08-1532°" SUBSTITUTE 4/2/OS ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 2n SLTBSTTI'UTE An Ordinance Amending Chapter 140 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To Establish Uniform Skyway Hours THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Section 1 Section 140.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 140.01. Definitions. The definitions of this section shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: Easement area shall mean an area or areas of the pedestrian skyway system or of a pedestrian mall which is subject to an easement granted by a private property owner to the city for the benefit of the public for pedestrian ingress, passage and e�ess. clearance. Pedestrian mall shall mean any indoor enclosed public mall, arcade, courtyard, galleria, gallery, piazza, square or other type of indoor public pedestrian way or open space. Pedestrian skyway system means any system of providing for pedestrian traffic circulation, mechanical or otherwise elevated above ground, within and without the public rights-of-way, and through or above private property and buildings, and includes overpasses, bridges, passageways, walkways, concourses, hallways, corridors, arcades, courts, plazas, malls, elevators, escalators, heated canopies and access and all fixtures, furniture, signs, equipment, facilities, services and appurtenances. The term shall include systems or portions of systems which are built in the future. For purposes of this chapter, a pedestrian skyway system shall include stairways and escalators and tunnels leading from or into the skyway system from private buildings and areas under stairs and escalators leading to and connecting concourse corridors, in addition to stairs and escalators connecting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public property. Town Square Park shall mean the four (4) levels of enclosed public space designated as the concourse, street, skyway and loft levels administered by the Parks and Recreation Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services, generally located on vacated Seventh Place (Street) between Minnesota Street and Cedar Street. Section 2 Section 140.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 140.07. Advertising and exterior signs. Council File # 08-153 Greer. Sheet # 30498ll �� '��SLI�y�� � 2 4 1009 ��: IZT �l �Z-a8 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 l00 101 102 103 104 105 (a) Advertising. Billboazd-style or enclosed display case advertising is a permitted use in skyway corridors. The following requirements apply to advertising: ���� (1) The size, shape and placement of advertising display fixtures should be such as to not impede pedestrian circulation in the skyway system. (b) (2) Advertising should be contained in "permanenY' nonmovable fixtures including but not limited to, glass display cases affixed to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. (3) The design and initial installation of advertising fixtures in the pedestrian skyv✓ay system and/or pedestrian malls must be approved by the skyway governance advisorv committee and the affected building owner. No advertising fixture shall be installed in an easement area of the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall except as authorized by franchise ordinance duly adopted by the city council, which ordinance shall minimally incorporate the requirements of this section. No advertising fixture shall be installed in a noneasement area of the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall except under written contract between the advertising installer and the affected building owner, which contract shall incorporate the requirements of this section. Advertising installers shall contract with the owner of the building in which each advertising fixture is to be located for services to be provided from the building for the fixture. (4) (5) (6) Advertising and displays should be changed at least every other month. Advertising shall not be permitted within the skyway bridges. Advertising shall be subject to such additional rules and regulations as the sk}�way governance advisorv committee may determine. (7) Advertising fixtures, cases and displays shall be covered by all risk personal property insurance and public liability insurance. Minimum policy limits shall be replacement cost of the advertising fixtures, cases and displays far all risk personal property coverage and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) single limit coverage far the public liability insurance. Insurance policies shall be issued by companies licensed to do business in Minnesota, shall name the city, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA"), and the building owner as additional insureds, and shall not be cancelable wifliout thirty (30) days' written notice to the additional insureds. Endorsements of a policy or policies issued to the building owner providing additional insured coverage to the advertising fixture installer and the city in coverages otherwise meeting the requirements of this subsection shall be acceptable in lieu of a separate policy or policies. The advertising installer and building owner shall each waive subrogation rights against the other for all property damage claims. (8) The installation of displays, cases and fixtures and any advertising therein shall comply with all other applicable laws and regulations. (9) If permission to install any such advertising is withdrawn or revoked by the skyway governance/advisorv committee for failure to abide by the guidelines as provided in tkus section, by operation of an agreement, or by court order, the mstaller of the advertising sha11 at his or her own expense remove such advertising and restore the pedestrian concourse to its former condition. Exterior signs. Banners or signs may be affixed to the exterior of skyway bridges. The following requirements apply to exterior banners and signs: � � �Z• � i06 107 108 109 11� 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 12� 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 (1) �2) (3) The size, shape and placement of banners and signs shall be in conformity with secfion 64.505(b)(1) and Che specification of the city department of public works. No banner or sign shall be affixed or removed except by the city department of � f(y3 public works. No banner or sign shall be affixed except by permit granted under this section which shall fix a date certain for removal of the banner and si�s. (4) No pernut sha11 be granted unless the permit applicant provides public liability insurance issued by a company licensed to do business in Minnesota in amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) single event coverage, naming the city and HIZA as additional insureds which shall not be cancelable except upon ten (10) days' written notice to the city and HRA. In event of cancellation of the policy, the banners and signs shall be removed unless a replacement insurance policy is provided by the permittee. (5) The permittee shall be responsible for all costs to the city in affixing, maintaining and removing such banners and signs. The permit applicant shall guarantee or secure payment of these costs in such manner as the skyway governanceladvisorv committee may reasonably require. (6) Because skyways are primarily an alternative pedestrian access, the maximum number of days per year each skyway may have banners affixed is 120 days. The director of the department of public works may grant an exception to this limit for good cause. The reasons justifying the exception must be stated in writing at the time of application for the banner permit. Section 3 Section 140.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sea 140.08. Penalty. a. Violation of any provision of this chapter . ,, ;.� �� ����:.,�� '"�v^:i� shall be a misdemeanor. Section 4 Section 14010 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 140.10. Safety requirements. The owner of a building containing an element of the Saint Paul Pedestrian Skyway System shall maintain said element in a condition so as not to constitute a hazard to its patrons and shall also comply with the following requirements: (1) On and after September 1, 1993, skyway bridges and public easements in, and areas accessible and adjacent to, buildings connected to the skyway pedestrian system shall maintain a minimum light level of ten (10) footcandles during all hours of operation. Lighting levels shall be measured within five (5) feet of the centerline of the pedestrian path throughout the skyway pedestrian system at approximately thirty-six (36) inches above the floor and in accordance with the � �I -Z-of� 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 20§ 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 standards as recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society (IES) unless the accessible azea is greater than twelve (12) feet, at which time the illumination �p �� level of the entire area will be a minimum of ten (10) footcandles. Light fixture � installation shall be so designed that failure of one (1) lamp will not leave an area inadequately lighted. (2) All elements of the skyv✓ay pedestrian system shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, safe and seasonally adjusted comfortable temperature level of seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus eight (8) de�ees Fahrenheit, during the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week. The temperature will be maintained seasonally to witrun fifty (50) and ninety (90) degrees Fahrenheit at all other timea Temperatures will be measured at approximately thirty-six (36) inches above the floor in accordance with the standards as recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASFIIZAE). Design temperatures of sixty-eight (68) deerees Fahrenheit (winter) and seventy-four (74) degrees Fahrenheit (summer) shall be the standards during the skyway system operating hours. Building owners shall be responsible for necessary repair and replacement of damaged or deteriorated portions of the skyway pedestrian system. Hazardous and nonhazazdous obstacles are prohibited so as to avoid the appearance of clutter. (3) On and after June 1, 1991, all areas of the pedestrian skyway system that, because of design, lighting, decorations or any other reason, may be construed as a"hiding place," as determined by the skyway governance advisorv committee, shall be secured by a physical barrier, eliminated or monitored. (4) On and after June 1, 1991, all areas of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide a continuous, immediate, accessible and easy-to-perform means of communicating requests to the emergency dispatch center or "911." Communications may be provided by auto-dialed emergency response call boxes, warking pay phones or other appropriate alarm devices. There shall be a minimum of one (1) means of communication located every three hundred twenty (320) feet measured linearly and a minimum of one (1) means of communication per building. These means of communication shall be located in prominent locations as determined by the skyway governance advisorv committee and accessible during all hours of skyway operation. In areas where a means of communication is not visible, signage with directions to the nearest location shall be prominently displayed. (5) On and after June 1, 1991, signs providing location names (i.e., building name, concourse name, floor level and exits from the system) and utilizing easily readable lettering shall be prominently displayed in the pedesh skyway system. The name utilized shall be umque and descriptive, so that ca11s for aid to that place name can be responded to accurately. (6) On and afrer June 1, 1991, the owner of a building containing an element of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide, in the building owned, for the reasonable observation or surveillance of the portions of the pedestrian skyway system located by video cameras or by patrolling security personnel. a. Video cameras used for observation or surveillance shall be monitored by personnel during all hours of skyway operation. The owner, when placing the video cameras, shall consider building design and internal layout, building usage and incident trends. The owner shall make every effort during the further development and implementation of a skyway security to achieve the oprimum of a coordinated camera and voice communications and surveillance system. All cameras urilazed shall �� � •7i•O$ Z20 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 ��) provide video output at one (1) volt peak-to-peak, NTSC. The placement of cameras shall be reviewed for compliance with city standards by the skyway governanceladvisorv committee. bg / �3 b. Patrolling security personnel used for observation or surveillance shall patrol during all hours of skyway operation and the frequency of patrol shall be determined by the building owner. The building owner, when determining the frequency of patrols, shall consider the size and design of the skyway portion located in the building, the type of uses located in the building, incident trends and the means of surveillance implemented in adjoining structures. The department of safety and inspections in consultation with the Skyway Govemance Advisory Committee shall recommend minimum city standards for patrol and review for compliance to be approved by the city council. The fire inspector is authorized to inspect far violations and to otherwise enforce the provisions of this section. Section 5 Section 14.11 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code is hereby created to read as follows: 14.11 Hours of Oueration � � �T �} •2-Df3 2 77 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 3Q7 308 309 310 311 � 4. 5. 6. c. V '� Section 7 ,��153 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (90) days following passage, approval and publication. ��J�� �5��� �PR 2 410�8 eas ays sen Requested by Department of: Bostrom i Harris Adopted by Council: nAr< ` Adoption Certi£ied by Council 5ecretary gy l / //AA ✓/r/�l.7 J Approved 4 By: _� By: Fo Ap roved by City Attorney B N-z-os Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: !� 81_1SHFC�` APR 2 4 1009 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � �'/��3 (�`Q ' 08-FE&-08 Green Sheet NO: 3049817 Contact Person & Phone: Councilmember Thune 266-8620 musz ee on 20.FEB-08 Doc.Type: � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 E-�ocumentRequired: Y DocumentConWM: JulieKraus Confact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) IComcil I ouncil 1 DeaarlmentDirector ,CSry Clerk i i i I An ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code to establish uniform skyway hours. laanons: qpprove (A) or KeJect (K): Personal service contrscts must Answer the Ponowing (iuest7ons: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for ihis department? CI6 Commiltee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currentcityemployee? ' Ves No Facplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges IfApproved: Disadvantages If Approvetl: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: ' (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: February 8, 2008 12:40 PM Page 1 08- l�3 Skyway Testimony Mazch 19, 2008 Jay Severance Residence: 350 St Peter St. Unit 409 Business: The Eivapean Table, Suite 295 I,owry Skyway, St Paul, MI3 55102 My name is Jay Severauee. My wife Kathryn and I live in the Lowry Build'mg and atso operate a retail store, The European Table, on the Lowry Skyway. We relocated to St Paul in 2006 in part because of the Skyway System. We had tived in an urban setting in Europe, and enjoyed the convenience of being able to walk to restaurants, theatres and shopping. After returning to the US, we searched for a simiiaz urban living situation, and explored many cities, mostly in warm weather azeas. Over the years we had been frequent visitors to St Paul for SPCO, opera, theatre and other events. We enjoyed the culture here, and having the Skyway made it possible to get almost anywhere by foot regardless of the weather. In 2005 we became aware of the Lowty Lofts, and decided to make center-city St Paul our new urban home, later setting up our retail business on the skyway in the Lowry. One of our first encounters with the limitations of the Skywa.y was in the Fa11 of 2006. While walking back from the Farmer's Mazket one Saturday, we decided to take the skyway back home, and ended up getting locked into a section of the skyway. i won't go into details, but there were no signs or indications the Skyway was closed, only a double door ihat altowed access but not egress. I came close to huniug in a fire alann to escape, but fortiwately for us someone came by and let us out. Since that time, we have experienced inadequate, inconsistenrt and confusing signage, other instances of locked doors on xnain segments of the skyway, lack of information and lunitations on access and egress from and to street level, and some secwity issues, particulazly when the skyway is not patrolled, and one instance of the 911 medical first responders not being able to find the Skyway. One evening in Febraary, I took tha Skyway to a light rail hearing in the Metropolitan Council chambers and when returning at 7:3 U pm found that the doors ieading to the skyway were locked. I was fortunate to have brought a coat because I had to take the street back to the L,owry. I have been participating in open meetings of ttte Skyway committee for a yeaz and a hal£ I believe they aze developing a very good plan for making the Skyway viable and restoring it as a competitive advantage for living, working and doing business in Downtown St Pau1. The issue before you is only ii�e first step. Without having consistent and prominently posted hours of operarion and access, the plans to improve the Skyway system cannot be successfuily implemented. I urge you to approve the measure before you. ,- (3/20l2008j Mary Erickson - Fwd: Proposed skyway hours change Page 1; :�fl�-� From: CouncilInfo To: Erickson, Mary Date: 3/20/2008 9:38 AM Subject: Fwd: Proposed skyway hours change »> "JUliann Davis" <Juliann.DavisCa)state.mn.us> 3/20/2008 6:36 AM »> Why are you punishing the tax-paying employees who start woric at 6:00 am by not allowing us to use the skyway to get to our jobs? We need the skyway to get from all parking ramps and lots in our below zero winters, rainy springs, and 90 degree summers. Since this was the point of creating a skyway system in St. Paul, I do not understand how you can Cake it away from us. �(3/19i2008) Patricia Lindgren -<no subject> Page 1 � O� /S,� From: Jim Farrell <jim@miba.com> To: Dave Thune <Dave.Thune@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/18/2008 5:22 PM Subject: <no subject> Councifinember Thune, (Dave); This is a follow up to our conversation for the need to have consistency concerning the operation of St. Paul's downtown skyway system. More and more, there is growing consensus on the slowing growth of our economy both nationally and locally. This slowed growth will result in zero or negative grov✓th which many regard as a recession. The result for St. Paul tax payers is the likefihood of having a decrease in revenue available to pay for city services. A decrease in revenue requires the discussion of budget cuts or tax increases, both of which are very di�cult in a recession. History shows us that during a slow economy the demand for city services increases with an increase in crime. At the same time, tax increases during a recession can hamper economic recovery. One way to raise revenue without a decrease in city services or an increase in property taxes is to grow the local economy with our convention busi�ess. It is the Republican National Convention this September which gives us hope in having an economic rebound in the end of the third quarter. Not only will we see economic opportunity, but this wiil be one of the greatest marketing events our city will ever see. During the co�vention we will witness worldwide media attention, international businesses conducting government affairs and delegates from around the country observing St. Paul for the first time. This is when St. Paul has the opportunity to sell itself to prospective convention planners for future events. Having the skyway system work in a consistent manner is a priority in making St. Paul attractive. It goes without saying that with a year round average temperature in the 3�'s, St. Paul's Convention and Visitors Bureau needs to show potential convention planners that our skyway system is a safe, consistent and predictable experience regardless of the weather. To that end, the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association (M�BA) and its members support your efforts in having St. Paul's skyway system be uniform in operation. Again, common sense demands that one of the selling points of our beautiful city is having the consistency and predictability of a safe and uniform skyway system. Sim Farrell You may view our website at www.mlba.com <http://www.mlba.com> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE Information in this message, including attachments, is intended only for the confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an Association-Member communication from the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, and as such is privileged and confidentiai. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this message in error, that any review, dissemination, distribution, or G��/�3 MARCH 8, 2008 TO: SKYWAY GOVERNANCE COMMREE FROM: BETSY Ff2EDERICK, LOWERTOWN F000.S RE: UNIFORM SiCYWAY HOURS 1 HAVE HAD A BUSINESS IN THE SKYWAY FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS AND THOUGH I AM A LUNCHl1ME, SOtfPiSAND1MCH STORE, I HAVE HAD AMPLE OPPORTUNffY TO HEAR COMMENTS REGARDING 1}1E SKYWAY HOURS. RESIDENTS WHO WOULp L1KE TO ENJpY THE ORDWAY, DINE AT THE ST. PAUL HOTEI, HAVE A DRINK, OR CELEBRATE NEW YEARS EVE ATA DOWNTOWN LOCAiION, PlAN THE TIMING OF THEIR EVENT CAREFULLY , OTtiERWfSE THEY WfLL FfND TFiEMSELVES LOCKED �UT OF THE SKYWAY. DOWNTOWN RESIDENTS W1LL HURRY HOME FROM THEIR DOWNTOWN JOBS BECAUSE THE SKYWAY MAY BE CLOSED AND THEY WONT GET 7HRU TO THEIR CONDp/APAR'fMENT. PEOPLE WHO WORK DOWNTOWN HURRY TO 7HEIR PARKIfVG LOCA770NS ... THEY DONT "HANG AROUND" TO tiAVE DINNER OR COCKTAILS WITH CO-WORKERS BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY WQNT BE ABLE Td GET THRU THE SKYWAY TO THEIR PARKING LOCA710NS. 1T APPEARS 11iAT EVERYONE WHO L1VES AND/OR WORKS IN DOWNTt?WN ST. PAUL ARE 1N A CONSTAM RUSH TO GET HOME TO THEIR DOWNTOWN RESIDENCE OR OUT OF TOWN BEFORE THE SKYWAY CLOSES ... IT IS A FOCUS AND TOTALLY CONTRARY TO WHAT DOWNTOWN AND THE SKYWAY SYS7EM IS INTENDED TO BE ABOUT. IF THE SKYWAY SYSTEM IS MEANT TO BE AN INDOOR, CONTROLLED "SIDEWALlC' BY DEFINI't10N, THEN WHY IS IT EVER CLOSED? IF THE SKYWAY SYSTEM NEVER CLOSED, I WOULD GUESS MANY POSITNE OUTCOMES WOULD BE ACHiEVED: ..... MOftE PEOPLE WOWLD WANTTO LNE DOWNTOWN .... MORE PEOPLE WOULD FEEL FREE TO GO OUT AND STAY OU7 AT RESTAURANTS, BARS, THEATERS, ART GALLERIES, SPORIING EVENTS, ETC. MORE BUSINESSES WOULD WANT TO OPEN AND STAY OPEN IF THEY KNEW THERE WERE PEOPLE AROUND (BOTH THOSE WHO LNE AND WORK pOWNTOWN) WHO COULD FREELY MOVE THRU TIiE SKYWAY AND GET TO THEIR DESTINAl10N ... AND JUSTAS �MPORTANT, SACK TO THEIR DOWNTOW(V HOME OR PAf2KING LOCAl10N THRU AN OPEN SKYWAY. I'M CERTAIN THERE ARE ISSUES I AM NOT AWARE OF ... AND COSTS ASSOCIATED ... BUT IT SEEMS THAT OPEN SKYWAYS 4S A WINMt1N SITUATIOtd FOR NOUSING, DOWidTOWM BUStidESS, AND MORE INtpORTANTLY, THE PEOPL.E WHO WANT TO SUPPORT DOWNTOWN ST. PAU�. af - /53 ��-er��� �rj� ��1���.n Ir�dit�c����? �rc,c����;; { aa_ slc,�teu �hc �t^:wa�-� er_ €`riLC� a�c? t3c���±u� Ocxober 23, 20Q6 Counciimaa David'fhuae Wazd 2, Room 310-B csc xau, �Y P��t, r,� s��aa Deas Councilman Thvae, Pm wsiring m espress concerns about the access and s`s a" on the St Paul skyway system. 17ris stems &om two issues. Fust, my wife aad T mexe txapped on the skyaa� zeceutly, and on the bunk of tuming in an emezga�cy z]aan when we weze freed by a 6y-passer. Second, thexe seetns Yo be tittle ot no sigaage ontside the slty�c¢�ay system, �az.ticularly ai stceet levet tellvig how to get on the skyway system. Tlii'xd, rhe signage aa the systeru is inaeleqnate paxtic�lazly to a2ett people to open/ckosing times, and sernices available an dte skyway. We receatly purchased a lofr in the Z.owry buitding, �and we met pou at a functian at the St Paul Hotelj. ��e aze in the 6nal negotiatians to open a zetatl stare on the samp in the Lowsy Buildiag. We are doing this with the enco�agecnrmt c�f ltichazd Pa}conen (mho is beiag vexy accommodaring to in2lce dvs hajapen), but we ate vetg coacemed about tlie absli¢y to sustain a zeta3i bvsiness oa tha skyway...eeidenced hy the laEge�umbex af cacaat stes�es, lack e�f si�ma�e, and aaess ]imitations. I xvznt to pmvade a detailed descrilnEton of aur entcapcnar� On Sat�rscday the 7'� of Septemt�et, mp wife and I walked from rhe Lowry to Galthier P3aza on the sky.waq-en. mate ta the faemes.'s maiket. After ptuchasing sQme items, we thought we wonld IiL•e tca tzke anothet skywap ronceback to fhe Lowry. �e enYexed wktac shaws nn the map as the I.,owertown Bnsi¢ess Centet (n� Parkfaff� ?) b�t�xe doot on W�aconta St between C� & 7*� sttec,t5. We cveie ab3e to ta.ke tke eFe�ator to t6e sl. level, and entet the sl�y ovex Warnuta C7�xough a seh of double doaxs. Weprozeei3ed over the stteeY and about halfiva}� throuugh the Park Square b' ild",o (Railroad buttdis�g?) and came to anoth� set of doors which were tucke,d, and n�acked with a siga thax aa alanu wwld so�nd if we tried to eater. We a�alkeil back F.asx to� the double doots ia the Lowercown building whece we enteced, onlp to fisid fhat thep-vrere Iercked....en1� open to traffic gaing R�est_ These v�ece no doais un dzat segs:uent (matked ou the atcached xnap) �ash allowed egress. tlEtec abo�i a tweutp tnitiu[es o£ futilelg tryzug ta fiad an open door, or some kind tsf call bos ox doox xelease device, or 4agging a passesby from t6e ou�pass, I was about to puIl the fire »)arm. Fortw�ately we were zescued by someone wlao happened to open the double duox from rhe othes side. Needless to say, F am nQw very ieluaacit to take the skymag, patticularlp oa a weeke�d I am concerned [hat t6ere is not a cohereat systeui fot seavity and emezgencg simations oa the s�ymay, or at least lt isn'twell controlled or pmminently posced Is dz.ere a cegtcal authoutp which conteoIs mlucli segmeats aze locked, access and et°e¢ge°c9 egcess siga:age m9R secuuiy patrois etc.? T wonld apgredate yov� cominents on wlxether these are impsovemenzs ro sk}�va.p traf�ic measures undenvay oL antitipared We wauld be happy ro conameat fiuthet if ybu umuld }a7ce, Cosdiallp, jay SeveTance 3i0 Sx. Peter St Z3nit 408 St Paul, MN 55202 Cell; 715-299-826G cc R Pakonen,Zow�r$wldin� Gallic'traciific;nslfl.0 = lti�a"�,s; Iiaa;l. isiatuLI'w:ul � L'lackT?n�erPalls,t�%I.5t��15 � L'S� ?'el: �.�),-,.�?��.a76r, � Fax: i.'1s.?st.c�7a; ; P-zizai�,i�s#i�fa�atl"sctra�itiUrvS.erzU7 � .ceb:;=.�;ta�.�liir�-aelitioaas.cosn (3/18%2008) Pafriaa Lindgren Skyway Hours _ - � - Page 1: 4�'/�3 From: "Chris Mahai' <cmahai@aveus.com> To: <Ward1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/16l2608 8:09 PM Subject: Skyway Hours CC: <danie14004@gmail.com>, "Kremer Geo and PaY' <gpkrem07@awidtech.net>, "... Dear City Council Members, I understand that the hearing on the ordinance to set uniform skyway hours wiil be heard by you on March 19th. My husband and I live in the Airye Condominiums at 6th and Jackson, and my company o�ce is in the Securian Tower. We moved from our suburban home to downtown in 2001 and t moved my company office to Saint Paui in 2004. Needless to say, we are dependent on an open skyway system. We live and enjoy downtown +n great part because of this network. Thank you to Councilman Thune for advancing this issue, and thank you all for considering this ordinance. I urge you to pass it and with it continue the vital deveiopment of our downtown Saint Paul neighborhood. Chris LaVictoire Mahai Managing Partner Aveus, LLC 651/379.3879 main 651/379.3881 direct 612/432.3801 cell 400 Robert Street North Suite 1760 Saint Paul MN 55101 www.aveus.com <http://www.aveus.com/> clavm@aveus.com <mailto:clavm@aveus.com> "If the world were merely seductive, that would be no problem. If the world were only challenging, that would be easy. But I rise each morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. That makes it hard to plan the day." — E.B. White og�/�3 From: "Kremer Geo and PaY' <gpkrem07@awidtech.net> To: <Ward1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/1412008 8:44 PM Subject: Skyway hours We moved from Bloomington to �owntown St Pauf just over four years ago. The downtown skyway system played a big part in our decision to locate in the Airye Condominiums. We absolutely love living here and truiy hope that the skyway system wi11 remain available (at ieast until midnight) to residents. We enjoy frequent events downtown and love the safety and ease of ihe skyways. Who needs to winter in Florida with this set up? Please cast your vote in favor of uniform skyway hours that does enhance a downtown lifestyle and perhaps, encourage more peopie to move to this town. Things looked very promising five years ago. We need to get back on track. Pat and George Kremer 168 6th St. E Unit 3701 St. Paul, MN From: "Adamski" <mcgregor@awidtech.neb To: <Ward1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3l17/2008 624 PM Subject: Uniform skyway hours Please vote yes for uniform skyway hours. My husband, who is a wheelchair user, and i rely on the skyways for work and leisure. We would have to go outside late at night and in poor weather without the skyways being open. They are very important to us both for health reasons and for the convenience. Thank you, Melissa Adamski downtown dweller (Airye Condominiums Galtier Plaza) From: 70: pate: Subject: Ward 1-7 members, <krlareau@aol.com> <Ward 1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> 3/15/2008 8:06 AM Skyway Hours I am a resident of 168 E. 6th St. #3102 in St. Paul.? I am also an annual subscriber to the Ordway.? i am writing to urge you to vote to have consistent (and late) skyway hours so that I can walk to aciivities in downtown St. Paul. Thank you, Kim LaReau d�5�/�3 From: "Nancy Jean" <njpaj@skypoint.com> To: <Ward1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/14/2008 1039 PM Subject: Skyway hours It has been brought to my attention that there is is a current ordinance proposal coming up on Mar. 19. i am writing to ask that each of you support and standardizing of skyway hours and a late enough closing time to allow the use of the skyway following events at the Ordway and Excel. We have resided in Lowertown for 2 years, having sold our home in Highland Park and purposely choosing to live in downtown St. Paul rather than downtown Minneapolis. This was done even though we were more familiar with Minneapolis, having lived there previously and also the fact that 2 years ago our dollar wouid have bought us more square footage in Mpts. rather that St. Paul. (n the past two years, though the popu{ation of Lowertown has increased fairly dramatically, we have seen negative occurences, such as the conflict over hoiiday lighting in Mears Park and the undependable skyway hours. These events, added to the more serious issues such as the lack of a decent grocery store and so many shops closing, make us wonder about the future of downtown St. Paul. We chose to live in St. Paul because of the quiet, historical dignity, but quiet does not mean "dead". Piease support getting the skyway hours late enough so that we can attend the Orday and Excel events and still walk home through the skyways late in the evening. And so our friends staying at and supporting downtown hotels can use the skyways late in the evening/early morning hours to return to their hotel. Thank you for taking your time to address this issue. Nancy Pajunen Airye Condos From: ALLAN BRENNAN <brenalj@yahoo.com> To: <ward1-7@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/16/2008 11:17 AM Subject: SKYWAY UNIFORM HOURS IM IN FAVOR OF DAVE THUNES PROPOSAL TO HAVE SKYWAY HOURS OPENED THROUGH OUT THE SKYWAY SYSTEM FROM 6:OOam to 2:OOam. WE LIVE DOWNTOWN AND FEEL THIS WOULD BE HELPFUL TO EVERYONE THAT LIVES DOWNTOWN AND TRAVELS THE SKYWAY AFTER A PLAY, HOCKEY GAME, RESTAUf2ANT ETC. THANK YOU. AL & KAREN BRENNAN. a8�l�3 March 17, Z008 To: St. Paul City Council From: Betty Herbert Re: Skyways On December 31, 2007 I retired after 35 years of selling real estate. Since 1982 I have been a resident of Downtown St. Paul — on the Skyway system - and over the years have sold hundreds of Downtown condominiums. The Skyway system has been one of the greatest incentives to choosing the convenient Downtown tifestyte, even for those residents whose homes are not directly connected. For residents who attend nighttime cultural or athleric events, the skyways are often the preferred route to use, especially during the frigid, icy winters or sweltering summers. It is criticat for many of the elderly and/or disabied persons who have chosen Downtown for safety reasons. Many of these evening events continue well past ten o'clock. Closing portions of the Skyway at such an early hour requires residents of some of the buildings to take a circuitous (and sometimes unfamiliar route) in order to arrive home. If we want our powntown community to survive and thrive, we must be sensitive to the needs of the persons who have chosen to invest in the fabric of our special neighborhood. �3i2712008j ��Mary �rickson - E-msil regarding fhe skyway, item 2B on lipril 2 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � Page 1 � ��' ��J � From: CouncilInfo To: Erickson, Mary; Wardl-7 Date: 3/27/2008 2:51 PM Subject: E-mail regarding the skyway, Item 26 on April 2 CC: Moloney, Trudy This is for Item 26. -Racquel, 6-8573 »> "Jennifer Davern" <Jennifer.DavernC�state.mn.us> 3/27/2008 1:08 PM »> I park in the Galtier ramp in downtown St Paul. I start at 6:00 in the morning. The skyway entrance to the 375 ]ackson Bidg is locked and doesn't open until 6:00 but I have to be at work by that time. I would like the skyway access to be open by 5:30. I have walked outside several times and there are often some creepy characters out there and for safety reason would like to walk inside. Is there someone that I need to contact regarding this? �(3%27/2008) Mary Erickson - E-mail regarding sky way, Item 26 on April 2 Page 1 � UO��`l % From: CouncilInfo To: Erickson, Mary Date: 3(27/2�08 2:54 PM Subject: E-mail regarding skyway, Item 26 on April 2 »> "Dick Meyer" <Dick.MeverCalstate.mn.us> 3J27/2008 11:01 AM »> I need the skyway to be open before am. My working hours start at am, I park at Broadway & Kellogg or in the city ramp, block 19, and its a long, cold walk to the first national bank bld. Metro Square, with a guard does not open until 6 and neither does the depot. Traffic is terrible, coming in and going out of St Paul: parking is expensive. Please keep our skyways open, Thank You Dick Meyer (3� /27%2008) Mary Erickson - E-mail regarding skyway, ltem 26 on April 2 Page 1 I bg�l�� From: CouncilInfo To: Erickson, Mary Date: 3/27/2008 Z:55 PM Subject: E-mail regarding skyway, Item 26 on April 2 »> "Dankert, Patricia" <Patricia.DankertCo�ssa.gov> 3/24/2��8 11:13 AM »> I am employed downtown St Paul and love the skyway system. I must admit that I find it somewhat amusing this debate about having the system open 6am to 2am daily when the BATHROOMS DONT OPEN UNTIL 8:30AM AND WHO KNOWS WHEN THEY CLOSE. That's correct - the bathrooms in Town Square, lst Bank hallway and down the hall from DEED aren't open until 8:30am. You have no idea how many times individuals going to work (or possibly going home) would like to have seen these open for longer hours. What are you going to do when having the skyways open until 2am with no bathrooms open? I pity the maintenance people in these buildings once this happens because they unfortunately will be having additional "matters" that would then have to be cleaned up. Do you know how well Yhe secret of where to find bathrooms is kept? After working DT for six years, I just found the lst Bank haflway bathrooms about two months ago. Something really needs to be done about showing locations for public bathrooms both for now as well as during the convention. There are skyway maps both printed and posted in various locations - bathrooms should be indicated on same. I'm hoping that these inconsistencies are remedied. Quite frankly, I can't see any advantage of having the skyways open so late - is there actually nightlife happening DT that this would be warranted? Who would be in the skyways this late? Personally I could see going earlier (like Sam) for those who have to work OT or have flex hours. Thanks for your consideration to the above. �_.nv��c�� �� js� s�y, �ea� �s, 2oos 9 ` The faliawing L.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul Ciry CouncIl to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from fr:� A.M. to 2:E� A.M. w� c li% �^'� ��?,� � � /G �cau��;,�lv�,� 5� kae P�S�, r� G- l�s a�,�-,�-� �'��s-`cPe��-1�� hQar��� �. fG�;s is atiiav� 1�3�' ��SY.�� by CJ�� ZIZRIo� NAME ADDRESS / j � /7 \/ � � L'!�, �(:; , 7C t t�S�i53 Thursday, November 8, 2(�'7 The following Lowertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyv+ay system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. NAME ADDRFSS � ��� ' ��;vd���. �'/�3 Thursday, November 8, 2007 The following Lowertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St Paul City CounciI to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. � >�wt�Gr � nre naF' � nr,o�ec ���?�� � �s�-��'/' v8�1�3 Thursday, November S, 20t)'7 The following Lowertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgenfly petition the St Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. � � � �,�?/,�.�C�L � � � v T /7.� ,�; /� �: i � , .� � ci� � �/53 Thursday, November 8, 2007 The following I.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St Paul City Councii to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. � �1 �, ;' , �: , �, �;�,�� �, ��. � - 0��/53 Saturday, Febrt�ary 15, 2Q0& 'f�owv�ow� Yes The faHowing and other skyway users hereby urgently petirion the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requuing the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from S:E}a A.M. to 2:(� A.M. NAME „ ADDRESS /�/! �/Ovt G� /!�; I�i uin0. �s... > l ` �/ i, �n. J a �r��:.��w�s �-� 5 -� � c�� F' � �'� c� �t��t �. �� =;�, � <�- ���� �,� �_ � 0 0 � � C�.v A--D i,.� ..h+/I �' �{ G b �. �'I/ h,�� 'i5 � v� .�.�^^ 6 � -✓n.�'a` Z�ta � 5�^ Si ���� `°�f- 1av+ ��f0/ K�s#-� �, w�� i�o � � s�-. n ;�te..�u� JT P�k.t� s�0 1 , ll ^ 'c � � irc� ', I'� 1. -� _'! ^ !hL j a � Yi 5�7C CL �i.f' i�dd �- � Lt � i n/�557 /� �:' �u� �:�1�� �,�QZf � �� S� ��f Ss,g7 - 1 �w�A�A2+'� �) °E �.l , . �� � �. �'rr,,.l N 1'� ( a i 4 r�'Ji"� 7, l Cctf i `Ps' F�"C r'� ,�'<; t�-�� Sn P' SSl� �� � �, S ( ��3 �� ��%� �,ti G ., „ -�'�- vt-� `��cE: lv�A�v � ��o ^� -�¢�w�t S'f �\ ic� S l Phut�• S � dN ' Q�S� ��r�� ��- sT. �;�s�� j .l��n., 55;0 � I,in�ttl��2� �I�����,r�,v,U �;,�s��.'-,e?a.�Q�✓��rC,.��.?',�r�f�_l11' 1 ;"7�im�,_ r �� il"i / � � �f1z( � �, �� � � G,� J'L Dti �` r f?'�'t �� ��� i/l� h�t rb7. %- �r'� , � - - 7°';/1/�ti(Y�( �i7'%/�c/�./�i �' 77� �l ✓`—'� . L � -� O 4 ' `/ �� ���Gl�-- �;�� ��N� � �� �/ ��� � ��� � � � �a�r� ��m �^�4 �C�G"" y ��"°'tGn %5�d� �or�� ! �"" ` �, � �� �� ,, ,, J /1//N 5� j�j� � � �5%U�-- �3g� E-c�r��ura �� p� �� s �'' � L y �� SS � �` . �ICiQ'' CF��lrn ����y� ��� w � �s2��/���5� , �°�. , � �� �"��� � � � ���� � �! J � �� �`�� � zl� �Z � `� �" �- S� � �a� , U� n( 5 St o ( C� SII�(�� 5� ,���� S't'�'"�t,i � Y�l � �� b� �U3U�etc�� M�L�S �� n n�.r� l rc- ;,.; - �G�l� ���'�"'�"/ �ea�'G�ev �'u��c�� ��� �� /��-✓IL S<<����i �� � ��� ��li -l-E c � w�.a� � �� , !—1 9 ' !�r z1 `Jc"-'S '�' � � ��� � �-�-.� ?V1N 5��� P� �l i tos !-�5��% �, S� ���� 41��( �� ,��ttfl�� S�.�c.ve. 5 51�1 ��( F ctz�� s ��,� �c� 1 S S ��i, �� ssc�7 � Gvea� �ov�(�c�,�� �� aL��/53 s��y, ��� �s, za�s The fo�pwing I.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from S:Od A.M. to 2:� A.M. 01 �� �Y�°f% I �� � �� �7�/�C� �� � D8�/�3 Thursday, November 8, 2007 / The fotlowing L.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Cauncil to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. 1 1 r,�i Yzflir�-- ' 1 :, � _ ' � on t � C���ce . � Dai1e- % j�ur�� - � ���eu��'v�� �--� s��y, F�,� �s, aoo� og-t 53 The fatlowing L.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently pefition the St. Paul 1 �■ � � � � � � O � � � � b � � d � � "-�` ■ °��o � } 1-1 §360� � City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:4a A.M. ��� ,� �� ��t� ��i u �t�e v� +� � ��; � c o �. �► i�'1, Sk n�c� � NAME ADDRESS , �i (�� �vw�xs bb�t S3 Satarclay, February }5, 2608 The fotlowing L,owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgenfly petition the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform hours from S:fl€} Pf.M. to 2:4E} A.M. � �ME (J �&� N . � c� ; -r F P ADDRESS � `.I� �'- � t ae ?6 G:����a'� C���ST flkt� [�[ ���i� d3b fh1� ssta Z h� FEB 29,2008 09:34A page 1 ai��� �ow�s �� __ - � �� og�/53 , � 5atttrdny, Febeuary 15, 20Q8 'I'he fvf{Qwing L.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgeIIfly petition fhe St. Pau! City Councii to create an ordiitance requiring the skyway system to be opcn seven days a week with uniform houry from b:00R.M. to 2:pp A.M. 11A1fY! MAY-02-2a03 01�19 From: s�n�.y, �`�t��� is, Zc�os To:6512668574 P.2�2 C i'ft� �dSS�01�'� J a8 -/53 Ths fol�wing LOwertawn residents and othe� skyway users hereby urgenCiy petition the St. p2ld City Cou�cil to create an ordinflnce rcquiring the cl�yway system tn be apen seven days a week with uuil'c�rm hours frazn G:U(} A.R2. Eo 2:00 A.M. Y�' j � ��c�.t.� � EtS�( Ud� V �-/53 � s�c�y, F�t��y �s, Zoos � F yy� a�Q vwt.�a�c �v�6��:ut�..4 The folkpwing and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Councii to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uuiform hours frvm €r.(Xi t1.M. to 2:€)0 A.M. 3y� �- �C 1 V�Ed-�V� - 06''/S3 Saturday, February I5, 20D8 -�jQa.�2 (��YSo h KC M The fotlacving „L-�°.�::�..� and other skyway users hereby urgentty petition the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week evith uniform hours from 6:00 A.M. to 2:tX7 R.M. -ss:�z fviF�'� � I'C #�uYV� �� �e�. ��� ���� �laV2 t ��aTt(� Satutz3ay, Febn�ary I5, 200& �'/ �-f�Gea�er vsav�we i The fol�awing and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Council Yo create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with nnifarm hours from S:OE} A.M. to 2:OQ A.M. [�`"i �D 2S �S l i�( 03I10/2008 71:00 FAK 6572668574 SAINT PAUL CITV COUNCIL � 002�002 � � V�� til �s oK-/53 . Satluday, F'ebivary 15, Z008 ���,��� The foHewing Lowertown resident�ad othet skyway users hereby urgently petition the St, Paul C�ry C ko create an ardinance requir'sng the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uniform houra frvm 6:00 A�+1. w 2:00 A.M. ,i Z YvlkqF�*t.W ucN � �tTAr1l4 ��VQ-. � nn DD D fi,G-� A--�,�`� M P rh 68-/53 Saturday, February 15, 2tX38 The foHowing I.owertown residents and other skyway users hereby urgently petition the St. Paul City Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week � 0 with uniform hours from S:d0.41VI. to 2:€?0 A.It�I. �(easE Ve-�-uv� 1 � V�ta�,r�n � 2 �-/53 Saturday Febrt�ary 15 200& reS�a�.tv a�n.-�ecx�rs The faHawing I,owertown residents�and other skyway users hereby urgently pefition the St. Paul Ciry Council to create an ordinance requiring the skyway system to be open seven days a week with uaiform hours from 5:€36 Pt.iVi. to 2:� A.M. �5 NA1bTF AnT1RF..CC CouncilFile# Q8-153 Green Sheet # 3049817 SUBSTITUTE 2/27/O8 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '��i SLTBSTTTUTE Qrdinance Amending Chapter 140 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To � Establish Uniform Skyway Hours THE �OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Section 140.01 of the Saint Pa � Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: . Sec. 140.01. Definitions. . The defmitions of this section sfi apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: � Easement area shall mean an azea or ar s of the pedesh skyway system or of a pedestrian mall which is subject to an easement ted by a private property owner to the city for the benefit of the public for pedesh ingress, ssage and egress. Pedestrian mall shall mean any indoar enclos ublic mall, arcade, courtyard, galleria, gallery, piazza, square or other type of indoor public ped`e trian way or open space. Pedestrian skyway system means any system of provi � g far pedesh traffic circulation, mechanical or otherwise elevated above ground, wi in and without the public rights-of-way, and through or above private property and building and includes overpasses, bridges, passageways, walkways, concourses, hallways, corridors, a ades, courts, plazas, malls, elevatars, escalators, heated canopies and access and all fixtures, furrii e, signs, equipment, facilities, services and appurtenances. The term shall include systems or ortions of systems which are built in the future. For purposes of this chapter, a pedestrian sk _ay system shall inciude stairways and escalators and tunnels leading from or into the skyway � stem from private buildings and areas under stairs and escalators leading to and connechn concourse corridors, in addition to stairs and escalatars connecting the concourse corridors t, public streets or other public properry. Town Square Park shall mean the four (4) levels of enclosed public space designated a,the concourse, street, skyway and loft levels administered by the Pazks and Recreation Divisi n of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services, generally located on vacated Seventh �• ce (Street) between Minnesota Street and Cedar Street. ��'., Section 2 Section 140.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 140.07. Advertising and exterior signs. (a) Advertising. Billboard-style or enclosed display case advertising is a permitted use in skyway corridors. The following requirements apply to advertising: � Z •Z6'-� 49 5 51 ' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 loo 101 102 103 104 105 (b) (1) �2) (4) (5) (6) The size, shape and placement of advertising display fixtures should be such as to not unpede pedestrian circulation in the skyway system. �, �� Advertising should be contained in "permanent" nonmovable fixtures including, but not limited to, glass display cases affi�ced to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. The design and initial installation of advertising fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system and/or pedestrian malls must be approved by the skyway govemance advisozv committee and the affected building owner. No advertising fixture shall be installed in an easement area of the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall except as authorized by franchise ordinance duly adopted by the city council, �:. �uhich ordinance shall minimally incorporate the requirements of this section. No advertising fixture shall be installed in a noneasement area of the pedestrian skyway, system or pedestrian mall except under written contract between the adverti `sing installer and the affected building owner, which contract sha11 incorpora�e requirements of this section. Advertising installers shall contract with the owner of the building in which each advertising fixture is to be located for services to�e provided from the building for the fixture. Advertising and displays should be changed at least every other month. Advertising shall not ba�ermitted within the skyway bridges. Advertising sha11 be subject such additional rules and regulations as the skyway governance advisorv committee may determine. (7) Advertising fixtures, cases and displays shall be covered by all risk personal property insurance and public liabiti� insurance. Minimum policy limits shall be replacement cost of the advertising fixtures, cases and displays for all risk personal property coverage and one miF}i�on dollars ($1,000,000.00) single limit coverage for the public liability insurancelInsurance policies shall be issued by companies licensed to do business in Mi ota, shall name the city, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City�of�aint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA"), and the building owner as additional insureds; �d shall not be cancelable without thirty (30) days' written notice to the additional i sureds. Endorsements of a policy or policies issued to the building owner pro�iding additional insured coverage to the advertising fixture installer and the' �ty m coverages otherwise meeting the requirements of this subsecrion shall be a ceptable in lieu of a separate policy or policies. The advertising installer ari building owner shall each waive subrogation rights against the other for all pr�erty damage claims. (8) The installation of displays, cases and fixtures and any adve' 'sing therein shall comply with all other applicable laws and regulations. � (9) If permission to install any such advertising is withdrawn or revo& by the skyway governance/advisorv committee for failure to abide by the �'delines as provided in this section, by operation of an agreement, or by court ord the mstaller of the advertising shall at his or her own expense remove such ���, advertising and restore the pedesh concourse to its former condition. `. Exterior signs. Banners or signs may be affixed to the exterior of skyway bridges. following requirements apply to exterior banners and signs: (1) The size, shape and placement of banners and signs shall be in conformity with section 64.505(b)(1) and the specification of the city department of public works. �RT Z� 2S-o8 106 107 108 109 11 il� 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 (2) (3) No banner or sign shall be affixed or removed except by the city department of public works. � '(53 No banner or sign shall be affixed except by permit granted under this secrion which shall fix a date certain for removal of the banner and signs. (4) No permit shall be granted uxiless the permit applicant provides public liability insurance issued by a company licensed to do business in Minnesota in amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) single event coverage, naming the city and HRA as additional insureds which shall not be cancelable except upon ten (10) days' written notice to the city and HRA. In event of cancellation of the policy, � the banners and signs shall be removed unless a repiacement insurance policy is provided by the pernuttee. (5) The permittee shall be responsible far all costs to the city in affixing, maintaining d removing such banners and signs. The permit applicant shall guarantee or s cure payment of these costs in such manner as the skyway governance/advisorv co ittee may reasonably require. (6) Becau�skyways aze primarily an alternative pedestrian access, the maximum number f days per yeaz each skyway may have banners affixed is 120 days. The director o the depariment of public works may grant an exception to this limit for good cause. he reasons justifying the exception must be stated in writing at the time of applic�lion for the banner permit. Section 3 Section 140.08 of the Saint Paul Sec. 140.08. Penalty. Code is hereby amended to read as follows: a. Violation of any provision of . , shall be a misde Section 4 YK w n iu w� c iiwic a� u� iu R� �� �: aiwowil � n�4 Section 140.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ame ed to read as follows: Sec. 140.10. SafeTy requirements. The owner of a buiiding containing an element of the Saint Paul edestrian Skyway System shall maintain said element in a condition so as not to constitute a azard to its patrons and shall also comply with the following requirements: (1) On and after September 1, 1993, skyway bridges and public eas ents in, and azeas accessible and adjacent to, buildings connected to the skywa pedestrian system shall maintain a minimuxn light level of ten (10) footcandles uring all hours of operation. Lighting levels shall be measured within five (5) et of the centerline of the pedestrian path throughout the skyway pedesh syst at approximately thirty-six (36) inches above the floor and in accordance 'th the standards as recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society (IES) le< the accessible azea is greater than twelve (12) feet, at which time the illumin tic levei of the entire area will be a minimum of ten (10) footcandles. Light fixt ,; 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 �� 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 installation shall be so designed that failure of one (1) lamp will not leave an area inadequately lighted. � (2) All elements of the skyway pedestrian system shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, safe and seasonally adjusted comfortable temperature level of seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus eight (8) degrees Fahrenheit, during the hours of 6:00 am. and ll:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week. The temperature will be maintained seasonally to within fifty (50) and ninety (90) degrees Fahrenheit at all other times. Temperatures will be measured at approximately thirty-six (36) inches above the floor in accordance with the standards as recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refiigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers � (ASHRAE). Design temperatures of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit (winter) � and seventy-four (74) degrees Fahrenheit (suimner) shall be the standards during \ the skyway system operating hours. Building owners shall be responsible far necessary repair and replacement of damaged or deteriorated portions of the sk�way pedestrian system. Hazazdous and nonhazardous obstacles are prohibited so as�Yo avoid the appearance of clutter. (3) On and a er June 1, 1991, all areas of the pedestrian skyway system that, because of design, ting, decorations or any other reason, may be construed as a"hiding place," as de�rmined by the skyway governance advisorv committee, shall be secured by a ph�sical barrier, eliminated or monitored. (4) On and after June 1, 1991, all areas of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide a continuous, immedi te, accessible and easy-to-perform means of communicating reques�' to the emergency dispaYCh center or "911." Communications may be ovided by auto-dialed emergency response call boxes, working pay phones or othe , ppropriate alarm devices. There shall be a minimum of one (1) means o ommunication located every three hundred twenty (320) feet measured linearly and minimum of one (1) means of communication per building. These means of co unication shall be located in prominent locations as determined by the skywa governance advisorv committee and accessible during all hours of skyway o eration. In areas where a means of communication is not visible, signage � directions to the nearest location shall be prominently displayed. `� (5) On and after June 1, 1991, signs providing locat' n names (i.e., building name, concourse name, floor level and exits from the sy m) and utilizing easily readable lettering shall be prominently displayed in e pedestrian skyway system. The name utilized shall be unique and descrip �ve, so that calls for aid to that place name can be responded to accurately. (6) On and after June 1, 1991, the owner of a building containi�rig an element of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide, in the building owne , for the reasonable observation or surveillance of the portions of the pedestrian s' ay system located by video cameras ar by patrolling security personnel. a. Video cameras used for observation ar surveillance shall be ix�onitared by personnei during all hours of skyway operation. The owner, w en placing the video cameras, shall consider building design and internal la out, building usage and incident trends. The owner shall make every e ort during the fixrther development and impiementation of a skyway sec �ty to achieve the optnnum of a coordinated camera and voice communications and surveillance system. All cameras utilized shall provide video output at one (1) volt peak-to-peak, NTSC. The placemenf � of cameras sha11 be reviewed for compliance with city standards by the skyway governance/advisorv committee. I, � : 220 221 222 223 `224 zas 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 ��) Section 14.11 14.11 Hour: a. Gener � 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. c. b. Patrolling security personnel used for observation or surveillance shall patrol during all hours of skyway operation and the frequency of patrol �' �'J� shall be determined by the building owner. The building owner, when detettnining the &equency of patrols, shall consider the size and design of the skyway portion located in the building, the type of uses located in the building, incident trends and the means of surveillance implemented in adjoining structures. The department of safety and inspections in consultarion with the Skyway Governance Advisory Committee shall recommend m;nimum city standazds for patrol and review for compliance to be approved by the city council. The fire inspector is authorized to inspect for violations and to otherwise enforce the provisions of this section. Section 5 the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby created to read as follows: � Z •?,S-a8 277 278 279 280 28S 282 283 284 285 '� Section 7 /53 Ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (90) days following passage, approval and By: Approved by Mayor: By: Request� by D p�, �� By:� Fo�"� Approved by By:�.Ib�X_�__N9. Form Approved by Council By: Attorney £or Submission to � ment of: .� Adopted by Council: �=*o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Council Fi1e # 0 g ��� Green Sheet # 3049817 ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C-�i' l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 140 Of The Saint Paul Legislarive Code To Establish Uniform Skyv✓ay Hours THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 140.01 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 140.01. The definitions of th�ection shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: Easement area shall mean area or areas of the pedestrian skyway system or of a pedestrian mall which is subject to a easement granted by a private property owner to the city for the benefit of the public for pedes 'an ingress, passage and egress. Pedeslrian madl shall mean any in or enclosed public mall, arcade, courtyard, galleria, gallery, piazza, squaze or other type of indo ,public pedestrian way or open space. Pedestrian skyway system means any system of providing for pedestrian traffic circulation, mechamcal or otherwise elevated abo� ground, within and withoat the public rights-of-way, and through or above private propertj�nd buildings, and includes overpasses, bridges, passageways, walkways, concourses, hallway��corridors, arcades, courts, plazas, malls, elevators, escalators, heated canopies and access and all`f�xtures, fumiture, signs, equipment, facilities, services and appurtenances. The term sha11 inclu e systems or portions of systems which are built in the future. For purposes of this chapter, a destrian skyway system shall include stairways and escalators and tunnels leading from or i o the skyway system from private buildings and areas under stairs and escalators leading to ' d connecting concourse comdors, in addition to stairs and escalators connecting the conco � se corridors to public streets or other public property. Town Square Park shall mean the four {4) levels of enclosed pub `•, space designated as the concourse, street, skyway and loft levels administered by the Parks and ecreation Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services, generally located on v� -ated Seventh Place (Street) between Minnesota Street and Cedar Street. Section 2 Section 140.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as Sec. 140.07. Advertising and exterior signs. (a) Advertising. Billboard-style or enclosed display case advertising is a permitted use in skyway corridors. The following requirements apply to advertising: (1) The size, shape and placement of advertising display fixtures should be such as to R-T Z 8-08 � 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 �2) not impede pedestrian circulation in the skyway system. Q $ � Advertising should be contained in "permanenY' nonmovable fixtures including, but not lnnited to, glass display cases affixed to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. (3) The design and initial installarion of advertising fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system and/or pedestrian malls must be approved by the skyway governance advisorv committee and the affected building owner. No advertising fixture shall be installed in an easement area of the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall except as authorized by franchise ordinance duly adopted by the city council, which ordinance shall minimally incorporate the requirements of this section. No advertising fixture shall be installed in a noneasement area of the pedestrian kyway system or pedeshian mall except under written contract between the a uertising installer and the affected building owner, which contract shall inc rporate the requirements of this section. Advertising installers shall contract with the owner of the building in which each advertising fixture is to be located for ser�}ces to be provided from the building for the fixture. (4) Advertisin�and displays should be changed at least every other month. � y (5) Advertising sha�l not be permitted within the skyway bridges. C (6) Advertising shall H�subject to such additional rules and regulations as the skyway governance adviso ommittee may determine. (� Advertising fixtures, cas and displays shall be covered by all risk personal property insurance and pub 'c liability insurance. Minimum policy limits shall be replacement cost of the advei'lysing fixtures, cases and displays for all risk personal property coverage an�e million dollars ($1,000,000.00) single limit coverage for the public liability i urance. Insurance policies shall be issued by companies licensed to do business i' Minnesota, shall name the city, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA"), and the building owner as additional ins eds, and shall not be cancelable without thirty (30) days' written notice to the addit nal insureds. Endorsements of a policy or policies issued to the building o r providing additional insured coverage to the advertising fixhxre installer an the city in coverages otherwise meeting the requirements of this subsection sha be acceptable in lieu of a sepazate policy or policies. The advertising instai'' r and building owner shall each waive subrogation rights against the other for aJl property damage claims. (8) The installation of displays, cases and fixtures and any�dvertising therein shall comply with all other applicable laws and regulations. �� (9) If permission to install any such advertising is withdrawn or'tevoked by the skyway governance/advisorv committee for failure to abide by�the guidelines as provided in this section, by operation of an agreement, or by co�t order, the installer of the advertising shall at his or her own expense remov�:such advertising and restore the pedestrian concourse to its former condi�ion. (b) Exterior signs. Banners or signs may be affixed to the exterior of skyway brid�ea The following requirements apply to exteriar banners and signs: `, (1) The size, shape and placement of banners and signs shall be in conformity with section 64.505(b)(1) and the specification of the city depariment of public works. (2) No banner or sign shall be affixed or removed except by the city department of �-T : •: 107 ios 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 �\ :ti � . d8�1�3 (3) No banner or sign shall be affixed except by permit granted under this section which shall fix a date certain for removal of the banner and signs. (4) No permit shall be granted unless the permit applicant provides public liability insurance issued by a company licensed to do business m Minnesota in amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) single event coverage, naming the city and HRA as additional insureds which shall not be cancelable except upon ten (10) days' written notice to the city and HRA. In event of cancellation of the policy, the banners and signs shall be removed unless a replacement insurance policy is � provided by the permittee. (5) � e pernuttee shall be responsible for all costs to the city in affixing, maintaining and removing such banners and signs. The permit applicant shall guazantee or cure payment of these costs in such manner as the skyway governance/advisorv co�ixnittee may reasonably require. (6) Becau e skyways are primarily an alternative pedestrian access, the masimum number f days per year each skyway may have banners affixed is 120 days. The director o e deparhnent of public works may grant an exception to this limit for good cause. e reasons justifying the exception must be stated in writing at the time of applica �on for the banner permit. Section 3 Section 140.08 of the Saint Pau1 Sec. 140.08. Penalty. Code is hereby amended to read as follows: a. Violation of any provision of . , shall be a misde Section 4 n�ww�au�w�caiwica�u�inwl�caiw�rwur•»ri Section 140.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amend� to read as follows: Sec. 140.10. Safety requirements. �� The owner of a building containing an element of the Saint Paul P�strian Skyway System shall maintain said element in a condition so as not to constitute a ha�%ard to its patrons and shall also comply with the following requirements: �. public works. (1) On and after September 1, 1993, skyway bridges and public easeme� m, and areas accessible and adjacent to, buxldings connected to the skywa� p estrian system shall maintain a minimum light level of ten (10) footcandles dur' g a71 hours of operataon. Lighting levels shall be measured within five (5) feet of the centerline of the pedestrian path throughout the skyway pedestrian system�� approximately thirty-six (36) inches above the floor and m accordance with f�ie standards as recommended by the Rluminarion Engineering Society (IES) unless the accessible area is greater than twelve (12) feet, at which time the illuminatic�n level of the entire area wiA be a minimum of ten (10) footcandles. Light fixture � installation shall be so designed that failure of one (1) lamp will not leave an area'•. �, �� 2-g-pg �] 164 165 166 167 168 16 9� 170 � 171 � 172 � 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 1s7 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 inadequately lighted. "V ���'�J (2) All elements of the skyway pedestrian system shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, safe and seasonally adjusted comfortable temperature level of seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus eight (8) degrees Fahrenheit, during the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week. The temperature will be maintained seasonally to wrthin fifty (50) and ninety (90) degrees Fahrenheit at all other times. Temperatures will be measured at approxunately thiriy-six (36) inches above the floor in accordance with the standards as recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHR[1E). Design temperatures of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit (winter) and seventy-four (74) degrees Fahrenheit (suinmer) shall be the standards during the skyway system operating hours. Building owners shall be responsible for ecessary repair and replacement of damaged or deteriorated portions of the s�' ay pedeshian system. Hazardous and nonhazardous obstacles are prohibited so ',to avoid the appeazance of clutter. (3) On and ` er June 1, 1991, all areas of the pedestrian skyway system that, because of design,`ighting, decorations or any other reason, may be construed as a"hiding place," as d� ermined by the skyway govemance advisorv committee, shall be secured by a�}ysical barrier, eliminated or monitored. (4) On and after June� 1991, all azeas of the pedesh skyway system shall provide a conrinuous, imme ate, accessible and easy-to-perform means of communicating reque to the emergency dispatch center or "9ll." Communications may b rovided by auto-dialed emergency response call boxes, working pay phones or oth� �appropriate alarm devices. There shall be a minimum of one (1) means o��communication located every three hundred twenty (320) feet measured linearly ari a minimum of one (1) means of communication per building. These means of co unication shall be located in prominent locations as determined by the sk � ay govemance advisorv committee and accessible during all hours of skywa �operation. In areas where a means of communication is not visible, signage ` ith directions to the nearest location shall be prominently displayed. � (5) On and after June 1, 1991, signs providing ld�ation names (i.e., building name, concourse name, floor level and exits from the'�,ystem) and utilizing easily readable lettering shall be prominently displayed` �n, the pedestrian skyway system. The name utilized shall be unique and des`uziptive, so that calls far aid to that place name can be responded to accurately. �� (6) On and after June 1, 1991, the owner of a building contak�ing an element of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide, in the building o�uued, for the reasonable observation or surveillance of the portions of the pedestrian`�kyway system located by video cameras or by patrolling security personnel. �, a. Video cameras used for observation or surveillance sha1l�I�e monitored by personnel during all hours of skyway operarion. The owne�;*�when placing the video cameras, shall consider building design and intern�� layout, building usage and incident trends. The owner shall make eveky effort during the further development and implementation of a skywaj�. security to achieve the optimum of a coordinated camera and voice �� communicarions and surveillance system. All cameras utilized sha��, provide video output at one (1) volt peak-to-peak, NTSC. The placeinent of cameras shall be reviewed for compliance with city standards by the skyway governance/advisorv committee. `��, \ `. � Z--g-o8 221 222 223 224 225� 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 Section 14.11 14.11 Hour� a. Gener betwe a.m. b. Excen 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. c. � b. Patrolling security personnel used for observation or surveillance shall �,� r�i� patrol during all hours of skyway operation and the frequency of patrol v � shall be determined by the building owner. The building owner, when determining the frequency of patrols, shall consider the size and design of the skyway portion located in the building, the type of uses located in the building, incident trends and the means of surveillance unplemented in adjoining structures. The department of safety and inspections in consultation with the Skyway Governance Advisory Committee shall recommend minimum city standazds for patrol and review for compliance to be approved by the city council. The fire inspector is authorized to inspect for violarions and to otherwise enfarce the provisions of this section. Section 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby created to read as follows: �\ � 2.-8-D- z�s 279 280 281 1 Section 7 6 g ,��- This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (90) days following passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: ^_*> By: By: Form Approved by Council By: ment of: i� ty Attorney yo £or Submission to �. \ � \ Adopted by Council: n=}p