08-319Council Fi1e # ��' 3�� Green Sheet # 3050791 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 L Presented by ORDINANCE L, MINNESOTA �'� An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, the University of St. Thomas, in Zoning File # 07-224-335, duly petitioned to rezone 2076 Grand Ave, being legally described as GROVELAND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 2, PIN 052823410043, from 62 Community Business to RM2 Medium-Density Multiple-Family Residential; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 31, 2008, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 8, 2008, and recommended approvai to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on February 14, 2008, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 5, 2008, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendat+ons concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 17, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 2076 Grand Ave, being more particularly described as: GROVELAND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 2 be and is hereby rezoned from 62 to RM2. C�l� �IIBLISHEL h1AY a 5 2008 CouncilFile# �'3/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Section 2. This ordinance shail take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �'��LISyEi� �'� 0 � ZOOB B Carter Harris Reques ed by Department of: P nni� an c nomi evelo ment Approved by Financial Services � � Adopted by Council. Date: ��/���GG�� Adoption Certified By: 1 /�L� Approved by yi By: Council Secretary By: Form Ap rove�d b City Attorney By: ���✓k�1�!^r^_ '�� f3�l�8' a,F, e� - 22 v. . T; s Approved q' orforS b issi� uncil By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 68-3/1 Departmentloffice(council: Date initiated: PE - P��oS&EconomicDevelopmwt ; 0��-08 Green Sheet NO: 3050791 � Contact Person 8 Phone: i PaVicia James � 266-6G39 : Must Be on Council A9en Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: Y Document ContaM: Patricia James ConWCt Phone: 266-6639 � I 0 Assign I 1 Number � Z For Routing I 3 Ortler � 4 I 5 6 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) � lanning & Economic Developme� Patricia Jamu , iN Attomev Citv Attornev � T- �Vlayor's Office MavodASSistant Council C51y Council 'tv Clerk I CiN Clerk ]annin & Economic Develo me Paaicia James Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning from B2 Communiry Business to RM2 Medium-Density Mulriple-Family Residential for property at 2076 Grand Ave., between Cleveland and Finn (ZF# 07-224-335). Public hearing held March 5, 2008. dauons: Approve (A) or ReJect (R): Personal5ervice Contrects Mwt Answer the Following Questions: Pla�ning C.�mmission 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atWch to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): As part of their 2004 Conditional Use Permit, St. Thomas agreed to rezone this pazcel to a residential classification The Ciry Council approved [he rezoning on Mazch 5, 2008, after a public hearing. . �..,, . _.. Advantages If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent. � Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: City Council action will not be completed. Transaction: Funtling Source: Financial I nformaGon: (F�cplain) Activity Number: 12 2008 CostlRevenue Budgeted: March 6, 2008 8:53 AM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecrle Bedor, Dtrector Q 08-3/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrrstopher 8. Coleman, Mayor February 12, 2008 �'Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Erickson: Office 55102 25 Wes( Fourth Street Samt Pau[. h14' �5102 Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facslmile 65l-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2008, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: 07-224-335 University of St. Thomas University of St. Thomas, Attn: Doug Hennes 2076 Grand Ave, between Cleveland and Finn Rezoning from 62 (Community Busniness) to RM2 (Medium-Density Multiple-Family Residential) Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 6- 0, January 31, 2008 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, February 8, 2008 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Stark's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the Council agenda on or before the February 27, 2008, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. � SincY`e�`ely, � /`" ` l�lit�' Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 07-224-335 Applicant: University of St. Mr John Patterson Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson Thomas, Attn: Doug Hennes NOTICE OF PQBIdC HEARII�iG 'Rie Saint Paul City Council wiIl con- duct a public hearing-on Wednesday,�, March 5, 2008 at 5:30 p.m- in ttie (,Sty Council C1�amUers, 14�ird Flooi C.Yty Hall/ Courthouse, 15 West KeIlogg Soulevard,' St. Pau1, MN, tn consida the application of the� University of St Thomas, Doug Hennes, to rezone prope.rty at 2076.Grand Avenue, between Cleveland Avenue and F7ntt Sh�eet,- from B2 (Community Busi- ness) to RM2 (Medium-Density Mufti- ple-FamlyResidenfialj. [ZF07-224335] Dated: Rebruazy 12, 2008 MARY ERICFfSON .. Assistant L1ry Co+uicit secnerazy � , lFebnaary 14) S'G PADL iBfiAL LBDC:ER , 2215942// AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecrle Bedor, Dmector Q �i i sa��'r PAG1. � AAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chnstopher B Ca(eman, M¢yor February 12, 2008 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning Fife #: File Name: Appiicant: Address: Purpose: 25 West Fourlh Street Samt Paul, iVN 55101 Telephone: 65/-266-6700 Facstmde 6�1-228-3220 07-224-335 University of St. Thomas University of St. Thomas, Attn: Doug Hennes 2076 Grand Ave, between Cleveland and Finn Rezoning from B2 (Community Busniness) to RM2 (Medium-Density Multiple-Family Residential) Citv Council Hearina' March 5 2008 5 30 p m Citv Council Chambers • Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support. Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: \ J Attachments: cc: Zoning File 07-224-335 Applicant: University of St. Thomas City Council Members District Council: 14 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Ailan Torstenson Peter Warner approval District 14 made no recommendation approval, vote: 6 - 0 0 persons spoke in support and 0 letters were received. 0 persons spoke in opposition and 0 letters were received. approval recommended, vote: unanimous February 22, 2008, extended to April 22, 2008 Patricia James, 651-266-6639,�r'i1 r� Planning Commission resolution: 08-07 Planning Commission minutes, February 8, 2008 Zoning Committee minutes, January 31, 2008 Deadline for Action Extension Letter Correspondence received Staff Report packet AA-ADA-EEO Bmployer • 1. 2. 3. • . ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT D$-3�'� FILE NAME: University of St. Thomas F�LE #: 07-224-335 APPLICANT: University of St. Thomas HEARING DATE: January 31, 2008 TYPE OF APPIICATION: Rezoning-Council 4. LOCATION: 2076 Grand Ave, between Cleveland and Finn 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 052823410043; GROVELAND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 2 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 14 EXISTING ZONING: B2; RM2 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE; § 66.216; § 66221; §61.801(b} 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: January 15, 2008 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEIVED: December 24, 2007 6Q-DAY DEAQLINE EQR ACTtON: February 22, 2�08 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B2 (Community Busniness) to RM2 (Medium-Density Multiple- Family Residential). B. PARCEL SIZE: 80 ft. (Grand) x 150 ft. = 12,000 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Maintenance building and single family house D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: University of St. Thomas, mixed density residential (B2, RM2) East: Neighborhood commercial uses (B2) South: Low density residential (R3) West: Mixed density residential (RM2) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §§ 66216 and 66221 list the intent and permitted uses in the RM2 zoning district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: This property was specificaliy listed in a revised conditional use permit for St. Thomas (Z.F. # 04-054-501) as one that the University will rezone to residential use and sell (see Finding 1 below). In 1977, St. Thomas applied to rezone the western half of this parcel (Lot 29, address 2080 Grand) from B2 to RMZ. This request was granted by the City Council. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 14 had not commented at the time this staff report was prepared. H. FINDINGS: 1 2. The University has owned both Lots 29 and 30 for over 30� years. In 1977 Lot 29 was rezoned to RM2 Medium-Density Multipie-Family Residential. At some time, the fots were combined into one parcel, resulting in split zoning along the common lot line. One condition of the 2004 Conditional Use Permit for St. Thomas states: "...St. Thomas agrees to sell, within 5 years from the date of permit approval, the properties it owns south of Grand Ave., including 2076, 2080, and 2084 Grand Ave. St..Thomas further agrees to apply to rezone 2076 Grand Ave. to a residential zoning classification...." This rezoning application satisfies a portion of this condition. The proposed zoning is consistent with the residential uses and zoning to the west. Rezoning Lot 30 from B2 to RM2 will meet a condition of the 2004 permit as well as create uniform zoning for the entire parcel. The University currently uses the storage buiiding located at 2076 Grand as a maintenance garage. This use will become iegally nonconforming at such time as fhe zoning is changed to RM2, and the University will be abie to continue this use in the building until it is sold for residential use in 2009. Zoning File # 07-224-335 Zoning Commitfee Staff Report Page 2 of 2 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Both fhe Land Use • Plan (Objective 5.4) and fhe Housing Policy Plan (Policy 5.4) support the creation of sites for new housing development. The District 14 Pian recommends providing diverse housing opportunities for all income levels and lifestyles. 4. Because the proposed zoning matches the existing multiple family zoning district immediately west of the site and remedies a split zoning situation on the existing parcel, it does not raise the issue of "spot zoning.° I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from B2 (Community Busniness) to RM2 (Medium-Density Multiple-Family Residential). • • 1L/14(Ybb/ 1;�:�p 651'1'1ki�120 PED PaGE 02�02 63-3/� �-.. Address 211$ Suammit Avenue City St. Paul Sti'�? Zip 55105 Daytxme phonc 651-962-5011 tif diffcrciitl Marlc PETITI4N TO AINEN� THE ZOhltN� CODE De�annaent af Ptannirt� and Economfc ➢eveiopment �onfng Sscsion I40�JCityHallA,nnex �� � ��' 25 �Vest Fourth Streef $airzt �aul, MN 551 o2 Telephnnr. 65I-26G-6589 Faz: G57-266-Q124 � APYLICANT I Propeny Owner tinYCersit�of St. Thomas FROP�R7'x' Flddress/Location 2076 Gran�1 Aveaue LO�ATION �gQldcscripuon Lots 29 & 30, Block 2� Grovelcand Addition co St. Pau1 TO THE FIONORA:.$LE MAYOF AND CI'TX COUNCIL: Pursuank tp Scction 61.500 of thc 3aint Paul Zoning Ordinnncc and to 5ocrion 462357(5) of N[innesOt¢ Statu�,, . Universitv of 3n. Thomas , tUc ownor f a1,) rhe land pronPSed for rezoning, hezeby petitions'you [o xezone tUe nUave described ro e from a U' -ZS�Y P F rtY zoning,disrrict to a�M' zoningdisnict,fortUepurposeof; creacing a si.ngle zoning elass2fieacion for this parcel. ;� .-, � � � ;� . t�.: (a!ta�h addtdonal sheez(s) if nece,ssary) ACtacbments: Reauirea s;tc oian ❑ Su6scribcd ¢nd swom to be.fore me this _i dyy ai �p .cemhPr K�4�.2907 Consen[ � ; NoCa[y bJic � MARY L. MULCAHY . s NoLary Public Mlnnesota Commissian Exoir=s Jenue 31, 20�A � T3IVIVERSITY � ST. THOMAS ���iA � FrF nwner m�r,zK. �frN�S(��x'-� Pa�e 1 of _�_ Recaived 12-14-2�07 13:33 From-65122832Z0 To-MOORE COSTELLO& HART Paea 0�2 MOORE, COSTELLO & HART, P.L.L.P. A Professional Limited Liability Partnership AiTQ12NEYS REPLY TO MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE December 17, 2007 Paul Dubruiel City of St. Paui 25 West Fourth Street Suite 1400 Re: Petition to Amend the Zoning Code Dear Paul: WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (612)395-8645 ipatterson(�a,mchlaw.com Please fmd enclosed the corrected Petition to Amend the Zoning Code revising the current zoning classification of the subject-property from B-3 to B-2. Please let me know if you need anything else from me or the University of St. Thomas in order to process this Petition. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, MOORE, COSTELLO & HART, P.L.L.P. �sy ohn G. Patterson JGP/kss Enclosures cc: Mark D.Vangsgazd 1032730.1 � u � 1 L_J 55 EAST FlFTH STREET • SUITE 1400 • ST. PAUL, MN 55107-i792 • TEL. (651j 227-7683 • FAX (651} 602-2670 900 SECOND AVENUE SOIJTH • SUITE 1500 � MINNEAPOLlS, MN 55402-5079 - TEL, (612) 673-0148 • FAX (612) 395-8600 • .. . ����, 5 � DOC# 3�Q�584��b L?rtified Record=d On N�V. 12,2004 pT 11:60AM J' (FFSL£ (U.(�SDfr�EP r�s�v �n �ei 68-31�I Fee Gao�mt: f41.50 IIIII II III IIII II Iil III Illi llillili . ZONING FILE NO: APPLICANT: PURPDSE: LOCATION: � Cf7Y OF SAINT PAUI, MINNES07A Conditional Use Permit 04-054-501 �University of St. Thomas Conditional Use Permit for expansion of campus boundaries 2115 Summit Ave. LEGALDESCRIPTION: PINS05-28-23-41-0004,05-28-23-4L0014,05-28-23-41-OOt6,and05-28-23-41- 0070 thru 0092 , 04-28-23-23 - 0 112,04-28-23-23-0'111,04-28-23-23-0101, 04-28- " . 23-23-0058,GROVELqNDA�DITIONTOSTPAl1L,BLOCK1,W32931'IOOFT. OF LOT 13 AND EX. W 21 45N00 FT., LOT 14, AND LOTS 24-26; MOSES ZIMMERMAN'S REARR4NGEMENT; SUMMIT WOOD,��'OTS 1-30; MERRIAM PARKTHIROADDITIONTOTHECfiYOFST PAUL,BLOCKI2,EXEfi3FiLOTS�6, '� • 7, AND LOT 8; BLOCK 13, LOT 1, EX THE E 5 FT LOT 13 AND IX 7HE W 5 FT LOT� i4, � ANDW5FTOFLOTI4ANDALLOFLOT515AND16 ' ZONING GOMMITfEE ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACT10N: �a.; APPmValwtlhCondhions � �N' �; c� � 1� ` Approval with Conditions � CONDtTIONS OF iHIS PERMff: 1. Campus Boundary. The campus boundaryfor the UniversiFj of SL Thomas shall be eTpanded to indude fhe follaiving propc�ties� East block (bounded by Summif, Cleveland, Grand and Finn): 2067 and 2085 Grand Ave.; 2'110 Summit Ave. West block (bounded by Summit, Finn, Grand, and Cretin): 2123, 2125, 2129, 2139, 2143, 2151, 2159, 2963, 2167, 2171, 2975 Grand Ave.; and 2720, 2130, 2134, 2140, 2144, 2150, 2154, 2156, 2166, 2170, and 2174 Summit Ave. � Easf of Cleveland Ave. The four properties tocated at 2055 Summit Ave., 2045 Summit Ave., 44 N. Cleveland Ave.. and 2057 Portiand Ave. Attachment 1 lists all of the addresses, property identification numbers (PINs), and Iegai descriptions for these properties St. Thomas hopes to eventually acquire 2133 Grand Ave. as well. This property will automatically be included within the boundary upon purchase. Consistentwith the Universityof St. Thomas Campus Boundary Plan amendment to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan Land Use Chapter, adopted on May 3, 1990, the boundaries set forth herein, with the addition of 2055 Summit Ave., 2045 Summit Ave., 44 N. Cieveland Ave., and 2057 Portland Ave., are to be considered as the definitive,long-term campusforYneUniversiiy of St.Thomas. Expansion beyond this area shall be considered contraryto City policy. St. 7homas agrees not to purchase additionai property in the neighborhood within one mile of the campus or along the entire length of Summit Avenue, with fhe exception of a home used as a residence for anyfuture ex-president or chancellor, and excepting property purchased as part of a purchase/rehabilitation initiative as described in Condition '10. Further, St. Thomas agrees to sell, within 5 years from the date of permit approval, the properties it owns south of Grand Ave., including 2076, 2080, and 2084 Grand Ave. SLThomas further agrees to apply to rezone 2076 Grand Ave. to a residentiai zoning Gassification, and sefl the three properties viAh a restrictive covenant that theybe used only for owner occupied, non-student residential uses. If property is bequeatfied to St. Thomas, it shall dispose of the property and return it to a conforming use within two years. � 2. Building HEights and Setbacks. Buiiding heights and setbacks within ihe hvo-biock development area shall be as follows: Setbacks Summit Ave. frontage - A 50 ft. setback is established for the west biock to match the setback of the existing residential sWctures, six of which would remaia On fhe east hlock, a 100 ft. setback-is established for the three story portions of the hvo 59 ff. tall (to the ridge) academic buildings. One and hvo-story elements of the academic buildings, designed to soften the buiiding height, can extend into fhe 100 ft. setback and must have a minimum setback of 80 ft. for the hvo-story portion and - 50 Rfwfheone-storypartion, � Cleveiarxl Ave. frontage - Forthe acadetnic bu�ding, a 75 ft setback to ihe three-story portion is esfa6f�shed, wrth a min�mura sefback of 65 ft to fhe two-story porfion and 25 il to the onest«y portioh that would e�Aend into the 75 ft sefbaGc area. For fhe residantal butldng bcated atthe C1z.ieiand and Grand caner, a 25R sefback from Cleveland is established. Grand Ave, frontage -A 25 foot setbadc from Grand is�esfablished for the Cleveland/Grand residen6al buTding at w; cornEr. A 25 R setback is esiabfished for all of the other residentiai buildNgs along Grand Ave. in bofh the east and west block This matdies ihe exisUng setback of the residence at 2133 Grand Ave. and ihe two apartrnent buildings at 217'I-2775 Grand Ave. tliat would remaii� under the ._ propaseddevelopmentplan. ' 1-37 _ , ��.n..,=, � � GrefinAve. fronfage-Tne[wdduigsalongih'sfrontage, the2775 G'andaparhrentand2174SummdAve, house, are proposed to remain. The existmg sethacks shoWd be mainhained. IFihe apaiU�nent buBdmg at 2175 Grand's 2placed hy a ne�My constructed bulding, a 25 � ft setbadc from Qe6n Ave. shail be required. - Fnn St froMage -q 25 ft sefback is eslablished fa the new bulding on tlie west side, and a 30 R setbadc forthe arademic huilding Of111]e235f5ide. - � Builtling Heigtrts The maximum heighf forthe academic 6uild'mgs shall rrot exceed 59 ft to the ridgefine atihe top of the bWdings. The maximum heigM of the residenBai buld'mgs, includmg ihe Gv'Id devdopment centes/apartrnent buBduig, shall not exceed q0 ft to ihe top of the buiidings. These heights shail 6e considered an absduEe maximum, induding a0 mecharrical equ�menL 3. S¢e of Academic Buildngs and Prohi6ition on Auditorium Uses. A ma5mum o{hw academic buildinc,7s may be bWt on the � easf block The s'¢e of the firtacademic IwWmg shall not exceed 75,000 sq. R m s¢e. The s¢e of the second academic buWing shall not exceed 65,OW sq. fL in size. No aud8orium, perfortnance hall, oraihletic faalitywith the capacity of more than 250 persons shall be constructed on ihe east oP west blocks. C FAWM'fi9afi M+ tlTh h^tlhp �-'tpp�l � tifi f I'��i9 h }� Revised EAW, dated October 13. 2IX13 (pp. 84&5): , • Rehain residences at 2120, 2'130, 2170, and 2174 SummB Avenue and hw more Summit Avenue houses to be designa�d. The apartinent bu�1d'mgs at 217'I and 2'175 Grand may 6e relained or removed. - • EnraNintlleUa4mf�yPetrokuminvesixla6onCieanuPPfogram(VPiCjwiihtheMvinesohPotlutionCoMrofAgp.ncyfortheclean up of sol wntamination related to tt�e gds station and other LUSTs Qeaking underc�round storage tanks). . • Complete sod boring mves&jaGons m cnnstructirn areas priorto excavation �, • CoMuct a demolition survey of each bu�Ci'�ng to be remwed from the site priorto demoiition. • CoordinatewNhiheHeritaqePteservationComrti6sion(HPC)re�ardin9lliehistoricdistricldesignguidefinesanddesignihen� huldings in keeping wilh fhe charac�er of fhe histaric dshict Apptyfor the �propriate permifs from ihe HPC. • CooperateinpreparaBonofanappropriateem'vonmerrh�review(e.g.,EqW)fortheTuh�restudentcenterorottierdevelopmen}s proposed within the historic dishict. - • Reviewanychangestothetwo-6lockdevelopmentprojectorfuturephasedactions(developmentselsewhereoncampus analyced in the EAW) with the City to detertnine i� changes result in different environmentai impacts (the City will � determine the appropriate level of analysis required to evaluate such changes). ' • Provide emergency vehicle aaess on the west block via the mitl-block sidewalks. , • ObhainnecessaryCitypermitsandimplementlhePedestrianManagementPlanfortheSummitAvenueParkwaybetween CreGrt and C7eveland by the cwnpleHon of Stage t of the tvro-biock development project. • Provide the City with the funding to complete the traffic signal adjusTmen}s required as mitigation for the hvo-block development project as recommended in the EAW. � ' • Report to the City on the status of fhe search for remote parking and establishment of shuttle buses to supplement on- campus parking. - • Move the hus stop on Summit to the east to minimize conflicts with buses and pedestrians using the crosswalks. - , • 'FUrther modify parking fees to maximize the use of on-campus parking areas (such as the Morrison Hall ramp). • Prepare a storm water management plan that complies wilh the City discharge rate resfricfions. • Control construction and demolition dust via watenng, street sweepng, rock entrance, and other Best Management P2c[ices. . � • Provide temporary bartiers amund the podions of the sde under construction for safety. . • Provide information as needed to assist She City in better managing on-sfreet parking restrictions around the St. Paul , campus. � . . ", • Conduct a student transportation survey fo defertnine studenf partcing and transportation needs and develop a parking and transportation pian for St ihomas. (fhe surveyshould be conCucted H�hen classes a2 in session. Postcard surveys or random student interviews could be conducted. Fows groups could also he held.) - • Control student housing through the Campus Living Office and snforce the City's noise ordinance. • Install a bus shelter (suggested by MehoTransit) on westboond Summit at the Metro Transd ta}rover area, if appmved by the HPC, and coordinate wifh Metro Transd and ACTC (Associated Collegesof the Twin Cities) to determine if other irnprovements to bus service can be made. 5. 2133 Gand Ave, (residential property not ownetl by St Tfiomas). All campus buildings developetl adjacentto this property must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the west side property line and 25 ft. frwn ihe east side prope� line. Alley access to the property must be mainfained. St. Thomas shall work with the owner ot 2133 Grand to deveio appropriate means of mitigating the impact of inaeased student residents and a child development center adjacent to the property, and shall consider measures such as: fencing, special landscaping, or other screening; lighting that does not spill overthe properiy line; window placement that enhances privacy, design and placement of child care drap-off end . pick-up areas to minim¢e the potential for 6locking aliey access; and education of nearby student tenants to respect the properry andprivac,y ofthe residents of 2133 Grand. The appropriatemdigation measures that will be required by }he City ,� 6g-3�y � will be determined dunng the site plan review process. These requirements shall no longer be in effect if 2133 Grand is subsequenlly purchased by St. Thomas and the property automatically included in the campus boundary. 6. EnrollmentGrowthlncreases.St.ThomasagreesthattotalenrollmentattheSaintPaulcampusshalinotexceed8,750 students, including fuil-time, part-time, and audit students. Upon such time enrollment exceeds 8,000 students, St. Thomas shall report to the Planning Commission for addiGonal review and conditions. 7he review shall consist of analyzing the impact of the additionai enroilment on areas such as parking, traffic, student housing, and other related impacts on the surrounding residential area. St. Thomas shall propose a plan to mitigate negative im,pacts resul6ng from the additionai enrollment, and the Ptanning Commission may impose additional conditions on this permit to address those impacts. Any additional conditions imposed by the Planninq Commission may be appealed to the City Council. 7. Number of Residential Beds. The totai number of residential beds on the east and west blocks shall not exceed 450, unless 2�33 Grend Ave, is acquired, in which case the total shail not exceed 475 beds. In no event shall there be more than 100 beds in residences on Summit Avenue. Those persais living on fhe east and west 6locks shall indutle a mnc of undergraduatejuniors and seniors and graduate siudents, wrth resident advisors, faculty antl staff. 8. West Biock DeveVopmer�t. No new academic buBdings sha11 be consWcted on tlie west block New construction shail be for residential uses only. SL Thomas shatl agree to preserve six ot the ewsting single-famly houses on ihe Summd Ave. frontage not including the garages.,My residentiai strudures buitt to replace any single�family homes which are moved or demol'�shed shall be designed to look like singie-farn8yor "mansion" slye homes of diverse designs, such fhatthe Summfl Ave. side of ihe west biock shall ahvays appearto be a sNgie-famiiy residenUai biock. Fordemofition and consWction woric withm the historic disfict, St. Thomas shall fdlowthe establ�shed review procedures of the Neritage Preservation Commission. 9. Fi�n St. For a period of no less than 36 years from ihe date of permtt approval, St. Thomas agrees not to petition to close • Finn St. beiween Summit and Grand Aves. and that Finn St. in this block shall remain a public street open to two-way traflic. 70. CommunityDevelopmentCorp.St.ThomasshallcapitalizeaCDCorestablishasimilarinitiativewhosepurposewould � be to purchase, rehabilitate, and seli to non-student owner-occupants an averege of at least 2.5 houses per year within - the boundaries of the Merziam Park and MacalestervGroveland neighborhoads. The average wili be calculated over a twelve year time period, so that 3� houses witl be done over the 12 years. For properties sold ihrough this effort, restrictive covenants shaR be added at time of sale to require use of the properties for non-student, owner-occupied residentiai uses only. 11. University/CommunityAdvisory Council. SL Thomas agrees to participate, at fhe level of senior management and the board of trustees, in an advisory councii charged wifh resolving university/community problems, and providing a channel for communications on campus master planning and development, and to enhance university/community relations. The composition of the advisory council would include representatives of the St. Thomas board of trustees, senior management and students, and neighborhood representatives from the Merriam Park Community Council and the Macalester Groveland Community Cou�cil, the Summit Ave. Residential Preservation Associafion., and Neighbors United. The scope of the advisory council's work would include all issues affecting local residents, including but not limited to: the creation and management of a CDC or similar initiative to purchase and rehabifitate housing in the neighborhood; parking; SL Thomas cronstruction impacts, including the building of parking lots, athletic fields; student housing (both on and off-campus); and neighborhood quaiity of life issues such as the impact of student party houses. This group would meet at least quaderty and report to the St. Paul Planning Commission and the St. Paul City Council. 12. Parking Issues. St. Thomas agrees to explore and implement policies, such as reducing parking pertnit fees, that will increase the use o{ its on-campus parking spaces on evenings and weekends for the 2004-20�5 school year. St. Thomas also agrees to explore ways to further increase use of on-campus parking and use of bus passes for all students in the � 2005-2D06 school year and succeeding years. . 73. ParkingRamps. ParkingfortheeastandwestblocksshallbedevelopedasproposedbySt.Thomas,withamaximum of 590 spaces constr�cted in underground parking ramps on both b:ocks, and with access from Finn St. A small number of surface parking spaces, for uses such as drop-offlpick-up, or loading, shall be permitted. If St. Thomas is unab(e to develop 590 total spaces on the hvo block development site, 6ecause of site and design constraints, such as those related to retaining six of the existing houses on Summit, then the batance of the spaces may be developed on the south campus. �4. Student Addresses. St. Thomas agrees to require all enrolied students to declare a bonafide local address, as a condition of registration, and will improve Ks compoter tracking of student housing data to assist in enforcement of local • City rental occupancy ordinances. 15. CommunityContrihution.Sf.Thomasagreestocommitatotalof$30,00O.00annuallyforusebytheMerziamParkand Macalester Groveland Community Councils and the newly-established University/COmmunityAdvisory Council. The university would have discretion to award $10,000 per year to each community council. The Advisory Council shali be awarded $10,000 per year to be used at its discretion to address neighborhood issues related to the presence of }he campus. � . t6. Goodricfi Ave. Access. Af such 5me as fhe University remodels or replaces the Binz Refectory or replaces Grace Hall, the loading drivewhicF curtentlyexists behveen Goodrich Ave. and the BinzRefectoryshall be removed, such that fhere shall be no vehicular access from Gootlrich Ave. to any of the Universibfs buildings on the south campus. APPROVED BY_ George Johnsoq Commission Chairperson I, the undersigned Secretaryto the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing wpywith the original record io my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said onginal and of the whole thereoF, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul Planni�g Commission meeting held on June4, 2004, and on record in the Saint Paul Planriing Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a�d with fhe City Council resolution approving the pertniton August 11, 2004, the original ofwhich is in the City CIeHc's Office,'15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paui, Minnesota. Vioiation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revontion. �� n� � • �,? ��.r� Carol A. Martineau Secretary to the Saint Paul Zoning Commiflee Copies ta: Applicant Fle No. Zoning Administrator License Inspecfor Dishict Council University of St. Thomas 04-'l54-50] W endy Lane Christine Rozek 14 13 (Mertiam Park) 1 1 � Effective: August'I'I, 2004 � . • Zoning File # �7-224-335 University of St. Thomas aS �3/9 Page 1 Site at 2076 Grand Ave. Site and 2080 Grand, on same parcel u Page 2 • along Grand Ave. . West along north side of Grand Across Grand from site � Zoning File # 07-224-335 University of St. Thomas • • Zoning File # 07-224-335 University of St. Thomas Page 3 Across Grand to east East on Grand Rear of site og- 3t� r � L_J 0 x � t t. � o. CITIZEN PARTIGIPATfO DIS RICTS �.. 1. SUNR4Y-f -HIGHWOOD 0 0 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION FLAf�NING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY=6ATTLECREEK�FiI6HW00D 2.6REf1TER EAST 5.IQE 3.WEST SIDE � _4.DAYTON'S BLUFF . 5.PAYNE-PHkLEN, -- 6.NORTN E�tD - x 7.THOMAS—DkLE 9:WESTISEVENTNRSITY " ��� s� �tJ ��� �e vv � 1Q.COMO� Ii.HAMLINE-MI6WAY 12.. ST. 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