08-212� Council File # a� ' a' � � Green Sheet # 3050039 ORDINANCE �� 11NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 33 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 2 Allow For Inspection Of High Pressure Piping. a THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: 6 Section 1 8 Section 33.02.1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby created to read as follows: l0 33.02.1 Enforcement 11 12 The Department of Safetv and Inspections shall have the authoritv to enforce this chanter the state 13 buildine code and the rules and reQUlations adopted bv the city or made applicable thereto bv federal and i4 state law. Enforcement may be bv insnection, criminal citation, or any other remedv available bv law. 15 16 17 Section 2 18 Section 33.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 19 20 33.03 Permits — When required, Inspection Required. 21 22 (a) Building and general construction. No person shall construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, 23 demolish or change the occupancy of a building or struchue without first obtaining a building permit from 24 the building official. Permits for building or general construction are not required for repairs for 25 maintenance only or for minor alterations provided they are not required under the state building code, this 26 chapter or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and provided the costs of such 27 repairs and minar alterations does not exceed the present market value of five hundred dollars ($500.00). 28 29 30 *** 31 (i) High Pressure Pipin� Noperson shall construct or install a hieh pressure ipin svstem without 32 obtainine a permit from the Department of Safetv and Inspections. Such nermit shall be issued and all 33 conshuctions or installations shall be in comnliance with Minnesota Rules narts 5230 0250 to 5230 6200 34 as amended. Permits shall only issue to versons holding a hiphpressure pipinQ business license issued by 35 the State of Minnesota. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 �? a �L1SHE� APR g 0 2Q08 � Z'�Z--O� , 68��� � 43 44 Section 3 45 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and 46 publication. '�� APR 10 1POB Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom ,/ Carter � Hazxis y Helgen � Lantry � Stazk ,/ Thune i / Adopted by Council: Date ��jq�� ��� a///f� Adoprion Certified by Co cil Secretazy �Y� �IAO��f°"�r �,CSGr Approved by May : Date 'YNLCUe,{„ � � a 0 Q� ,,,//�,� � __�'[ � $Y ' �'�l�yP-a'.s-.�. ./r �, Requested by Department oE By: !f� V ���� �r�G9�`" v Approved by City Attorney By: IZc�r.�n.,.2 Tu,�,►n�.✓1 z-tZ.-o�, Approved yor or Sub ' ion to cil By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0$ , �' � 2- DepartmenUo�ce/council: � $� - Dcpt. ofSafcry & Inspcctions ContaM Person 8 Phone: � Bob Kessler 266-9013 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Robed Humphrey .__.__.-�.. ___ -. __ Date In�tiated: 'I5-FEB-0B Green Sheet NO: 3050039 � Assign Number For Routing Order _ -_ __ __ ___ _. __ .____ - __ --._ _ __._ ___ - .__ Department Sent To Person Initial/Date - ---- - - - - - 0 Dept.pf Saf¢tv & Mspec[ions _ . _ _ _ _ _ I DepL ofSafe & Inspecbons ___ Deoartment Director _ _ _- _ -_.' _ _ _ _ _- __ _ . - _- _ _ _ _ 2 City Attorney _ _ _ �, 3 Mavor's OSice _ _ __ _MaYOr/ASeis[ant ___ _ _ _ , � 4 Council �- - '- -"-- - -- �, 5 Cily Clerk ' ___ __' _!'_ - City Clerk _ _ � � _-� -.- �� ConWctPhone: 266-9123 ' - _ __ .-- ..- ___-._-._.._-. -_. _-_ _-___. - __._- _ _- _ __ -_- _ __- _- _ - __ - _ _- Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) _ _ .. __ __ _ __ ___ __ -. ___ __ .__ ' ' _ _ ___ _-_'_____ __- _ ____ ___- _ _ _- ' Action Requested: �� '� Approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Sain[ Paul Legislative Code to allow for inspection of high pressure piping. PP ( ) 1 � ) ._-_-__T,___-__- .-_-_-___ -. __- - -. ; Rewmmendations: A rove A or Re ect R: � personal Service Contreets Must Answer the Foflowing Questions: I Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? I CIB Committae I Yes No , Civil Service Commission I 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? � Yes No I; 3 Does this person/frm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any I '� current city employee? � i Yes No ' Explain all yes answers on separate shee[ and attach to green sheet �;_ . ___.----_-_.-_..-_._- _.-_..._-_-__- ___�._-_ _ �._ _ '__ - _._-_-_-'_-____._'-_'_'-_--"_ � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I This ordinance is necessary m order for the City of Sain[ Paul to fulfill its obligations under a delegation agreement with the State of � Minnesota. . _ . . _-_ .— ----- ------- -- -- ---- --_.- - - � Advantages If Approved: t Inspection of high press�ce piping wil] continue, as it has, in Saint Paul. � i �r -�---- --� -- --- --- --- - -- � - - � - -- -� --- --- -- �' DisadvanWges If Approved: None. i �i Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: ` � � � I, High pressure piping will no Ionger be inspected by Saint Paul Trades Inspectors. �I j � - � ------ -- -- --- --� --- ------- --- �- , Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: '� Transaction: � , Funding Source: Activity Number: � Financiallnformation: (Explain) February 15, 2008 325 PM Page 1 I --� - ----- �----------- ---- �-- ----l I I - - --- -- __ .. . . --- -- - --__ i i --_ J