08-381Council File # � � �jp � Green Sheet # 3051490 ORDINANCE \INT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Presented by 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 2 Allow Licensed Taxi Driver's From Other Cities To Pick Up 3 In Saint Paul Under Certain Conditions. 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 8 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: lo Sec. 376.05. �°� Reciprocitv Event License 11 12 a. Definitions: t3 Desipnated Area shall mean the location within the reciprocity event where desi¢nated drivers are 14 allowed to solicit business under their reciprocity evenY license. ts Desienated Driver shall mean a driver holdine a reciprocitv event license issued bv either the Citv 16 of Saint Paul or another desi ated jurisdiction who is eli�ible to participate in a reciprocitv event. 17 DesiQnatedJurisdiction shall mean a iurisdiction outside the Cit�Saint Paul who is oarticipating 18 in a reciprocity event. Drivers from desi ii a�ted jurisdictions sha11 be eligible to become desienated 19 drivers. Drivers may obtain a reciprocity event Iicense from anv desi nated jurisdiction unless 20 otherwise indicated in the recprocitv event information. 21 Reciprocitv Event shall mean an event where recinrocitv designated drivers from other desi�nated 22 jurisdictions shall be eligible to solicit business in the desienated area. 23 24 b Declaration of Recinrocitv Event The Director of the Department of Safet and Inspections mav 25 declare a reciprocity event in the Citv of Saint Paul. Such event mav be declared when conditions 26 exist that are likelv to create a need for taxicabs within the Citv of Saint Paul that is ereater than 27 can be met bv the existinQ number of licensed taxis within the Cit�Durin� such an event a vehicle 28 and/or driver that holds a City of Saint Paul license can still operate within the Citv of Saint Paul 29 without a reciprocitv event license, but will not be allowed to overate in the rest of the desienated 30 area unless that driver obtains the reciprocitv event license. For each such event the Deparhnent of 31 Safetv and Insvections shall: 32 33 1 Post reciprocitv event information on the Denarhnent of Safety and Insvections web site 34 listin¢ the desienated iurisdictions designated area dates of event anv restrictions that 35 apply to desienated vehicles or drivers and the aecessarv steus to obtain a recinrocitv event 36 license. 37 2. Provide sticker to all vehicles and drivers that obtain a reciprocit event license 38 39 c. Reciprocitv Event License. Licensed drivers and vehicles mav obtain reciprocity event licenses 40 under the followine conditions: 41 PUBL�SHED JCN 0 5 2�08 2T 3'�08 bS�38� 42 1. Apulicant driver must hold and demonstrate oroof of a current valid taxi driver's license in a a3 desi¢nated iurisdiction. The driver must have been subject to a criminal background check aa in order to obtain the taYi license. a5 2. Aunlicant vehicle must hold and demonstrate proof of a current valid taxi vehicle license in 46 desi ated iurisdiction. a� 3. Applicant vehicle must demonstrate proof of a passed inspection within 6 months of a8 �lication for a reciprocitv event license ar submit to an inspection of the applicant vehicle a9 prior to obtainin¢ a reciprocity event license. 50 d. Reeulations. 51 L Licensee must abide bv fare limits and all reeularions applicable to the reciprocity event. 52 2. Anv reciprocity event license issued is valid onlv for the specified time provided for in the 53 license. 54 3. Licensed vehicles shall conspicuouslv disolav the reciprocitv event sticker on the passenQer 55 side rear window of the vehicle. 56 4. All regulations aoplicable to taxis in this chapter applv to reciprocitv event licenses, unless 57 otherwise stated as part of the reciprocity event informauon. 58 5. Failure to follow anv applicable re¢ulauons may result in adverse licensing action on both 59 the reciprocitv event license and the taxi license held bv the offendin¢ driver. 60 6t Section 2 62 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and 63 publication. 64 65 66 �UBLISHE� J �N a � ZOD9 Requested by Department of: ,�ISI By: ���� � %",7x� l_i Appr by Crty Attorney B —' 3- Adopted by Council: Date _ i��Y��S' 'Yi �SlE� APProved ay f� Sub '' [o Counci] Adoption CerUfied by Co ncil Secret gy; By: ' Approve r: Date Z f 0� By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ag�3gl Department/office/council: , Date Initiated: S� - Dcpt. of Safery & Inspections ' 26-MAR-0S Green Sheet NO: 3051490 � ConWct Person 8 Phone: Department Sent To Person Initial/Date � Bob Kessler � 0 Dept ofSafeN & Inspec6ans ' � 266-90'13 � qssign 1 Dept of SateN & Inspecdons . DeparMent Director Must Be on_ Council Agenda by (Date): , Number Z Ciry pttomey �� �1 , For ' --_ Routing 3 Mavor's Office __ MaVOdAssisfant , Doa Type: ORDINANCE � Order ' , „_ _ „ � -- E-Document Required: Y , Document Contact: Robert Humphrey ,� Contact Phone: 266-9123 5 C�Clerk_ _______CityClerk ' � 7ota1 � ot Slgnature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) __—__ _ _____ , Action Requested: � � � , Approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legisla[ive Code [o allow licensed drivei s from other cities to ;, pick up in Sain[ Paul under certain conditions. aacwns: npprove (a) or H Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission I Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why); ' Events of a large magnitude, including the Republican National Convention, indicate the need for reciprosity agreements with other j municipalities in order to handle a large demand. This license is part of the total package that DSI has worked on with other ' municipalities in preparation for these large events. AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: �, DisativanWges If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (Explain) 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3 Does this person/frtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes Na F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: March 26, 2008 2:46 PM Page 1 ��� �� WHERE MINNES�TA ADVENTLJRE BEGINS lJ{f icial �onven�ion & `�isi�ors �ii��iori}y March 3, 2008 The Honorable Dan Bostrom Councilmember, Ward 6 Saint Paul City Council 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Room 320-B Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember Bostrom, 6$�38� On behalf of the Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Authority and its Board of Directors, I am contacting you in regards to the proposed resolution for reciprocity agreements with licensed cabs for the 2008 Republican Convention. Over the last few months, the Convention & Visitors Bureaus representing Sain# Paul (The Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Authority), Minneapolis (Meet Minneapolis) and Bloomington (Destination Bloomington} as well as the Minneapolis-Saint Paul 2008 RNC Host Committee, and representatives from the three city licensing/regulatory services departments, and MSP International Airport have been working on a cooperative, collaborative effort to ensure a safe and reliable supply of taxi transportation for limited time during the convention. The Cities have worked cooperatively on other past events such as the 1992 Super Bowl, Final Four, and other major events to ensure that an adequate number of cabs are available to transport guests and visitors during peak times. We anticipate over 40,000 people in attendance, and the need for guests to have reliable cab service will be extremely important. We ask that the City of Saint Paul grant reciprocity for licensed cabs to ensure that the overall impressions of our City are outstanding. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Very truly yours, ���-�,,� Karolyn Kirchgesles President & CEO Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Authority ,� � usan ranson, CVA Board Chair Regional Sales Directer Northwest Airlines cc: Mayor C sGR,����Ji,�'tt�i� ss� o2-i 200 651.265.4900 (p) • 800.627.6101 ° 657.265.4999 Cf) www. visiTsai ntpa u I. com