08-1209WITHDRAWN 12/10l08 C1TY OF, Presented by Council File # /�$ � Green Sheet # 3061116 ORDINANCE �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � An Ordinance Amending Chapter 376 Of The Saint Paul Legislative Code To 2 Deregulate Taxicab Fares. 3 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: s 6 Section 1 � 8 Section 376.15 of t Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 to Sec. 376.15. Fares and arges; regulations. li I2 (a) Fares. No person, fir or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated ] 3 and licensed as a taxica sha11 charge any other rate except as herein pTOVided: 14 IS (1) 16 a 17 18 . � 9 � � , • � � �-Each taxicab company's minimum and per- zo mile rates shall be registered with the departn�� n o fsafety and inspections. Minimum and per mile rates 2� may be changed following °°°� °�'�� �� �� "��° tice to the department of safety and inspections, a� 22 approval of said rate change and ublication of t rate chan e 23 the De artment of Safet and Ins ections the taxic com an 2a Saint Paul dail news a er of eneral circulation for t ee cons 25 rovide �roof of ublication to the De artment of Safet nd In z6 effective thirt � 30 da s followin ublication. The mini um 27 dollar $1.00 and incremental rates cannot chan e more th tf 28 chan e moxe fre uentl than once er one hundxed ei ht I 8' z9 months followin� the effective date of this ordinance. Rates m� 3o rear doors of the taxicab and inside the passenger compartment 3 i sSze and shape so as to be clearly legible: �2 33 Taxicab Fares 34 35 ir�„� .:.......... ......,, e �oa� e� cn 36 in,r..�:..,..._ .,,...,. ,. voa� r.,. F,... �mn � 37 `A n...,:......... ..... .,. e., �v'� � ° v - Y�:w �8 39 Minimum fare: ao First 1/5 Mile: al Cost�er 1(5 Mi1e: �t2 One mile fare: be posted on the outside right and left 'k�ie following manner and of sufficient 6g-�2-o� 43 44 47 a6 (2) No e 47 be charge� 48 applied to 49 so a. Such di 5t Two mile fare: Five mile faze: far the operation of such ta�cicabs, than as �proved u�� in subsecrion (1) above shall the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (IS) percent may be total fare on the following conditions: clearly posted inside the passenger compartment of the t�icab; 52 b. Such discounts ma be given only to persons in one (1) or more of the following groups: 53 5a I. Senior citizens (age 55 oldex); 55 56 2. Pexsons with disabilities; 57 ss 3. Officers and employees of busi sses located within the city whose volume use of taxicabs is 59 significant. 60 6t (3) No extra fare sha11 be charged by the wne 62 63 (b) WaiCing time. Charges for waiting time � sa 65 (1) For each honr of "waiting time at address," 66 �$�489j, the waitin� time rates may be chanaf 67 inspections, approval of said rate change, and 6s rate chan�e bv the department of safetv and in: 69 change in a Saint Paul daily newspaper of �en� �o company shall roo vide oroof of publication to 7 i shall be effective thirtv (30� days followina pu 72 f$1.001 at a time. Rates cannnt chan�e more fr 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ss s6 87 88 or operators of such taxicabs far addirional passengers. not exceed the following: "waiting time for engagement," *•� °�*�� (s� "Waiting time" defined. "Waiting time at address" is herein de i ed to mean the time beginning when a cab aa at an address to which it has been called, and ending wh it departs from such address. "Waiting time after engagement" shall mean the time a cab is not in moti at the request of the passenger or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passe er or passengers. (�c) Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from mak g an agreement with the operatar of a taxicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be agreed upon betwee them for azi hour, day, week, month or longer period, , de�l-ars-(�99}-but the person with whom the operator of a taYicab makes such agre ment shall not be permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other person. 6 d � 12�b� s9 9Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9s This Ordinance 99 publication. Section 2 effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen Lantry Stark Thnne Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayox: Date By: Requested by B y: Q! A(i Approved by By: Appr� Approv by By l" [ � _� Services � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � S� )e rtmenUOffiteJCouncil; �� � Date Initiate0: �� � � � � ept.o4Satety&Inspections 22_OCL08 Green Sheet NO: 3061116 \ ContaGt Pe�con $ Phone: on by (Date): Doc. Type: ORDINANCE b�owment Required: Y Document Contact: Robert � Contact Phone: 266-8123 � ' Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Afl Lo� ' Action Requested: � Bliminate the cap on taxicab fares in Saint � Assign NumbeY For Routing Order i Recommentlations: Approve (A) or Reject (RJ: �, Pta�niog Commission , CIB Committee Civd Service Commission 0 Dept of5af�& Inspectious_ __ _____ _._ ___ 1 DeoG of&afetv & In �ections DeDartment Di rec[or 2 C� Atto=�eY__ _—_--'__ _ '_— — -' 3 MaYOr'sOtfice _ __� vls�orfASSistant A Council 5 City_ Cl_erk _ _ J Cit�Clerk _ � for Sf9nature) allowing the indushy [o increase fares up to 10% twice a year. �� � 3. Does "s pers� ' , curcent em i Yes No '� Explain all yes I F.—_—_---_--_—.—�.—.—_— ._--- �� Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I The ciry was approached by a number of tasicab owners in the spn�g of 2 I was reviewed by the Business Review Council and recommended for imp �� Ativantages If Approved: I r � Disadvantages if Approved: ', Disadvantages If Not Approved: i '� Total Amount ot ''� Transaction: i Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explai�) on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. --- --i i I I i I eliminate the city's oap on taxicab fares. The matter �tion after the 2008 Republican National Convention. Cosf/Revenue Budgeted: a skdl not normally possessed by any Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for lhis department? es No 2. H this person/firm eVer been a Gity employee? Yes No Activity Number: i I � I i � i October 22, 2008 2:42 PM Page 1