D00304, !� l �.. - �►.4�L'! � City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADNIIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION • ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the D'uector of the Department of Fxecutive Administration to amend the 1994 budget, the Director of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FUrm/ac'riviTY DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Fxecutive Administration SPECIAL PROJECTS/GENERAI, GOVERNMENI' (Fund O50) WINTER CARNIVAL DINNER (Activity 30114) 050301140252 Lodging and Meals 050-301140359 Special Materials and Supplies Net Change CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET $s,000.00 ($i,szs.00) �3,i�s.00 0.00 1825.00 $1,825.00 0.00 The Ciry did not sponsor a Winter Carnival Dinner in 1994. Funds were instead used for the Great River Pazk fishing event held on June 25, 1994. The amendment reflects actual spending. Prepased � ;i �i Department Director — fn �(1�-�--� 1 p - I � - � � Date Approv d y: Mayor/Budget Director Date �e q / ���� �� I Date' �� v� � i TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE � GREEN SHEE ��� 2 � 4 6 2 INITIAVOATE INRIAL/DAiE DEPARiMENTOIpE � CrtV CAUNCIL CRYATfOFNEY 131 CIN CLERK a�� BUDGET DIFECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOft (OR AS575TANn � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� u;�iurv yevuESrEO: �4,., o�dl.w�. a-�r Ra.�+S�cr� �Qr Yyt�. ��ifc.r _ b�nnu �.cd� . RECAMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) w Rejeci (R) _ PLANt81PlG COMMI$$ION _ CIYIL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ __ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRIGT COURT _ __ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personHirm ever worketl unAer a co�Vac[ for this department? �YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sltill no[ normalry possessetl by any current city employee? VES NO Explain al! yes answers on seperete sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING P ISSUE. OPPOFTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why�: 1 j� ��� �` �� �`( �^�c tj G�-t.P�. Y�9�` �dY✓�L.O'✓"' d� G� �2Y��I1( V4..Q X� G{ A.v.cQ `�F�'�+"�4 3�e ca,uc.. � �ar C�-P�w�..,. h..�.�� � ���-r.�.�. e a �!� .�..�'Y{',�p 1�,. �c c wvf wa s � /,�GtS+i.f J�k'�'{rC�t.N.:� S �o�.¢'t�Q �Io Tr� �l/�"^" �'� N�� d_3�tn� u S.c� -�'o r �P�" �e,�s,wf- ak � a5, r9 � �. , � 0 /a,�/r.� � RECEIVED OCT 241994 CfTY CLERK , , , r 70TAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION n$ D• OO ■`�' � COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE� '�'^ ` �� '-^" �+ �`+"`• ` �°-" " ' ACTIVITY NUMBER OSO " � O ! 1� FINAN IAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) { � _ �,,u,efp� e� �f�s�,�S'.nn �rr�_ ,ar,�,s �, �_s Q