08-631Substitute 6/25/2008 Amended 7/16/2008 ORDINANCE Council File # 08-631 Green Sheet # 3054938 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 2 SiJBSTITUTE 2 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 3 Change Tasicab Fazes. 4 �D 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �'UB(�sf¢�� 6 � Section 1 JU � ` t` ?1J08 8 Section 376.15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 10 Sec. 376.15. Fares and charges; regulations. 11 12 (a) Fares. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated 13 and licensed as a taacicab shall charge any other rate except as herein provided: 14 15 (1) The maacimum rate of fare far taxicabs operating within the city shall be two dollars and fifty cents 16 ($2.50) for the first fraction of a mile of one-fifth (1/5) of a mile or fraction of greater proportion. The rate 17 for each additional mile beyond the first mile shall not exceed ��a�'� ���°��a� two doilars twentv 18 cents ($�982.20). All fazes beyond the first fraction shall be calculated ::: ;'��'�-���-��� fort�four cent 19 ($0.38.44) increments of one-fifth (1/5) of a mile, or a fraction of greater proportion. Each taxicab 2o company's minimum and per-mile rates shall be registered with the deparhnent of safety and inspections. 21 Minimum and per mile rates may be changed following a seventy-two-hour notice to the department of 22 safety and inspections and approval of said rate change. Rates must be posted on the outside right and left 23 rear doors of the taxicab and inside the passenger comparhnent in the following manner and of sufficient 24 size and shape so as to be cleazly legible: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Taxicab Fares (Mazcimum not to exceed) $2.50 first 1/5 mile (Maximum not to exceed) ,'"� forty-four ($�50.44 cents each 1/5 mile (Masimum not to exceed) minimum fare $S.Q� (2) No greater for the operation of such taxicabs, than as described in subsection (1) above shall be charged by the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (15) percent may be applied to the total fare on the foliowing conditions: 37 a. Such discounts are clearly posted inside the passenger comparhnent of the taxicab; 38 39 b. Such discounts may be given only to persons in one (1) or mare of the following groups: 40 41 1. Senior citizens (age 55 or older); 42 �������� su� � �, �affa t�- �� ( 43 2. Persons with disabilities; and 44 45 3. Officers and employees of businesses located within the city whose volume use of taxicabs is 46 Si�ificant. 47 48 (3) No extra fare shall be charged by the owner ar operators of such taxicabs for additional passengers. 49 50 (b) Waiting tune. Charges for waiting time shall not exceed the following: 51 52 (1) For each hour of "wairing time at address;' and "waiting time for engagement;' �e twentv-four 53 dollars ($�9A24•00). 54 55 56 5'7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 (c) "Waiting time" defined. "Waiting time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginning when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and ending when it departs from such address. "Waiting time after engagement" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passenger or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passenger or passengers. (d) Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from making an agreement with the operator of a taacicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be agreed upon between them for an hour, day, week, month or longer period, except that when furnished by the hour, the minimum rate shall be six dollazs ($6.00), but the person with whom the operator of a taxicab makes such agreement shall not be permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other person. 67 (e) Annual review of fazes and charges. The license inspector shall, each calendar year during the month of 68 May, review the maximum allowable fares and charges for tasicab services to determine whether they 69 should be adjusted. If it is determined that such fares and charges should be adjusted, the license inspector 7o will make such recommendation to the city council. 71 72 �3 Section 2 74 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and 75 publicatlon ^^ ^^ n,..,.t,e.. i �nno ...�.:,,w..,,,.,-:� i...e,. > > 08-631 76 pU �LISHED �IJ� � g ��ft�B Requested by Department of: By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services Stark � By� Thune �/ Appr y City Attomey BY �u.N�X. �UJ Adopted by CouncIl: Date Approved by Mayor for Submis ��n to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secie gy: By: � Appro � by Ma} rn. Dat �� '.� G7`JOg By: 08-631 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheef Green Sheet � Departmentlofficelwuncil: Date Initiated: � � � $� - Dept.ofSafety&Inapcx4ons 03JUN-OS Contad Person 8 Phone: Bob Kessler 265-90t3 Must Be �C �cil genda by (Date): , �O � Doc, Type: ORDINANCE E-DOCUmeM Required: Y , Document Contact: Robert Humphrey �, Contact Phone: 266-9123 Green Sheet NO: 3054938 Deaartmen[ SentToPerson IniHailDa[e � 0 �lept of Safetv & InsD�tions _ ,�f��� Assign t Dept.ofSafery&InsottHons DeoartmentDirector Number Z Gltyqttomey For Routing 3 Mavor's Office ' Mavor/ASSistant Order 4 Council 5 YSty Clerk City Clerk ' �I Total # of Signature Pages _(qip All Locations for Signature) � �—_ —_--- , Action Requested: �� Approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to taxicab fazes. This Ordinance also esiablishes a process for the taxicab industry to raise [heir prices. change iaanons: Hpprove �N) or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission ; 7. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for th'rs department? Yes No �I 2. Has this person/firm ever been a dty empfoyee? Yes No I ,, 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any I curreni city employee? � Yes No � I , Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � I � Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ' Rising costs of doing business (particularly fuel costs) have led to pressure from the industry for elimination of these fare caps. � February 7, 2008, the Saint Paul Basiness Review Council voted for elimination of the fare caps currently in place for the �i industry. — --- — --- --- - — �I, AdvanWgeslfApprovetl: I I I DisadvanWges If Approved: Disadvanfages If Not Approved: A mount of TransaMion: i Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: AUivity Number. Financial I nformation: (Explain) On I taxi I June 3, 2008 12:22 PM Page 1 Subsfitute 6l25/2008 Council File # 08-631 Green Sheet # 3054938 ORDINANCE ,� Presented by OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 SUBSTITUTE 2 An Or �nance Amending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 3 � Change Tasicab Fares. 5 THE COIJ�VCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 8 Section 376.15 of the Saint Paul 'slative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 Sec. 376.15. Fares and charges; il 12 (a) Fares. No person, firm or corporati owning, operating ar controlling any motor vehicle operated 13 and licensed as a taacicab shall charge y other rate except as herein provided: 14 15 (1) The maatimum rate of fare for taacicabs operah within the city shall be two dollars and fifty cents 16 ($2.50) for the first fraction of a mile of one-fifth ( ) of a mile or fraction of greater proportion. The rate 17 for each additional mile beyond the first mile shall no exceed ^~� a�"°r ~�~°'° �°�'° two dollars twentv 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (Maximum not to exceed) $2.50 first 1/5 mi�e (Maximum not to exceed) •'�:� fortv-four ($:380.44) ce�ach 1/5 mile (Maximum not to exceed) minimum fare $5.00 33 (2) No greater for the operation of such tazicabs, than as described in subsection (1) 34 by the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (15) perc 35 the total fare on the following conditions: shall be charged y be applied to 36 � 37 a. Such discounts aze clearly posted inside the passenger comparhnent of the taacicab; 38 39 b. Such discounts may be given only to persons in one (1) or more of the following groups: 40 41 1. Senior citizens (age 55 or older); a2 cents ($�982.20). All fares beyond the first fraction sha be calculated �� '�'�y-�*n� forty-four cent ($0.�.� increments of one-fifth (1/5) of a mile, or a fra ion of greater proportion. Each tasicab company's minimum and per-mile rates shali be registered �th the deparhnent of safety and inspections. Minimum and per mile rates may be changed following a sev ty-rivo-hour notice to the department of safety and inspections and approval of said rate change. Rates ust be posted on the outside right and left rear doars of the tasicab and inside the passenger comparhnent in he following manner and of sufficient size and shape so as to be clearly legible: Taxicab Fares � 08-632 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 2. Persons with disabilities; and 3. Offid� s and employees of businesses located within the city whose volume use of t�icabs is significan� (3) No extra f e shall be chazged by the owner or operators of such taxicabs for additional passengers. (b) Waiting tune. (1) For each hour of "� dollars ($�A824.00 . (c) "Waiting time" defined. cab arrives at an address to for waiting tune shall not exceed the following: tune at address," and "waiting time for engagement," bwet�y--erie twentv-four "Waiting time after engagement" or passengers after the cab has cc ; time at address" is herein defined to mean the rime beginning when a has been called, and ending when it departs from such address. i the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passenger the transportatzon of such passenger or passengers. (d) Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained all prevent any person from making an agreement with the operator of a taYicab to furnish transportarion t a rate to be agreed upon beriveen them for an hour, day, week, month or longer period, except that whe furnished by the hour, the minimum rate shall be six dollars ($6.00), but the person with whom the op rator of a tasicab makes such agreement shall not be permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other perso ; (e) Annual review of fares and charges. The license iris.pector shall, each calendar year during the month of May, review the maximum allowable fues and charges or taxicab services to determine whether they should be adjusted. If it is determined that such fares and�harges shouId be adjusted, the license inspectar will make such recommendation to the city council. � Secrion 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fo�pwing its passage, approval and publication or on October l, 2008, whichever is later. � �_ � �� ; m KATHYLANTR7 Council President CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL DATE: June 24, 2008 TO: Council Members FROM: Council President Lantry RE: Substitute Ordinance on T�icab Fazes b8-�3/ Attached is a second substitute ordinance amending Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code related to taxicab fazes. It is my understanding that this substitute ordinance brings taxicab fares in Saint Paul in line with those charged in Minneapolis. It also changes the title of the ordinance—eliminating the word "deregulation." I plan to introduce this substitute at our Council Meeting on 6/25/08. The public hearing is scheduled for 7/2/08. Please let me know if you have any questions. CITY HALL SUITE 320C SAINT PAUL, MINNHSOTA 55102-1615 651/266-5670 � AA-ADA-EEO Employer Substitute 6/11/08 by 1 An OrdinanceTxnending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 2 Deregulate TaYicab Fares. 4 \ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 Section 1 7 Section 376.15 of e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 Sec. 376.15. Fares an�Charges; regulations. 10 � i l (a) Fares. No person, or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motar vehicle operated 12 and licensed as a t�ic b shall charge any other rate except as herein provided: 13 14 (1) The maYimum rate of fare for icabs operating within the city shall be two dollars and fifty cents 15 ($2.50) for the first fraction of a mil f one-fifth (1/5) of a mile or fraction of greater proportion. The rate 16 for each additional mile beyond the fir mile shall not exceed one dollar ninety cents ($�992.30). All fares 17 beyond the first fraction shall be calculat in thirty-eight cent ($0.38.46) increments of one-fifth (1/5) of a i s mile, or a fraction of greater proportion. Ea taacicab company's minimum and per-mile rates shall be 14 registered with the department of safety and i ections. Minimum and per mile rates may be changed 20 following a seventy-two-hour notice to the depa ment of safety and inspections and approval of said rate 21 change. Rates must be posted on the outside right d left reaz doors of the tasicab and inside the 22 passenger comparhnent in the following manner and f sufficient size and shape so as to be clearly legible: 23 24 25 ORDINANCE Council File # 08-631 Green Sheet # 3054938 - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TaYicab 26 (MaYimusn not to exceed) $2.5 r: 27 (Maximum not to exceed) � fortv-six ($. ' 28 (Maximum not to exceed) minimum 29 30 i/5 mile ).4�6 cents each 1/5 mile i�e $5.00 31 (2) No greater for the operation of such tasicabs, than as described in subsec�Gi'on (1) above shall be charged 32 by the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (l�ercent may be applied to 33 the total fare on the following conditions: 34 \ 35 a. Such discounts are clearly posted inside the passenger compartment of the taxicab'; 36 37 b. Such discounts may be given only to persons in one (1) or more of the following groups: 38 39 1. Senior citizens (age 55 or older); 40 41 2. Persons with disabilities; and 42 08-631 3. Officers and employees of businesses located within the city whose volume use of tasicabs is 45 46 (3) extra fare shall be charged by the owner or operators of such tasicabs for additional passengers. 47 48 (b) Waif time. Charges for waiting time shall not exceed the following: 49 50 (1) For each h of "waiting time at address," and "waiting time for engagement," �wet�-exe twenty-four 51 dollars ($�892 . 0). 52 53 (c) "Waiting time" defixied. °Waiting time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginning when a 54 cab arrives at an address tp which it has been called, and ending when it departs from such address. 55 56 "Waiting time after engagemet� �" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passenger 57 or passengers after the cab has cc}uunenced the transportation of such passenger or passengers. 58 � 59 (d) Hourly rates. Nothing herein cont�ed shall prevent any person from making an agreement with the 6� operator of a tasicab to furnish transpo tion at a rate to be agreed upon between them for an hour, day, 61 week, month or longer period, except that en furnished by the hour, the minimum rate shall be six 62 dollars ($6.00), but the person with whom th perator of a taxicab makes such agreement shall not be 63 permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other pe on. 64 65 (e) Annual review of fares and charges. The license i spec 66 May, review the maximum allowable fares and charge�.s £o� 67 should be adjusted. If it is determined that such fares an� 68 will make such recommendation to the city council. 69 70 Section 2 71 or shall, each calendar year during the month of taacicab services to determine whether they iarges should be adjusted, the license inspector 72 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days 73 publicarion or on October 1, 2008, whichever is later. 74 its passage, approval and Yeas Nays Absent Bos4om Carter Harris Helgen Laniry Stazk Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary B Approved by Mayor: Date Sy: Requested by Department of: � 1 By: Approved by the Office of Financial Se es By: App ve y City Attorne , s cu,�. � � k�c � Approve y M yox f Sub ' s to C� ci $ e Council File # 08-631 Green Sheet # 3054938 ORDtNANCE CITY O,� SAII� PAUL, MINNESOTA �� 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 2 Deregulate Tasicab Fazes. 3 4 THE COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 6 �� Section 1 7 Section 376.15 of the �a�t Paui Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: s 9 Sec. 376.15. Fares and cha�ges; regulations. lo � 11 (a) Fares. No person, firm ot�corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated 12 and licensed as a taxicab sh'a�l charge any other rate except as herein provided: 13 �',, 14 �j� mwe,,, ..,.�,.,.r ��c_+,...;,,..i 15 . � 16 '* . Tt, ...�., �. .,u,,:: ... .,: ...�: 17 �W:. ::::"..:.,� �" .0 �::� ::,�� �'u�. .. ..w iiV. .,�. ....�� ^ ��.,-�,_«,=-- � 18 r.nw ii ic� ,.r.. ,.,:i,. ,. .. �.,,,.«;,.,. ,.o....,,,..e....�,... �• � 19 rates shall be registered with the department of safe� 20 changed following °°°- ��*•� *-°^ '��°r notice to the 21 said rate change, and publication of the rate change. 22 Denarhnent of Safety and Inspections, the taxicab c 23 Paul daily newspaper of generai circulation for thre� 24 proof of uublication to the De�arhnent of Safetv ani 25 (30) days following vublication. The minimum fare 26 incremental rates cannot change more than ten ere� ch taxicab company's minimum and per-mile inspections. Minimum and per mile rates may be ment of safety and inspections, a� approval of 27 frequently than once ner one hundred ei¢htv (180 davs. Aates must 1 28 rear doors of the taxicab and inside the passenger comparhnent in the 29 size and shape so as to be clearly legibie: 30 31 Tasicab Fares on the outside right and 1eft ; manner and of sufficient 32 �� 33 rn�...,:...�.,:�"..:�. r,. e ee,t� e� cn �,-,.+ i ic ...;t �.. ....,.. -- -----� ----- ----- -�- ----'- 34 m�,...:..... ,,,,�+,. o eva� ; w. ie n�4� ,, w i ic •t � i �7' ° � 35 [r,r...,:.,.....,.. �,.. r,. ,, o,.a� ,.... F ec nn 36 37 Minimum fare: 38 First 1(5 Mile: 39 Cost uer 1/5 Mile: 4o One mile fare: 41 Two mile fare: 42 Five mile fare: S•�' 08-631 44 � No greater for the operation of such taYicabs, than as anUroved a�a in subsection (1) above shall 45 be azged by the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (15) percent may be 46 applie o the total fare on the following conditions: 47 48 a. Such disc ts are clearly posted inside the passenger compartment of the tasicab; A9 5o b. Such discounts ay be given only to persons in one (1) or more of the following groups: 51 52 1. Senior citizens (age or older); 53 54 2. Persons with disabilities; d 55 56 3. Officers and employees of busi sses located within the city whose volume use of taxicabs is s� significant. 58 59 (3) No extra fare shall be charged by the o er ar operators of such taacicabs for additional passengers. 60 61 . 62 � � 63 n n vi n � � > 64 �:98�: 65 66 (sb) "Waiting time" defined. "Waiting time at address" is erein defined to mean the time beginning when 67 a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and�'ending when it departs from such address. 68 69 "Waiting time after engagement" shall mean the time a cab is t in motion at the request of the passenger 70 or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation o uch passenger or passengers. 71 72 (�c� Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any perso om making an agreement with the 73 operator of a taxicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be agreed up between them for an hour, day, 74 week, month or longer period, , 75 �88�but the person with whom the operator of a taxicab makes ch agreement shall not be 76 permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other person. 77 78 . � 79 , 80 . � 81 ....: m..i »�::'��.,......� .�w�.� : �� .::: .'` .,..,�.: T u i��Z � 82 83 Section 2 84 85 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval � 86 publication or on October 1, 2008, whichever is later. 1�` S.�•o� OS-631 Requested by partment of sq{l7� c ZtiS Q��'�6hS By: Approved by e O c Financial Services BY� U� � � Mayor for Adoprion Certified by CouncIl Secretary g B Approved by Mayor: Date � Adopted by Council: Date