Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current City employee� . Yes No Explain a0 yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Chwch of St. Andrew Kim has petitioned to rezone this property to TN2 to accommodate [he purchase and re-use of the property by the Emily Program. The City Council approved the rezoning of Febivary 4, 2009, aRer a public hearing. Advantages If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council in[ent. . Disadvantages If Approved: �y�;;c � � None FES 10 ?C�e� Disadvantages tf Not Approved: ��fJ ����� �� City Council action will not be completed. � A�� Total qmount of ' Transaction' Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial I nformation: (Explain) February 5, 200912:52 PM Page 1 DEPAR7MENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecr[e Bedor, Omector � r,�-a3r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christapher B Co[eman, Mayor January 13, 2009 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 Wesi Fourtfi Street Sa+nt Pau1, � 55102 Te7ephone 651-266-6700 Facsrmde. 657-228-3220 I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council has been rescheduled from Wednesday, January 21, 2009, to February 4, 2009, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: Fife Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: 08-201-656 Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program) Church of St. Andrew Kim 1465 Clevefand Ave N, between Hendon & Buford Rezoning from RM1 Multiple-Family Residential to TN 2-Traditional Neighborhood Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 5- 0- 0, December 11, 2008 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, December 19, 2008 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Stark's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the Council agenda on or before the January 28, 2009, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Si rely, Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: Q8-201-656 ApplicanUAppellant: Church of St. Andrew Kim Ms Lindsay Brown Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTiCE OF RESCHEDUI�D - PUBLIC HEeYRING , The Saint Paul City Cotatcff will con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 4, 2009 (originally scheduled for January 21) at 5:30 p.m. in the City Conncil Chambers, Third Floor, City HallJCoiutliouse, 15 West Kellog� Boule- vard, St. Paul, MN, to consider the appli- cation of Church of St. Andrew Kun to re- wne property at 1465 Cleveland Avenue North, beriveen.Hendon and Buford Ave- nues, from RMl Mulflple-�an�ily Residen- tial to TN2-17aditional Neighborhood. [ZF OS-201-656] - Dated: January 13, 2009 , MARY ERICKSON ass�st�t c��y ca,�� s�e�y , (Januasy 19] —ST. PAULLEGALI�DGER 22189704 AN AFFIRMAITVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNMG & ECOtdOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecrle Bedor, Orrecmr � itsr + L e. �� 11AAA CITY OF SA]Nf PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor January 12, 2009 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 Cify Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: 25 Wes! Fourlh Street Samt Paul, MN 55l02 08-201-656 Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program) Q Telephone: 65/-266-6700 Facsim<[e: 65/-228-3220 Church of St. Andrew Kim 1465 Cleveland Ave N, between Hendon & Buford Rezoning from RM1 Multipie-Family Residential to TN 2-Traditional Neighborhood City Council Hearinq: Februarv 4. 2009, 5:30 q.m. Citv Council Chambers • Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: . Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: Approval District 12 recommended approval Approval, vote: 5 - 0 2 persons spoke in support and 1 letter was received. 0 persons spoke in opposition arad 0 letters were received. Approval, vote: unanimous January 11, 2009, extended to March 12, 2009 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 08-57 Planning Commission minutes, December 19, 2008 Zoning Committee minutes, December 11, 2008 Deadline for Action Extension Letter Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File 08-201-656 Applicant: Church of St. Andrew Kim Ms Lindsay Brown, Emily Program City Council Members � District Council: 12 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � � LJ city of saint paul planning commis�ion resolution file number o$-5� date December 19. 2008 a�-a�i WHEREAS, The Church of St. Mdrew Kim, File # 08-201-656, has applied for a rezoning from RM1 Multipie-Family Residential to TN 2-Traditionat Neighborhood under the provisions of � 61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 1449-1465 Cieveland Ave N, Parce� Identification Number (PIN) 20292314�116, 2o2923140117, legally described as ST ANTNONY PARK NORTH LOT 4 BLK 16 and ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOTS 5 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 16; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on December 11, 2008, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of � 61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The Church of St. Andrew Kim owns the properties that are the subject of this application as wel4 as a lot acsoss the alley from the main site that is also currentiy used for parking. The Emily Program, a treatment program for peopie with eating disorders, seeks to purchase the property and convert the church building to a community residential facility for sixteen (16) residents, with licensing from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. They also wish to use the building for offices and outpatient treatment. Re-use of the rectorylparsonage building is stifl in the p{snning stages. Whi1e the Emi1y Program plans to purchase the smaller parking lot across the aliey, they intend to convert the lot to open space. This small lot is zoned R3 and could not be used as parking for the proposed use. It is therefore not a part of this application. 2. The existing zoning (RM1) cannot accommodate the proposed uses for office and outpatient services, although the community residential facility is permitted in the RM1 district subject to approval of a conditional use permit. The TN2 zoning district is intended to foster a variety of uses such as those proposed by the Emily Program. TN2 zoning is also consistent with the way this area has developed, which includes a mix of residential densities, commercial development, and the institutional campus use across Cleveland. Community residential facilities are permitted in the TN2 district without a conditional use permit as long as all the applicable conditions are met. The proposed facility for 16 residents meets all of the applicable conditions of § 65.153. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan (2002) supports compatible mixed uses within single buildings {Policy 5.201). The proposed reuse of the church building is consistent with the 2008 District 12 plan, which supports adaptive reuse of historic buildings. moved by Morton seconded by • in favor Unanimous against L�1-� 31 Zoning File # 08201-&56 Planning Commission ftesolution Page 2 of 2 4. The proposed zoning is compatibie with the B2 zoning to the south and the University campus across Cteveland in Falcon Heights, Uses permitted in the TfJ2 district are simiiar to residential uses permitted in the RM1 Multiple Family Rssidential district and generally similar to commercial uses permitted in the 82 Community Business district. Revisions fo the parking lot will be reviewed fhrougli the site plan review process to address the impact of the new use on adjacent properties, especially the single family properties across the alley to the west. 5. Because of the mix of uses in the-area, rezoning this property to TN2 would not constitute "spot zoning,"�i.e. it woufd not establish a use cfassification inconsistent with the surrounding uses and create an island of nonconforming use within a larger zoned district. 6. The petition for rezoning" was found to be sufficient on November 17, 2008: 16 parcels eligible; 11 parcels required; 72 parcels signed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to City Councii that the appiicafion of Church of Sf. Andrew Ki.m for a rezoning from RM1 Multiple-Famity Residential to TN 2-Traditional Neighborhood for property at 1449-1465 Cieveland Ave N be approved. - � • • �-a3 i i city of safnt paul planning commission resolution file number o$-57 da�e December 19. 2008 WHEREAS, The Church of Sf. Andrew Kim, File # 08-201-656, has appiied for a rezoning from RM1 Multiple-Family Residential to FN 2-Traditional Neighborhood under the provisions of � 61.801(b) of fi�e Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 1449-1465 Clsveland Ave N, Parcel Identification Num6er (PIN) 202923140'f 16, 2029239 40 7 17, legally described as S7 ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOT 4 BLK 96 and ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOTS 5 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 16; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on December 11, 2008, held a putilic hearing at which ai� persons present were given an opportunity fo be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of � 61.303 of the Sainf Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evidence presenfed to its Zoning • Committee at the public hearing as substantiaily reflected in fhe minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The Church of St. Andrew Kim owns the properties that are the subject of this application as weil as a lot across the a(fey from the main site that is also currentiy used for parking. The Emily Program,.a treatment program for people with eating disorders, seeks to purchase the • property and convert the church buiiding fo a community residential facility for sixteen (16) residents, with licensing from the Minnesoia Department ofi Human Services. They also wish to use the building for offices and ouYpatient treatmenf. Re-use af the rectory/parsonage building is still in the planning sfages. While the Emily P�ogram plans to purchase'the smaller parking lot across the aliey, they intend to convert the lof fo open space. This small lot is zoned R3 and could not be used as parking for the proposed use. It is therefore not a part of � this application. 2. The existing zoning (RM1) cannot accommoclate the proposed uses for office and outpatient services, although the community resideritiai facility is permitted in the RM1 district subject fo approvai of a conditionai use permit. The TN2 zoning district is intended to foster a variety of uses such as those proposed by the Emily Program. TN2 zoning is also consistent with the way this area has devefoped, which includes a mix of residentiai densities, commercial development, and the instifufiona� campus use across Cleveland. Communify residenfia.l facilities are permitted in the TN2 district without a conditional use permit as tong as all the appiicabte conditions are met. The proposed facility for 16 residents meets all of the appficable conditions of § 65.153. � 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Pian (2042) supporfs compatible mixed uses within single buildings (Policy 5.201). The proposed reuse of the church building is consistent with fhe 2008 District 12 pfan, which supports adaptive reuse of historic buildings. moved by Ma�on seconded by � favor Unanimous against D% �3/ , • �. Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hal] Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard Wesf Minutes December 19, 2008 . A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was he(d Friday, December 19, 2008, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hal I. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Morton; Smitten, Wencl; and Nlessrs, Alton, Bellus, Gordon, Kramer, Margulies, Ne(son, and Wazd. Mmes. *Lu, *PoRer, and Messrs. *Barrera, *Commers, *Goodlow, *Johnson, and *Spaulding. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Patricia James, Penelope Simison, Josh Williams, and Sonja Butler, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; also, former Commissioner Dennis Rosemark. T. Approval of minutes December 5, 2008. , MOTION: Comrrtissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approval nfthe minutes ofDecember S, 2008. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion. The mntion carried unnnimnus[y on a vnice vote. � III. Chair's Announcements Chair Alton read a resolution thanking Dennis Rosemark, who served as a member of the Saint Paui Planning Commission from 2006 through June 2008, when he became the City Council Legislative Aide for Ward 3 and had to resign from the Commission. MOTION: Commissioner Gardon moved approva! of the resaladion honoring Commissioner Rosemark. Commissioner Kramer seconded the motion. The motion carrierl unanimously on a voice vote. Mr. Rosemark thanked the Commission and made a few comments about how much he is learning from the direct day-to-day contact with citizens that he now has in the Council offices. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderhoam reported on pianning-related business at the City Council for last week, including the adoption of the Parks and Recreation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, and their agenda for next week, including the establishment of a Water Working Group. • 1�, - a� ���c Ms. Simison stated that she will address this when the Implementation Section is7eviewed by the Comprehensive Planning Committee, which is the next step in the process._ Chair Alton read the rules of procedure for the public hearing. No one spoke and no additional written testimony was given at the meeting. MOTTON: Commissioner ponnel[y-Cohen moved to clnse the public hearing, leave tke �ecord open f6r wrinen testimony unti! noon on Monday, December 22, 2008, arid io refer the matter back to the Comprehensive Planning Committee fnr review and recommendatiou. Comtnissioner.Ward seconded Ihe motinu The motinn carried unanimously on a voice vot� v. VI. Zoning Committee NEW BUSIlYESS #08-185-032 7ue1 Fairbanks Chemica! Dependenc�(Blair Av� —Conditional UsePermit for hansitional housing facility with 6 residents and variance of required parking (3 spaces required, 1 space proposed). I754 Blair Avenue 68tweep Wheeler and Aldine. (Sarah Zorn, 651/266-6570) • MOTION: Commissinner Monon moved tlie Zoning Committee's recommendation 10 approve f&e conditional use pe�miY wifh conditions. The mntion carried unanimously on a voice vote. #08-�O1-b56 Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program� — Rezoning form RIv11 Muitipie- F�mily Residential to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood). 1465 Cteveland Avenue North between Hendon and Buford. (Patricia.lames, 651/266-6639) MOTTON: Cammissioner Morton moved the'Zoning Commit[ee's recommendation tn approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Comprehensive Ptanning Committee Chair ponnelly-Cohen . Percent for Public Art Ordinance —M update on 1he contents ofthe proposed ordinance. (Josh N'illiams, 651/266-6d59J . � Mr. Soderhoim reminded the Commission that Yung-Kang Lu, as the Commission's liaison to the public art ptanning process, reported at the last meeting that the "Percent for Public Art" ordinance was in a draftform and might be submitted to the City Counci[ for consideration soon, The Commission asked for more informaEion about it and staff offered to provide it at this meeting. Unfortunately, rteither of the two planners who have been invotved in the process was available, so Mr. Soderholm asked Josh Williams to bring the draft ordinartce to the Gommission today., Josh was at the most recenz meeting of the Ci 'ry stafF'working group, but he doesn'thave much background on the whole issue. - � C� � Recorde and prepared by Sonja Butler, Planning Commission Secre �en�, planning and ficonomic Development Dep Ciiy of Saint Paul � guHet\Fleming�Decembel 19, 20�8 �/Z/�� � ppproved f �D te) 1 �--- ,��� Mari�yn orter mission Secretary of the Planning d1 ��� • RP�.,PCtfullv submitted, D9-a � ( • MtiVUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, December 71, 2pp8 _ 3:30 p,m. C�tY Councii Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hat! and Court �iouse 15 Wesf Ketlogg BQylevard PRESENT: Aiton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton EXCUSED: Donneily-Cohen and Johnson STAFF: Patricia James, Caroi Martineau, and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Church of Sf. Andrew Kim (Emiiy program� _ 08-201-656 - Rezoning from RM1 Multiple-Famity Residential to TN 2-Traditional Neighborhood, 1465 Cleveland Ave N, between Hertdon & Buford Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of a James also stated District 12 recommended approval, and there was one letter in su pproval for the rezoning Patricia oPPasition. pport, and no letters in Dirk Miller, the appficant, explained the purpose of the Emify Program and wh ihe went on to say there would eventually be approximately 60 full and part time em lo ees. explained that they treat patients from 13 to 65 years of age; although no one younger than 16 ye s old would stay at the facility, P Y Mr. Miller a(so • exp a ed Em P ogram rsow a Anaa Wes�n H useaa�d thatH has be n uge asset to the community. Most clients come from Minnesofa; a few will come from out-of-state. Mr. Miller, the applicant, stated they have a medical provider on-site twenty-four hours a day and they Work . principaliy with Fairview Riverside Hospital, along with ali the major hospitals. He also stated the program could accommodaYe mafe as weli as female residents. Jae Kelly, 2650 University Ave., stated he was in support of the program. There is a need for more resources like this for people with eating disorders. The Emi(y Program is a good neighbor. Eric Galaiz, 9472 Raymond Ave. stated he supported the program, provided the City required a site plan review, wh]ch he understands wil! be required by staff in the Department ofi Safety and Inspections. He aiso submitted a ietter for the record. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Richard Kramer moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Carols �aricy seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by; �u�mitted by q �� � pproved by: �—_�3� "_ d ^ � ,/i y>- � � arol Martineau Patricia James -� ecordin Secreta Gladys orton g �l Zoning Sectron Chair DEPARTMENT OF PLANNMG & ECONOMIC DEVEL04MENT Cecrle Bedor �irector Q Q J —�� � CITY OF SA1NT' PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor L� � December 23, 2008 25 West Fourth Streel Telephone: 651-166-6700 SaintPaut,MN55/02 � Facsim+le:651-228-3220 Church Of Saint Andrew Kim The Emily Program 1850 Miss River B1vd S Attn: Ms Lindsay-Brown St Paul MN 55116-2644 2265 Como Avenue St Paul MN 55108 RE: Zoning File # 08-201-656, Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program) Dear Rev. Paul C. H. Lee: On November 12, 2008, you applied to rezone property at 1465 Cleveland Ave N. After a public hearing by the Saint Pau! Pfanning Commission's Zoning Committee on December 11, 2008; the Commission voted to recommend approvai recommended of your request on December 19, 2008. � The Planning Commission's recommendation is being fiorwarded to the CiCy Councii for their action. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that all city action on zoning applications be compieted within 60 days of the date the application is made; but ailows the City to extend this period for an additional 60 days (total of 120 days). In order to accommodate the City Council public hearing on your rezoning, which is also required by state {aw, the City of Saint Paut is hereby extending the deadiine for action from January 11, 2009, (original 60 day deadline) to March 12, 2009 (additional 6� day deadline). The City Council public hearing on this rezoning has been scheduled for January 21, 2009. Please contact me at 651-266-6639 or patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions. Sin, rely, . � Patricia James City Planrier cc: File# 08-201-656 Zoning Administrator License Inspector District 12 Community Council AN AFF3RIv3ATSVE ACTTON EQ13AL OPPORTUNiTY EMPLOYER o9-�3i St Ant6ony Park Community Conncil/Disttict cz Sqo Cxomwell Avenue. Saint Paul, � SSIi4 6 5 1 � 6 49 - 599 2 '� 651�649-5993 F^X R'R'wsapcc.org Novembet 17, 2008, Patricia James Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street, Suite 1400 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. James, ST. ANTHON ' `1 r E � ✓ 4 ��' DIS� I am writing to eacpress the support of the St. Anthony Pazk Community Council for the Emily Program's application to rezone the church properties at 1445 Cleveland. The Boazd of Directors passed the following resolution on November 13�': "The $APCC recorrimends approval of the Emily Program's request to rezone the St. Andrew Kim Church property from RMI to TN2. As part of the site plan review process, we recommend that the city look at the screening, circulation and Zighting issues in response fo n'eighbor's concerns. " � The SAPCC is excited to welcome the Emily Program's residential prograzn into the neighborhood. I send thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, `�� _ Renee Lepreau Community.Organizer • � Cc: Emily Progam, Councilmember Stark • o�-a �� n u Eric Galatz and Lisa Tiegel 1472 Raymond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Ms. Lindsay Brown The Emily Program 2265 Como Avenue Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 November 10, 2008 Re: Application for Rezoning of 1445, 1449, and 1465 Cleveland Avenue Deaz Lindsay: Enclosed is the executed Consent of Adjoining Property Owners for a Rezoning you requested. As we discussed on several occasions, we think The Emily Program is a good fit for the site and the neighborhood. We do, however have concerns about the existing condition of and use of the site; mostly relaring to the pazking lot, which we expect The Emily Program will address. Our consent to the rezoning of 1445, 1449, and 1465 Cleveland Avenue North from RM1 to TN2 to •, accommodate the redevelopment of that property from a church to a community residential facility for the treatment of eating disorders, with outpatient services, is based on our analysis of the St. Paul zoning ordinance, as set out below. If the proposed development does not conform our interpretation of the zoning ordinance, we may withdraw our consent. W e are asking only what the St. Paul Code of Ordinances requires, so we hope none of the following wil] be controversiai. SUMMARY The following is a suinmary of the conditions of our consent to the rezoning. A more detailed discussion of each condition follows. 1. No parking at 1456 Raymond Avenue. We appreciate that The Emily Program has not included 1456 Raymond Avenue in its application for rezoning and understand The Emily Program will remove the existing asphalt paved parking lot and use the site for a private garden. 2. Site Plan Review for 1445,1449, and 1465 Cleveland Avenue. In addition to rezoning, we expect that the City will subject the project to Site Plan Review, and require The Emily Program to comply with the Code requirements applicable to parking lots in TN-2 districts. 3. Access to the parking lo� We expect that the existing access to the Cleveland Avenue parking lot from the alley will be eliminated or substantially reduced. If the City permits The • Emily Program to use the alley for access at all, we expect the access will be one-way in and one-way out, with traffic directed to and from Buford Avenue. 5679359v1 a ��1-a31 � 4. Setbacks. Secrion 63.312 requires a 4-foot landscaped setback from the alley. + 5. Visual Screening. a. Ma�cimum height fence (6.5 feet) aiong fhe alley and up the norfh side of 1465 Cleveland, to screen headlights as much as possible. b. Because the slope of the site makes it virtually unpossible to. screen headligfits from second story bedroom windows with a fence, The Emily Program should be required to plant trees that will mitigate the headlights, in addition to the fence. c. The Emily Program's stated intent to conduct most of its visiting and out-patient business during ordinary business hours, with the only anticipated traffic at night being a shift change involviag two or three staff inembers coming and going azound 11:00 p.m. should be a condition of Site Plan Review approval. 6. Landscaping. We expect The Emily Program will be required to comply with Section 63314, which requires that "Iandscaping shall be provided to buffer the facility from adjacent properties and from the public right-of-way; reduce the visual glare and heat effects of large expanses of pavement; and provide areas for the retention and absorption of stormwater runoff." 7. Lighting. We expect The Emily Program will be required to replace the exisring unshielded pazking lot lighting with lighting that conforms with Section 63.116, which requires that outdoor lighting be "shielded to reduce glaze and shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent residentia] districts or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed three (3) � footcandles measured at the residence dish boundary" 8. Required Parking. The City should require The Emily Program to provide no more than the minimum pazking ailowed by the Code. Discussion The following is a more detailed discussion of the conditions the St. Paul Code of Ordinances imposes on the redevelopment of the property: 1. No parkmg at 1456 Raymond Avenue. We understand the City plamiing staff and The Emily Prograzn agree that the Code does not permit pazking for a commercial TN-2 use in an R district. We appreciaYe that The Emily Program has not includeti 1456 Raymond Avenue in iYs application for rezoning. We understand The Emily Program will remove the exisring asphalt paved paddng lot from 1456 Raymond Avenue and, in the short term, will plant grass or sod, with the Tong term plan of plantirig and using the site for a private gazden for its residents. 2. Site Plan Review for 1445, 1449, and 1465 Cleveland Avenue. In addition to rezoning, we expect that the City will subject the project to Site Plan Review, and require The Emily Program fo comply with the Code requirements applicable to pazking Yots in TN-2 dish Site Plan Review is required, and appropriate, because (1) The rezoning will allow The Emily Program to replace a Church, which generated traffic almost exclusively on Sunday mornings and Chrishnas Eve with a commercial use that will operate yeaz-round, 24 hours per day, 7 days per vzeek, and • (2) the renovarion will increase the gross square footage of the e�sting building. It is especially 5679359v1 b�.- ( • important to subject the project to site plan review because, once the property is rezoned, fhe uses The Emily Progtam proposes for the site are Permitted Uses and the development will not, therefore, be subject to further review as a Conditional Use. 3. Access to the parking lot. We expect that the existing access to the Cleveiand Avenue pazking lot from the alley will be eliminated or substantially reduced. The current parking lot is completely�open to the alley. a. T'he existing parking lot is not a lawful nonconforming use and should not be allowed to continue. Even if ttie existing lot was a lawful nonconforming use, The Emily Program will intensify the use from Sundays and Christian holidays to all day, every day commercial use. b. Code Section 63.310 prohibits access to a commercial parking lot from a residential alley "except where the applicant can establish, in the review of a site plan applicarion, that allowance of alley access wouid not create or aggravate an unsafe condition and one (1) or more of the following conditions exist: "(1) Alternatives to alley access are unsafe due to traffic volumes, traffic speeds, proximity to an intersection, steep slopes, a blind pedestrian crossing, or some other unsafe condition; • "(2) The location of existing shuctures on the property prohibits access to the street; "(3) A comprehensive plan or a neighborhood plan approved by the city council recommends that new off-street parking facilities be located in the rear of development sites or discourage additianal curb cuts or driveways across sidewalks; or "(4) The number ofparking spaces in the off-street parking facility is seven (7) or less." c. We understand (without conceding) that the City may determine that access from the alley does not "create or aggravate an unsafe condition" and access to and from Cleveland Avenue is unsafe. If the City makes that determination, the City should at least limit the number of openings into the alley. d. All pazking lot circulation should be restricted to the parking lot. The Emily Program plans provide two drive lanes perpendiculaz to the alley. To get from one lane to the other, a driver will have to use the alley for circulation. If the City allows access from the alley at all, the City should limit the access to one opening (or separate one way "in" and one way "ouY' openings) and require that ali circulation from parking space to parking space be contained within the property lines. e. Parldng lot access and egess should be restricted to Cleveland Avenue, If the City nevertheless allows access from the alley, alley access should come and go from the closest street, Buford Avenue. The City imposed this condition on Corpus Christi Church in the 1980s after the fact, when Corpus Christi tore down their rectory and bnilt the parking lot without p_e_rmits and without complying with then-cunent development standards. There is a"No Right • Turn" sign in the alley, facing the Cleveland Avenue parking lot. The configuration of the island between the parking lot and alley and additional signage should reinforce this requirement. This 5679359v1 C 5'- a 3 � condition should encourage traffic from outside the neighborhood to use Buford and Cleveland, � where a h light controls the intersection. .It also limits the burden of the additional traffic to the south end of the alley. The north end is already burdened by a nonconforming (and possibly unlawful) commercial parldng iot that backs directly into the alley. 4. Setbacks. Section 63.312 requires a 4-foot landscaped setback from the alley. 5. Visual Screening. Section 63313 requires that, in "off-street parking faciliries which adjoin or abut across an alley, a residenrial use or zoning district, a visual screen shall be provided and maintained as required in section 63.114, Visual screens." Section 63.114 requires a screen "of sufficient height and density to visually separate the screened activity from adjacent property." , a. The slope of the pazking lot is such that the head lights of a car at the east end of the site (near Cleveland Avenue) is at eye level with the second floor bedroom windows of the houses across the alley. While the property has been operated as a Church, this nuisance has been limited to occasional evening events. Once The EmiIy Program begins operafions, there will be cars coming and going for eazly evening progruns and late-night shift changes e� ni l t• b. The slope of the site makes it virtually impossible to screen the headlights completely with a consiructed screen unless The Emily Program builds up the west end of the site to level the pazking lot. We understand this may not be economically feasible. In the • altemafive, The Emily Program should be required to plant a landscaped screen that will mirigate the headlights, in addition to constructing an opaque screen around tha pazldng lot tq the maacimum allowed height, which is 6.5 feet. The screen should include the backyazd of 1465 Cleveland Avenue, which is a pazking area and access to a gazage under the existing residential structure on that property, which shucture The Emily Program also proposes to convert to commercial use. c. The City could further mifigate the impact of headlights by imposing limits on hours of operarion. We understand that The Emily Program intends to conduct most of its visiring and out-patient business during ordinary business hours, with the only anticipated traffic at nighY being a shift change involving two or three sYaff meanbers coming and going around 11:00 p.m. Those lunits should be a condition of Site Plan Review approval. 6. Landscaping. Section 63314 requires that "landscaping shall be provided to buffer the facility from adjacent properties and from the public right-of-way; reduce the visual glaze and heat effects of large expanses of pavement; and provide areas for the retention and absorprion of stormwater runoff." As discussed above, the landscaping should include trees that can be expected to g�ow to twenty feet ar more to block head lights into the second stories of the homes across the alley. 7. Lighting. Section 63.116 requires that "All outdoor Iighting in ail use disiricts, incIuding off- street pazking facilities, shall be shielded to reduce glaze and shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from aIl adjacent residential districts or adjacent residences in sucfi a way�as not to • exceed three (3) footcandles measured at the residence distaict boundary" and "All lighting in all 5679359v1 �� �,� r • districts used for the external illuznination of buildings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent property." The existing parking lot is lit by unshielded flood lights mounted on the side of the building, which shine in the eyes of drivers in the aliey and into the residential backyards. We expect The Emily Program will be required to replace the exisring lighting with lighring that conforms with the zoning ordinance. 8. Required Parking. The City shouid require The Emily Program to provide no more than the minimum parking allowed by the Code. a. The Emily Program proposes to provide a residential ireatment center for 16 residents and related office uses in about 8000 square feet of space in the Church building and another 2100 square feet in the residential structure at 1465 Cleveland Avenue. b. Section 66341 allows parking for a maximum of 10% more than Chapter 63 requires, and for properties fronting on a transit street, such as Cleveland Avenue, allows a 25% reduction of parking requirements. c. Chapter 63 requires one parking space for every 2 residents in a residential treatment facility and 1 space for Z50 square feet of office space. • The most pazking The Emily Program is required to provide is, therefore: (16/2) + (8000 + 2100)/250 = 8 + 10,100/250 = 8 + 44 = 49 cars The least pazking The Emily Program is required to provide is, therefore: 49x0.75=37. In light of the facts that the bus stops in front of the building and many of the staff inembers also work at 2265 Como Avenue and can pazk there and either walk or carpool between the facilities, we strongly recommend that The Emily Program provide the minimum parking required. CONCLUSION According to Section 66.313, the intent of TN-2 zoning "is to foster and support compact, pedestrian-oriented commercial and residential development that, in turn, can support and increase transit usage. It encourages, but does not require, a variety of uses and housing types, with careful attention to the amounzt and placement ofparking and transitions to adjacent residential neighbarhoods." We support the proposed rezoning from RM-1 to 1'N-2 because we support the higher density, transit oriented goals TN zoning intends to support and we think The Emily Program fits well with TN goals. Our support depends on The Emily Progam complying with TN development standards. . 5679359v1 � r1 LJ For your convenience, I axn attaching my Zoniag Analysis, with copies of the relevant Code sections • � Sb79359v1 o���� � The Emily Project Zoning Analysis Assumptions • � Exisring zoning: Existing Use: Proposed zoning: Proposed Use: RM-1. Church TN-2 Community Residenrial; licensed human service Residential treahnent center for 16 residents Out pafient treatment Reason for rezoning: The proposed Community Residential use is a condirional use in the existing RM-1 district and offices for outparient treahnent are not allowed Effect of rezoning: Improvements Existing Improvements Exisring in the existing district at all. Both proposed uses will be permitted uses. Other uses that are conditional uses in the RM-1 district and are permitted in the TN-2 district include: Roominghouse, boarding house; Hospice; Dormitory; and Fratemity, sorority Other uses that are not permitted at all in the RM-1 district and are condirional uses in the 1'N-2 district include: Commercial Offices, generally; Medical Offices, generally; Retail, generally; Restaurant; Brew pub; Tattoo shop; and Tobacco shop The existing improvements consist of (1) a 8865 square foot, wood framed, stone clad church building, with a first floor sanctuary and below grade meeting rooms, classrooms, and offices, and (2) an asphalt paved parking lot that slopes from Cleveland Avenue to a north-south public alley. There is no landscaping, screening curbs, or other barriers between the a11ey and the parking lot. The property on the west side of the alley is zoned R-3. The existing parking lot is nonconforming and is not a legal nonconforming use. The existing pazking lot was expanded in or azound 1988 without permits and without conforming with then-current zoning ordinances. Current nonconformities include (1) lack of visua] screening between the parking lot, the residential properties to the west, (2) access from the alley to the parking, and (3) unshielded exterior lighting that shines outside the property lines. 5679359v1 ��(-�3i � Proposed The developer proposes to expand the finished floor azea of the exisring building by constructing a second floor within the existing sanctuary to accommodate 16 bedrooms. ° Code Analysis 1. Because We proposed uses are permitted uses after rezoning, the only approval required other than rezoning will be site plan review: Sec. 61.402. Site plan review (all districts). (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plaK shall be submitted_to and approved by the planning commission before a pernut is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement ofgross floor area for any development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: (4) Any development in a TN distric� (10) All off-streetparkingfacilities except as noted in section 63.202. Sec. 63.302. Site plan review. A site plan shall be submitted for review as outlined in section 6I.402. In addition, the • following shall be submitted: (a) , Qwnership of a11 lots or parcels intended for use as pazldng; (b) Indication of structures or facilities to be served by the off-street parking facility; and (c) Location and direction of drainage for stormwater runoff. 2. Access from the alley to the parking lot is prolubited. See. 63310. Entrances and exits. Adequate entrances and eacits to and from the pazlang facility shal] be provided by means of clearly defined and limited drives. ( fl Alley access from nonresidential property. Enh and e7cits to and from all off- street pazking faciliries which are locateii on land in nonresidential zoning dish and which abut residenrially zoned land across an alley shall be denied a1Tey access except , where the applicant can establish, in the review of a site plan application, that allowance of alley access would not create or aggravate an unsafe condition and one (1) or more of the following conditions elcist: (1) Alternatives to alley access are unsafe due to traffic volumes, traffic speeds, proximity to an intersection, steep slopes, a blind pedestrian crossing, or some other unsafe condition; (2) The locafion of existing structures on the property prohibits access to the street; • 5679359v1 o�-��� � (3) A comprehensive plan or a neighborhood plan approved by the city council recommends that new ofF street parking facilities be located in the rear of development sites or discourage additional curb cuts or driveways across sidewalks; or (4) The number of pazking spaces in the off-street parking facility is seven (7) or less. 3. Site plan standards require a landscaped setback from the alley and visual screening. Sec.63312. Setback. Except as otherwise provided in section 66. 442{c) or section 66.431(b) off=street parking spaces shall not be within a required front or side yard and shall be a minimum of four (4) feet frnm any lot line. ... Sec. 63313. Visual screening. For off-street parking facilities which adjoin or abut across an alley, a residential use or zoning district, a visual screen shall be provided and maintained as required in section 63.114, Visual screens. Sec.63314. Landscaping. . For any parking facility, other than a parking garage, landscaping shall be provided to buffer the facility from adjacent properties and from the public right-of-way; reduce the visual glare and heat effects of large expanses of pavement; and provide areas for the retention and absorpfion of stormwater runoff. All required yards and any underdeveloped space shall be landscaped using materials such as trees, shrubs, sod or groundcover plants. Any landscaped area shall be planted and maintained in accordance with section 63.115, Landscaping and plant materials. All parking and loading areas (including drive-through facilities, outdoor auto sales and rental, pump island service areas and stacking spaces) adjoining public streets or sidewalks shall provide: (a) A landscaped yard at least 4 feet wide along the public street or sidewalk. If vehicles may overhang the yard, an additional three (3) feet of width shail be provided. (b) In all districts except industrial districts, screening shall be provided consisting of a masonry wall or decorative fence (not including chain link) supplemented with landscape material, forming a screen a minimum of three (3) feet in height, a masimum of four and one-half (4 1/2) feet in height, and not less than 50 percent opaque. (c) In addition to perimeter landscaping, pazking lots for more than fifty (50) cars shall contain planted islands. As a minimum, one (1) square foot of landscaped area shall be provided for every ten (10) square feet of paving. (d) A fast-food restaurant that is not part of a retail strip centet shall provide, as a minimum, one and one-half (1.5) square feet of landscaped area for every ten (10) square feet of paving. • Sec.63.318. Lighting. 5679359v1 � a��, All pazking facilities shall be illuminated to a level to a11ow safe, secure access to the • pazking facility and within it. Light fixtures on the top level of pazking struchues shal� be set back from the edge so tkat they are not visible from fhe adjoining street. AlT parking facility illumination shail conform to the provisions of section 63.116, exterior lighting. TN2 Development Standards 63.110 General Design Standards. 66343 (b)(21} Parking lot lighting. Pedeshian-scale lighting shall be provided within pazking azeas. Light standazds shall be nine (9) to twelve (12) feet in height and have a downcasf glow. Sec. 63.114. Visual sereens. (a) Wherever a visual screen is required by Yhis cocie, it shall be of sufficient height and density to visually sepazate the screened activity from adjacent property. The screen may consist of various fence materials, earth berms, plant materials or a combination thereof. (b) Whenever visual screens aze required, for the uses below, the following sfandazds shall apply. (1) Height regulations; TABLE TNSET: Use Minitnum Height Masimum Height Off-street pazking 4 ft. 6 in. 6.5 ft. Outdoor storage 6 ft. -- Recycling drop-off sYarion 6 ft. -- Recycling collection center 6 ft. -- Recycling processing center 8 ft. -- Mator vehicle salvage operation 8 ft. -- Hospital, ambulance and delivery areas 6$. 8.0 $. Utilitybuilding, stations and substarions 6 ft. 8.0 ft. Sec, 63.116. Exterior lighting. (a) AlI outdoor Iighting in all use districts, including off-street pazking faciIities, sha1I be shielded to reduce glare and sha�l be so arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent residential distr'tcts or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed three (3) footcandles measured aY fhe residence district boundary. (b) All lighting in all districts used for the extemal illumination of buildings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision ofpersons on adjacent highways or adjacent property. (c) Illmnination of any other outdoor feahue shall be maintained statio�ary and constant in intensity and color at all tisnes when in use. Sec, 63.202. Site plan required. • C� 5679359v1 oy��� • A site plan approved by the planning commission shall be required for the establishment of a new off=street parking facility, for the paving of an unimproved off-street parking facility and for the repaving of an off-street pazking facility whose existing paved surface is removed. These facilities shall meet all standards and regulations for parking faciliries and site plans contained in this zoning code, and ali paving shall require a buitding pennit pursuant to chapter 33 of the Legislative Code. A site plan shall not be required when a new coating is applied over an existing paved surface. Site plans for one- to four-family dwellings may be approved by the zoning administrator. Sec. 62.108. Change of tenancy or ownership. There may be a change of tenancy, ownership or management of any existing nonconforming uses of land, stnxchues, and premises and nonconforming structures with conforming uses provided there is no change in the nature or character of such nonconforming use or structure. 4. Parking CANNOT exceed 48 spaces; may be reduced to 33 i/2 x 16 Residents = S 1 space per 250 sq. ft. GFA; 8865 sf = 35 spaces Sec. 66.341. Required conditions in TNl--TN2 traditional neighborhood districts. (a) Amountofparking. • (1) The minimum amount of required parking shall be as specified in 63. (2) The maximum amount of surface parking shall not exceed the specified minimum by more than ten (10) percent or two spaces, whichever is greater. If additional parking is desired, it must be placed underground, within an enclosed building, or in a tuck-under garage. (3) For properties having frontage on a transit street, as defined, the minimum amount of required off-street parking for nonresidential uses, as specified in chapter 63, may be reduced by up to twenty-frve (25) percent. • 5679359v1 �-a� I Our consent to the rezoning of 1445 Cieveland Avenue North from RMl to T'N2 to accommodafe the redevelopment of that property from a church to a coinmunity residential facility for the treatment of eating disorders, with outpatient services, is bas,ed on our analysis of the St. Paul zoning ordinance, as set out below. If St. Paul Planning and Economic Development staff does not confirm our interpretation of the zoning ordinance, we may withdraw our consent. Assumptions Existing zoning: Existing Use: Proposed zoning: Proposed Use: RM-1. Church T'N-2 Community Residential; licensed hutnan service Residentiat treatment center for 16 residents Out patient treahnent Reason for rezoning: The proposed Community Residentiai use is a conditionat use in the existing RM-1 district and offices for outparient treahnent are not allowed in the existing district at all. Effect of rezoning: Both proposed uses will be pernutted uses. Improvements Existing Other uses that are condirional uses in the RM-1 dishict and are permitted in the TN-2 districY include: Roominghouse, boazding house; Hospice; Dormitory; and Fratemity, sorority Other uses tha! are not permitted at all in the RM-1 district and are condifional uses in the'I'N-2 district include: Commercial Offices generally; Medical Offices, generally, Retaii, generally; Restaurant; Brew pab; Tattoo shop; and Tobacco shop _ The existing improvements consist of (1) a 8865 square foot, wood framed, stone clad church building, with a first floor sanctuary and below grade meeting rooms, classrooms, and offices, and (2) an asphalt paued pazldng lot that slopes from Cleveland Avenue to a north-south public. alley. There is no landscaping, screening, curbs, or other barriers between the alley and the pazking lot. The pzoperty on the west side of the alley is zoned R-3. The exisring pazking lot is nonconforming and is not a legal noncanfarming use. The existing parld"ng 1ot was expandad in or around 1988 without pernuts and without conforming with then-current zoning ordinances. � u • 5679359v1 t��-a�� � Improvements Existing Proposed The developer proposes to expand ehe finished floor azea of the existing building by construcring a second floor within the existing sanctuary to accommodate 16 bedrooms. Code Analysis 1. Because the proposed uses are permitted uses after rezoning, the only approval required other than rezoning wfll be site plan review: Current nonconformities include (1) lack of visual screening between the parking lot, the residential properties to the west, (2) access from the alley to the pazking, and (3) unshielded exterior lighting that shines outside the property lines. Sec. 61.4Q2. Site plan review (all districts). (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plan shall be submitted ta and approved by the planning commission before a permit is issued for grading or the erecrion or enlargement ofgross floor area for any development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: • (IO) All off-street parking faciliries except as noted in section 63.202. Sec. 63.302. Site plan revierv. A site plan shall be submitted for review as outlined in seetion 6I.402. In addition, the following shall be submitted: (a) Ownership of all lots or parcels intended for use as parking; (b) Indication of all structures or facilities to be served by the off=street parking facility; and (c) Location and direction of drainage for stormwater runoff. (4) Any development in a TN district. 2. Access from the alley to the parking lot is prohibiYed. Sec. 63.310. Entrances and exits. Adequate entrances and exits to and from the pazking facility shall be provided by means of clearly defined and limited drives. • ( fl Alley access from nonresidential property. Entrances and exits to and from all off- street parking faci2ities which aze located on land in nonresidentia] zoning districts and which abut residentially zoned land aeross an alley shall be denied alley access except where the applicant can establish, in the review of a site plan application, that aliowance of ailey access would not create or aggravate an unsafe condition and one ( i) or more of the following conditions exist: 5679359v1 � �`1-�31 (1) Altemarives to alley access are unsafe due to traffic volumes, traffic speeds, , proximify to an intersection, steep slopes, a blind pedestrian crossing, or some other unsafe condition; (2) The ]ocation of existing struchues on the property prohibits access to the street; (3) A comprehensive plan or a neighborhood plan approved by the city council recommends that new off-street pazking facilities be located in the rear of development sites or discourage addifional curb cuts or driveways across sidewalks; or (4) The number of pazking spaces in the off-street parldng facility is seven (7) or less. 3. Site plan standards require a Iandscaped setback from tHe alley and visual screening. Sec.63.312. Setback. Except as othenvise provided in secrion 66. 442(c) or section 66.431(b) off-street parldng spaces shall not be within a required front or side yard and shaU be a minimum offour (4) feet from any lot line. ... Sec. 63.313. Visuat screening. For off-street pazking facilities which adjoin or abut across an alley, a residential use or • zoning districY, a visual screen shall be provided and maintained as required in section . 63.114, Visual screens. Sec. 63314. Landscaping. For any pazking facility, other than a pazking garage, landscaping shall be provided to buffer the facility from adjacent properties and from the public right-of-way; reduce the visuai glare and heat effects of large expanses of pavement; and provide areas for the retenrion and absorption of stormwater runoff. All required yards and any underdeveloped sgace shall be landscaped using materials such as trees, shrubs, sod or groundcover plants. Any landscaped azea shall be planted and maintained in accordance with section 63.115, Landscaping and plant materials. All parking and loading azeas (including drive-tbrough facilifies, ontdoor auto sales and rental, pump island service azeas and stacking spaces) adjoining public streets or sidewalks shall provide: (a) A landscaped yazd at least 4 feet wide along the public street or sidewalk. If vehicles may overhang the yazd, an additional three (3) feet of width shall be provided. (b) In all districts except industdal districts, screening shall be provided consisting of a masonry wall or decorarive fence (not including chain link) supplemented with landscape material, forming a screen a minimum of three (3) feet in height, a maximum of four and one-haIf (4 1/2) feet in height, and not Iess tYian 50 percent opaque. (c) In addition fo perimeter landscaping, parking Iots for more than fifty (50) cars shall contain planted islands. As a minimum, one (1) square foot of landscaped area sha�l be provided£or every ten (10) squaze feet ofpaving. • 56793S9v1 �-:�i i (d) A fast-food restaurant that is not part of a retail strip center shall provide, as a minimum, one and one-half {1.5) squaze feef of landscaped area for every ten (IO) squaze feet of paving. � Sec.63.318. Lighting." All pazking facilities shall be illuminated to a level to allow safe, secure access to the pazking faciliry and within it. Light fixtures on the top level of pazking structures shall be set back from the edge so that they aze not visible from the adjoining street. All parking faciliry illumination shall conform to the provisions of section 63.116, exterior lighting. TN2 Development Standards 63.110 General Design Standards. b6343 (b)(21) Parking tot lighting. Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided within pazking azeas. Light standards shall be nine (9) to twelve (12) feet in height and have a downcast glow. Sec. 63.114. Visual screens. (a) Wherever a visual screen is required by this code, it shall be of sufficient height and density to visually separate the screened activity from adjacent property. The screen may consist of various fence materials, earth berms, plant materials or a combination thereof. (b) Whenever visual screens are required, for the uses below, the following standards shall apply. • (1) Heightregulations: TABLE INSET: Use Minimurs Height Nfalcimum Aeight Off-street parking 4 ft. 6 in. 6.5 ft. Outdoor storage 6 ft. -- Recycling drop-off station 6 ft. -- Recycling collection center 6 ft. -- Recycling processing center 8 ft. -- Motor vehicle salvage oper�tion 8 ft. -- Hospital, ambulance and delivery areas 6 ft. 8.0 ft. Utility building, stations and substarions 6 ft. 8.0 ft. Sec. 63.116. Exterior lighting. (a) All outdoor lighting in all use districts, including off-street parking facilities, shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent residential districfs or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed three (3) footcandles measured at the residence district boundazy. • (b) All lighting in all districts used for the extemal illumination of buiidings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent haghways or adjacent property. 5679359v1 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT ���� � . • • 1. FILE NAME: Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program) 2. APPLICANT: Church of St. Andrew Kim 3. l'YPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning - Consent FILE #: 08-201-656 HEARING DATE: December 11, 2008 4. LOCATION: 1449-1465 Gleveland Ave N, between Hendon & Buford 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 202923140116, 202923140a 17; ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOT 4 BLK 16; ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOTS 5 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 16 6. PLANNWG DISTRICT;12 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: § 66.313; § 66.321; § 61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: December 1, 2008 EXISTING ZONING: RM1 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEIVED: November 12, 2008 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: January 11, 2009 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM1 Multiple - Family Residentiai to TN 2=7raditionai Neighborhood. B. PARCEL SIZE: 230 ft(Cleveland) x 150 ft. (Buford) = 34,500 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Church, rectory, and parking lot D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Student housing (RM1) East: University of Minnesota campus (City of Falcon Heights) South: Commercial uses (B2) West: Single family residentiai (R3) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.313 provides the intent of the TN2 zoning district; § 66.321 lists the principal uses permitted in traditionai neighborhood districts; §61.801(bj: provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. FfISTORYiDiSCUSStON: A site pian for the parking lot was approved in 1990 (Site Plan File # 1698) G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 12 Council has recommended approval. H. FINDINGS: 1. The Church of St. Andrew Kim owns the properties that are the.subject of this application as well as a lot across the alley from the main site that is also currently used for parking. The Emily Program, a treatment program for people with eating disorders, seeks to purchase the property and convert the church buiiding to a community residential facility for sixteen (16} residents, with licensing from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. They also wish to use the building for offices and outpatient treatment. Re-use of the rectory/parsonage building is stiN in the planning stages. While the Emily Program plans to purchase the smaller parking lot across the aHey, they intend to convert the lot to open space. This small lot is zoned R3 and could not be used as parking for the proposed use. It is therefore not a part of this application. 2. The existing zoning (RM1) cannot accommodate the proposed uses for office and outpatient services, although the community residential facility is permitted in the RM1 district subject to approvai of a conditional use permit. The TN2 zoning district is intended to foster a variety of uses such as those proposed by the Emily Program. TN2 zoning is also consistent with the way this area has developed, v�nich inciudes a mix of residential densities, commercial development, and the institutional campus use across - Cleveland. Community residential facilities are permitted in the TN2 district without a conditional use permit as long as all the applicable conditions are met. The proposed fiacitity fior 16 residents meets alI of the applicable conditions of § 65.153. Zo�ing File # 08-201-656 Zoning Committee Staff Report � Page 2 of 2 Oc� _ 3. .The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan • (2002) supports compatible mixed uses within single buildings (Policy 5201). The proposed reuse of the church building is consistent with the 2008 District 12 plan, which supports adaptive reuse of historic buildings. 4. The proposed zoning is compafible with the B2 zoning to the south and the University campus across Cleveland in Falcon Heights. Uses permitted in the TN2 district are similar to residential uses permitted in the RM9 Multipte Family Residential district and generally similar to commercial uses permitted in the BZ Community Business district. Revisions fo tfie parking lot wiil be reviewed through the site plan review procesa to address the impact of the new use on adjacent properties, especially the single family properties across the atley to the west. 5. Because of the mix of uses in the area, rezoning this property to TN2 would not eonstitute "spot zoning," i.e. it wouid not establish a use classificafion inconsisfenf wifh the surrounding uses and create an island of nonconforming use within a larger zoned district. 6. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on November 17, 2008: 16 parcels eligible; 11 parcels required; 12 parcels signed. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION; Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of ffie rezoning from RM1 Multipie-Famiiy Residential to TN 2 Tradifional Neighborhood. • � ��-a�j � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZQNING CODE Departmeni of PLanrzing and Economic Developmeni Zoning Section 1400 Cuy Ha11 Anner 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaul MN55702-I634 (651)266-6589 � �� 1 PropertqOwner T�nP_ Chu+-c4, o� �-�• }��rew -�'.m Address 1�4,r7,�1`4'i� ���? �,rNea[u'tr� �cvPJnu.2 {�or�klti. APPLICANT City S�-.pa.�+Q. St Zip 55tog DaytimePhone (e5l•428•q��o3 PROPERTY LocnTTarr Contact Person (if different) l'end� « L�rou�r� Phone 4�5t. �"1°t � lv 13'O Address/LocationlN'is r��evetant� \+-1"c�l C1�e.vPlax�� 1�-}6�i C;Leurlan.t�. LegalDescripfion \.015 yk�5 1�\oc� 1�� SF�. ltv��hvvw �a.vk. Nv�K. ��m4{ Cn�,�.nhu , 1ul�r�rr_so�e� CurrentZoning 1�Mt (attach a�onal shee necessary) TO TBE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC7L: Pursnant �fo Section 61.800 of the Saiat Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statues, .'�YL�2. ��nu,rr� r,-� S4 Y�Yt� , owner af land proposed for rewning, hereby pefirions you tn rezone the above drscri6ed property from a ��l � zuning district to a�p.4 'L zoning district, for the purpose of: �Th� �mi1� �vncJrart-� �vV•�idi�q t`�eSic�C.n� v-ro�+ ow�pafitY. - �veak - r - n - e� - .�'o� C`��ev�ks v�-�ti.. e P�.�SDr"C}�es$ . {iL1i31'l�ik7 (aftach additional sheets if necessary) • Attack�ments as reqnired: �Site PIan�Consent Petition� Affidavit 1E�P 1 .� �U�� BY:� ,�. �c,� ��� �f-==r��-� Fee Owner of Property L Title: /"���a, �,._,.s JESSlE LEE Tq QR _ = Notary Pu61io Minnesota "" My Commission Expires January 31, 2093 Page 1 of __ Subscrihed and sworn to before me � �y -� 31 CI�'Y OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVTT OF PETTITONER FOR A REZONING STATE OF Ti4IlVNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAiYISEY ) �.�.� The petitioner, C�GLr��� !�' L°� -2._�-- being frrst duly swom, deposes and sfates that fhe consent petition cantains s b�natures of the owners of at least two-thirds (2l3j of atI eligibie properties . within 100 fee± of the subject progerty described in the patition and all progerty contiguous to the subject property that was owned, piuchased, or soId by ttie getitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of ihe petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition mvst contain signatures from each and all o'wners of jointly-awned groperty in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invali,date the consent pefition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signature aze the true and correct signatures of each and alI of the parties so described. � � � �/f��-� �- NAlVIE ���d �'/ 'S'�i �r �o: �u cs— ��v � -��� ADDRESS 6 �r� — .Z–�— 2Z TF.7.F NFJMBER � Subscribed and o to 6efore me this � day of 1�����_, 20�. � JESSfE LEE TAYLOR Notary Publio Minnesoia . '. My Commission Exp(res January 31. 2013 .. IO-01 . .� ` - � �r a� j • `'� . The �milp program Perzonalized treatment (or eatine disarders Department of Human Services P.O. Box 64837 St. Paul, NIN 55164-0837 O 2ao E. S uperior StreeG Suite 204 Duluth, MN 55802 Fa=: (2ta) 722-StBa Julie Reger Licensing Division CJ r1 L.J July 14, 2008 RE: Emily Prograzn Rule 36 Residential License Application Dear Ms. Reger, 2265 Como Ave- � St. Paal, MN 55103 - F�: (551) 379-5276 o Mna Westin House , 112057 $tone Creek D.rve Chaska, MN 55318 Fax� (952) 448-5642 Per our phone conversation last week,_ please find enclosed our application for Rule 36 licensure for our Eating Disorder Structured Living Program {EDSLP). As you indicated we could do, we are submitting this applicafion for licensute without policies and procedures, pending the development pf new policies and procedures by the Program staff related to the new EDSLP licensure type under Rule 36. We will submit policies and procedures once they aze established by the Program staff. We appreciate your assistance with trus process. Please contact me with any questions at 651379.6133 or jillian(a�emilwrogsam.com. Sinc , Jillian Croll, PhD, RD; LD, MPH Director, Education, Reseazch, and Program Development Nitin Plione: (651) &:i `,-313 , .`s wiww'.emil r rain.com`- U� -a3� � State of Minnesota Department of Hnman Services ' . Division of Licerising _ Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245A (Human Services Licensing Act) Minnesota Rules, parts 9520.0500 ti�rough 9520.Ob90 Application for Rule 36 licensure_ To operate nnder a variance for Intensive Residentisl Treatment {IItTS� and Crisis Stabilization {CS� • - 'f�tZ Address of program: : una� l� aA.�n, = 22t CiiX: . St faw( Tetepfione number: � � 1'�M1%YZ'l NLCFS�aba� E». � ly (� Gs�,w ' �hl f�45 �i ��i((.�' �rot yon hoId otleer pmgram/sereice Iicenses ra�.•-. — (�.s;t4.zKFsa.( f�»��y.awi ' Si }� �.:I� loo '3ca����w � State: . . Zip: Counry:_ �+�^� 55to$ ( �Fae num6er, ifapp[icabfe: . ' 3 Z3 CaSt . 3�t S2 Telephone number for conhc[ person: fi5c 3� 4:ts aed hy t]te Department of Hnman Se�vi� : i' S C(2�€t(�K� If yes, piease provide the riaine of the program, the license mm�ber, Iocatian and type of setvice on a separate sheet $aFe yon ever had a license denied or revoked? Yes No 3� .. - If yes, plaase provide the name of the program, the &cense number, location and type of service, and the date of the action on a separate sheet , 3pecific pro�ram information: E2{� l��sarder Sf�-..c(ic-�& (.a�:.,..� ta-oS+mH., Ua,nu..c� �F' II2TS CapaciTy �� Gender of ciients served (eircle): MaT" em Age range from: l� through 65 CS Capacity _ Gender of clients served (circle): Male Female Age range from: _ through . Note: Pursuant to lvlinnesota Statutes, section 245A.04, subdivision i, the application must be.made on the forms and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. The Licens'ing Aivision will not process an application before tlie application fee is paid. Send the applicatiori fee and your complefed application to: DHS.License—DepositCode 150 Initial LicenseApplicafion PO Box 64837 St Paut, IvIN 55I64-0837. �A3 �-F ��(�ZI��, �.w�L. 1�lasex a�nc[ �F�'S kas p.,p�oro�2� c. v�n t�n'� m L. r+� °` O 6-� �� y . o • N C� C J �l a3j n LJ Following the eheck list of requiremenfs, there are links to — or copies of— the reIevantMinnesota Rules and Statutes. Background Study Information I. Complete the enclosed Background Study Ozder Form and submit it with your completed license application packet. � 2. Wkien the Division of Licensing receives your application packet, you will be sent specific instructions and tools for submitting background studies. 3. Background studies are required for persons A, B and C,'below: A. The person who signs the license application. B. The person with the highest degree of decision-making authority over the program. C. Each staffperson who will have direct contact with persons served by the program before the staffperson has direct contact. � 4. Background studies for persons identified in A and B must be cleazed before a license is issued. Licensing laws and rules The following laws and rules are enclosed for your reference: A. Variance to Nlinnesota Rutes, oarts 6520.0500 to 9520.0694 (IZule 36) B. Minnesota STatutes, Chapter 245A "Human Services Licensing AcP' C. Minnesota Statutes. Chaoter 245C "Human Services BackgroLind Studies" D. Minnesoxa Statutes, sections 626557 and 626. 2"Vulnerable Adulu Act>" and Minnesota Statuces, section 626.556 "Reponing of Maltreatment of Minors Act° E. Minnesota Statutes. Chaorer 253B "Minnesota Commitment and Treaunent Act" . u Forms to.be completed and.submifted by all applitants . �-�3� � Applicatian grocess • Air applica6on will not be considered complete until all required information has been submitted and - determined to be in compliance with the laws'and rales. � •_ If an appiicaUon includes policies and procedures that are determined to be not in compliance with the applicable laws and rules, the application wiIt be considered incompiete and a tist of problems wiII be pro-vided to the applicant with instructions for correction. A time iimit for conection wifl be specifred. • Failure to submit a complete application within tha specified time will result in license denial and tlie license fee will be forfeited. • Withir�,-90 days after receipt of a comjileted application �whea everything has been submitted and determined to be in compliance), including all necessary approvals from other authorities, you will be informed whether your license application has been approved or denied. • If your license is denied, you will be informed at that time of your right to eontest the denial. • After a license is issued, the Licensing Division will conduct periodic licensing reviews, including unscheduled drop-in visits and complaint invesGgaUons. � Snbsequent annual fee . � Licenses are effective from Jan. i to Dec. 31 of each catendar yeaz. The appiication fee is. considered the license fee for the calendaz year in whieh the applica6on is approved. Licenses are re-issued anpually and license holders must submit.payment for the license when invoiced in order for their $cense,to remain effective. See fhe license fee schedule in Minnesota Statutes, section �45A.10: Requirements specific to applicants for a Rnle.36 variance • The foilowing lists iriclude required forms, policies azid repoits to be submitted �or the applicaYion to be considered complete. • Each item on the following lists must accompany the Application for Rule 36 Licensure_ • Return the checklists with the application, showing the.name or other identifier ofthe document that contains the xequired information, f,Rxamples of docmnent identifiers include "Policy azid Procedures Ivlanual, pagexs" or "Application attachment x'� • Keep a copy of the completed check list for your records. . • �.�� V1053NNIri 'IOVd 1S 9C°°-`"w!da � � . H1YlON '3Atl dNtll3A3�J 594t O� w�wK.u�=..q=nw�. 19V21`Jtld A11W3 3H1 w ��w.��.aa=��me� xn�n� ���➢� 3SflOH NI1S3M VNNV 3H1 �� —: w �.�.,. �. n �»,-,a �.�,o �.t� �..� � —��� � �� 0 • � --------------------------------- � 8A �M (�' �ga � � � tl1053NNIW 'l�Vd '15 mR � 9 � ny �" ' Q-/'� �,�j j � E_ � P. � w n' e wwy�� o H1MON '3Atl ONtll3A3l� S94t �� YVtl8908d AlIW3 3H1 � . � ��: a � � �� - . mn�n� _ �a 3SflOH NIlS3M VNNd 3H1 �� .�� F� z � � < < - r z 0 O 0 � U � N Nrc . 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' , '` z L: , C.. .i� ~ k ' .i `:C III �i � `k � � � — '.,l ust i `. Jr_jr . i ` %}L-: ' 'qt'. � . .it �`:l { � � LL r �.�.tr�3�.�i �.p.� fi` S', i A j , R. � LL p rc , w� � �p � � � U .� .�-. - � � .� - C� � • • � �� � � � Y ¢ • j ' . �. �F E � � .. �:F ! 7 � � k , : :. f ��� j'. ' . �a - ��� _1 � .. � �: o�-a�� � � Q i - ' F .E ` � t :�' /, � - - t � � 4 i , � S � �� � � � �� � � _ f � y • s R . � ._ � � � � �. � � � r� �J � ZOiVING PETITiON SUFFICIENCY CHECI� SHEET x�zo�r�rG scu� r;cuP � FIRST SUBMITTEA "���� DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: e � I tl�� • , PARCELS ELIGIBLE: �� , PARCELS REQUIRED: f I PARCELS SIGNED: �� � �� 1` � RESUBMITTED DATE PETITIOY RESUBLfITTED: DATE OFFIC[ALLY RECE[VED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: Da—a� i � a CHECKED BY: °6� ' DATE: � Q m �� 9♦ • Oq°�-�37 • . .: _ . � 9 orr s:�n4-fu�s .. . � : - . _ CZTY _OF 5AINT_PAU�;. , . _;: . � _ � � � : �NSEN'I`OF:AIDJOIN'ING.PROPERTY OWNERS FQR'A __. , . . . .. : - REZONIIV� . _ � - .. . : ... . . . ..: :- .-.. -:-� ---.-. ....:...---_- ... . :_ � - - --- - We, the unders oPued, otvriers of propecty within lA0"feet of tfie totai confie ons descript[on of reai as#ate owned, purchased, or sold by TfIE PE'ITITpNER within one yeaz preceding the dafe of tfiis petition aek�owledge thaf we ha've been presented witl� the followtng; �" - � 1__ Acopyofthepetitionof '"C4ii ��uxdh o �- � A- ,a' SL .. . . - (aame of pe6itioner) _ . ; . ' ' torezonetheproper[ylocatedat 144�s� 1�149� tKC�,S � C\euo� ' A#�.�ex� No✓�l� ' from a C� l zonind di�trict to a"YN Z zoning district;. and : �. - - 2. A cropy of sections 1., .1�31" through (�(� .�421 inciusive of.the Saint Paui Zoning Eode: A�e acknowledge'that we are aware of all of the usea permitted'in a TN 2' zoningdistrict, aad we are ac�are that any of fhese uses.can be established upo� Ciry. Cauncii approvat o€theRezohing. We hereby : consent to the rezoning af the property in the petition of ` ' .-, _-.._ .' The f`1-i �yc�, �-,� �,4 �,� '�rn to a TN 2... zoning distdct. _' .' . , Cna�ne of peti[ioner) ' : ' , � . VYe co�ssent to the appsoval of this rezoning as it was expIained to us. by the applicanf or his/her representafive. - : . ABDRESS OR PIN RECORD O'S�!NER -' SIGNATURE � DATE .: !u. .n.a/e� U..L�.. Ai / � . ,.i � . . . . . . �440 � t��i� .. � �.oy) i .� /� s s �- P �7'S� i ' . , ��y < � � . /�� : . � .: �:. ._ , �r 5. ��. . . � . � . a �-,�. :v�•.� GI.�I� k-� �en: .. � ^i�U�i��cl .� � � � �� -, °��°� . C�Err�Y �' ., . ' '. � '. y����- G'G�u�.�� , �, �i.� • - � n � � (n ' tV ' ��. . � : - � �1ri�_, :�� ����D�� ��'' _� � ' v �� � � / s ,_�� ;��_ � �� / a� ��2 � � �D`� '. 5�_/a� . �p ; � ' '�� : . . . . � .�. ��,. •�� .,�.� � . : k�{b� ��a :: o�.. `.� �� : N2e.st�eEk `: : . �h� `� �(�� � 1t -+�. Dg� ; : .� .. '� Tfiis petition_ shaIl irof l�e`considez o�cialIy filed untit 1he Iagse of seven (7} working days_ aftei;it is .. . . � received by_ the Pianning Division. _ Any signatoc of this _petition may withdraw h4s/her name:therefrom by . ' WritteIIreauestwiEhinthaftima_�` .- '.. . . . . . . ' -. . . � - ' � ' ' . ., " . ' . _ . . . _ . � t�'�—a� f _ � ,. . � o r� � � 0..P 5� g n Q-+u.� . CITY ; OF SAINT. PAUL .:.., .-. •' : Con2�d�nt San6ovn s - .. .. . . , - OF ADJOINING PR�PERTY OWNE • I�yo • t44t� I(1zs Ch�s.t�»t,e� �lan-N; RS FOR A . .. R�ZONII�IG . . ��F�o ��m,� � , ._ ... ....:..:..._:. ..: - _-.-_ : ......_. .-.-: _._--- - ��.., ...� _��:___ __ _ of property t�ithin 1{?O feet of tlie totai contiwans description of raai estate owned, purchased, or sold by `TH$ PEITTIpNER EyiThin one year preceding tlie date of this petition aeknowledge that we have been presented with t�e following: l. ticoQyofthepetitionof T�ne �huxeC� o � �}�r,r�er ��� t.-�� : (name of peEitioner) , , ' � ' to rezone the propezfy located at �yy5� 144q� ��!(0 5'('\�.;b\c�' �}�., e,nu ' Nov-44� ` ' from a 'M 1 zonind district to'a �PJ 2 zoning district; and : � 2. A copy of sections ( through (�I� .421 'inclusive of.the Saint Panl Zoning Code: We acknowledge that we are aware of all of the usea permitted'in a_TN 2' zoning districi, and we aze aware [hat any of ffiese uses.can be established upo� City. Councii approval o€theRezoning. We hereb'y coasent to the rezoning of the property in the peGtion of ` . The (`h�'-~^4* ^�' �k' ,�,� �.p � ��m tca a �N2 ioning distdct. . _ . (name of patitioner) '' ' ' , We consent to the appxovat "of'this rezoning as it was expIained to us_ by the applicant or _, his/her represenfafive: : ADDRESS OR PIN ' RECORD C1WNgR �'-' SIGNATUTtH ' DATE : l�A. _.....r.... c . . , � � , �'� .. /S� < • �� - C � 1'-li��; fL �.. k.�c1,� �li(t���s� . S�k� e �.._ � _. ger7 �.n� �s��.� � !i/! � . �►' ��I�'�/. � i(�B� � ED �� � _�� i 2a� �/..� �: a 7` -E? ' � "I�t�( � � _:.�>. C"` �lc'� hL��.'� ,���YG��' (J . _ . �'. � . ' . I. - � '.j t_.,�� vvECf . .. . . . _ i4 - .. ' . .. � . . . . ' . . . _ ._ ,._. , �... , . .. . . �. , .. . �— : ��� ����. . ��o: � 7 /� ��l�c t?,� ,''.1�9G�,�a?_ .; . �. � , .. . . . . - . �.,� �. ��.. . �, �;� . . . � t ., 7 �� : .� . . ; _ : � � _ � This pe[ition. shall not be'cbnsidered"as �o�ficially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days, after it is . . received by_ the Planning Division.. Any signator of this_petition may withdraw his/het na'me: therefiom by � .,,::+�n.. _.,,.,...,.«...:.�.:_ .,........._ . : . : . �-��� � ' � � ; : � . . . ` . . ' . _ ct OY[Qt�'1([„Q S19h14T1Ks 1 l. :O.i t7H IqJ..PL1C1.11_ ..." �'. �_'....' .' s . .:. :.� ' :. .: . '" - . _ � J - . _ : i : � . � {,auven £KkaGd p �. , . . . . : � �. � ��� ; - . • REZONNING� . .. � .. �: � � � : � We; the undezs a�ea, owners vi y� � 6vithin 1�0 feet of tiie total contiguous description of reai estate � . � owned, purchased, or sold by Tj� pE"F'grIpNER x bne year prece.ding the date of'tf�is petition aektZOwledge that we hava heen presenfed witfi the foIIowing: .. 1. tl copy of the petition of ��ni �h�� rrl. o �- ` C,� �A-.,,�' l,/�' �' '. . . . , .: : , � . - �. �name of peEiAoner) , . � ; . . . �' to rezone the properfy located at �y�� 1449 � ��4 � f\ � \ • `�u Nor=�lh " � . from a 'M l � . zdnind disttict to �a — 1"pJ 2. zoning ctistrict;. and : � . . - ' - ' ', 2. A copy of sections (�(., • 2�3 f'. through (y(e .'�2f 'inciusive of.tfie Saint Paul Zoning Code: � ' .' A�e acknowIedge'that we are aware of all of the uses permitted'in a TN 2�' � ��c[, and� we ' :. are a�are thaf any of fhese uses.can be established upon City. CouncIl approval o€theRezonisg. FVe hereby .' -- consent to the rezoning of Hie property in the peution of ' : _._ _ ,„. . � The f`�.; � r��, � G- . : +.n � zoning district. . . . � ' �r � tv a �N 2 . � . '. . . : � . (name of.pefitioPer} . ' � , ' . ; ' , . • .... We consent-to the apgxoval of��his rezoning as it was expIainect to by flie app}ic�ut oz _: his/her.reprASenta�ivs. � � . . . : . . . A' AIIDRESS OR PIN ' ' RECORD UWNER • ' - - . SIGNATURB ' DATE � : _ .`✓I� YLtA/ � Se�L At_/. � i re- 1 - - - . .: . 1U40 = : �; s,��.0 � � II �i�� � . ��� ��� �i�� . � ' ,'� ��� ,.. __ -._.�__� � � � � � �rd �;,.. . .. ��_ ( t� /� fa� - s = �— f� a�: .,. Ca y � -'� ( �o � ' . /: " ���Q . �� l� �� .:"..: �� . . . - � � ss� �i �� ����`-I'�:-. . �, .; ; �. . � ix��`.zoas � � : � _ . �.S���O � t ��i�:t j��o r . r. . ` ' :. . . : . . . ���rv�' � � ���add, � :t. �-G� Y. � � . � . : . � . . . . - . . : � - . � _ .. .. . - � _ - : _ . _� .. � Tfiis'pe[it�on-shall not be `considered `as �o�'f`ici'aIIy filed until the lapse of seven (7) wor(cing days after it is . . _ received by_ tho Planning Divisioa.. Any signatoc of this,petition may withdraw h}s/her naine:therefiom by . .. . � �41nCt8II LfAllES[ PJiE�71R t17at timB. -'� -- - - ' . -- . . ' . - - � . - - . . . . . - . 0 plop y c3 a 1 5 14N9 i'-i(c5 C r��e a.rt �ver�w Nov-4l� ' from a Y�l l" zonind district to a"T`N 2 zoning'district;,and : .. � 2. A copy of sections J through (�(o . 421 ' inclusive of.the Saint Paul Zoning Code: Vi�e acknowledge that we are aFUare of a11 of che uSes petmitted' in a TN 2' zo4ing district, and we aze ai�are thaf any of these uses.can be established upo� Ciry Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereb"y cansent ta the rezoning af the Property in the peption of ' -,- .. The f`�-iu.irr�. r-� �k. � cw, �m toa �N2 zoningdistrict. . . ' . (name of petitioner) �' ' : ' We coi�sent to the appsoval of this rexoning as if was expIained to us by the a�pIicant or his/her A3IDRESS ORPIN '' RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE ' DA'TE :. '�.. � � � . � .. � . .' � si�na r : �J . � " '. � . .� �. . � :. - _ �- : ` � � SAIl�FT. PAUL . ; . .; . . � : ! , -. . � �,{{. £ �l�zabe-I�G� }�cw�i-1-:. _ � � � �{y 3 � M,�d ��G PROPERTY OtiVNERS �'OR A . � , . _ 'ZONiNG �: I��3 � We, tfie undersigucu, owners oi property yvi[hin 100"feet of tlie total contio ous description of reai astate -. owned, parcbased, or sold hy THE PE`FPPIONER within one yeaz preceding the dafe of 'this petition " aeknowledge that we hava been presanted with the foIlowing: 1_ A copy of the petition of �C11e t�hi.i,reC� Q �- C,l- �}�n� t-e ��' c,:�' . . : (nazne of petitioner) . � . _' , ' , to rezone the erC lo ted t 4y '\�\ r� ' . �'1 • / . . /, � . L � �?�.3/ , . ' f �� ��. . !'a � ( � � ---�! O'� � �J : ° � _ _ . ����. �r:z��it�GL'� ��;�`��z z'��� ��; " � �; � , f`� .-;�I.: L*�. �� � �: : ,�.. � : .. , . . .. . Tbis petitibn. shall.irot be`considered as officially filed nntil the lapse of seven (7) working days, after zt is received b f. the Planning Divisiog.. A,iy signator of tfiis may withdmw his/her name;therefrom by �.._:�i,__.,_..,...x...:aL:_al_aa.__ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ' . .. - D� �a,� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING CONSENT PETTTION FOR A REZONING STATE OF NIINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEI� p t 2(c Y v � �- +-� ��- being fust duIy sworn, deposes and states that helshe is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes the parries described on the consenY petition are owners of the parcels of real esYate described immediately before each name, and that each of fhe parties described on the consent petition is an owner oi property wifhin i�`i feet of the snbject property descn'bed in t�e pe�tion and all properties contiguous to the subject pmperty that was owned, purchased or sold by the petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner, and the signahues aze the true and cosect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. .D � 26z V l, c u�. r=>' C�—�� NAME 2.2.G$ Co-v�.a. �✓F �7 I�F4�1`. I�otV "J�SfG� ADDRESS �5�.3��7. C¢ttt 'j'FT,RP NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me tlus �a day of i ���� , 20G� �A� � �� _�_ . • L1SA L CaRELL " Noiary Public-Minnesota m .+� MYCa'm4ssiafEZpi�gJen37.Za'i3 10/08 � � � �-/-� 3/ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING CONSBNT PETTT'ION FOR A REZONING STATE OF MIlVNESOTA) :SS C� ,F' P � z-,� .. `� NAME � 2u�� C�r���t,�, ��.P�,2.,r-�N Ss��s' ADDRESS � (� 51. 3��. �1� 0 TELEPHONE NUMBER COUNTY OF RAMSEI� i_tin� scz� 1� rl , being first duly swom, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petirion consisting of �_ pages; that affiant is informed and believes the parties described on the consent petition are owners of the parcels of real estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition zs. an ow*.ie: of property c=.�ithin ] 00 feet of the subject preperty desc?ibed in the petirion and all properties contiguous to the subject property that was owned, purchased or sold by the petiuoner within one (1) yeu preceding the date of the petation; that the consent pefition was signed by each said owner; and the signatures aze the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --t ��day of �L _. , 20� �� = � �'� C� _ . NOTARY PUBLIC `. -�:. LiBA L GRElL _ _' Nofaty Public-A�innesata � MyCanm'ssbnEx�rvresJan31�2Q 10108 � � j - '�� �?�- a�` � �. s�§ '� k kc� `�'a,����d'.� � � �' ,..�. � i ;_ y { t� ._�g "� ��,;,, a �. . , �1 . �$ }- {1 �'•w� t� ��rc' _ � I3 . "'�� ` � �� w;., � . �-1 �e ._� 7.�`-�. �� � `�-'-� . -, i . —..— - ?- . .me - — . �i" - . '.' el � -^ .- . . � :' . g .. . . ..a. . ..:a � :a a �:t.:� ' :. ✓,-..: � �. ��-a �i Zoning File # 08-201-656 Church of St. Andrew Kim (Emily Program) Page 2 . . • • Rectory at north end of site . -. . . ,.;+, Housing north of site �; � ° � `^"y 3 : �S� .. . . � �;;.-: �� � x � � �. i� r �� + �,.i % � � ��,..v�:� .,�, t .. / ',. f � ' i' �� t� � � _ '� ' _ '�� ,� � 1 R � < �. I`! _ - �,�.e n:K-°. �.ia.�v ... . �a+ �: .. itK$i�.1 .. m �.._ �'(;? i f-� -.. � i{�. 1 '�� � C � � � a5 { 4 3� � o�-a3� • r _ � CITIZEN PARTICIPATfO DIS RICTS V CITIZEN PARTICIPATION P�.ANNING DiSTRICTS i.SUNRAY=BkT?LECREcK�HI6HWOQD 2.GREATER EAST 5.IQE . 3.WEST SIDE _4.DAY70N'S SL.UFF S:PAYNE-PHkl.EN 6.NORTH END � � 7.THOMAS=DALC 8,SUMMIT-UNIUERSITY 9:WEST SEVENTH � a. cor�a .HAMLINE-MIDWAY � . T. ANTNONY � . .M�RRIAM PK.-LEXIN�TO�t NAMLINE ' �4..GROV€LAND=MACALEST�R- - 15.HIGHLAND 16:St1MMIT HILL - ] 7. DOWN7b41N i'�1 I_ti: � � : APPLICANT—�°°��� � � � � � � � LEGEtdD' PURPOSE t e � ��° � � zoning distrid boundary FIZE ��� `�� DATE � ° � subjeci property n� orth-i° PLNG. DIST �°' MAP# o onefamily • e � commerc� - � -' - � !wo family p � � industriai �� jz-� � muttipie family V vacant Q. � _ .�, � . , � , , r , , , . , _, � . . . , �