08-1210Council Fiie # 6 �' /�/�
Green Sheet# 3060898
An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code '�'t/9��
pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps ✓F � r �"��
thereofi : Z
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative
Code, duly petitioned to rezone 1278 Selby Ave, being legally described as ANNA E.
032823120125, from OS Office-Service to 62 Community Business; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on
September 11, 2008, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to
§107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning
Commission for approval; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezQning petition at its meeting held
on September 19, 2008, and recommended approval to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was
duly published in the official newspaper of the City on September 29, 2008, and notices
were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly
within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
15, 2008, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council
having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now,
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 18, as incorporated by
reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further
amended as foflows:
That the property at 1278 Selby Ave, being more particularly described as:
be and is hereby rezoned from OS to 62.
Section 2.
Council File #
p� - �a �6
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage,
approval and publication.
��E�` a �?����
Department of:
by Financial Services
Adopted by Council: Date: f����C/�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By . �
1 %
Approved� May r: e: � 1 '� -� Q
Form Approve / by City Attorney
sy: �G�'�^'w.v l0-23-0�
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY �G-a'rC.,.� /= J�r�'u� �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
n5� -/a-//�
DepartmentlOfficelCouncil: Datelnitiated: GPeen Slleet� NO 3060898
PE _ Planning & Economic 16-0CT-08
Contact Person & Phone: Deaartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate
Safdh ZOm 0 Iannin & Economic Develo me Sanh Zom 'EO � rJp
6-6570 1 lanoinE & Economic DeveloPme De t DireMOr C Bedor -
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z � Attome CS Attaroe L�
Fof 3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant � t{
4 oonrii CouncO �
Routing 0
Uoa Type:ORDINANCE Order 5 iN Clerk (Stv Clerk
E-DocumeM Required: Y .
Document ConWCt: `
Contact Phone:
Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Adop[ Ordinance memorializing City Council ac[ion approving the Rezoning from OS Office-Service to B2 Community Business
for property at 1278 Selby Avenue, SE corner at Syndicate (ZF # 08-140-640). Pubiic Hearing held October I5, 2008
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R): Personai Service Contrects Must A�swer the Foilowing Questions:
E1 Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The applicant is selling the proper[y to an individual who operates a catering business, which is not permitted in the OS district. The ,
applicant needed Council approva] for the rezoning in o�der to go through with the sale. The City Council approved [he rezoning on
October I5, 2008, after a public hearing
AdvanWges If Approved:
Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent
r .
Disadvantages If Approved: � �� �
None ar � � � ry❑
6o LU��
eT� � - `; �,-r.� ,- z z
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
� e..�s,,...��:d�`t��
City Council ac[ion will oot be comple[ed.
Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Bud eted:
Transaction: 9
Funtling Source: Activity Number:
Financial Information:
ctober 20, 2008 12:12 PM Page 1
""1 � �p
Cecde Bedor, D+rector
Chnstopher B. Coleman, Mayar
September 23, 2008
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
25 Wes! Fwrfh Street
Saint Pau( MN55102
Od �l� �O
Telephone: 651-266-6700
Facsimtfe: 657-228-3220
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
October 15, 2008, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number:
File Name:
Previous Action:
�: �� .-�
Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
1278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndicate
Rezoning from OS Office-Service to 62 Community Business
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 5— 0- 0, September 11, 2008
Pianning Commission Recommendation: approval recommended, unanimous, Sep 19, 2008
I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Carter's office. My understanding is that this
public hearing request will appear on the Council agenda on or before the October 8, 2008, City
Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 651-266-6570 if you have any questions.
`- L�'a�
• -
cc: File #: 08-140-640
AppiicanUAppellant: Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
Paul Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
Allan Torstenson
The Saint Paul City CoUncil will con-
duct a public heaung on Wednesday, Oc-
tober 15, 2008. at 530 p.m. in the C�tY
Council Chambers, Third Floor, City
Hall/Courthouse, 15 West Rellogg Boule-
vard, St. Paul, MN, tv consider the appll-
cation of Greg Jones and Portia BunkeT' to
rezone property at 1278 Selby Avenue,
southeast comer at Syndicate Sheet, from
os orsce-service to sz commun�iS sus'-
ness. (ZF OS-140-6407 -
Dated: September 23, 2008
nss�raz,c c�cy co,��a s�erazv
f�P<embeT 29)
—_—� 5f. YAUL LEC.AL IEDGER -____—
Cecde Bedoq Director
D$ -l�lb
Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Telephone: 651-266-6700
Facsrmde: 65/-228-3120
September 24, 2008
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning File #: 08-140-640
File Name: Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
Applicant: Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
Address: 1278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndicate
Purpose: Rezoning from OS Offce-Service to B2 Community Business
Citv Council Hearinq� October 15 2008 5�30 p m Citv Council Chambers
Staff Recommendation:
• District Council:
Zoning Committee Recommendation
Planning Commission Recommendation
Deadline for Action
District 13 initially recommended approvai but reserves
the right to reconsider their position due to recent
neighborhood input
Approval, vote: 5 - 0
0 persons spoke in support and 1{etter was received.
2 persons spoke in opposition and 1 letter with petition
was received.
Approval, vote: unanimous
October 27, 2008
Staff Assigned:
Sarah Zorn, 651-266-6570
Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 08-45
Planning Commission minutes, 5eptember 19, 2008
Zoning Committee minutes, September 11, 2008
Correspondence reeeived
Staff Report packet
Zoning Fife 08-140-640
Applicant: Greg Jones & Portia Bunker
City Council Members
District Council: 13
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Allan Torstenson
Peter Warner
o� -�a io
� city of saint pau{
planning commission resolution
file number o8-�s
date September 19. 2008
WHEREAS, Greg Jones and Portia Bunker, File # 08-140-640, have applied for a rezoning from OS
O�ce-Service to B2 Community Susiness under the provisions of � 61.801(b) oi the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, on property located at 1278 Selby Ave, Parcel Identification Number (PIN)
032823120125, legally described as ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDlTION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL EX
AVE LOT 14 BLK 11; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on September 11, 2008, heid a
public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of � 61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the fo�lowing findings
of fact:
1. The applicant is seeking to rezone the property from OS OfficeService to B2 Community
Business in order to accommodate a catering business. Cafering is not a permitted use in the OS
district, and is first ailowed in the 62 and TN2 districts. If the rezoning is granted, the catering
business will operate on the first floor of theexisting building and the residenfial unit will remain
on the second floor.
2. 7he proposed 62 Community Business zo�ing is consistent with tte way Selby Avenue has
developed. This part of Selby Avenue was zoned as a general commercial.district for-rt�ostof its
history, from 1922 to 1975, and is characterized by a mixture of residential and commercial uses
with commercial uses generally concentrated at the intersections.
3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the existing building on the site, a twostory building built
in 1912 with commercial space on the first floor and a residential flat on the second floor. A
sampling of Polk Directories between 1955 and 1989 fist the property as a commercial use (often
a grocery store) and an individual's name (dten the grocery store owner) as the occ�pant of the
second floor. The most recent use of the first floor was as a dental office.
4. The proposed zoning is consistent with the City Comprehensive Pfan. The proposed land use
, map in the Sefby Avenue SmallArea Plan, adopted by the City Councif in 1997, indicates that the
property shouid be a business use. One of the strategies listed in the plan states that "Selby
Avenue should remain a mixed use street of residential and business uses" (p. 2).
The summary addendum to the Comprehensive Pian that incorporates the Lexingtor�Hamline
Small Area Plan and the LexingtorrHamline Tomorrow P�an (2001) lists having "thriving, attractive
residential areas and neighborhood businesses" as one of its values (p. 1).
moved by Morton
seconded by
�n favor Unanimous
Zoning File # 08-14��40
Pianning Commission Resolution
Page 2 of 2
One of the Ten Principles for City Development in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pfan is to
- ___ ____
"Broaden the mix of land uses...Residence, work and culturai opportunities in close proximify can
reduce travel casts and enrich community tife° (principle 4, p.11). AddiGonatly, the Land Use and
Housing chapter policies support: "com.patible mixed use within single buildings and in separate
buildings in close proximity" (p.15). .
The Transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan identifies this segment of S�by as a
collector street, and a 2007 Truck Routes and Parkways map indicafes that this segment of Selby
is a designated truck roufe. !n addftion, the property is Iocafed along Mefro TransiYs #21 bus
route, a major, high frequency route running between Sant Paul and Minneapolis. This location
along Selby Avenue is appropriate for a mix of commercial and residential uses.
5. The proposed catering business is a reasonable use of this property/at this location not ailowed
under the current OS Offic�Service zoning.
6. Corrtinued use of fhis mixed-use commercial-residentiaf building for fhe fypes of uses aflowed
under the proposed 62 Community Business zoning would not be defrimental to the surrounding
community. In addition to the limifs imposed under theB2 zone, the size of the lot and constraints
on off-street parkfng would limit the types and size of businesses on the lot, and limit impact on
the surrounding community.
7. Coart nllings hava defermined that "spot zoning" is illegal in Minnesofa. Minnes�a courts have
sta#ed that this term °applies to zoning changes, typically limited to small plofs of land, which �
estabiish a use Gass�cation inconsistent with the surrounding uses and creates an rsland of
nonconforming use wifhin a larger zoned district and which dramatically reduce the vafue for erses
specified in the zoning ordinance of either the rezoned plot or abutting property.'The property is
now, and has atways been, a wmmercial property. The proposed 62 zoning is consistent with
the way SelbyAvenue has developed and contributes to the mixed residential and commercial
character of the area. It would not dramatically reduce the value for uses specified in the zoning
ordinance of either the rezoned plot or abutting property, and is not spot zomig.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, fhat the Saint Paul Planning Gommission, recommends to
City Council, that the application ofGreg Jones and Portia Bunkerfor a Rezoning from OS Office-
Service to B2 Community Business for properfy at 1278 Selby Ave be approved.
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
Minutes September 19, 2008
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 19, 2008, at
8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Lu, Morton; Porter, Smitten, Wencl; and
Messrs. Alton, Barrera, Bellus, Commers, Goodlow, Gordon, Kramer, Lu,
Nelson, Spaulding, and Wazd.
Ms. �`Fazicy, and Messrs. *Johnson, and Mazgulies.
Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Patricia James, Lucy Thompson,
Penelope Simison, Jessica Rosenfeld, Luis Pereira, Christina Morrison, Josh
Williams, Anton Jerve, Emily Goodman, and Sonja Butler, Department of
Planning and Economic Deve]opment staff.
I. Approval of minutes September 5, 2008.
MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of September 5,
2008. Commissioner Wenc1 secnnded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice
Chair's Announcements
Chair Alton had no announcements.
Planning Administrator's Announcements
Larry Soderholm reported on planning-related business at the City Council for last week and their
agenda for next week.
PUBLIC HEARING: Parks and Recreation P]an: Item from the Comprehensive Planning
Committee. (Jessica Rosenfeld, 651/266-6560)
Chair Alton announced that the Saint Paul Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on
the Pazks and Recreation Plan. Notice of the public hearing was published in the L,egal I,edger on
August 14, 2008, and was mai}ed to the citywide Eazly Notification System list of recipients and
other interested parties.
Jessica Rosenfeid, PED planner, spoke about how the task force tackled the different topics one at
a time. Ms. Rosenfeld said they had discussions on issues ranging from safety in pazks to
revenue sources and volunteers. She said that Ihey looked at policies in the last pazks plan and
eliminated, revised or added new policies, based on what they learned. Ms. Rosanfeld talked
about the plan's six strazegies: promote active lifestyles, create vibrant places, promote a vital
environment, respond crea6vely fo change, innovate wit}i OVery decision, and connect the entire
ciry. She continued to say that many of these stra[egies aze a]ot like what was in the last chapter,
but this plan has a few new azeas of focus. The task force did a good job of talking through the
issues and coming up with compmmises.
Chair Alton read the rules of procedure for the public hearing.
The following people spoke.
1. Mr. Bob Bierscheid, D'uector of Pazks and Recreation Department. Mr. Bierscheid said
that there were thirteen task force members who worked on this plan, and they
represented a variety of interests throughoat the community. They hosted a number of
interest group sessions, at which a variety of activity and facility proponenu discuss the'u
particulaz issues and goals with the committee. Several Pazks and Rec staff also
pazticipated in the task force's meetings. An extensive community survey was done, not
only in Saint Paul but beyond, to ge[ a sanse of what people from azound Saint Paul fee]
about the system and the needs for the system. The committee studied national, regional,
and local trends. The task force also did an evaluazion of the existing plan, wanting to
Irnow what worked, what didn't, and what should be added or eliminated. Mr. Bierscheid
said [hat this is a great plan.
2. Ms. Ieanne Weigam; President of Friends of the Pazks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey •
County. Ms. Weigum distributed a hand-out, which she read from to give emphasis to
points in the plan they particulazly want to support and to comment on. Overall the
Friends of the Pazks and Trails believe this document is excellent and thay commend all
of the pazticipants on the task force that drew up the plan.
MOTTON: Commissioner Gordon moved to close the pubiic hearing, and leave the record .
open for wri#en testimony submitted by noon on Monday, September 22, 2008, and to refer the
ma#er back to the Comprehensive PJanning Committee for review and recommendation.
Commissioner Ward seconded the motiors. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Zoaing Couunettee
#08-I38-347 Cazleton Place Lofts Phase II—Conditional Use Permi[ for a building 67 feet high
in a 1N3 zoning district. 2251 University Ave W, NW corner at Hampden. '
(Josh Williams, 651lZ66-6659)
MOTTON: Commissiorzer Morton moved the Znning Committee's recommendation to
approve the cond'ttinnal use pern:it. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
#08-136-060 Taco Bell (1672 Rice) — Conditional Use Permit for a fast food restaurant with
driv�through service, with modification of drive-through placement standazds (proposed
p� -/a io
placement between street and building and less than sixty feet from residenuai property). 1672
Rice St, SE corner at Larpenteur. (Sarah Zorn, 651/266-6570)
MOTION: Commissianer Morton moved the Zoning Commillee's recommendalion to approve
the conditional use pernzit with conditions. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
#08-138-386 Javad Seved Feehahati — Reestablishment of nonconfomung use as auto-repair.
1200 7�' St W, NE corner at Tuscazora. (Kate Reilly, 651266-6618)
No action taken, appZication rejected.
� #08-140-640 Gree Jones & Portia Bunker — Rezoning from OS OfFce-Service to B2 Community
Business. 1278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndicate. (Sarah Zorn, 651/266-6570)
MOTION: Coinmissinner Morton moved fhe Zoning Committee's recommendation to
approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
V. Comprehensive Planning Committee
Concrete and Asnhalt Plants — Request to initiate a zoning study. (Penny Simison, 651/166-6554)
MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved the Comprehensive Planning Committee's
recommendation to approve the initiation of the zoning study. The motion carried
• unanimausly on a voice vote.
VI. Neighborhood Planning Committee
Central Corridor Overlav District: Addiuon of Western Victoria and Hamline as Defined StaUOn
Areas — Adopt resolution recommending approvaf.
(Donna Dru»unond, 651266-6556 and Lucy Thampson, 651266-6578)
Lucy Thompson, PED staff, explained that in June the City Council adopted a resoluUOn asking
the Planning Commission to consider extending the Centra] Corridor Overlay Zoning District to
Westem, Victoria and Hamline. LRT stations aze identified for construcuon at some point in the
future at these three intersections. The Met Council Municipal Consent decision says if money
becomes available in this first phase of funding, that building out one of these three stations
during the inival consuuction period will be a priority. If funding does become available for just
one station, no decision or decision process has yet been established to say which of the three
would go first. But since the City anticipates that all three will eventually be completed as LRT
stops, it is right to extend the overlay zoning regulations to cover al] three azeas.
Ms. Thompson continued. At the Planning Commissiods public hearing, there were three
speakers and all of them were in favor of extending the overlay zoning distcict. There was also an
email from Benita Warns, an active Midway neighborhood resident, in opposition to extending
the overlay zoning district. Due to a computer mix-up, her email reached City staff ]ate; that is
why it is being distributed now. Ms. Wam's primary concem is about neighborhood parking.
Ms. Thompson concluded, saying there aze ttuee reasons why staff and the Neighborhood
Planning Committee recommend the extension of the overlay zoning: First, there are some short
term development opportuniries at Western and Hamline, and the City wants to work with any
developers there to make sure they are working towards iransit oriented development. Second, it
is important to continue to make clear the City's support for eventual constrvcrion of these three
stations and putting these zoning requirements into place will do that. Third, tfie overlay zoning
— -
-- -
for these locafions is consistent with the Central Corridor Development Shategy, which was
adopted as a chapter of the Comprehensive Plan last yeaz.
MOTTON: Cormnissioner Wencl moved the Neighborhood Planning Comnrittee's
reconrmendaiion tv approve the resolution ta adnpt the addition of Western, V'utoria and
Hamline as staiion arens. The motion carried unanimously an a voice vote,
VII. Communications Commission
Commissioner Smitten had no report.
VIII. Task Force Reports
IY, Old Business
X. New Bnsiness
XI. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
Sonja Butler, Planning Commissio� Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Paul
Respectfully submitted,
Larry S der olm, AICP
Planning dministrator
Approved �
��Z.�i� •� / ��
Maci9yn Porter� _ (�i`
Secretary of the Planning Commission
BuderlF7emmglSep[ember 19, 2008
• Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 3:30 p.m.
City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor
City Hall and Court House �
15 West Kellogg Boulevard , /
Alton, Faricy, Johnson, Kramer, and Morton �� �
Donnelly-Cohen and Gordon �
STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Martineau, Allan 7orstenson, Sarah Zorn, and Peter Warner
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton.
Greg Jo�es & Portia Bunker - 08-140-640 - Rezoning'from OS Office-Service to 62 Community Business,
1278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndicate
Sarah Zorn presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning. Ms. Zorn also stated
District 13 initially recommended approval but reserved the right to change their recommendation pending further
reside�t input; there was 1 letter in support, and 1 letter and 1 petition in opposition.
Greg Jones, the applicant offered to answer questions.
Upon the question of the Commissioners, Mr. Jones introduced Kristen Wasgliszyn, the owner of the catering
busi�ess and she explained how her catering business worked and described the type of food that would be
served. She also stated that she owned the catering business and it is not a franchise.
No one spoke in support.
Amy Larson, 1277 Hague Ave., stated she was in opposition to the rezoning and had reservations pertaining to
garbage, traffic, noise, and smelis. She aiso stated there was no information pertaining to the business relayed to
the neighborhood and she is concerned about the possibiiities that a 62 zoning would open up.
Amy Caron, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, explained that the Lexington-Hamline board has been stripped
of their Zoning Committee power and Union Par4c did not inform the neighborhood before they approved it. Ms.
Caron requested time to meet with Kristen Wasgliszyn to get information pertaining to the business, and
remodeling of the building.
Kristen Wasgliszyn, the appiicant, stated she was going to Iive in the buiiding, and stated she catered to airplanes
only. Ms. Wasgliszyn reiterated her business practices and stated she would remodel the building and would be
happy to talk to anyone in the commu�ity.
The public hearing was ciosed.
After further discussion pertaining to the business and rezoning Commissioner Ricfiard Kramer moved approval of
the rezoning. Commissioner Carole Faricy seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0. �
Drafted by:
Carol Martineau
Recording Secretary
Yeas-5 Nays-0
Submitted by:
Sarah Zorn
Zoning Section
Abstained - 0
Approved by:
Gladys Morton
1. FILE NAME: Greg Jones & Portia 8unker FItE #: 08-i40-640
2. APPLICANT: Greg Jones & Portia Bunker HEARING DATE: September 11, 2008
4. LOCA'f_I.ON: 1278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndicate
7. ZONING CODE REF�RENCE: § 66.421; § 61.801(b)
8. STAFF REPORT DATE: Septemlzer 2, 2008 BY: Sarah �orn
9. DATE RECEIVED: August 28, 2008 fi0-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: October 27, 2008
A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from OS Office-Service to 62 Community Business.
B. PARCEL SIZE: 57.64 ft. (Selby) x 119.16 ft. (Syndicate) = 6,868 •
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Residential (second floor) and vacant commercial space (first floor)
North: Single and Two-Family Residential (RT1)
East: Single arod TwaFamily Residential (RT1)
South: Single Family Residential (R4)
West: Single and Two-Family Residential (RT1)
E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.421 lists uses permitted in a B2 zoning district; § 61.801(b)
provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner.
F. HISTORYIDISCUSSION: Prior to the new zoning code in 1975, this stretch of Selby Avenue was
zoned as a general commercial district. When the city adopfed a new zoning code in 1975, the
property was zoned RT1 Two-Family Residential. The property was rezoned to OS Office-
Service as part of a 40 acre study done along with the Selby Avenue Small Area Plan in 1997.
G. DISTI2lCT COt1NCIL RECOIWMENDATIOtV: District 13 had not commented at the time this staff
report was prepared. .
T. The applicant is seeking to rezone the property from OS Office-Service to B2 Community
Business in order to accommodate a catering business. Catering is not a permitted use in the
OS district, and is first allowed in the B2 and TN2 districts. If the rezoning is granted, the
catering business will operate on the first floor of the existing building and the residential unit
will remain on the second floor.
2. The proposed 62 Community Business zoning is consistent with the way Selby Avenue has
developed. This part of Selby Avenue was zoned as a general commercial district for most of
its history, from 1922 to 1975, and is characterized by a mixture of residential and commercial
uses with commercial uses generally concentrated at the intersections. -
3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the existing building on the site, a two-story building
builf in 1912 wifh commercial space on the first floor and a residential flaf on fhe second floor.
A sampiing of Polk Directories between 1955 and 1989 list the property as a commercial use
(often a grocery store) and an individual's name (often the grocery store owner) as the
occupant of the second floor. The most recent use of the first floor was as a dental office.
4. The proposed zoning is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed land use
map in the Selby Avenue Small Area Plan, adopted by the City Council in 1997, indicates that
Zdning File # 08-140-64Q
Zoning Committee Staff Report
• Page 2
a� - �� rv
fhe property should be a business use. One of the sfrategies listed in the plan states that
"Selby Avenue shouid remain a mixed use street of residentiai and business uses" (p. 2).
The summary addendum to the Comprehensive Plart that incorporates the Lexington-Flamline
Smaif Area Plan and the Lexington-Hamline Tomorrow Plan (2001) lists having "thriving,
attractive residential areas and neighborhood businesses° as one of its values (p. 1).
One of the Ten Principles for City Development in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan is to
"Broaden the mix of land uses... Residence, work and cultural opportunities in close proximity
can reduce travel costs and enrich community life" (principle 4, p. 11). Additionally, the Land
Use and Housing chapter policies support: "compatible mixed use within single buildings and
in separate buildings in close proximity" (p.15).
The Transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan identifies this segment of Selby as a
coliector street, and a 2007 Truck Routes and Parkways map indicates that this segment of
Selby is a designated truck route. In addition, the property is located along Metro Transit's #21
bus route, a major, high frequency route running betv✓een Saint Paul and Minneapolis. This
location along Selby Avenue is appropriate for a mix of commercial and residential uses.
5. The proposed catering business is a reasonable use of this property/at this location not
allowed under the current OS O�ce-Service zoning.
6. Continued use of this mixed-use commercial-residential building for the types of uses allowed
under the proposed 62 Community Business zoning would not be detrimental to the
surrounding community. In addition to the iimits imposed under the 62 zone, the size of the
• lot and constraints on off-street parking would limit the types and size of businesses on the lot,
and limit impact on the surrounding community.
7. Court rulings have determined that "spot zoning" is illegal in Minnesota. Minnesota courts
have stated that this term "applies to zoning changes, typically limrted to small plots of land,
which establish a use classification rnconsistenf with the surrounding uses and creates an
is/and of nonconforming use within a larger zoned drstrict, and which dramaticai/y reduce the
va/ue for uses specified in fhe zoning ordinance of eifher the rezoned ptot or abutfing
property."The property is now, and has always been, a commercial property. The proposed
62 zoning is consistent with the way Selby Avenue has developed and contributes to the
mixed residential and commercial character of the area. It would not dramaticaily reduce the
value for uses speci�ed in the zoniFlg ordinance of either the rezoned piot or abutting property,
and is not spot zoning.
I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the
rezoning from OS Office-Service to 62 Community Business at 1278 Selby Avenue.
Department af Planning and Ecorzomic Developmerzt
Zoning Seciion
1400 City Hall Annex
ZS West Founh Street
Saint Paul, MN55 1 02-1634
(65I) 266-6589
rJ tcU�i
Contact Person ('d' i
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5 SY3 % Daylime Phone �9� i 3. S ��-1 —� l j%
Address / Location� �a. l �5 �,-._ � � �! -
Legal Description
current zo nin� C� S
(attach additional sheet if �cessary) .
Pursuant to Section 61.500 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462357(� of Minnesota Statues,
� v-� � ��� � s , owner of land proposed for rezomng, hereby petitions yon to
rezone the above descn`bed property from a (� � wni� district to a
zoning district, for the purpose ofi e� C c -c 1
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(attach additional sheets if necessary)
W i � � ��n.cs.
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Union Park District Council �
Serving District 13 — Snelling Hamline, Le�cington-Hamline, and Merriam Park
September 10, 2008 — - - ---- -- - -
Ms. Sazah Zom
Department of Planning and Economic Development
City of Saint Paul
ZS West 4th Street #1400
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: 1278 Selby Ave
Deaz Ms. Zom:
On September 8, 2008, the Executive Committee of the Union Pazk District Councit passed a
resolution in support of the proposed rezoning of 1278 Selby from OS Office-Service to B-2
Community Business. The Execuuve Committee of the Boazd took up this matter due to the fact
that the full District Council board will not be mea}ang unYil affer the hearing on this rezone
proposal. The vote was five in favor, none opposed, one abstention.
In its considerarion of the request, the Executive Committee (along with our staffl solicited �
opinions from several nearby residents. The comments we received suggested support for both
the new business moving into this address and the rezoning proposal. We also considered the
staff report prepazed by your office, which pointed out that the proposed rezoning is consistent
with the City Comprehensive Plan and the histarical use of the building. For these reasons we
recommend granUng the rezoning request.
However, in the past two days we have leamed of a number of residents who have concerns
about this zoning change. These residents have raised issues of potential conflicts with the
neighboring residential properties and the lack Qf general notification of the neighbors of the
affected property. We take these concerns seriously. Although we have already voted ko
recommend approval of the zoning change, we will monitor the public hearing process and will
continue to solicit input from tesidents. The Union Park bistrict Council reserves the right to
reconsider our position on this issue.
Please feel free to contact me (651 208 4543) with any quesdons or concems.
7ames Marti
Union Pazk District Council
T570 Conmrdia Ave., Suite !l700, St. Paul, MN 55104
651-645-6887 �ax: 651-977-9991 •
info@unionparkdc.org • www.unionparkdc.org
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Page 1 of I
Sarah Zom - Zoning Hearing - 1278 Selby Ave �p '��� b
� •
"Emmy Treichel"
9/11/2008 10:20 AM
Zoning Hearing - 1278 Selby Ave
Thank you for answering my questions re: the above property rezoning request. I support this request for
rezoning from OS O�ce-Service to B2.
Imogene Treichel, 1277 Dayton Avenue
file://C:\Documents and Settines\zorn\Local Settines\Temn\XPemwise\48C8F100maildno... 9/11/2008 ��
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Septembzr 311. 2t30$
Cfty af $t Pau!
F3anaing & Ecunomic Bevt �
1490 Cae� Hali ImnPx
25 W. � St.
Sk. Paut,'A�' 55106-1b34
Actn: Sarah Zom
Re: Fi2e r GS-130-54t1. Rezoaing Z278 Se{byA�e. fro� OS Ot1�c2Set'uxxx [a B2
To Vdham [C:.4ay Coacem:
2� w: iting regardir�g �es praposai ta rezo�e ihe pmpen}� at 3278 Se1lryAva (rnm
t}5 tT?2ic�5en;ce ta S2 busitxess. w�ich is �nF3er enasider3tion'f#�ur�daY.Sepeeiriaer
11.20Q8 [liveati?7iHagueRVe.,di[ect3ybehineandadjofn3ngthesP�operty.t
hzue owaed [h4a prapert9 snce Fetruarp Zc�04. i 3m »rrting w o{��:�sa �� change i:t
�on�r.pfcrrhe:`oliowinere�snns� .
• Th:s�operyfssurrocr�ed��a;ilsidesbyresSdent�af�eoperues.At�ighei .
i�pact S2 h;utness ceul3 preniae a f:ygher level ef .r.t�c a�d paiki� ir an
a3ready busy area. .
• T6 is p: eperry direcc?y aa�;s �ypro?ern and !�m cortcerne� abene e r6age
and uern:irr €rom a Eaod r�ted bu�irress.
• 4Vh4Se t ar,� aw �E;at che perposa pmpnsed curren:ty is a eateriag business,
. E have r:o mfnrmat;ai a6ovt the smpe, F:oczrs, ar.a cx�t:ers�ip of th's hus�ness.
As sueJt.1 opp�se t�e u�z be3nA chargett dtee t�r poss:'.�ie aegative im�at'[ dse
to rua;c,r.g smetis and nnzsa.
• Chis has ne�en a r.ars�steen�y n�4ecce�: prot,ercy. finr.gtng in s f�oe business
w^chnui a rescc�v c�f e�r,etsh;y+anc seoge :or :,�iglibces direQty af:ecteci hV
. ChES:33.l3jIjiT0�7L13LC'.
� Fhisrhange:sbeui�appl�zdt"rr�ay.�diridual5l+acedo�atefSYace�at�ohave
nc sr�k� in dafelu�sno rhe P�pF�'�S' �r. a way [hac is harman:ous wcth
rnia�hbniso: pos�GeF€art:cneighborho�.
• i'h�re atE many �,assi�le �se; �nce� :h2 OflireSe: F:� dasstica7on t�a� �
n;ake this prc:�ert}' awai}a61e far developrnznt in a way ehat will',-tave a
pcsiriue i;n�a en tize nei��aarh�o� and u`�e rezar.ing is n2t necessary
ai+d:tienal�y, t have iar.ca�see ^.eiolttwrs tocated near t�e gao�eriy.Of dte 22 peepl�
�n: t•eled �e: sanaktg ty :ne, ci:ree 3+ere op�sad [o a c3�ang� ot any kicd in the
zor,ir:a�it�F�roeert}+. i8;x�c»ek�e*+ op�ase.!:oxnecha*_:�e�fchaza�iagwFtl:att
�dd�R�na:.i �planncngrr.fc:ma:oe (havear,.atFac�hesiq�ato'rzsthatErr�t(ecied.
Ra:a thai ;he ":::ece ir,e needer'° c�:aice re9ec:[s the senament c5at �eigitbors are
a.ce .o a cttangc iE there i> mn:2 cnmmuni:y inpu;:u�tC incnh�em�t in the �.
�:�s� us;;� ;. �f�+;: hos:• tizts ca.� sa :�u! tkt,�2bcsrh�cd a:�d �ropert}' va?ue.
:b"v�v.t :hat the d�st�ssi.r �:^.c char.ge s;teu:d :�oT+rcur. i i;he rieasicn �nrmc ue
,^., +[;,r.r;r� �.°, { .r.;rr x•,e<<r..�.::n zar �� r:i;,n-m.:rated a:�c - rzcb_rk p=ocaeec.
_:_°yP i:?t�?'hJrS J[�_y:r�:r f^: c^&Rie
i�r.aersrnd`rc�m�arn,n�:-�icatFoasu:ch5arahLorr,2<<�aCir-nfSY Pau:t:.t
Cr"s�r.ct C¢�=.:c1 re�rr�eacativcs we:ecniy=neci��.7 a�ou:.ie groeo>ed char=.e.7
K�.; �r,ly a�v�re af CS�e chsngn vi� se ous�czrd �enc oa=. oy the G��t on Augai3t 23,
2uvS. I ib :s nerer ron:acezct cY u�e Cistnc. C.i:r.til <:b�:n ih>s �ssue, ncr kve: e aa}� oF
thc, eep _ i sue4e, e:, F;�ave cc�ntac.ed d�.r O�c;r�c: Cc�ua�il zboetmy cronce:n� nyz
6e� e r,ot?��_+re s'st�:r. G>e*:m. As s.:ci. [ sug<,est [hat che Dsrlli� Coan•a1 rnay noz
re��. � ser,; t'r:e op:movs� c�3 ?�:e irtn:e-9i2:: nerrh�crs arc�zc rhe property acturaeely
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Zoning File #08-140lWO
Page 2 of 3
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1278 Selby Avenue — rear view of property
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Ob- i a-l0
1267 Laurel Avenue
SainY Paul, MN 55104
75 October200&
Saint Paul Ciry Conncil
C/O Sarah Zorn
City of Saint Paul
Planning & Economic IJevetopment
1400 City Hall Annex
25 West Fourfh Sireet
Saint Paul, MN 55102-1634
RE: File#08-140-640
Rewning from OS Office-Service to B2 Community Business
1278 Selby Avenue
Dear Councit Members:
I arn writing to object to a zoning change for 1278 Selby Avettue, File #�8-140-64d, and to propose that a
condiEional use permit be considered for the prospecfive gurchaser af the properry. My understanding of
the conditions, under which the zoning change is being considered, is from the Oc[ober 7 Villager article
by Janet McClure and the flier prepared by Chip Pearson, a neighborhood resident.
I� the zaning review process 7 beliave a zoning cl�ange should be constdered in fhe context of the cunent
owner's proposed use of the property. In addition it should be recognized that a zoning change wouId
provide the current owner with a property vaIue increase. As such it is an indirect payment by the city to
the current owner. At this time there is no information that a development plan for improvements to the
properry was submitted to the city. My understanding is that the current owners do not intend wi13 not be
❑sing the property. If there is an undersTanding oP action on part of the current owner, it should be part of
this hearing. The Villager article reports that there is a proposed purchaser of ihe praperty whose
described use for the properry seems to be impetus for the property's zoning modification. Tha use
described in the article is consistent wiEh the level of activify at this properiy previously. It strikes me that
for this descriptio�t, the property should be under review for a conditionat use permit.
In eonclusion I have no information thaf justifies granTing a zoning change for a property with its
accompanying financial gain for an apparently transitional awner. However, the available description oP
the use by the proposed purchaser of the property is reasonable grounds for considering a conditional use
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the council hearing.
Sincerel /
t a�„/�- / j`'j - J�.z�F'.�C.1L.�
L. LG�¢,
Pau! M. Bakke, P.E.
U:120N7NG COMh1Cd'75.doc
� Pta�mtug&Gcanamtc Devl. �.- _' <� -�`
. 1400 CI{p linll Annex �v- > � - "
� 23 West Fo�vll� Slrec4 � 4 � :
Salnt I'xu}, MN SSF02•2634 �"`� � 3 =
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047 J82CiQ535
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5 0!03/2^�8
hL^i: Frorn 557C2
ifS PC7STl�tGE
1278 Se)by 032823120199
ST PA UL MN 55104_6928
Pubtic Hearing NoYice
Dept. of Planning and
Ecanomic Devetopmeni
Phone: (657?266
p�; (651)22832
File #
Property Address:
° Fife Name:
Nearing Date:
�8"� 1��'��
Rezonittg fram OS Oftice-Service to 62
Community Business
t278 Selby Ave, SE corner at Syndlcate
Cireg Jones & Partia 8uttker �; t
WednesBaY� October 15, 2068, at 5:30 p.Rt,e,±:� ,
� You may send written cornments to the City CowCif Locatlon ot Hearing:
at the address fisted on the reverse side of this ���Y Council Cham6ers �
card. Please cali 651-266-6570, or e-mail rn��aFioor ��
sarahzornC�9ci.stpaut.mn.us, or ca{I your District GityMalllCO�hHouse
Councit representative at 65i-645 it yov have �� West Kellogg Bivd.
any questions. .
Msiled: October3,2008
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Conversion of f 27$ Selby from Offtce-Service to B-�
What does the zoning change meaa�l
Cl�ar±gii�� the zoning of the property at 1?78 Selby changes v: n:u iype :��
busu�ess can operate on the propea�ty.
Currendy the zonin� allows for die folio���in� uses: Service businesses,
e.g. watch and shoe repair, ; Mixed residentiaVcommerciat use, I>ay care, A�;ti
sc3iool Business oftice, bank, insi�rance, real estate olfice among oti3ers.
The zonin� cliange to B-2 �vou(d allow for: Restaurant, Veterinan� clinic,
Tattoo shop, Airto service station, I,iquor store, ToUecco shop. G:��cr.ry st�rc -
�inong oYliers.
http:/hv�v��.stpau I.gov(Docu inent V ic�.v.asp?D l D='_' 3 R 7
•��=;u�� ;s �•e�ex�steng this ehange?
_;� cs �u1d Yor�ia Biu;ker are t[ic COO and CEO of United Lquity Pundi�� a x'Iorida l3ased Limited
:.�f�+il rt; � P�u•��er,hip. "('he•'s website is v,nvw.mvuef.com. Their siee lists ttilt they perf'orm thc tollowinn
: � �'icc>:
`�,tic urti a a�ri�;ate Iender su��port firn�. We offer sem�e�t�rial a�3d support stlff for qualified i��dividuals or cnlitics
�'��� i���u thcir mouey privately to im�estors on commei�ei�al and non-owne�- oecimied �roncrties �,�iti� tcrnis
� i� ,r,: <.. �nunths or Ie�s. M<ui�� of the iolns we mana�e 1re 60 days or less. Our staif assists our Icnder clier.i ,
:_: I"�:1tl�ti'�:1��. SES".+1Clria and colIections on loa�s tl�at are open-ended and are seeured with a lleed of'Ci a;t i»
t1+; .a.1J.•.
�,'�� 'ss as t�is irrap�rtarrt?
41 itliou'. lutowing who is going to develop the property to �,vhat end, Tl�ere are too many imlmowns to consent to
hls bf��ll:et ehatige of usa�e. Lex-H�m ccntinues to improve it's stock of residentinl property throL�gh
�;tis�iY�� c=nents made by fiomeowners and Iandlords. While tt�is task is not compiete, tlie risks associated witl��
I?c�t�.;n�t che change in ase cotdd be a sYep bacl<wuds in iniproving everyone's property vahies.
't'��`�::_� i.rB]? yLDL2 t�fl.�
.._ <; to ;et im-olved this weekca�d one of yonr nci�hbors will come by ia� flie af'ternoon witli � petitir!�
�t �,;it havc ctifferent ct�ecic boxes indicating your 1�veI of support.
�., .nst cl:an� n; t6e z o^dcr�ir.y r,i
°�`ti ?�c o;;m� io support the zoijiag chauge if t knew �nore about the end use.
-'..�� cLr:ge shoidd increase the surroundina property values.
( :nv. al, ight �viYti a change.
�� '��. �,.; ious to knolv more ptiblic privatc partnerships to improve the property tl�roug6 comiuw�iry involveme��t.
Tna»ks .c�:� your conside.ration, Ch�p Pearson I�77 Nague Avenue fi46-5974
�°t�a�C� rs-,�-o�'
lT3 -12-1
rouveMre'Heme�Gm.emmev>Sa4r✓atis ut >�'ConpN:nalUsePemni
Conditional Use Permit
Generel lr�formalion
X P� ne-.sY
...., �mad�oao.
CaMAlonal Uses are pertnitted uces (oF �tl ard/a Cudai�ys) wnhn zonirg asfrrts tnat are
subject lo aOQd'prel requaemeBa 1}� Pm�rtdm Co:rim'ssqn has the aNhwky Ic isae
Cond'RiorAl Usa Pertn�.s. T1v.y are a 21-membet cdm:n boartl appardetl by the �layor whn;l�e
consei6 M the Ci[y Cow�l The"v eqH-me.mber Zonirm Comnetee fpltls a p�blic heazirg and
makes a�ecomrneMalicn la Ne tW Plarrvng Ccrtenesiin AL' property owners wd1Yn 350 feel
of Ihe wb;eci property antl Ihe �A" v rl" " i" ➢" trict C I forlhe area are twtifietl by
mal at least 70 tlays ptia[ to ihe A�IC hearag
"fhe ZWUig Cortmdtce hoWs pub5c neatngs every othet Th�ssday. Tne hearitgs slart al 3.30
pm in CGy Couxi7 Chaznbers on ihe ih'cd tloor of the Cdy HaN Courihouse. ft is exential thac
[he appitcanc or Metr represamattve aitenC the heartng. At ihe p�lx hearirg, (ry¢ zomng
CommHlee hears a sta}I repott aM recommeMaWn tased on the reYZw oi ihe special
coritlifions requaed by fhe zoring cotle, hears publ�ctest'xfrony aM makes a reeorr�i¢��alion
on the request. The Pbming Camm"asbn rcreNes ihe recommeMafan af tMP Zomrg
Comnklee al'hs reM meefmg, 9.00 am on the Fritley of lrye {Wbw'ug week, wlien Ihey
appro�x or dmy the apphcafion, itus ¢ a pubik meetuy bW rp O�lic tes[anony ean be Martl
Code Requirementr
7n additian to meetirg all mr�dNwre IisteO wtler a specd�c use, there are geneai coMdwrs
tttat rt'ust be mH for all CoMM1pnal Use PermAS as foilows.
• Ttie eMein, b�atim arW k�tensdy o( the use w�ll be m substarM1rel canplence wnh the
SairA Paui Compehererve Pien ard ary epplicable wberEa plens wMCh were appraretl
by lhe cdy mu�dL
� The �se wll prohtle adeq�ete i�gress ard egress to mi�iniza traffro mngesiion in (Ire
publ�c s[reels
• Tt�e use vnll rot be tlMreneMal to the exis(irg characier M tM deveiopmerp i� ��
immatl�a[e r�eigNwrhood a entlar�ger Ihe pubNC heatth, safety aM general weHare.
• The usa wim rol impea8lhe trormai aiW oraetly tlev¢IOpmeM and'xrmro�remem oF �he
surzwMi�9 ptoperty tor uus perrttitted in the tlisirict.
• ihe use she0, in all o11er resyects, coMOrm to the applicsble regWaiians M{he dislrcl in
wifich M fs loceted.
Tha Pla�rwig Comrttissivn may impose such feaso�bk cortlitbevs aM 6mRatio�ss in gfardirg an
approval as are dMermofetl to be necesury ta tuMdl tha gpuII arM purpose of Ihe mrvrg cotle
and to prMecl atljaceM1 properties
CwpiEwre may be mafKe¢ by the PlaMmg Cartumssion wMn sfrict appliwtion of s�ch
co�tlatons wouM urceaso�bly 5mfl w prev�t the otiieniisa law(ui use of a piece IN property
or an erisiirg sttuclue arq woup �esuR in �ceptionai urbue hardsh�p ta lha owrer of such
prope[ty or structiae; P�bea, ihal such rtrod'A'icatun will fwt impau the itderd aM Pwpose oi
s�ch cordilion an¢ is consWmrt with heaCh, mwais and genetal weHare of the com��y aIW
is cons�steM wdh reasonable enpym¢M p{ yd�y� p(opMy,
The Pl�niiy Cammission may ac! as Ihe 8oartl of Zomng Appeals aM graM Zonxm Varrances
in accortlarce wdh lt�e varlat�ce p�ovisions in the zo�eg cotle for proposals ttiat also reqare a
CoikiWral Use Permi�
Application Requirements
You rtps( submt an apphcatbn thet inclWes the foYOwag:
• A rnmpleteE orM ior�al U P 11 A( tion F_ o�, i�W �g d deSpiptwn of the
proposetl use ard how tY�e cond'dart of ihe zorerg code wtll De mel
• A y Srte Flan, tlrown to BCdI¢
• Trz rsNkeC rAirm fee
• Adddwrml Mormatiqei as requiretl - some specai uses requ've a? 'pq C m P�fi'
orm aM a fydanzetl AfiZdavM1 signed by the irp"nAtlual cbcu7y�fiq Ihe yeiAion. APrrvale
tlk compairy at the Zonirg Section can assisl m obtammg names aM adtlresses o/ Me
owriers wdhin t00 leet of �h¢ p�pperty There wll be a(ee for thn service
Please submil the above wtth;
DaperlmeM of Pamirg antl Economc De+rebprt�enl
Zanrcg Sed6n
t400 Cdy HaX Amrex
25 FaMh Street West
SaiM PaW, MN55102
NI ilems to be placeE on an agEMa rzust be subrtidtetl s{ Inast Rvee w¢¢k.y prior �o ttie
Ma[ing tlffie, accwtlirg to the Pk cq C He sa'�etlyle, The process ta
abtaw�g a Contlilbnal Usa PertnR lakes 3 rc�utimpr� of fqg to stt weeks
��G'C �'?�t,•1�1j � t T"�
��� �
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'~� � ri
http:/lwww.ci.stpaul,mn.us/index.asp?Ni.,. 1 of 1 10t45l2008 11:11 AM