D00308White - City Clerk Pink - Finanee Dept. Canazy - Dept. Aceounting Hlue - Engineec Green - Contractoc • No. � IJ�JJIJ(7 . Date �� �� ` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT GAANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions whieh proved to be necessary to the Improvement described aS Street lightinq s�stem for Hampden/University CSSP Activlty known as (��- 29203, City Projeet No. 94-V-80,81 , Arcade Electric Co. , Inc. , Contraetor, is eomposed of the followiag: Install a 12 lantern lighting system on Raymond Avenue between University Avenue and Territoriai Road. � ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing ad�}itions made in ac- eordanee with the specifications in the sum of ��4 ,� � �_!1 �, said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contsact, known as� �gC�� Zq2p�. , and whieh amoant is to be financed from: Log 5-66246 P.E.D. IDR #002522 . Chi gE gineer D'uector of . C94-2T527-0784-2 9203 r6� �9 �� ��/�/ � 19� �— 19 19 — � Arcade Electric Co., Inc. � � PAGG[3 1 tC{1F1111.LOCA710113PoA&G1IATURq GREEN SH 28985 a+rt�mare wmumn� ATTOflNEY �on w�rnxn . � �.�R9L & MGT. SERVK�ES ecute Contract Change Agreement No. 1, Contract No. 94V-8081, to install a lighting s�stem on ymond Avenue between Territorial Road and University Avenue. �T�S:Ikpwe W a Hejeu fW PERSONAI SERVICE CONiRACfS YU57 ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: PLRNNPIG COYYSSION _CM. SEiiVqE COYIAtssION 1. tlas rttis pe rufrm�ever waked under a convac[ tor this departrnent? Y � �p 2 Has thispersoNfirtn ever been a dq empbyee? — YES NO SrAFF 3. Duas Ihis persoNfirtn possess a skilf not narmailY possessed by arry current dry emPbYee? DSSR�CTWUNC4. ' YES NO ....................� �..,,. ,.,, ,�,....,..-.. E�yYYn atl Yat answars on saparab thaat and atlaeh W green aheet A business owners association and P.E.D. requested the installafion of a lighting system on Raymond Avenue in conjunction with street and sewer construction. aov,v�nces � navaoveo: • Will improve visability and enhance satety canditions along Raymond Avenue. None. O�T 21 i994 OFFtCE t�� i �jE DIRECTOR t��PAR�'Art��T OF F�NANC£ F�Nv �.hR�IAGEMENT �ERVICES : •'..�;� OCT 2 71994 RECEIVED ClTY CLERK Loss of opportun'sty to enhance vehicular and pedestrian safety and visabifity. � (� �'V wur+roFrRnr�ncnoNt 34,322.07 WS7/FiEVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEON� r r,o so�acE P.E.D.IDR No.002522 ACRVRYNUMBER �g4-2T527-0784-2 3 uiwaMataN: tExvinu�f �