08-110Council File # W ����
Green Sheet # 3048530
Presented by
An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to
zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof:
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Randolph
Hill LLC duly petitioned to rezone property bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E, legally
described as Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) 112823320079, 112823320080, 112823320081,
112823320082, 112823320083, 112823320084, and 112823320085, legally described as HOWARD
BLK 1 from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family Residential and R2 One-Family Residentiai to TN2
Traditional Neighborhood; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division onOctober 19,
2007, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and
further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100
feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 8,
2007, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to§107.03 of the Administrative
Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission forapproval; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held m November
16, 2007, and recommended approval of the petition to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published
in the official newspaper of the Cityon December 10, 2007, and notices were duly mailed to each owner
of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted onJanuary 2, 2008, at
which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the
facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number27, as incorporated by reference in
§60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
That the property bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E, being more particularly described
be and is hereby rezoned from RM2 to TN2.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY � �` f2
Approved r vlay r: te: � ��
Sy. _
Form Approved by City Attorney
e ��✓,l�w�.��-- l—l�-08
Approv d b ay for bmi i to C nal
MAR 2 0 1009
Adopted by Council: Date: � ay c�1��
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
u8 �l�b
PE — p��ng & Economic Developmeut
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Patricia James
Must Be on Council Aaen
E-Document Required: Y
Document Contact: Patricia James
ContactPhone: 266-6639
Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3048530
0 lannin & Ecouomic Develo me Patricia James ` s. (fS
I lannin & Economic Develo me Director/C. Bedor
2 ' Attome (,ti Attorne
3 a or's Oifice Ma odASSistaut
4 ounca LY Coancil
5 ' Clerk CS Clerk
6 lannin & Economic Develo me Patricia James
Adopt ordinance memorializing Ciry Council action approving the rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family
Residential and R2 One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood for properiy bounded by Randolph, Lexington, 7uno,
and I 35E (ZF# 07-179-230). Public heazing held January 2, 2008.
iaations: Approve (A) or Reject (Rp Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm everworked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee � Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Randolph Hill, LLC applied to rezone this property from RM2 and R2 to 1'N2 to permit a new commercial development. The City
Council approved the rezoning on January 9, 2008, after a public heazing on January 2, 2008.
Advantages If Approved:
Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent.
Disadvan W ges If Approved:
�r:;'� _ .. ��,:� a
y �; : �
Disadvan W ges If Not Approved:
City Council action will not be completed.
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
Cosi/Revenue Budgeted:
January 11, 2008 1:31 PM Page 1
Cecde Bedor, Dtrectar
Chrutopher B. Coleman, Mayor
December 5, 2007
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
2.5 West Fourth Street
Saint Pau< � 55/02
D$ �llD
Te(ephone� 651-266-6700
Facsrm:le� 651-228-3220
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 2, 2008, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number:
File Name:
Randolph Hill, LLC
Randolph Hill LLC
1094 Randolph Ave, Block bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno,
and I 35E
Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family Residential
and R2 One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood
Previous Action:
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 5- 0- 1(Faricy), November 8, 2007
Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, 13-1 (Spaulding), Nov 16, 2007
I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Harris's office. My understanding is that this
public hearing request wilt appear on the Council agenda on or before the December 26, 2007,
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal
Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions.
Sin er ly,
Patricia James
City Planner
cc: File #: 07-179-230
ApplicanUAppeliant: Randolph HiA LLC
Paul Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
Allan Torstenson
xonc� og ro$uc �eAnrG 'i�
_ 1Y�e -sa'vit ravl c:ty co,mc$ wSd c�- �,
duct a Public �c¢�g'on R'�da9, Jau�
vary 2. 2008, at 5:30 p.m. m the Cily
co,�n� c�mn�s. �a Fxo� cxy fran/
Coia'Uwuse, I5 West KeIlogg Bouiev�and,
Sk' Paiil, MN, to mn� the appliratlon af �
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RandolpL.,, r�.. Juno. and i-35E)
from Rbi2 Medium-density Multiple-
Fami19 Residential and R2 One-Fa�ttg
Residential tn 1N2 1Yaditional Neig�bvr_
booa_ [zo.n�g H77e o�-l�sz3o1 - -
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Assisfant City (December 1� I
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Cecrle Bedor, Di�ector
J � �,
c.i! ST
Chrislopher B. Coleman, Mayor
December 18, 2007
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
25 Wes! Fourth Streee
SaintPaul, MN55l02
Te[epfwne: 657-266-6700
Facsimile: 651-228-3210
Re: Zoning File #: 07-179-230
File Name: Randolph Hill, LLC
Appiicant: Randolph Hill LLC
Address: Block bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E
Purpose: Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family Residential and R2
One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood
CitY Council Hearinq: Januarv 2. 2008. 5:30 q.m.. Citv Council Chambers
• Staff Recommendation:
District Councii:
Zoning Committee Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Deadiine for Action
Staff Assigned:
District 15 recommended partial approval
Approval, vote: 5 — 0 —1 (Faricy)
10 persons spoke in support and 13 letters were
15 persons spoke in opposition and 3 letters were
Approval, vote: 13-1 (Spaulding)
December 9, 2007, extended to February 16, 2008
Patricia James, 651-266-6639
Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 07-74
Planning Commission minutes, November 16, 2007
Zoning Committee minutes, November 8, 2007
Deadiine for Action Extension Letter
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet
cc: Zoning File 07-179-230
Applicant: Randolph Hill LLC
Stephanie Sundry, Told Development Co.
• City Council Members
District Council: 15
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Allan Torstenson
Peter Warner
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
• city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number o�-74
uate November 16. 2007
WHEREAS, Randolph Hill LLC, File # 07-179-230, has applied for a rezoning from RM2 Mediurrr
density Multiple�Family Residential and R2 On�Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood
under the provisions of § 61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on propedy bounded by
Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E, legally described as Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN)
112823320085, legally described as HOWARD GREENE SECOND ADDITION LOT 5 BLK 1;,
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on November 8, 2007, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of§61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings
� of fact:
1. The applicant wishes to redevelop this block at the southeast corner of Rando�ph and
Lexington for commercial uses. The proposal includes a 14,40 sq. ft. grocery market at the
northeast corner of the site and a smaller 5530 sq. ft. retail building at the southwest corner
of the site. Primary access to the site is proposed from Lexington Parkway, with secondary
access from Juno.
2. The area has developed with commercial uses on both the northeast and southeast corners
of Lexington and Randolph (currently legally nonconforming). In addition, the site is adjacent
to an interchange with a principal arterial, E35E, on the east. Two other streets bQdering the
site are also thoroughfares: Randolph Avenue is classified as an "A" Minor Arterial in the
City's Transportation Plan, while Lexington is classified as a"B° Minor Arterial. The proposed
zoning to TN2 permits residential and commercial uses ather as single uses or as mixed
uses, which is consistent with the historical development pattern in this area as we�l as the
more recent freeway interchange
3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive PIan.The Land Use Plan
supports a compatible mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1), The
Summary and General Policycalls for ensuring that land with potential for business use is
made available and used to its maximum economic and community benefit. Given this sit�.s
location, it has good potential for business use. The District 75 Highland Park
moved by Morton
seconded by
� in favor 13
against 1 (Spauldinq)
Zoning File # 07-179-230
Planning Commission Resolution
Page 2 of 2
Neighborhood Plan (adopted by the City Council on July 18, 2007, includes in its vision
statement: provide services that contribute to neighborhood sel�sufficiency while improving
the District's position in the regiona! economy. The pian also supports use of TN urban
design standards in recommendations throughout the plan.
4. The proposed TN2 zoning is compatible wifh the surrounding area regardless of whether tFe
current development pian is implemented, since it permits commercial uses, residential uses
at a variety of densities, and a mix of these uses. The TN2 district, as stated in §66.313 is
... designed for use in existing o� potential pedestrian and transit rades. Its intent is to foster
and support compact, pedestriarroriented commercial and residential development that, in
tum, can support and increase transit usage. Randolph Avenue has transit service. Further,
a commercial or mixed use development alongthe north side of Juno can be designed to
provide a buffer for the single family homes on the south side of Juno.
5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on October 19, 20Q7: 18 parcels eligible; 12
parceis required; 12 parcels signed.
_ Nl1W_ THFRFFQR�.�RF IT RF$�L,1/�p.��}�{,�J; _
City Council, that the application ofRandolph Hill LLC for a Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density
Multiple-Family Residential and R2 One-Family Residential to TN2 Tradition� Neighborhood for
property bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35Ebe approved.
��1 �V
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
Minutes November 16, Z007
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 16, 2007,
at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Mmes. Lu, Morton, Smitten, Wencl, and,
Messrs. A1ton, Barrera, Bellus, Commers, Cudahy, Gordon, 7ohnson, Kramer,
Margulies, Rosemazk, and Spaulding.
Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, *Faricy, �McCali, *Porter, and Messrs. *Goodlow,
Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administretor; Allan Torstenson, Donna Drummond,
Patricia James, Penny Simison, Shawntera Hazdy, Luis Pereira, 7acob Rife, and Sonja
• BuUer, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff.
I. Approval of minutes November 2, 2007.
MOTION: Commissioner Johnson moved approval vjthe minutes nfNnvember 2, 2007.
Commissinner Commers seconded the motinn. The motion carried unanimously on a voice
Chair's Announcements
Chair Akon called attendon to the Central Comdor Station Area Planning sheet in the
commissioner's packets. Mr. Alton said the upcoming series of day-long meetings on stationary
planning process will be intense and important. He encouraged members to pazticipate if they
Planning Administrator's Announcements
Larry Soderholm reported on planning-related business at the City Council for last week and their
agenda for neact week. .
Zoning Committee
#07-169-560 Dean Willer—Establishment of legal nonconforming use staius as a h�iplex. 1880
Faumount Avenue, SW corner at Howell. (Sarah Zorn, 651/266-6570)
MOTTON Cnmmissinner Morton nwved the Zoning Committee's recommendution to approve
the nonconfornring use permiG The motion carried unnnimously on a voice vote
#07-145-1 lb Sonic Restaurant — Conditional Use Perntit for drive through sales and services,
with variances for minimum floor acea ratio, setback, parking exceeding 50% of the firontage,
TN2 design standards, parking quantity exceeding the maximum, and signage azea. 1960 & 1980
Suburban Avenue between Bums and Ruth. (Luis Pereirq 651/266-659I)
R�fOTION Commissioner Monon moved the Zoning Comnrittee's recnmmendatinn to apprnve
the cnndiYional use permit subject to additional cnnditious The motion carried on a voice vote
of f3-I (Smitten).
#07-170-395 Gloria Gonzalez — Conditiona] Use PecmR for outdoor sales and auto detailing.
ayne rkvenue; S •
MOTION Cnmmissioner Morton moved the Zoning Commi#ee's recnmmendatian tv deny the
conditiona! use permiG The modon carried unanimously on a voice votz
#07-179-230 Randolnh Hill. LLC — Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Muhiple Family
Residential and R2 One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood. B(ock bounded .
by Randolph, I.exington, Juno, and I 35E. (PabiciaJmnes, 65I/266-6639)
Commissioner Spaulding voiced opposition to approving the applications, particularly the
application for vaziances and the application for rezoning in the southem part of the bIock. He
questioned how to get commercial truck access to the site without putting h down Lexington,
which is a pazkway. The ciTy is undectaking a traffic shidy on these issues. At the public hearing
a number of people were upset about the developer's proposal to tear down aYl the homes on the
north side of Juno. He stated if he were on a residential street on a residential parkway and saw
the north half of his street replaced with an entrance that would create a huge amount of trafFc,
he would not find that to be an effective transition to a residential area, and it fails to meef the
intent of a 7'N2 zone. The issue isn't whether to support Trader Joe's. There are a lot of
challenges with this site. There are significant questions about the rezoning, especially as it
pertains to the southem part of the property, access on Lexington, and the impact on the
neighbors. He also stated that the variances would dilute the intent of the TN2 zone.
Commissioner Bellus asked if the issue about liquor licenses was discussed at the hearing.
Commissioner Kramer stated that the committee received a letter from an industry trade group
about that issue, but zoning doesn't deal with liquor licenses. They do not go through the
Planning Commission, but through the City Council, and wning does not waive any liquor
license distance requirement _
Corrimissioner Bellus stated that the variances were very specific to Trader Joe's, if it were not to
go there the City would be left with a messy situation with the TN2 zoning, and the whole series �
of variances would be irrelevant to potential future development. He eacpressed support for the
rezoning, but concem about the variances.
G�- ll6
Commissioner Johnson stated that he had raised the liquor license issue with the City Attorney `
Peter Warner. Mr. Wamer advised that this issue was not relevant to the zoning decision; it was a
licensing and CiTy Council issue.
MOTION: Convnissianer Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendalion to approve
the rezoning. The motian carried on a voice voie of 13-1 (Spaulrlin�.
#07-180-386 Randolph Hill, LLC — Conditional Use Permit for a commercial building lazger than
10,000 sq. ft. and variances of TN2 standards to allow floor azea ratio less than .5, maximum
building setback greater than 10 ft., and placement of pazking in front of building and occupying
more than 50% of the lot frontage. Block bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E.
(Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
MOTION: CommissionerMorton moved theZoning Commitlee's recommendalion to approve
the conditiona! use permit subject to additiana! conditions
Commissioner Bellus called for a roll call vote.
ROLL CALL VOTE: The motion to recommend approval ojthe cnnditional use permii and
variances passed on a vote oJ9-S (Bellus, Commers, Cudahy, Smitten, Spauldin�
• Prouosed Zonine Re2ulaeons for Electronic Billboards — Zoning amendments to allow
conversion of some e�cisting freeway billboazds to electronic or digital signs with saveral
conditions, snch as spacing requirements, brightness limitations, and a trade-down requirement
that other billboards in the city be removed. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575)
MAIN MOTION: Commissioner Mortnm m�ved the Zoning Commiitee's recommendaiion to
approve the Zoning Study of Bil[boards with Dynamic Displays (Elecbonic Bi[Iboards) dated
November 16, 2007, and the Zoning Code amendments thai go with 'U. The resolution is in the
packet. She asked Larry Soderholm to explain the proposed ordinance and to summarize the
testimony received at the public hearing.
Mc Soderholm explained the schedule necessary to have new regulations in piace by the time the
moratorium expires on January 23, 2008. The City Council's public hearing on the ordinance
will be on December 5, 2007. The Planning Commission should do its best to reach its
recommeudation today so that it can be transmitted to the Council.
Mr. Soderholm continued, saying that new billboards have been prohibited in the city since 2000.
All existing billboazds aze nonconforming uses. The drafts of the Electronic Billboard Zoning ,
Study that have been reviewed by the Commission and the Zoning Committee have considered
rivo altematives: (a) a h program 4hat would allow billboazds along the freeway to be
converted to electronic billboazds provided the company removes billboazds elsewhere in the city,
and (b) a prohibition against any electronic billboazds. The City Attomey's Office has been
doing legal reseazch and has now advised staff that, given the broad language of Minnesota's
state law on nonconforming uses, a flat prohibition against technological impmvements to
• existing billboards that would be hard to sustain if the Ciry were sued. Nonconforming uses
cannot be expanded. Case law has interpreted "expansion" to mean physical expansion, not an
intensification of use. With electronic signs, the display surface of the electronic sign has the
XI. Adjoumment
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.
Recorded and prepared by
Sonja Butler, Planning"Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Paul
Respectful(y submitted,
Planning Administrator
Marilyn Porter .
Secretary of the Planning Commission
PED16utierWovember 16, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007 - 3:30 p.m.
Cify Council Chambers, 3rd Floor
City Hali and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
PRESENT: Afton, Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Johnson, Kramer, Morton and Rosemark
STAFF: Patricia James, Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Peter Wamer, and Sarah Zorn
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton.
Randolph Hill, LLC - 07-779-230 - Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family
Residential and R2 One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood, Block
bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and 1 35E
Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning.
She also stated District 15 recommended conditionai approvai, and that 13 letters and one
petition with 78 signatures were received in support, and 3 letters were received in opposition.
At the questions of the commissioners, Ms. James stated the traffic concerns will be addressed
• in the site plan review process.
Stuart Simek, the applicant, explained the proposal and its advantages. (See Stuart Simek,
11/8/07, attachment).
Lee Seppings, Coliaborative Design Group, the architect for the project, presented renderings of
the project and aiso explained the curb cuts, lighting, height and scale of the buildings, the
streetscape, and the reasoning for moving the store back from the street. He also stated this
project wiil be a beautiful gateway to the neighborhood.
Teresa Stems, 1487 Eleanor Ave., stated her support for the project: the development is
appropriate for this comer. She also stated she will continue to support other food markets in
the neighborhood.
Eric Anderson, 1048 St. Paul Ave., stated that Stuart Simek is an excellent businessman who
does what he promises. The area is a great location and the project is well laid out and will be
good for the neighborhood and the City for tax doilars.
Scott Mine, 292 Spring St., stated he is in support of the permit and rezoning and stated the
project is a wonderful amenity to the neighborhood.
Patrick Boylan, 1965 Randolph Ave., commented the site plan impressed him, but he had some
• concems pertaining to the rezoning, traffic and lighting.
Clinton Blaiser, 360 Lexington Ave., stated his support for the project as an improvement to the
File # 07-180-386
November8, 2007,Zoning Committee
Page 2 of 3
Mark Hirtstad, 1993 Stanford Ave:, stated this is a blighted comer, and he is in support of the
Steve Snider, 1427 Osceola Ave., reiterated past speakers' comments and stated he was in
support of the project and it is a great opportunity for St. Paul.
Katie Sterns 1493 Scheffer Ave., stated this intersection is a gateway, and the project would be
an attraction to the people from the suburbs and the neighborhood, and other businesses would
bene�d from this development.
Susan Kimberly, representing the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, stated the project is
consistent with their economic development principles, and they are in support of the project.
� - _ . i: . -. - - . .. ... ,,.. . .- - . _.- •-
Marguerite 5ennenger, 1402 Palace Ave., had concerns pertaining to parking, safety, and traffic
issues. She also voiced concerns pertaining to safety in underground parking. �
Biil Poulos, president of Highland District Council, stated they were ir� support of rezoning the
property zoned RM2 but were concemed about the property zoned R2. He stated the existing
housing along the south side of Juno should be buffered. He also stated concems pertaining to
Upon the question of the commissioners, Mr. Poulos, stated the resofution was the position of
the Development Committee, which included a majority of the Community Council.
Steve Korte, Korte's Super Market, spoke in opposftion to the development because of traffic,
liquor Iicense, and the threat to the mom and pop stores going out of business.
Bemie Hesse, 1602 Thomas, expressed concems about traffc and stormwater management.
(see Bernie Nesse attachment.)
Laura Wailace, 1102 James Ave., voiced concems regarding traffic safety and stated she would
like to see local neighborhood stores.
Torty �eMay, 1088 Juno Ave., gave a history of the development of the comer, and had
concems for traffic congestion and safety, home values, and egress and ingress from the site.
Dr. Beth Janetski, 1177 Randolph Ave., reiterated the concems pertaining to traffic safety,
which makes biking and walking unsafe.
Tom Mountain, manager of Korte's Super Market, stated he opposed the project because of •
traffic issues, and competition.
Sandy LeMay, 1088 Juno Ave., was in opposition because of concems for falling home values.
• File # 07-180-386
November 8, 2007, Zoning Committee
Page 3 of 3
Hal Ciapp, 1086 Juno Ave., stated his opposition based on traffc, deciining home values, and
the lack on notice about this proposal. (see attachment Hai Clapp.)
At the question of Commissioner Johnson, Mr. Ciapp stated he could not state a spec�c source
for the infortnation on traffic and home values.
Jean Marie Sohlden, 1099 Juno Ave., voiced concems pertaining to traffic, ingress, and egress
and asked that the houses on the norfh side of Juno not be taken down.
Laurie Watson, 1086 Juno Ave., explained that the site would not be right for Trader Joes, and
voiced concerns about traffc, safety, and diminished home values.
Barbara Sommers, 2275 Youngman Ave., #205 W., reiterated concerns for pedestrian, biking,
and tra�c safety concems including how school bus traffic would be affected.
R. J. Sternquist, 254 Hamline Ave. S., voiced traffic concerns, and safety for the children in the
neighborhood playing, and negative affects to the businesses in the area.
Stuart Simek, Appficant, thanked everyone for their testimony. He afso stated there shoufd not
• be a fear of new development. He explained the difference between this project and the Trader
Joe's at Faccelsior and Grand. Mr. Simek stated they were committed to working with the
neighborhood and asked the commissioners to grant the rezoning, conditional use permit, and
Upon the questions of the Commissioner Johnson, Mr. Simek stated there would be
approximately 60 to 75 empioyees working at the store and they wouid mostly be part time high
school and college students. He stated that the size of the market is similar to Korte's and will
have much more parking.
Commissioner Johnson also asked for market data pertaining to home values in a neighborhood
when a Trader Joe's moves in.
The public hearing was ciosed.
After further discussion pertaining to site pian review, Commissioner George Johnson moved
approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Richard Kramer seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-1.
Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0() Abstained -1 (Faricy}
Drafted by: Sulicpitted by: ��-- Approved by:
� C�l�����.7.GL�.c'7[J , � � � CM�.r34�' /-�'G�✓
Carol Martineau Patricia James Gladys M on
Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair
�-�-�,�.�--�-- 5�4 �.�
Dear Members ofthe Zoning Committee
Thanks for the opportunity to review our rezoning request and variance requests
/ i- g-a�
• My name is StuartSimek, I own Meridian Management which is a smalt real estate investment
and development company based on downtown St Paul.
• My family and I live within a few blocks of the proposed redevelopment in Highland Park
• My family has owned real estate on this corner for over 40 years.
o We own 64 apartment units across the street on the SW comer of Lexington and
Randolph and a total of 150 apartment units in Highland Park.
r 1
• I know St Paul and I am actively involved in St. Paul on a daily basis.
• I have served on severel citizen committees and been appointed to them by various mayors.
These include the Business Review Council, the Neighborhood STAR Board, and most recentty
the Ford Site Task Force.
• I have completed two other successful redevelopment projects in Highland Park over the last 4
• My development partner Stephani Sundry of TOLD Development is with a well respected
Minnesota development company with extensive retail experience.
• We have with us our team of professionals that I will introduce later who will walk you through
their areas of expertise.
• I be�ieve in St. Paul and its neighborhoods and am a strong advocate for well thought out
redevelopment and the resulting increase in property tax revenue which these projects bring.
• Nnt only will the redevelopment take care of a blighted/underutilized corner, it will bring Trader
Joe's to St. Paul which by all standards is a highly desireble lead tenant to anchor the project.
In regards to the current Site:
• The garbage truck parked on the site sums up the state of this corner. A PICTURE AFTER AL� IS
WORTH A MILLION WORDS. This is what people see when they drive through this gateway into
• We purchased the lots along Randolph in 2003 including the old gas station that houses Mach 1
and the four-plex with the intent of tearing down the buildings and redeveloping the site to
uttimately improve the neighborhood.
• We have spent 4 years exploring afl different types of uses for the property including wndos,
low income housing, a car wash and a group home. We believe the proposed TN-2 zoning fits
the Highest and Best Use of the corner.
• 1 want MY neighborhood and YOUR neighborhood to become something even better than it
currently is.
• Sometfiing is going to go on this site —there will be change no matter what
o We currently have an opportunity before us with a highly desirable gourtnet grocer who
would like to be there, and who has much appeal to the residents of Highland Park
• The fear of a successful redevelopment is no reason to resist art improvement to the
fn regards to Zoning:
• The site has had a commercial use on it since the 1960's
o A Shell gas station
o A wffee shop
o Md wrrenUy a fledging stereo installation shop
• Traditional urban land use planning suggests the appropriateness af commercial applications at
major surFace intersections and freeway wnnections such as this.
• A dty plan�re out o co ege wou never p ace a res� en a use on a corner a �acen o a
freeway on remp. Think of every other freeway on/off remp in the Minneapolis-St Paul area,
residential never does well next to a freeway.
• The current zoning designation is such, due ta the fact that the freeway was put through AFTER
the homes were there. Most of the homes were built in the 1920's. The freeway was not •
proposed until the 1960's.
• Unfortunately, while likely faang budget considerations, MNDOT did somewhat of a disservice
to the neighborhood by leaving the 8 homes remain on 1uno,
. Based on the great number of people I have talked to about this project, I do not think I am
alone in my opinion that a 7N-2 Zoning designation will result in an absolute win-win for the
immediate neighborhood as well as the City of St Paul.
. As a developer we have gone above and beyond with our outreach to the following groups in
the neighborhood: Highland District Coundl, Mao-Groveland District Councif, the neighbors on
luno and Lexington, the owners on the North side of Randolph and residents of Montcalm and
Le�dngton Park Apartments
• We have worked to actively engage the neighbors on the south side ofJuno in discussions about
the design criteria and continue to do everything we can do to minimize tfie impact of the
project "
o Included in our ptans is a� ft tall masonry wall along the `�Q ft of the southem
edge ofthe site; Wgether with significant plantings.
o The otfier option being discussed is buying their homet. ,In fact, two of the four homes
are currently under wntract •
• At our expense we had charted a motor mach to take appro�dmately 20 senior residents from
Montcalm Apartmentr to the Trader Joe's in Woodbury to show them wfiat the store is atl
o Our goal was to inform them and let them see the store for themselves and make their
own judgments.
o The bus trip on the way out was somewhat tense as the residents had the usual
concems of traffic, lighting, and in general as humans we are all resistant to and
sometimes afraid of change.
o The retum trip was completety different after they visited a Trader Joe's store for
themselves. They commented on how reasonable the prices were and how convenient
some of the small portions were for themselves and their food needs. As one smiling
couple left the store with some purchases in hand said they said to me as I quote "VJe
don't care ifthere is a little more trafFic; we want this in our neighborhood.°
o To have a neighborhood grocery store and coffee shop is considered an amenity in any
neighborhood. It helps with the livability and the ability to perhaps leave your car at
• It is not uncommon in St Paul to have single family homes adjoin or face a commercial use.
o Think Grend Ave where single family homes co-exist with adjacent retail uses.
o Think St. Clair Ave. where single family and apartments are next to a restaurant or other
• We live in a city where commercial and residential uses are mixed together; these uses are not
• in exclusive districts — in fact, that is exactly what TN2 is promoting.
tn regards to Treffic:
• While you will hear from our treffic engineer that there will be additionai trafFic anticipated by
this development, however with some minor modifications to light timing and striping, the
incremental additional traffic will not significantly alter or impair the trafFic situation.
• In Fact some of the peak demand times of the main tenant flow very well with the current OFF
peak times of commuter tra�c
o Think about when a grocery store does most of its business, which is evenings and
weekends, when current tra�c at the intersection is at its lowest point
• I firmly believe thattraffic is one of the tradeoffs that you make when you choose to live in the
in the city.
• The reason 1 tive in the city is convenience so that I may be able to walk to store, the park, my
kid's school or other adivities.
In Conclusion:
• i have an enormous incentive ta make sure this project is done right; after alt 1 am a property
owner in the neighborhood and a proud resident of St. Paul.
• • I would like to introduce Lee Seppings of Collaborative Design Group (the architectJ who will
watk us through the design process and the variance requests of the project.
• Lee will be foilowed by Bob Green of Alliant Engineering who will speak to the treffic study.
November 8, 2007
p g -/lb
�s�o ��
To: Zoning Committee o#�the Saint Pau1 Planning Commission
From: Bernie Hesse, 1602 Thomas Ave, St Paul and, I'm a
member of the United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local
789. We are an organization that has engaged with many other
groups around the issue of sensible growth and livability issues.
We are very concerned, and have many questions about the
proposed retail develo}�ment that is before you today. We would
like to emphasize the issue of sensible development, public safety,
the value of community input, and locally owned businesses that
keep St Pau1 strong when you weigh what is before you. We
acknowledge in order for St Paul to thrive, businesses should be
able to operate without onerous regulations but they also have an
obligation to the neighborhoods that they draw their trade from and
that is the challenge.
We oppose the re-zoning for a number of reasons;
1. Public safety, we assume that the intersection is operating at a
level of service D right now and as such will further be impacted
by traffic. It is a bit of a stretch to suggest by the City or MN DOT
that it can be handled. New Land Use creates new trips. Right
now you have Pass by Trips and not Destination Trips. There is
no empirical data today that accurately reflects a true vehicle trip
count. We can not compare it to anything that is currently
operating right now in the metro. I can tell you first hand of traffic
and congestion at the St Louis Park store. }�,5�6 (/E/-lrCl�
2. The proposed set back appears to be an attempt to circumvent A
the %2 mile rule for a wine & spirits license. To suggest that the
setback would aid deliveries is interesting, and we axe not familiar
with amount of multi-axle truck deliveries that a Trader Joe
requires. We don't want the intersection to turn into asthma alley
with all the increased diesel and gasoline emissions.
�� .
�-��-�-- 5'� �,�
Dear Members ofthe Zoning Committee
Thanks for the opportunityto review our rezoning request and variance requests
08 �l/o
1 i- g-a�
• My name is Stuart Simek, I own Meridian Management which is a small real estate investment
and development company based on downtown St. Paul.
• My family and I live within a few blocks of the proposed redevelopment in Highland Park
• My family has owned real estate on this corner for over 40 years.
o We own 64 apartment units across the street on the SW corner of Lexington and
Randolph and a total of 150 apartment units in Highland Park.
• I know St. Paul and I am adively involved in St Paul on a daily basis.
• I have served on several citizen committees and been appointed to them by various mayors.
These inciude the Business Review Council, the Neighborhood STAR Board, and most recently
the Ford Site Task Force.
• I have completed two other successful redevelopment projects in Highland Park over the last 4
• My development partner Stephani Sundry of TOLD Development is with a well respected
Minnesota devetopment company with extensive retail experience.
• We have with us ourteam of professionals that I will introduce later who will walk you through
their areas of expertise.
• I believe in St. Paul and its neighborhoods and am a strong advocate for weil thought out
redevelopment and the resulting increase in propertytax revenue which these projectr bring.
• tdot only will the redevelopment take care of a blighted/underutilized corner, it will 6ring Treder
Joe's to St. Paul which by all standards is a highly desireble lead tenant to anchor the project.
In regards to the current Site:
• The garbagetruck parked on tfie site sums up the state of this corner. A PICTURE AFiER ALL IS
WORTH A MILLION WORDS. This is what people see when they drive through this gateway into
• We purchased the lots along Randoiph in 2003 induding the old gas station that houses Mach 1
and the four-plex with the intent of tearing down the buildings and redeveloping the site to
ultimately improve the neighborhood.
\ J
• We have spent 4 years exploring all differenttypes of uses for the property including condos,
low income housing, a car wash and a group home. We believe the proposed TN-2 zoning fits
the Highest and Best Use of the corner.
• I want MY neighborhood and YOUR neighborhood to become something even betterthan it
currently is.
• Something is going to go on this site –there will be change no matter what
o We currently have an opportunity before us with a highly desirable gourmet grocer who
woutd like to be there, and who has much appeal to the residents of Highland Park
• The fear of a successful redevelopment is no reason to resist an improvementto the
in regards to Zoning:
• The site has had a commercial use on it since the 1960's
o A Shell gas station
o A coffee shop
o And currently a fledging stereo installation shop
• Treditional urban land use planning suggestrthe appropriateness of commercial applications at
major surface intersections and freeway connections such as this.
_ . .:... _�_......_ s_.._ti ,,..+..c ..,.ue.... ,..,, .ia .,e se er� e eemer ad�aeen4-�„ a —
freeway on ramp. Think of every otherfreeway on/off ramp in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area,
residentiai never does well next to a freeway.
. The current zoning designation is such, due to the fact thatthe freeway was putthrough AFfER
the homes were there. Most of the homes were built in the 1920's. The freeway was not
proposed until the 1960's.
• Unfortunately, while likely facing budget considerations, MNDQT did somewhat of a disservice
to the neighborhood by Ieaving the 8 homes remain on 1uno.
• Based on the great number of people I have talked to about this project, 1 do not think 1 am
alone in my opinion that a TN-2 Zoning designation will result in an absolute win-win forthe
immediate neighborhood as well as the City of St Paul.
• As a developer we have gone above and beyond with our outreach to the following groups in
the neighborhood: Highland Distrid Council, Mac-Groveland Distrid Council, the neighbors on
Juno and Lexington, the owners on the North side of Randolph and residents of Montcalm and
Lebngton ParkApartments
• We have worked to actively engage the neighbors on the south side of Juno in discussions about
the design criteria and continue to do everything we can do to minimize the impact ofthe �
o Included in our plans is a`� ft tall masonry wall along the `l4 ft of the southem
edge of the site; together witfi significant piantings.
o The other option being discussed is buying their homes. In fact, two of the four homes
are currenNy under contract
. At our expense we had charted a motor coach to take approximately 20 senior residents from
Montcatm Apartmentr to the Treder 1oe's in Woodbury to show them what the store is all
o Our goal was to inform them and let them see the store for themselves and make their
own judgments.
o The bus trip on the way out was somewhat tense as the residents had the usual
concems of trafFc, lighting, and in general as humans we are afl resistant to and
sometimes afraid of change.
o The return trip was completely different after they visited a Trader Joe's store for
themselves. They commented on how reasonabie the prices were and how convenient
some of the small portions were for themseives and their food needs. As one smiling
couple left the store with some purchases in hand said they said to me as I quote `1Ne
don't care if there is a little more treffic, we want this in our neighborhood."
o To have a neighborhood grocery store and coffee shop is considered an amenity in any
neighborhood. ft helps with the livability and the ability to perhaps Ieave your car at
� It is not uncommon in St. Paul to have single family homes adjoin or face a commercial use.
o Think Grend Ave where single famify homes co-exist with adjacent retail uses.
o Think St. Clair Ave. where single family and apartments are ne�ct to a restaurant or other
• We live in a city where commercial and residential uses are mixed together, these uses are not
• in exclusive districts — in fad, that is exactly what TN2 is promoting.
In regards to Tra�c:
. While you will hear from ourtraffic engineerthat there will be additional treffic anticipated by
this development, however with some mirior modifications to lighttiming and striping, the
incremental additional traffic will not significantly alter or impair the traffic situation.
• In Fact some of the peak demand times of the main tenant flow very well with the current OFF
peak times of commuter treffic.
o Think about when a grocery store does most of its business, which is evenings and
weekends, when current traffic at the intersection is at its lowest point.
• I firmly believe thattrefFc is one of the tredeoffs that you make when you choose to live in the
in the city.
• The reason I live in the city is convenience so that I may be able to walk to store, the park, my
kid's school or other activities.
tn Conclusion:
• I have an enormous incentive to make sure this project is done right; after all i am a property
owner in the neighborhood and a proud resident of St. Paul.
• • I would like to introduce Lee Seppings of Collaborative Design Group (the architect) who will
walk us through the design process and the variance requests of the project.
• Lee wilf be followed by Bob Green of Alfiant Engineering who wili speak to the trafFic study.
November 8, 2007
���So � �-
To: Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission
From: Bemie Hesse, 1602 Thomas Ave, St Paul and, I'm a
member of the United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local
789. We are an organization that has engaged with many other
groups around the issue of sensible growth and livability issues.
We are very concerned, and have many questions about the
proposed retail development that is before you today. We would
like to emphasize the issue of sensible development, public safety,
the value of conununity input, and locally owned businesses that
keep St Paul strong when you weigh what is before you. We
aclaiowledge in order for St Paul to thrive, businesses should be
able to operate without onerous regulations but they also have an
obligation to the neighborhoods that they draw their trade from and
that is the challenge.
We oppose the re-zoning for a number of reasons;
1. Public safety, we assume that the intersection is operating at a
level of service D right now and as such will further be impacted
by traffic. It is a bit of a stretch to suggest by the City or MN DOT
that it can be handled. New Land Use creates new trips. Right
now you have Pass by Trips and not Destination Trips. There is
no empirical data today that accurately reflects a true vehicle trip
count. We can not compare it to anything that is currently
operating right now in the metro. I can tell you first hand of traffic
and congestion at the St Louis Park store. ���0 (/E,cl�cL-�
2. The proposed set back appears to be an attempt to circumvent p
the % mile rule for a wine & spirits license. To suggest that the
setback would aid deliveries is interesting, and we are not familiar
with amount of multi-axle truck deliveries that a Trader Joe
requires. We don't want the intersection to turn into asthma alley
with all the increased diesel and gasoline emissions.
3. Besides the issue of increased traffic there will be issues of •
managing storm water run-off and further degradation of the
watershed. I would point out recent court decisions regarding the
pernutting of developments shall not go forward unless water
quality is improved or at the very least not further impaired (In the
Matter of the Alexandria Lake Area Sanitary District NPDES/SDS
Permit No. MN004fD738, Reissuance for the Expanded Discharge
of Treated Wastewater, Douglas County, Alexandria, Minnesota
and the Matter of Cities of Annandale and Maple Lake
NPDES/SDS Perxnit Issuance for the Discharge of Treated
Wastewater, and Request for Contested Case Hearing)
4. Finally, I close by saying the proposed development would
irnpac��e c arac et r o� � ii e neig olib r� , pu pu ic sa e a ns ,
and deviates from the comprehensive plan because this type of
retailer is truly a destination location. We would ask that the
rezoning request be denied. 'i 11'�'�
Thank you! �� � (��� .
O�-� � 3� - Page 1 of 3
• _ �-� - �3v 386 �g.�l o
Patricia James - Trader Joes -Feedback From Highland D.C. Meetiag Monday Night
"Hal Clapp"
I 1l7107 2:24 PM
Trader Joes -Feedback From �Iighiand D.C. Meeting Monday Night
„ �,.,,,�
Attachments: , , , , , , , , ,
Hello my name is Hal Ciapp I am a resident at 1086 Juno Avenue. ! was one of the 70+ neighbors who tumed out at the
Monday evening Highiand District Council mee6ng to express concems over the proposed Trader Joe's developrtment at
the comer of Lexington and Randolph. My concems shared by others at the meeting are ouUined below followed by
specific request to the committee from the property owners on Juno to be considered at the 3:30 Pubiic Hearing on
Thursday November 8�'.
City Support/Endorsement of the Project
The perception given at Monday night's meeting by The developers, their architects and traffic engineers was that fhe city
was supportive of their requests for variances to fhe TN2 zoning and the results of the traffic study. This is very troubling'
given the precedent it sets for future developments and the city's vision for the future of our neighborhoods.
Traditional Neighborhood (TN2) Variances
The site plan complefely dismisses the intent the city had when they created the ordinance. tn particular the placement of
� Trader Joe's building or1 the back of the sfte with a parking lot in front and not to the rear of the buiiding. This
guration would not be acceptable on Grand Avenue so I have fo ask why our neighborhood is being subjected to a
standard design and one that requires multiple variances from TN2. These variances in the end create the opposite
intent of the TN2 vrdinance resu�ing in a very °suburban looking° devefopment Seeking an answer i asked the architect
working for the deve(oper if he really thought this was a model TND/New Urbanism type project he said °absofutely° and
went on to say that he in fact he worked very cbse(y with the person who wrote the'TN ordinances for the city and that
person also thought the ptan was a fine example too.
Trensit Oriented Devefopment 8 Housing Opportanities
This site is a perfect opportunity to create a mixed-use TOD. It has a direcf bus connect to downtown St Paul and the
light rail making it accessible to downtown Minneapolis, the Mall and the Airport. Workforce Housing could be
incorporated and still include retail. Severel unfts could even be set aside to meet the goals for ending fong ferm
homelessness. Gresn Roofs and other environmentaily sound buiiding practices couid be incrorporated to help meet the
sustainabie develooment/carbon reduction aoais fhe city has comm�ted to.. I discussed this approach with the developer
when we first met in part because I thought this type of project could atYract TIF or other public resources and create a'
better overall project His response was that it would take city subsidy to dp it and he wanted to avoid that
However If the city is serious about susfainable development as it appears they are by signing the Mayors Climate
Protection Aareement (MCPA) using TIF or other subsidy could make t6is a model TND/TOD sustainable development It
Nould also compfy with at least iwo of the fwelve goals the city signed onto in the MCPA and one that seeks to reduce
�lobat warming by enforcing at least two specific parfs of the agreemen� •
:) .4dopt �md errforce land-use policies t{wt reduce sprawl, preserve open space, and create compact, walkable urbcae communities;
:J Practice and promote sustainable building practices ysirrg the U.S Green Building Cauncil's LEED progrmn or a similar system;
✓e ail knomr gaod projects zvolve through expert planning, cooperation between city staff and developers,
:ighbofiood input, and yes somet�mes wmplicafed mu�iple funding sources and in the end tlie developers still make a
� the city achieves its goals and better projecfs are built The neiahborhood wants to see commerciai development on
� buf we feel wc are entified to request that it be thoughtful, weli pianned, an asset to the community and in the '
id�{d the test of time in terms af design and Gvabiiity - all things TN2 was intended to do.
eiiding Set Back = -
ich discussion cenfered on why the building had to be piaced so far back from the street The developer's response -
:s that it allowed delivery trucks to flow through the site without having to exit onto Juno. A suggestion was made fo
Page 2 of 3
anchor the coffiee shop on the comer next to Trader Joe's and the response was the same. However under closer scrutirty •
fhe intent appears to be to avoid violating a city ordinance vioiation that requirs a'/: mile separation befween liquor stores. �
This along wifh the increased voiume of traffic at t�e iratersectiori was the biggest concem along with impact on
neighbofiood businesses. Tratfic back-ups, safei�bf pedestrians (ncluding children), moforists and U�e added poflution
from increased traffic and idiing cars were ali brought up. The developer.said they were exceeding the parking
requiremenfs required by the city however the increase appears to amount to just nine sfalls. !f anyone has gone to the
Trader Joe's in St Louis Park they would find parking a nightrnare so much so that condo owners are upset at not being
able to access their private parking and shoppers are schiepping groceries fwo biocks to parking ramps not intended for
Treder Joe's. All of tfiis in an environment inten6onally set up for retaii in terms of wider streets, befter traffic control and
parking. One questioner asked °what if all of our fears came trve and we were faced with impossib(e traffic issues who
would deal with the problem?° There was no answer given so we would assume the city woutd need to resoive it
The implication was that this traffic study was done in cooperation with ffie city and MNDOT and that neifher °had any
probiem° with the 2sults which showed fittle increase in traffic counis as a resuit of the development Concems raised
I.T his is aireadv a highfy congesfed intersec�pp.aad oneJabPled an ar,-tdP�t �urtinn project area fcu ezam�ia l da
not even let my 9 and 10 year oids walk or ride their bikes to Expo Elementary School less than a miie away
because the infersection is so dangerous. Peopie cited the numerous back_ ups at Randolph from both directions
and Lexington from the south.
2.T he study assumes the developmenY would draw shoppers from the neighborhoods of Highland Park, Mac
Groveland and Crocus Hill without adequately recogn¢ing, even by supporfers of the projecPs own admission and •
welf documenfed stutiies tfiat Trader Joe`s is a destination location. People will be driving from downfown, West
Side and Eagan minimally.
3.T heir sofution to the hundreds of cars approaching tfie parlting entrance ofif of Lepngton was to re-stripe Lexington
crea6ng a left hand tum tane into the development requiring curb to curb use of the street and only ailowing �
block between the entrance to the development and wfiere cars are moving through the infersection at Randolph
and Lex Looldng at the roadway on my way to work I cannot see how another lane could be added. '
4.No p rovision for a left hand tum signal onto LexingYon for those approaching from the freeway going north on
Randolph and trying to make the ieft tum onto Lex
SAy d Mill Road —this issue daea not directly relate to the projed but warrants mentioning because the neighborhood
has just gotten over a decades bng struggie over the opening of the road. The s6vggte pitted residents to the north
against those to the south. The eventual opening of Ayd Mili reGeved the iong back ups that axurced on Lebngton
from Randolph to Jefferson. Prior to this the situafion got so bad fhat we had to request the city put a no left tum
sign onto Juno since people would go 1 blodc further fhe light fake a leff onto Juno make a frantic K-tum in fhe
middle of tfie street all in order fo re approach the fight from the opposite direction. No doubt those drivers will once
again find creafive ways ta avoid long lines and traffic ligfifs.
mpact on Local Business� .
lie impact on an ebsting famiiy owned grocer and liquor store {who hava given bacic fo the community in counUess
vays) was undersco2d nurrierous times. The handfui of backers at tbe meeting piayed off of the theme `free maricet
�conomy' and 'competition is good•. Whle we say we have a free maricet economy to me this mearts competing on a
:vel piaying field. The playing field gefs ouCof levei when numerous zoning variances are granted creating an advantage
x one business over the other as well as traffic studies are used that dearly do not take into acxount fhe true areas the
roject wilt draw from ultimately misieading fhe public on the tri�e impact of traffic on their neighborhood and the resulting •
egrading effecEs (potiu6on, safety, noise traffic etc.j . � -
gress onto Juno Avenue �
le were misinformed earty on because it was our impression from a prior meeting on November 5�' with the HDC and tfie
:veloper fhat fhe city required this egress for our safefy and onty for emergency vehicles. We even asked if signage
�uld be pu{ up saying `emergency vehicles only° and were told by the developer they would look into ik So we were
� Page3of3
�;omptetety taken off guard ai this Monday's meeting when we discovered that our street with would become a major
Thoroughfare to the development handling a huge amount of traffic since most shoppers wiil either enter and or exit onto
Specific Requests by Residents on Juno Avenue _
As you are aware the Highland District Council uaanimousty denied the rezoning of the residential portion of the site from
R2 to TN2 until an agreement satisfactory to the remaining property owners on Juno was reached. They recognized the
unacceptable for us o! as one committee member put ft 500 cars an hour entering on our street where prior to we had
ciose to zero. That along with tfre n�ative visual impact ofi a paricing Iot and the backs of commercial buildings where
houses once sfood prompted the committee to make this recommendation.
The residents of Juno respectfully request that the St Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee make fhe foilowing
1} Prohibit Access to the Development �a Juno Avenue -The use of Juno Ave (a short dead end street wifh a total of 4
houses) as a main entry/exit point to the development and the hundreds of cars that would pass through each hour would
create unbearable Iivability issues including; safety (I have small chiidren), pollution, noise, litter and parking issues to
name a few.
2) Solid Wail Screenina of the Development -Adequate screening must be put in piace to shield the parking lot from"view
and protect our privacy. The screening needs to be some sort of a solid brick wall not shrubs as the developer has
3) SignagelMonument - Signage instailed on stone or other architecturaliy pfeasing piilars at the entrance to Juno that
cleaMy state the street is for residents and guests only.
aROwin of the Entra_ nc_ e tTno - the street wouid be °choked off followi�g traffic engineers recommendations as
h as possibie to further reinforce that Juno is not an entrance to the deveioper.
5) Pian Material Approvai - Juno residents must approve ail pians and materiais prior to instattation.
Again we are not opposed to new commercial deveiopment we we�ome it We have a great neighborhood 3 of the 4
homeowners have lived there over 20 years. Two of us have invested in our homes by doing major remodeling projects
that included targe additions alt with the complete expectation that while the comer would surely and hopefuliy be
redeveloped one day, the block of residential housing wouid remain intack We were guardedly excited when we first
heard of the pending commerciat development on the corner however over the course of the past severai weeks our worst
nightrnares have been reatized. We feel trapped and held hostage by the tum of events and the impact approving the
rezoning would bring because if our requests to you are not granted we face the following consequences;
'I) If we choose to remain we will see a drop in property value of 60+%
2) If we choose to setl as of yet we have not been offered enough for our homes to repiace them with an equivalent
home in a surrounding neighborhood because, as the developer put it, "the numbers just won't work°.
However we believe most of the concems outlined can be addressed it the site plan is rethought fiopefuliy incorporating
some of the suggestions outfined earGer which wouid likely require cify participation but would accomplish goals set out by
rie city.
hope this 2sponse is taken in the spirit intended. While I am a transpfanfed Floridian I consider myself a die hard St
�aufite after 30 years of living here, fhe last 22 in my current residence. St Paut is a great city thanks to forward thinking
:aders that have taken the time and energy to adopt zoning such as fhe TN2, signing on to the Mayors Cfimate
�rotection Agreement, and posiYioning itself as a nationai leader in environmenfal sfewardship by appointing a poficy
irector for tfie environment
bei' e I speak for the neighborhood when i say we want to keep open lines of communication and would welcome an
p�ity to explore aifemative scenarios with the developer ideally with the benefit of PED staffis invofvement
al CIapp
)86 Juna Avenue
>1,221-1997 ext. 103 (work)
2.464.8737 (celI)
(11%6l2007) Patricia James - zoning comm. meeting 11%8 � ` " `" ' - - _ . _ _.- _
p7- i?9- Z3p
From: Highiand District Council <hdc@visi.com>
To: Patricia James <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 11/6/2007 1239 PM
Subject: zoning comm. meeting 11/8
Hi Patricia,
Here is the language of the resolution passad by the Highland District
Council Iast night, November 5th, regarding the propased zoning changes
for the development being planned for the intersaction of Lexington and
Randolph Avenues.As I said in our phone conversation, I believe that the
president of our District Council, Bill Pouios, will be ettending the
Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday.
1 may as weli.
Be it resolved that the Highfand Districf Council Community DeveJopment
Committee recommends that the portion of the proposed zoning request of
the piats now currenUy zoned RM-2, be rezoned to TN-2.
Be it further resoNed that the Hiqhland District Council
request of the plats now currentiy zoned R-2 not be changed to TN-2,
unJess the developers work with the adjoining property owners on the
south side of Juno Avenue to make accommodations to find a workable
solution for these residents. �
Thank you, •
Georgia Dietr
Highland District Council
�� �
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• Patricia James - Fwd: Development of corner of Lexington and Randolph U�
From: Larry Soderhoim
a7- 1 �� 3 ��
To: Butier, Sonja; James, Patricia
Date: 11/19/07 10:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: Development of comer of Lexington and Randolph
Sonja and Patricia,
I was so busy last week that I didn't look at a lot of emails I received. Attached is a letter about Trader Jce's that we
would normally have forwarded to the PIg Cmsn. Maybe you did it anyway, when I didn't respond.
Sonja, please try to go directly to the staff doing zoning cases and don't make me into a communications bottleneck.
The email came after the public hearing was closed. Nevertheless, our standard practice is to forward everything to the
commission that citizens want to go to the commission. IYs up to the commissioners whether they consider material
received afrer the public hearing has been closed.
»> Sonja Butler 11/13J2007 11:10 AM »>
•� rh',
I received this email today, should i forward it to all the Pianning Commissioners?
»> <EdSenn aol.com> il/13/2007 10:55 AM »>
To members of the St. Paul Pianning Commission:
We are residents of the Mac-GrovelandJHighland area who are opposed to
Stuart Simek's proposed site plan for the southeast corner of Randolph Avenue and
Lexington Parkway. As frequent travelers of that intersection, we do not feel
that your approval of Mr. Simek's site plan should be based on (1) the
current unsightly use of the corner, (2) the popularity of the national chain
store being squeezed onto the property, (3) the desire to lure 35E traffic into
the neighborhood, or (4) the claims of other realtors/developers that having
Trader Joe's would be "good for the area."
So far, these have been the main arguments in favor of the project. For the
sake of those of us who live, walk, and drive in this area, we urge you to
look at the following, more-critical considerations:
1. The proposed major tenant for this property, once it is zoned
'Traditional Neighborhood," is a far cry from being a neighborhood business. It is a
national chain grocery store owned by a foreign corporation, and locating it on
this corner requires four variances from Traditional Neighborhood
requirements. Furthermore, the developers cleariy intend to attract non-neighborhood
customers by their location of this trendy store next to a freeway exit.
�. The developers claim there will be a significant pedestrian
customer-base. Anyone visiting that corner on foot will discover steep hilis leading in at
least three directions from the site and inadequate sidewalks leading in the
fourth direction---hardly an ideal situation for lugging home groceries (or
Page 2 of 3
a case of'Three-buck Chuck"). Even nearby residents wifl find themselves
preferring to approach the store by car, which leads to our next point.
3. The developers have chosen a location that presently has a grade of "D"
for rnngestion, according to a traffic study. The fire station located at the
base of the Randolph hill makes this an already-critical situation. Now Mr.
Simek intends to increase the traffic at this corner, arguing that his site
plan "improves" the Yra�c problem by eliminating some of the comer's presenY
curb cuts (he neglects to mention that the business presentiy using those
curb cuts has relatively few customers compared to Trader Joe's).
A close look, or a visit to the intersection, will reveal that the site
plan, with a highly atdactive store, will require traffic from the East,
West, and North to all make a left tum off of Lexington into the new
development. (Traffic accessing the site from the south wiil be minimal due to
Lexington having few access points between Montreal and Randolph).
Tra�c coming from the southbound freeway will have the added problem
of needing to quickly cut across a lane of traffic (often solidly backed up)
to get into position to tum left onto Lexington. The northbound freeway
eaciters wishing to tum left onto Lexington to visit this store will only add to
the congestion. There wili also be the added Randoiph hill traffic of
from—tfm'hi4h-denS�tY'f�o�st�§'a�C�g-f�Shepar� f�ea�.
The grade "D" traffic situation at this intersection deteriorates even
more in winter-driving conditions. We have personally experienced being in the
midst of slipping and siiding traffic on Randolph hill at the 35E location,
with a fire truck behind us that had no way to get through the stalled
We urge you to look closely at The assumptions on which the site's
traffic study was based.
4. The developers claim that their proposed store would attract customers
mainly in non-commuting hours during the week and on weekends. One doesn't have
to be a traffic engineer to see that existing food stores (Lunds, Kowalskis,
Kortes) have some of their heaviest business at evening commute time.
Certainly, persons whose 35E commute takes them by this development wiil stop and
shop during the week, rather than make a separate, weekend trip. Does the
traffic study reFlect this condition?
5. Having visited Trader Joe's in St. Louis Park, we have experienced the
store's parking-lot grid-lock and overflow parking needs. Even though Mr. Simek
plans to have somewhat more than the required minimum number of paricing
spaces, we feel this underestimates the needs. The intersection does not lend
itself to overflow parking without adversely impacting the surrounding
residential neighborhood.
The very attractive drawings of the site plan show only one or two cars in
the parking lot and several pedesbian customers stroUing into the store. We
suggest that you imagine instead the less-attractive picture of a full
parking lot in front of the store, and backed-up lines of traffic waiting to tum
into the parking lot, while pedestrians dodge for their iives among this
melee. The Planning Commission requirements for'Traditional Neighborhood" zoning
are weil thought out. Does this proposed development, which requires four
variances on these requirements, really fit this site? Or is this a case of the
ugly stepsister trying to fit into Cinderella's glass slipper?
Thank you for your consideration.
s:i�.nr.m,.,,,,...e......,.,ac,,,+:.,..��r.,,..o� i�noi�nn�
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•Marguerite Senninger
Edward Senninger
1402 Palace Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
************************************** See what's new at htto'/lwww aoi.com
Patricia James _ please support 1'rader Toes development
From: "CIint Blaiser"
Date: 11 /5/0710:13 AM
Subject_please support Trader Joes development
Dear Patricia James,
�7t� �92 � �,
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We manage and own apts in St Paul and strongly support the revitalization of Lexington and Randolph.
It wouid be of great benefit to see the improvement and investment in our neighborhood. One of our bldgs is at 360
Lexington and Jefferson.
Thank you
Clinf Blaiser
Halverson and Blaiser Group, LTD
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��icia James - Randolph and Lexington
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From: Teresa Stems
Date: 11/2(07 727 PM
Subject: Randolph and Lexington
Patricia: Just a note to pass on to the Planning Commissioners. I am writing to ]et you know that our whole
family is strongly supporting Stuart Simek's project at Lex and Randolph and his rezoning request. We shop
regulazly at Korte's and aze members of Mississippi Market and we plan to continue supporting those great
neighborhood establishments as well as the new Trader Joes. We already shop at Trader Joes in the west and
east metro--why not keep those dollars (and sales taac revenue) in St Paul and build St. Paul's taY base too!
From a zoning point of view, I have reviewed Meridian's site plan and think the rezoning is appropriate
because of the proximity to tt�e freeway, the topography and dense use to the west, and the design features
mitigating residentiai impact to the south. The topography of the site that allows for less dense development to
the south and a good supply of underground parking is ideal. Finally, the planned uses will serve as important
neighborhood amenities and will stabilize ihe existing housing stock to the south of the project well into the
'�a Sterns
Sterns & Associates
2650 University Avenue, Suite 111
St. Paul, MN 55114
651-310-0128 office
651-310-0182 fax
stems sternsassoc.com
Resident at:
1487 Eleanor Ave.
St. Paui, MN 55116
CecAe Bedar Director -
Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor
November 30, 2007
Randolph Hill LLC
c!o Stuart Simek, President
Meridian Management
332 Minnesota St Ste W1080
St Paul MN 55101-1312
RE: Zoning File # 07-179-230, Randolph Hill, LLC
Dear Mr. Simek:
Saint Pmr� MN55702
Telephone.' 65l-26G6700
Facsimile: 657-228-3220
On October 19, 2007, your petition to rezone the block bounded by Randolph Ave., I-35E, Juno
Ave., and Lexington Pkwy. was found to be sufficient and your applica#ion complete. After a
public hearing by the Saint Paul Planning Commission's Zoning Committee on November 8,
2007, the Commission voted to recommend approval of your request on November 16, 20d7.
The Planning Commission's recommendation is being fonvarded to the City Council for their
action. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that all city action on zoning applications be
completed within 60 days of the date the application is made, but allows the City to extend this
period for an additional 60 days (total of 120 days). In order to accommodate the City Council
public hearing on your rezoning, which is also required by state law, the City of Saint Paul is
hereby extending the deadline for action from December 18, 2007, (original 60 day deadline) to
February 16, 2008 (additional 60 day deadiine). The City Council public hearing on this
rezoning has been scheduled for December 19, 2007.
Piease contact me at 651-266-6639 or patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions.
�� _ _ ts,�...<<:
Patricia James
City Pianner
cc: File #: 07-179-230
Stephanie Sundry, Told Development Company
Zoning Administrator
License Inspector
District 15 Community Council
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James - Trader Joes -Feedback From Highland D.C. Meeting Monday Night UcJ" �'�
"Hal Clapp"
11/7/07 2:24 PM
Trader Joes -Feedback From Highland D.C. Meeting Monday Night
Hello my name is Hal Clapp I am a resident at 1086 Juno Avenue. I was one of the 70+ neighbors who turned out at the
Monday evening Highland District Council meeting to express concerns over the proposed Trader Joe's development at
the comer of Lexington and Randolph. My concems shared by others af the meeting are outlined below followed by
specific request to the committee from the property owners on Juno to be considered at the 3:30 Public Hearing on
Thursday November 8�'.
City SupportlEndorsement of the Project
The perception given at Monday nighYs meeting by the developers, their architects and traffic engineers was that the city
was supportive of their requests for variances to the TN2 zoning and the results of the tra�c study. This is very troubling
given the precedent it sets for future developments and the city's vision for the future of our neighborhoods.
Traditional Neighborhood (TN2) Variances
The site plan completely dismisses the intent the city had when they created the ordinance. In particular the placement of
the Trader Joe's building on the back of the site with a parking lot in front and not to the rear of the building. This
configuration would not be acceptable on Grand Avenue so I have to ask why our neighborhood is being subjected to a
ubstandard design and one that requires muitiple variances from TN2. These variances in the end create the opposite
ntent of the TN2 ordinance resulting in a very "suburban looking" development. Seeking an answer I asked the architect
working for the developer if he really thought this was a model TND/New Urbanism type project he said "absoluteiy° and
went on to say that he in fact he worked very closely with the person who wrote the TN ordinances for the ciry and that
person also thought the plan was a fine exampie too.
Transit Oriented Development & Housing Opportunities
This site is a perfect opportunity to create a mixed-use TOD. It has a direct bus connect to downtown St. Paul and the
light raii making it accessible to downtown Minneapolis, the Mall and the Airport. Workforce Housing could be
incorporated and still include retaii. Several units could even be set aside to meet the goals for ending long term
homelessness. Green Roofs and other environmentally sound building practices could be incorporated to help meet the
sustainable developmenUcarbon reduction goais the city has committed to. I discussed this approach with the developer
when we first met in part because I thought this type of project could attract TIF or other pubiic resources and create a
better overall project. His response was that it would take city subsidy to do it and he wanted to avoid that.
However If the city is serious about sustainable development as it appears they are by signing the Mavors Climate
Protection Ac�reement (MCPA) using TIF or other subsidy couid make this a modei TND/TOD sustainable development. It
wouid also comply with at least two of the iwelve goals the ciiy signed onto in the MCPA and one that seeks to reduce
global warming by enforcing at least two specific parts of the agreement;
2.J Adopt and enforce land-use policies that reduce sprawl, preserve open space, and create compact, walkable urban communities;
7.) Practice and pramote sustainable building practices using the U.S Green Building Council's LEED program or a similar system;
We all know that good projects evoive through expert planning, cooperation between city staff and developers,
neighborhood input, and yes sometimes complicated multiple funding sources and in the end the deveiopers still make a
profit, the city achieves its goais and better projects are built. The neiqhborhood wants to see commercial development on
the corner but we feel we are entitled to request that it be thoughtful, well planned, an asset to the community and in the
� d stand the test of time in terms of design and livability - alI things TN2 was intended to do.
uilding Set Back
Much discussion centered on why the building had to be placed so far back from the street. The developer's response
was that it allowed delivery trucks to flow through the site without having to exit onto Juno. A suggestion was made to
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anchor the cofree shop on the comer-next to Trader Joe's and the response was the same. However under closer scrutiny
the intent appears to be to avoid violating a city ordinance violation that requirs a%z mile separation between liquor stores. •
This along with the increased volume of traffic at fhe intersection was the biggest concem along with impact on
neighborhood businesses. Traffic back-ups, safety of pedestrians (including children), motorists and the added pollution
from increased traffic and idling cars were ali brought up. The developer said they were exceeding the parking
requirements required by the city however the increase appears to amount to just nine stalls. If anyone has gone to the
Trader Joe's in St. Louis Park they wouid find parking a nightmare so much so that condo owners are upset at not being
able to access their private parking and shoppers are schlepping groceries iwo blocks to paricing ramps not intended for
Trader Joe's. All of this in an environment intentionaliy set up for retaii in terms of wider streets, better traffic control and
parking. One questioner asked "what if all of our fears came true and we were faced with impossible traffic issues who
would deai with the problem?" There was no answer given so we would assume tfie city would need to resolve it.
The implication was that this traffic study was done in cooperation with the city and MNDOT and that neither "had any
problem° with the results which showed little increase in traffic counts as a resuit of the development. Concems raised
i.T his is aiready a highly congested intersection and one labeled an accident reduction project area for exampie I do
not even let my 9 and 10 year olds walk or ride their bikes to Expo Elementary School less than a mile away
nP�P #� �ntPrcPCYion.is_so_daugewus_P_eople_cited_the_numera.u.s_b
acK_ups_aLBa[]doJp_ from both directions
and Lexington from the south.
2.T he study assumes the development wouid draw shoppers from the neighborhoods of Highland Park, Mac
Groveland and Crocus Hill without adequatety recognizing, even by supporters of the projecYs own admission and
well documented studies Yhat Trader Joe's is a destination location. People wili be driving from downtown, WesY
Side and Eagan minimally. •
3.T heir solution to the hundreds of cars approaching the parking enfrance off of Lexington was to re-stripe Lexington
creating a Ieft hand tum lane into the development requiring curb to curb use of the street and only allowing'/:
block between the entrance to the development and where cars are moving through the intersection at Randolph
and Lex. Looking at the roadway on my way to work I cannot see how another lane could be added.
4.No p rovision for a left hand tum signal onto Lexington tor those approaching �rom the freeway going north on
Randolph and trying to make the left tum onto Lex
S.Ay d Mill Road — this issue does not direcUy relate to the project but warrants mentioning because the neighborhood
has just gotten over a decades long struggle over the opening of the road. The struggle pitted residents to the north
against those to the south. The eventual opening of Ayd Mill relieved the long back ups fhat occurred on Lexington
from Randolph to Jefferson. Prior to this the situation got so bad that we had to request the city put a no left tum
sign onto Juno since people wouid go 1 block further the light take a left onto Juno make a frantic K-tum in the
middle of the street alt in order to re approach the light from the opposite direction. No doubt those drivers will once
again find creative ways to avoid long lines and traffic lights.
Impact on Local Businesses
The impact on an existing family owned grocer and liquor store (who have given back to the community in countless
ways) was underscored numerous times. The handful of backers at the meeting played off of the theme "free market
economy" and "competition is good°. While we say we have a free market economy to me this means competing on a
level playing field. The playing field gets out of leve! when rrumerous zoning variances are granted creating an advantage
for one business over the other as weli as traffic studies are used that ciearly do not take into account the true areas the
project will draw from ultimately misleading the public on the true impact of traffic on their neighborhood and the resulting
degrading effects (poliution, safety, noise traffic etc.)
Egress onto Juno Avenue �
We were misinformed early on because it was our impression from a prior meeting on November 5� with the HDC and the
developer that the city required this egress for our safety and only for emergency vehicles. We even asked if signage
could be put up saying "emergency veh7cles only" and were fold by the developer they would look into it. So we were
Page 3 of 3
completely taken off guard at this Monday's meeting when we discovered thaf our street with would become a major
Thoroughfare to the development handling a huge amount of traffic since most shoppers wiil either enter and or exit onto
Specific Requests by Residents on Juno Avenue
As you are aware the Highland District Council unanimously denied the rezoning of the residential portion of the site from
R2 to TN2 until an agreement satisfactory to the remaining property owners on Juno was reached. They recognized the
unacceptab�e for us of as one committee member put it 500 cars an hour entering on our sVeet where prior to we had
ciose to zero. That along with the negative visual impact of a parking lot and the backs of commercial buildings where
houses once stood prompted the committee to make this recommendation.
The residents of Juno respectfully request that the St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee make the following
1) Prohibit Access to the Develooment Via Juno Avenue -The use of Juno Ave (a short dead end street with a total of 4
houses) as a main entry/exit point to the development and the hundreds of cars that would pass through each hour would
create unbearable livability issues including; safety (I have small children), pollution, noise, litter and parking issues to
name a few.
2) Solid_Wall_Screeni_ng_of the De_v_elopment - Adequate screening must be put in place to shield the parking lot from view
and protect our privacy. The screening needs to be some sort of a solid brick wall not shrubs as the developer has
3) Signage/Monument - Signage installed on stone or other architecturally pleasing pillars at the entrance to Juno that
clearly state the street is for residents and guests only.
4) Narrowiny_of the Entrance to Juno - the street wouid be "choked off' following traffc engineers recommendations as
much as possible to further reinforce that Juno is not an entrance to the developer.
Plan Material Approval - Juno residents must approve all plans and materials prior to installation.
gain we are not opposed to new commercial development we welcome it. We have a great neighborhood 3 of the 4
homeowners have lived there over 20 years. Two of us have invested in our homes by doing major remodeling projects
that included large additions all with the complete expectation that while the corner would surely and hopefully be
redeveloped one day, the block of residential housing would remain intact. We were guardedly excited when we first
heard of the pending commercial development on the corner however over the course of the past several weeks our worst
nightmares have been realized. We feel trapped and held hostage by the turn of events and the impact approving the
rezoning would bring because if our requests to you are not grented we face the following consequences;
1) If we choose to remain we will see a drop in property value of 60+%
2) If we choose to seil as of yet we have not been offered enough for our homes to replace them with an equivalent
home in a surrounding neighborhood because, as the developer put it, "the numbers just won't work".
However we believe most of the concerns outlined can be addressed if the site plan is rethought hopefully incorporating
some of the suggestions outlined earlier which would likely require city participation but would accomplish goals set out by
the city.
I hope this response is taken in the spirit intended. While I am a trensplanted Floridian i consider myself a die hard St.
Paulite after 30 years of living here, the last 22 in my current residence. St. Paul is a great city thanks to forward thinking
Ieaders that have taken the time and energy to adopt zoning such as the TN2, signing on to the Mayors Climate
Protection Agreement, and positioning itself as a national leader in environmental stewardship by appointing a policy
director for the environment.
I believe I speak for the neighborhood when I say we want to keep open lines of communication and would welcome an
opportunity to explore altemative scenarios with the developer ideally with the benefit of PED staffs involvement.
� Clapp
6 Juno Avenue
1,221-1997 ext. 103 (work)
612.964.8737 (cell)
file://C:�Documents and Settings\James.STPAUL\Local SettinQS\Temp\XP�rpwise14731CA8Finai... 11/7/2007
. TN2 — Traditional Neighborhood District
1. Similar facing buildings. Buiidings that face each other across a street shall be generally
similar in height, scale and articulation.
2. Traruitions to lower-density neighborhoods. Transitions in density or intensity shall be
managed through careful attention to building height, scale, massing and solaz exposure.
3. Blocklength. Block faces in mixed use areas shall typically not exceed four hundred (400)
feet. Block faces in residential areas shall typically follow the pattern of neighboring blocks, but
shall not exceed six hundred sia�y (660) feet, the length of the standard Saint Paul block.
4. Compatible rehabilitalion and reuse. Remodeling, additions or other alterations to existing
traditional buildings shall be done in a manner that is compatible with the original scale, massing,
detailing and materials of the original building. Original materials shall be retained and preserved
to the extent possible.
5. Use established building facade lines. New buildings shall relate to the established building
facade line on the block where thev are located On uiosk nonresuYenY�a�or'iYt�ec�-r�.sc}�ilactcs�s
s�ial�mavitain t1�e �s��tsf�sHed�ipi�3wgfaeade'Pi%fet Portions of the fapade may be set back a
greater distance to emphasize entries or create outdoor seatmg and gathering azeas
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6. Butldings anchor the corner. I�ew hur�Ti�rgs,on cf3i�n�i7`ats si�a}1�se ortgrife��a�heycb�iie��`�
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7. Front yard landscaping. Front yard areas located between the principal building and the street
shall be landscaped. Hard surfaced areas should include amenities such as benches and planters.
8. Building facade contrnuity. New buildin s along commercial and mixed-use s�����
p`�*a���� �= �.� „_ �fi��t�""�€e�; Where breaks occur, the street edge shall be
continued through the use of fencing, low walls and/or landscaping.
• 9. Building faeade articulation - base, middle and tnp.
a. Most traditional buildings in the city have a strong pattern of base, middle and top, created by
variations in detailing, color and materials. New buildings shall respond to this pattern.
b. Articulated tops shall be considered in the design of all new buildings. This articulation might
consist of pitched roofs,
dormers, gable ends, cornice detailing, etc.
c. The base of the building shall include elements that relate to the human scale. These should
include doors and
windows, texture, projections, awnings and canopies, ornament, etc.
10. Building facade articulation - vertica[. Consistent with most traditional buildings in the city,
a building width of forty (40) feet or less is encouraged. New buildings of more than foriy (40)
feet in width shall be divided into smaller increments, beriveen twenty (2�) and fody (40) feet in
width, through articulation of the facade. This can be achieved through combinations of the
following techniques, and others that may meet the objective.
a. Facade modulation - stepping back or extending forward a portion of the facade.
b. Vertical divisions using different texmres or materials (although materials should be drawn
from a common palette).
c. Division into storefronts, with separate display windows and entrances.
d. Variation in roof lines by alternating dormers, stepped roofs, gables, or other roof elements to
reinforce the modulation or articulation interval.
e. Arcades, awnings, window bays, arched windows and balconies at intervals equal to the
articulation interval.
11. Building height - treatment of I-siory buildings. New buildings of two (2) or more stories
aze encoura�ed in TNI and TN2 districu, and required in the TN3 district. p`�ne��@� b����
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s�� This can be achieved through the use of prtched roofs with dormers or gables facmg the
street, a higher pazapet, and/or the use of an intermediate comice Iine to separate the ground floor
and the upper level.
12. Definitinn of residential entries. Porches, steps, pent roofs, roof overhangs, hooded front
doors or similar azchitectural elements shall be used to define all primary residential entrances.
13. Door and windaw openings - minimum and character.
a. For new commercia] and civic bnildings, windows and doors or openings shali comprise at •
least fifty (50) percent of the length and at least thirty (30) percent of the area of the ground floor
of the primary street facade.
b. Windows shall be designed with punched and recessed openings, in order to create a strong
rhythm of light a� shadow.
c. Glass on windows and doors shall be cleaz or slightly rinted, allowing views into and out ofthe
d. Window shape, size and patterns shall emphasize the intended organization of the facade and
the definition ofthe building.
14. Materials and detailing.
a. Nonresidential or mixed use buildings shall be constructed of high-qualiTy materials such as
brick, stone, textured cast stone, or tinted masonry units. The foUowing materials aze generally
not acceptable: Unadorned plain or painted concrete block; Tilt-up concrete panels; Pre-
fabricated steel or sheet metal panels; Reflective glass; and Aluminum, vinyl,
fiberglass, asphalt or fiberboard siding.
b. All building facades visible from a public street or walkway shall employ materials and design
features similaz to those of the front facade.
15. Sc�eening of equzpment and service areas. If an outdoor storage, service or loading area is
visible from adjacent residenrial uses or a public street or walkway, it shall be screened by a
de�oraYive waft orscr�en af ptanTnrate ' --
at least six (6) feet in height Fences and walls shall be azchitecturally compatible with the
primary structure.
ib. Interconnected street and atley networ/c The existing street and alley network shall be
preserved and extended as part of any new development. If the street nerivork has been
interrupted, it shall be restored whenever possible. Cul-desac streets are discouraged; crescent- .
shaped or courtyazd street arrangements may be used when street connections are impractical.
17. Pwking boYh sides ofstreets. Orr-streetparking. Streets shall generally have pazking on both
sides to buffer pedestrians, calm tr�c and supplement off-street parking unless the space is
needed to accommodate traffic volume, emergency vehicles, transit or deliveries.
I 8. Parking location and entrance
2. �cFtre.eY3nz`r�einv�"5j�j+���'PI�t
19. Residential garage location, Attached residential garages shall be recessed at least ten (10)
feet behind the front facade of the building. Detached residenrial garages shall be located in the
side or reaz yazd, recessed at least twenty-five (25) feet behind the front facade of the building.
When an alley is present, gazages shall be located in the reaz yazd and accessed tivough the alley.
20. Parking /ot lighiing. Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided within parking areas. Light
standards shall be nine (9) to twelve (12) feet in height and have a downcast glow.
21. Entrance location for transit access. New and existing retail, office and multifamily housing
shal] coordinate with the transit agency in locating bus stops and related improvements. Building
entrances shall be located to provide easy access to bus stops and shelters.
22. Street trees. Street trees in the street right-of-way, as prescribed by the city forester and
section 69.600 ofthe subdivision regulations, and other landscape improvements sha[I be
provided along all streets at regulaz intervals to help define the street edge, buffer pedestrians
from vehicies, and provide shade. Trees shall be located in a planting strip at least five (5) feet
wide between the curb and sidewalk, or in a planter or planting sh�ucture of a design acceptable to •
the city.
23. Sidewalks. Streeu shall be designed with sidewalks on both sides except where they abut a
pazk or other open space. Sidewalk width shall be at least five (5) feet, and six (6) feet or more in
areas of high pedeshian activity.
Page 1 of 1
Larry Soderholm - Old Walgreens better Trader Joe's 6 7— n�'��
"Struss Family"
11/6/2007 7:51 AM
Old Walgreens better Trader Joe's
Deaz Mr. Soderholm, Saint Paul Planning Commission:
A better location for a Trader Joe's is the former Walgreens building on Snelling and Randolph.
I shop at and like Trader Joe's. They typically are the size of the former Walgreen's building on Snelling
making it a good fit. The building is currently vacant and becoming more unkempt.
Could the Trader Joe's developer and Walgreens (who still owns the vacant building) be asked to meet
and discuss possibilities?
Ron Struss
1724 Yorkshire Ave, St. Paui
• Struss Family E-mail
Ron, Lisa, Sadie and Emma
fam ilystruss�a yahoo.com
file://C:\Documents and Settines\soderhol\Local Settines\Temn\XPerowise\47301CFCCH... 11l6/2007
Page 1 of 1
Patricia James - Trader Joes
c�7—[� � •
From: "Molly Bird" U - 7 _ � �'� 3 � (�
Date: 11/5/07 3:23 PM
Subject: Trader Joes
I would like to give my vote of support for the Trader Joes and the redevelopment at Lexington and Randolph.
Molly Bird
m2 Real Estate Group, Inc.
fax: 612,677.3927
mobile: 651.398.6853
- com _ _
www.m2realestateqroo�.com �
file://C:�Documents and SettinQSUames.STPAiJL\I,ocaI SetfingslTemp�grpwise\472F358Dmai1... 11/6/2007
� __ _ � . ., . _. �.__
_ _ .�
(11i6/2007) Patricia James Redevelopment on corner of Randoiph and Lexington _ __ Page 1_
G�-/�� z 3v
• "7-/8 ��
From: "Joseph Abraham" <jjabraham@comcast.net>
To: <ward3@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, �patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us> r
Subject: Redeve opment� comer of Randolph and Lexington "-/` (�
To Whom it May Concern:
I would like to write a brief note in support of the development and
rezoning of the SE corner of Lexington and Randolph. This is not a
particularty attractive comer and this proposed project by Meridian
Management would provide a wonderful step to offer very hip and interesting
retail to little different part of Highland Parkway. I drive by this on a
daily basis and look forward to new options.
Joe Abraham
\ J
(11l512007) Patricia James�-traderjoes ' � � � � � � � � Page 1
07- ��qz3o
t�7 - �8v �6
From: "Abe ApperY' <appert@fransenappert.com>
To: <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 11/5/2007 1128 AM
Subject: traderjoes
CC: <ward3@cistpaul.mn.us>
Patricia and Pat,
I would love to see a traderjoes in the neighbofiood. I lived at lincoln
and hamline and have numerous properties in the area and feel it would be a
welcomed addition to the city and its residents.
Hope you support it.
Abe Appert
Fransen Appert
8000 Norman Center Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437
Page 1 of 1
• Patricia James - Randolph and Lexington � � � � � � � � HI
6�- �������
From: Teresa Sterns
To: b� - f ( D
Date: I 1/2/07 7:27 PM
Subject: Randolph and Lexington
Pah Just a note to pass on to the Planning Commissioners. I am writing to let you know that our whole
family is strongly supporting Stuart Simek's project at Lex and Randolph and his rezoning request. We shop
regulazly at Korte's and aze members of Mississippi Mazket and we plan to continue supporting those great
neighborhood establishments as well as the new Trader Joes. We already shop at Trader Joes in the west and
east metro--why not keep those dollars (and sales tax revenue) in St. Paul and buiid St. Paul's tax base too!
From a zoning point of view, I have reviewed Meridian's site plan and think the rezoning is appropriate
because of the proximity to the freeway, the topography and dense use to the west, and the design features
mitigating residential impact to the south. The topography of the site that allows for less dense development to
the south and a good supply of underground parking is ideal. Finally, the planned uses will serve as important
neighborhood amenities and will stabilize the existing housing stock to the south of the project well into the
Teresa Stems
terns & Associates
2650 University Avenue, Suite 11 I
St. Paul, M1V 55114
651-310-0128 office
651-310-0-182 faY
stems a sternsassoacom
Resident at:
1487 Eleanor Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116
Page 1 of 1
Patricia James = please support Trader Joes development �� t� � 9��
From: "Clint Blaiser"
Date: 11/5/07 10:13 AM
Subject: please support Trader Joes development
Dear Patricia James,
07-�1 � ��'� �
We manage and own apts in St Paul and strongly support the revitalization of Lexington and Randoiph.
It would be of great benefit to see the improvement and investrnent in our neighborhood. One of our bidgs is at 360
Lexington and Jefferson.
Thank you
Clint Blaiser
Halverson and Blaiser Group, LTD
Page 1 of 1
James - Trader Joe's
b7-a �G � � � � t�b�(lb
From: "Beverly Moore"
Date: 11/1/07 536 PM
Subject: Trader Joe's
Please vote to approve this addition to our neighborhood. We love Trader Joe's and
would love it even more if we didn't have to drive to Excelsior to shop there.
Beverly and Ralph Moore
658 Woodlawn Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116
Please Bring Trader Joes to Saint Paul
Page 1 of 1
Patricia James - Please Bring Trader Joes to Saint Paul •
�w:i[.1, �4'�Ff'i�
10/30/07 136 PM
Please Bring Trader Joes to Saint Paul
��� ,.
O 7-� 8 �� �, J `_
Please support Meridian ManagemenY s efforts to bring Trader Joes to Saint Paul. As college students on a very
limited budget, my husband and I would greatly benefit from having an affordable grocery store in biking
distance from our home.
Anna Hickman
Page 1 of I
James - Trader Joe`s
"Schmitz, Andrew"
10l30/07 1:51 PM
Trader Joe's
!S �-,
I just wanted to let you know I'm a resident of St. Paul and live jusf a few blocks from the proposed Trader Joe's site. I
would strongiy support a grocery going at the Randolph/Lexington intersection and hope you will help it to move forward!
Andrew E. Schmitz
Andrew Schmitz
Jeane Thorne Inc.
The Absolute Best Talent in Minnesota.T"'
aes 'eanethorne.com
www�ea_n_ethorne. com
Note that as of April 30th we have moved to 2701 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis ""
Trader Joe's Support
Page 1 of 1
Patricia James - Trader Joe's Support •
From: "Don Schwartz" � �0 � 9 � � �
To: .g
Date: 10/30/07 2:50 PM ���11 �����
Subject: TraderJoe'sSupport
I am writing to express my support for the propased Trader Joe's store at the corner of Randolph and Lexington.
Don Schwartz
1664 Hartford Ave
St Paul, MN 55116
r_i_.nn.�ri_,...�__.___aa,....___�r_.v,...o�rnnrTrtr,.,..,io,.�..:__a�r,.,.,.._�vn,_._,:,._�n���nnno�_.i iiici�nn�
Page 1 of 1
�atricia James - Support for Trader Joe's U� ��� V
From: "paula merrigan"
Date: 10/31/07 9:51 AM
Subject: Support for Trader Joe's
Dear Mr.. Harris:
07- .'������
d7� .' n"�
>> J '� � � 'v
I want to voice my strong support for the proposed development of retail shops anchored by a Trader Joe's on Lexington and
Randolph. 7he site is ripe for redevelopment. Adding a retailer with a national reputation to the neighborhood will help to
serve as a catalyst for further improvements.
In addition, I have had the pleasure of working with Stuart Simek and Meridian Management on a project in Highland. I can
speak personaily to his commitment to this neighborhood. The city could not ask for a better developer for this site.
Paula S. Merrigan
1892 Goodrich Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
PS. Patricia, I don't know if you remember me, but we worked together on the early phases of a project on the East Side. The
project was Phalen Seniors with Sherman and Associates on the corner of Payne and Phalen. Hope you are well. Best, Paula
(11/5/2007) Patricia James - Trader Joe s in development et Lex and Randolph �� � � � Page 1�
Sandra Erickson <erick136@tc.umn.edu>
<ward3@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <paficia.james@cisipaul.mn.us> p '
10(31/2007 9:52 AM 67.� rl
Trader Joe's in development at Lex and Randolph
CC: Bever(y Moore <bevmoore@steinmoore.com>
We totaily support this project and hope you wiil help with its
approval in moving through the planning councillwmmission.
We believe that St. Paul would benefit greatly from this in-the-city
Sandra and Philip Erickson
680 Woodlawn Ave.
St. Paul
�3 �� � � >a
J �,� �
James - Redevelopment at Randolph and Lexington
Page 1 of 1
"Anne Keily"
11l1/07 1028 AM
Subject: Redevelopment at Randolph and Lexington
CC: ,
V��.`U @9 `LC�� �
Hi Pat,
It is so nice to see your name on the notices we got about eh redevelopment on Lexington and Randolph.
Jim, Michael and I will be in China during the open meeting, so please feel free to use my comments if they are helpful
to achieving the highest and best use for that location.
As you know, we live at 539 South Lexington Parkway. We are the first house next to Montcalm Estates.
We support the redevelopment of that corner. It needs it. I have enjoyed supporting Mach One and the Java Drive,
but having a grocery store closeby is seen as a good thing by Jim and myself.
However, I have some concerns, that I am confident that good planners and designers can accommodate in the
development plans:
a. Noise. This is a residential neighborhood. A grocery store will have a need for deliveries from large trucks. The
noise ordinances must be respected with no deliveries before 8am. The beep-beep-beep required on trucks when they
back up is annoying at best, and truly disrupts the residential nature of all the surrounding property.
� b. Parkland. The parkway must be respected with no trucks on the Parkway, and no "taking" of packland. This is
arkland and the parkland ordinance applies. Recentiy we wanted to widen our driveway but did not to preserve the
boulevard parkland. I expect the same consideration should be given to parkland by commercial developments.
c. Traffic safety. This is a very dangerous corner with one of the highest accident rates in the ciry.
I see children trying to walk to school having trouble negotiating the intersection, as well as the on-ramp to 35-E just to the
east of this property. We walk our beagle all over the neighborhood, and these are the two most dangerous spots. Any
improvements to safety as a part of this development will be an added benefit to the whole area. (I'm sure the police that I
see routinely assisting at this intersection wili be especially pleased.)
d. Light Pollution. Because this is a residential neighborhood, light should be minimized overali, and especially after 10
pm and before 8am. Some people think that light equals security, but I don't think that is the solution. I'm not an expert,
but i know from a resource perspective as well as a livability issue, exterior light should be minimized.
e. Neighborhood. I have no particular solutions here, but I see an opportunities. This location sits at the intersection
of three distinct communities, Highiand, Mac-Groveland, and West 7th. I see an opportunity for community blending and
community action. I hope that this deveiopment takes a leadership roie in brining people together for common purpose.
And if in doing so, generates lots of loyal customers, that is only to everyone's benefit. Perhaps sponsoring a Lexington
Parkway South Committee community group, or doing samething special with the elementary schools in the area, or
bringing employment to both new immigrants and perhaps retirees in the area, and providing space to community
organizers, or community meeting spaces.
f. If I can be of any help, I'd be happy to join in when I return.
Thanks, Pat! Enjoy the Process.
Page 1 of 1
� ���'����
Patricia James - Trader Joe's 6 �� � � � � � �'
From: "Beverly Moore"
Date: 11/1l07 536 PM
Subject: Trader Joe's
Please vote to approve this addition to our neighborhood. We love Trader Joe's and
would love it even more if we didn't have to drive to Excelsior to shop there.
Beverly and Ralph Moore
658 Woodlawn Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116
filr•//('•\Tlnrnmr�ntc anri Cattinae\Tamae CTPATTT\T nral CPttinae\Tamn\XPnm�zrica\d77A11F0'Jmai 17/S/'J(107
Y7�- 179 z3�
G� 7 — iF�b �6
The pethi�r�c ht;.p:I/unr�.3peti:a�ns.co�rrpe*'.tis�n{sairztuau:�ra�`Pr�r,�si
To: Mayor Coleman, Councii Member Pat Narris, Members ofi High(and Distnct Gouncii,
Members of Saint Pau! Planning and Zoning Committee;
We rsspectfully request that #he Highiand District Caunci(, The City of Saint Paul Pianning and
Zaning CommSttee, Counci! Member Pat Harris and Mayor Coleman vot� in favor oi the
redeve(opment and rezoning ofi #he entire site at the South East comer o£ Leuingfon Parkway
and Randnlph Avenue to a TN-2 Ciass�cation. {Traditional Neighborhood)
Saint Paui currently supports a wide range of ethnic restauranfs and specialty retai! oulfets, and
we feel a Trader Joe's is what fhis comer needs. Trader Joe's would fiii a unique niche, without
competing directly with existing husinesses.
We feei this neighborhood project achieves many important goa(s including:
*Comprehensive DevelopmenUDesigned to Frt in with the Surrounding Neighborhood
*The Comer would Benefit Aesthetically from Redevelopmsnt
'A Comprehensive Tra#fic Management Study has not indicated any signiPicanf change
'Create Pedestrian friendly retaii Shoppes in the Community
We, the residents of 5aint Paul ask the City of Saint Pau! to ailaw such redevelopmen# of ihis
comer in our community.
We urge ths Mayor, Councii Member Pat Harris, The Highiand District Councii and The City of
Saint Paui Planning and Zoning Committee ta approve the rezoning and develapment is�ciuding
a Trader Joe's fnr this comer.
The Undersigned
Petition Saonsar:
Christine & Steve Snider
1427 Osceola Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55'105
Redevelop Randalph & Lexington with Tiader 7oe's! Perition : j powered by iPetiuons.co... Page 1 of �}
• � rio
Powered by iPetRions - scart you� or.iine pehbon now
Ret#eue{op Randal�h & Lexington with TraderJoe's?
pehtion tezt si^ emaii fnends
, .; , �:s�e.=.
3c$�$� '�Y" vk $ � �:8�$:d�i�.T� �$:d$ �
.+'�ESR^ }sRi�fJdSTF�SFGI�,
:��Itni�YCt - J:2` 78
# Name SheM
Lafissa 1527
� Tatlavadhy Edgcumbe
2 Anonymous �A86
Marshail Ave
Andrew 1144
3 Schmitz Fairmaunt
. Aver.ue
d KatiSchm�tz Fairmount
5 Steva 2457 Park
Johnson Lane
8 Don Schwartz �66d
Hartford Ave
Roe �T ;n;' � � pra: �7 2 ; ne,.t a � las; =r
�� Comments
�$� t6 This sauntls (ike a geat development in an area that auld
eas�ty support such z retail pro�act.
Piaese support Potentlwn ManagemenYs e�fcrts to bring
5$ �� Trader Joes to 5t. Paul. As a wits9v s(udent on a limrtad
budget, i would 6enafit from having a� aflordabie grocery
store unthin Diking tlista+xe from my fiome.
1 jUSt WdfITOG t0 18e YOiJ �(ROW � �iV2 3 haH rtIIIE 1YbT ih2
55105 Ptoposed Trader Jve's sitc, i �vouid strongty suppo�t a
grocery goin� at thn Ranrloiph;�exingfon mtarsection and
hope you witi halp it to mave forv.ard�
��� Please support TratlerJoe's in Si. Paui, Thtt woNd be a
great improvement b Me area!!
To whom it May Concern- Whiie I wdI not be dirocNy
aSecmd by this project I can tell you that as a someane
who has seen ihe work that Mend�an Managamenl and Mr.
S�mek have tompietetl in the pasi, tha prqeci wiii be
� Matt 9513 Briar 5 ��� compietsc wiiry }}�¢ �tmasS caro, toncem, antl forthaught.
Boockmeizr Circie MaBdiar. �s nat doing this blindly but rathet as a
compznyJpartner who has a deep appreciatian for the
neighborhood antl iCs que!@y oi irfe. I ask you to cansidef
antl supRort this proposal foryour fine ne�ghborhood.
Respectfuity Submltted. Matt Boockmeier
B Qa�e Vanney Maca3esier
9 Katie Sterns 7483
. �a � t6b4
�$�� We neod a Trader Jae's in our ne�qhborhood. 7h1s locat{an
xrouid be pertect.
F'erFactfii for area antl a gr8ai locetioo w7 easy access Eo
35E. I would sFB� also shop at Korte's and AAississippi Matket
like I do now Korte's for averyday items end produw at
Miesissiapi M1Aarket, i'm [hmking thai Tradet Joes vAll bring a
lot of people in trom the subutbs-Eagan, IGH, RAentlata
��� � NgiS, eic.- into St. Paul or a quick stop an the way home
from workmg tlaavnYawn. (Those peopla won't go to Kotte's
anyway.) k wooid open up the opportunRy for
redevelapmantabng Rantlo�ph {fasfauranfis, shops, etc j
wnicA h Gesparataly needs,.. Trader Joe's has major puiling
powar. A,9ake fhe area a like Gra�d Ave {it
vroultl hefp Gand Ave busfnesses too}.
hrtp: flwww.ipetitions. comlpetitionlsaintpaultradarjoesisi�natures- l .html
ncs nv C'.c�t�
Mpis Candas �v7Pts d
Great l.o8s and Condos
For Rent Rent Ranges.
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utxwA�zaG:.a�^h,m cc�n
UiBrant Neighborhoatl &
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Offering Managed
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Conda & Lofif Search M
Search 7heMlSanline.cc
for ali Cardos & Lofts in
the Twin Cities
w.w; Tro•aiSOr.�ine,w�
1 IIS/2007
Itedeeelog Ran�alph & Lexington with Trader Jae's! Petition :[ powered hy iPetitions.co... Page 2 of 4
7'1 Kafie SfemS
t2 Alyssa
t3 Mdy Wilhoft
i4 Aieko
Pertest fit icr acea and a great bwtion w; easy access io
35E 1 woufd stiU aFsa shop at Korte's antl Mssissippi t,Aarket
Gko i do now. Karta's tor everytlay dems and produce at
MississiPPi Marke[ Pm tfvnkln8 Aai 7radet3ues will bring a
lo{ af people In hom the su6urbs- Eagan, IGH, Mendota
i493 �� t6 Hgts, etc.- inta St. Paul nr a quick srop an the my home
ScAeflerAve iramworfcing dowmtoWn. (Thnse peapiE wron'tgo to 1Corte's
anyvray.3 �"++�v� npen up iha cpportunityfor
reaa�elopment abng Randalph (restaursnts, sAaps, eic.)
which it d¢sparatety needs... Treder Joe's has major p�iSng
paemr. Make the zcea a'des6nation^ fike G2nd Ave (tt
w¢uW help Grend Ave businesses Mo).
2076 Daytor. I Iove Ttadet Joe's. IYs g2at espaciaily tor coilege stUtlents
Ave ��� pe��se rt has dsiiuous foo4 at fair prices,
&f & L"avc¢tn
Ave.St SS1Q2
PauL Mmn.
Ave #01 St 551'i'o Lets do this!!! tts a great idea!
Paul MN
�� CameB Hattfartl
Jeremy We6b Avenua
tb Cht'stine '1427
Snitler Osceo:a Ave.
t7 Angeffi 61au �333JVno
18 Pnartymous �aeZ Eieanor 557 t6 1 am m suvpoa at this radevetogmenc..piease vote yes...
19 Ananymous
p A+rrY
21 Darnn Kavar
Z2 Fnonymous
iS33 S5y04
26WAcker � t17
383 Hamiine ���
Ave 5
256 Cecelia 55105
23 Monymaus ���Q �uliet � Th¢ proposad ideas wroultl be e HUGE impcovement over
Ave. vfiat ewrently exists atfiat unsighily wrner.
�»� A �� The rtwre T2der Joe's tha beE:ert!! 7his rs good Por the aree
?d Kr�tin Slwaa Dm � 65112 a8 around - fresfi. tasty, heaitriY. efiordable choius in
25 Ano�yrtwus t537haMine �
ave n st Pau1
26 �undberg Fem�vo0d 55708
Carolina ���
� David �chWOOd 5577fi ,
28 8rcan 208 Westem $$�� TraGerJOes would be a great addition M thp nei9hborhoad,
Pargsr.rent Ave
29 ��'a 166D 55178
Patision Beethwood
We bva Tmder Jae's? kwouid neM to fabuious m hava
36 Sartdra�Phd�p � y3awn 557 �fi �em losatetl IN St. Paul! Enough great stufl is akeaCy in
E��� A � g 7�e subur6s. Here's to wmethinp gr¢ai in fhe cAy. We ara
700%behindthis pian.
http:lt��w.ipetitians.cam/petition i I15/2007
Redevelop Randolph & Lexin_ton w�ith Trader Joe's! Petidon :[ powered by iPevtions.co... Page 3 of 4
7630 � absolutely lova /or Trader Joe s to come to our
31 Bart qaytan Bee^.nwoad a5716 area'!
3Z Pennola �e�'�^'O°d �71v � K'OUfd love to have a Tmder Joe's m Saini Paul Thank
Avenuc Y
33 Anonymous ASez A16any 55�08
�� We vmuid be av�d customers. VJe fwquer2 the T�atler dae's
36 Oona78 Cram Beechwood � 7�6 ��� Lauis Pack, bui it is a long drive, flndsng parking is
Ave, d�cuh, anE they are frequerttly out ot stock on popular
3 � Paula
36 Stephanie
46 Anonymous
47 Ananymous
48 Julie Prin2
d9 Anonymous
50 Anonymous
i ose Tratler Joe's �n ADDITiON to my bwl gracery stores. I
� 209 wiil go there etthsrway, so savirig me ges money whila aisa
37 Ann Nobbie port{and Ave. 55', 64 allo�mng me to shop in rtry ne�ghburM1OOd is aniy a plus. 1
danY ihink rt's presence wil: pose any threat to our iocal
5tores it vroudl onty be an enhancement!
38 Sarah 1386 Aasca! $$y
Phem•isier Street North
84 Kate P¢arson Beachwood 55176 Ploasa"!!
• 40 Usa Piarce 1935juno 55tt$
- EtizabothD 7675 `{71
Gmndhaefer Hertord Ave
42 �than 849 grand SS �� i think this is axactly what that cornar neetls- !�as my Fulp
neriand avo support,'
This comer is in dite neetl oi retlevelopment and ihe
proposofl p7�n to put in a Trstler Joe s wau+tl be a te�c
1689 �ddnion to the neighbarhoatl. t am certain that oar famity
d3 Frenk Mtley iombard SS1C5 {my v✓ife and seven chtltlren} wouid ba custortrers
!+�e. Addrtionatly I do not sea tha; trafflC waoltl be negatroety
impacted. I livc mme house oH af lexiagtnn arW woutd
woicome this retlevelopment
44 Kathy M�iey Lombard
dfi shannon 1777 rome
fiuntSeq avenue
55f 05 1 strongly support this proposed redevebpment.
���$ I thir,k this woald be great for the nsighborhaod and would
be sure to sho0 at Trader Jop'S
please suFport additional Iefa:l camin9 ir�to ih�s
nmighbo:hood. It w171 wauid be a conmence to those in
5$ ,� js Highiand and preveni us trom rreeding to dnye to xwodbury.
Mnre omqos shoDS in Highlantl Lvouid be a groat addition to
the naighborhooE..,and nM reqwre Us to aftvays tlrrve to
grantl avenue.
7307JUno 3jiiE
'1307JUno 5577E
Fairtnaunt �i7�5
1635 �$��
Ashlantl Ave
189 Duke 55142
http r!wu�
l 115/2007
Redevelop Randolph & Le�cington xriith Trader .Tae'si Petition :[ powered by iPetitions.co,.. Page 1 af 2
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Redevelap FtandQiph $� ! exington with TraB�r Joe'sj
peit}'qniezT agnai�res emailfiiends
viy51aE4�` �0:2t �8
# Name Street
.'zH.'d61 .�11
?t�ge t(tsi�<p:2v�i �^e.u.>�2si�'�
� Comments
Katharine 767 Le�ngton tt wauld be greattc have mors shapping in thSs
$� uxin a,,,,,, c �»6 neighbarhood! That comer touid rea0y use wmMhing lika
Sheryi 1S3
fi2 Sheehan Ctnvelentl SSt04
Ave N
Vde would love io have a Trader Joes in the communi2y.
Jennifer 7633Palace Curr6MlywehaveWtlmeacrossMinneapolistoC'e5i.
� Curran Ave 55705 louis Park bcakion {was6ng much gas) to buy our groceries.
7bey have vERY sffadab7e, naturat products, They would
be a great aCGition!
7ha[ interseeUan �s in dire need of devebpme� I Gve one
Wock away antl do agree ihai }he 6atht and paiking are
� 4ennessee �073.lames SSf95 potartial w�werrss, but i believa iCs befler to have peopie
driving inM and stapping in our neigMOrtwoC rether ihan
simply tliroirrg through u. as hspperts now.
t887 Niles 'h'ouid lave tc sea a TraderJoe's s; this toe,�tlan. I teet thai
55 Anonymous AVe 55116 wa shoWdnT have to drive o W te the su6urbs For stnres Gke
EmiM ��
b5 ��� Montraa3
97� S.
� bhnson Clevaland
58 J@ 82dford Beechvrood
I live m Rosevilie and vmrlc in Highland Park (vary near the
&9 Jean Eide 579 Heinei � 5773 devebpment sdej. Where �+rould yo� rather have me spend
Dmo tlu moray I eam in SC FaW71n S4 Psul or in Me subutbs
where the oiher;rsder Joes ate located7
Sara �gggOScea�
60 Tolleison Ave. °"`105
8� Scoit MiUre zg2 SP�ng 551Q2 Zhis 5 a great Idea for St Paui.
i Ifve just 2 Nocks som this site, snd i feel Mat a Trader Joe's
xrouid be a vastimprovement{s�this intersection. Hapsfuliy
Jane 1073 James � rc�uM spur wme improvements on the Northeast mmer of
62 Kuchhnfer Avenue `'$� �' Rantlolph antl Lvac+r,gton, as welt 7his is cwreMy a very
, unattractive pocket of Mac-Grove6nd, and 1 woWd 6e thrilled
dth"s prajed weM forward. The onry concem i}qve is Yhe
poterrtfal inaoase in iratfic ai an aheady busy sr.fersaction.
C & #t Locksmifh
St. Pau3! Minneapolis 65
2� 423�7/612-b05-142{
xi+mr:=a�.�tdocxsm r =om
Condo 8 Lotf Seam7i M
SearcM TheMlSonGne.cc
for ait �ondos 8 tofts in
the iwin Cdies
w»w t�.qlSC�xne m:n
lookhtg to Rent in MN'r
MNrerd.iry has it all. Lofte
�ecutive homes Apts
wxw rnrenc-�:c^i
Hatsing l�taricet Trentls
See whaYS rzaliy �
happeninq in fhe Mpis 8:
Paul housing market.
N33nr�eap_a3is i.axury
Reiax in Your Home Awe
From Nome Reserve Yot
Roam Online Today!
�ua+: .eBa�.q�o-o!e[cam
httpl!wtii ipetitians. comJpetitiontsa�ntpaulvade�oes/si�atwes-2_htmt 11i5; 2047
Kedevelop Randolph & Lexington with Trader Ioe's! Petiuon :[ powered by iPetitions.co... Page 2 of 2
Thismayneedtabeaddrsssedlmitigatedmsomauzy �/���
Howevar, as long as the Ayd hiiH connections to 35E remain
open, � ticnY think it vnii 6x a big issue.
� Patricia 709-0JVna yrtt6
Keating Ava
��� St Paui NEEDS a TRAOER JOES i!t i would then no! need
5q Anonymous ��{�ersan Ave 55110 to drive a71 Ci¢ way to SLP or 4Ndbry. Keep the money in aur
wmmunity. GO TRADER JOE'S
fi5 C�irR 3601ex�ngton a5705 Pieasesr,pporttradessjoesthiszreeneedstheinvestrnent
and revita!izaiion, I hope this happen5.
� Carol gySO Vsta Ci. 55033 ��0'O�k dowMOVm Saint Paai and wouid love to have a Trader
Werkei Joc's in the area that 1 toWd siop ai on my vray home�
67 patricia 8839 b�anson 55076
seari drive
Se '���'on 871 NoytAvc ����
Ranvik W
69 Anon mous �8 Arundal S ��� Z What an impravement R wiil mako to a truiy dismal wmet ot
Y SVeet SaintPaW!
70 Pete Kleibcr Z 55176
Monttea! Ave
7S Lati SS��}ry�� �y�p� ThatcomerNE60Simprovemenr-Iwarkdovmtowndwoultl
be great to have that to stop at on my a+ay home
72 Anonymous Z008 4th St S 55075
Apt 2H
h vmuld be great to bnny new Iife into fhe ar�a. Trader Jos's
is a tlrtferent retailer than standard grocory and Korte's wauld
• 388 Wsrwrck rwi bo pvt out a{ busmess. N zrrything, d may force them to
73 Monyrrwus �1Q5
Sfreet bo better et their game and invest some i�ntls mto �ptlating
Meir iocatian.'fiey couid pisy oH the charming hismric
neig�GOtbood groce�.
7d Anonyrraus �4845Counry 55330
Road 30
7$ Kendra 10485aint � 116 IthmkthatTraderJOeswiilbeaQreatas;�ttothe
Mtlereon PaviAve neighParhooC,
t have worked with STaart Srmek and Merro�an Managamont -
Ky� z89 Sth St E �ey are a neighborhood friendly organ�ahar w9tli exceUent
� Gonderson #610 55107 vision aad sxecut+on of theu plans i fie! Yhis unU onty
enhance this area of SC PaN. and be a g�aai ekemative to
what is cunendy on tha s�ta.
earbere 1325
�� Bellorm Consarvaivry 55777
78 Anonyrtrous �5 RAOn2calm �� t6 Soundslike a goad and workable plan especia{�y i{ tne atfier
Place storesbcat�dMereareofequaltivalfij.
:i��'13e11`gc � TDYv^I 78
Paye « ksi ' <prav ; 4 �2 n¢M * [ hsf »
erarvur_r:m:s.�•r.�n*iare>um�ai,�3CrA A�g�,rK•es.l.l4-hR�,-,a�rea� �°G�s' ;bineA<„�^._�sar& LtG `9531t�i06-1ezrt�sriC��,o
http:ttu��vw.ipetitions. com!petitionlsaintpaultraderj oeslsi �natures-2.htmt
• 1. FILE NAME: Randolph Hiil, LLC FILE #: 07-179-230
2. APPLICANT: Rando4ph Hil! LLC kiEARING DATE: November 8, 2�07
3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning - Consent
4. LOCATION: Biock bounded by Randolph, Lexington, Juno, and I 35E
112823320082, HOWARD GREENE SECOND ADDITION LOT 10 BLK 1; 112823320083,
7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §§ 66.313, 66.321, 66.331, 66.341; §61.801(b)
8. STAFF REPORT DATE: October 26, 2007 BY: Patricia James
9. DATE RECEIVED: October 10, 2007 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: December 9, 2007
A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family Residential and R2 One-
Family Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood
B. PARCEL SIZE: Parcel has frontages of 198 ft. on Randolph, 290 ft. on Lexington, and 183
• ft. on Juno, and a totai area of 55,186 sq. ft. (about 1.27 acres)
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Mix of nonconforming commercial, single family, and multiple family
North: Mixed residential/commercial building and low density residential (RM2)
East: I-35E
South: Single family residential (R2)
West: Multiple family residential (RM2, RM3)
E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §§ 66.313, 66.321, 66.331, and 66.341 address the intent and
regulations for the TN2 district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property
initiated by the property owner.
F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: In 1985 a variance application was submitted to the BZA to vary
the lot area requirements for a muiti-family structure (BZA#9781). In 1992 a variance
application was submitted for one more room than was allowed under the code (ZF#92121).
In 1997 there was an application for an enlargement of a nonconforming use to allow a
coffee kiosk on site, which was approved (ZF#97-257). A conditionai use and variance
application for this site has also been submitted (File # 07-180-386)
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 15 had not commented at the time this
staff report was prepared.
1. The appiicant wishes to redevelop this block at the southeast corner of Randolph and
Lexington for commerciai uses. The proposal includes a 14,420 sq. ft. grocery market
at the northeast corner of the site and a smaller 5530 sq. ft. retail building at the
southwest corner of the site. Primary access to the site is proposed from Lexington
Parkway, with secondary access from Juno.
2. The area has developed with commercial uses on both the northeast and southeast
corners of Lexington and Randolph (currenYly legaily nonconforming). In addition, the
Zoning File # 07-179-230
Zoning Committee Staff Report
Page 2 of 2 •
site is adjacent to an interchange with a principaf arteriai, t-35E, on the east. Two
other streets bordering the site are also thoroughfares: Randolph Avenue is Gass�ed
as an "A" Minor Arterial in the City's Transportation Plan, while Lexington is classified
as a°B" Minor Arteriai. 7he proposed zoning to TN2 permits residential and
commerciai uses either as single uses or as mixed uses, which is consistent with the
historical development pattern in this area as well as the more recent freeway
3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan
supports a compatibie mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1), The
Summary and General Policy calls for ensuring thaf land with potential for business
use is made avaitable and used to ifs maximum economic and community benefit.
Given this site's location, it has good potential for business use. The District 15
Highland Park Neighborhood Plan (adopted by the City Council on July 18, 2007,
includes in its vision statement: provide services that confribute to neighborhood self-
sufficiency while improving the DistricYs position in the regional economy. The plan
also supports use of TN urban design standards in recommendations throughout the
4. The proposed TN2 zoning is compatible wiYh the surrounding area regardless of
whether the current development pian is implemented, since it permits commercial
uses, residential uses at a variety of densities, and a mix of these uses. The TN2
district, as stated in §66.313 is ... designed for use in existing or potential pedestrian
and fransit nodes. Its intent is to foster and support compact, pedestrian-oriented
commercial and residentia! development that, in tum, can support and increase transit •
usage. Randolph Avenue has transit service. Further, a commercial or mixed use
development along the north side of Juno can be designed to provide a buffer for the
singfe family homes on the south side of Juno.
5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on October 19, 2007: 18 parcels
eligible; 12 parcels required; 12 parcets signed.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, statf recommends approval of
the rezoning from RM2 Medium-density Multiple-Family Residential and R2 One-Family
Residential to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood.
• Departmeni ofPianning and Economic Development
Zoning Section
1400 Ciry Hall Annez
25 West Founh Slreet
Saint Pau� MN 551 02-1 634
(65I) 266-6589
Property Owner
Contact Person (if
Address / Location
Legal Description_
h � :'t l . �- �.
?�s�Fz. �, e�rE � �d�.a
St�NZip S.��C�/ DaytimePhone�( ja4°�
(attach additional shseY if necessary)
� Consent Petition
Pursuant to Section 61.500 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues,
���1 � �.� 2'� �-� � , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to
rezone the above described property from a�(Y17. ar- �� zoning district to a�R� ��
zoning district, for the purpose of:
��e ����1 �Q��� \ \�� .
C`,��. ( UUC�SS;
(attach additional sheets if necessary)
Attachments as required: �Site Pla�
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this � � � day
�of 0 �` .`YU !7'2� . 20 V � .
Zoning�j�c�. "�' ��
tU(IUf 0�
�Affidavit ��
� �I. �--,
Fee Owner of Property
Title: �rc� C ���'f'
Sonja Eiaine TaylorButia�
IXPttZES Jq N. 31, 2009
Page 1 of _
Applicant seeks to change the zoning of seven contiguous parcels of land fo TN-2.
Currently, three of the parcels are zoned RM-2; the other four are zoned R-2. Legal
descriptions are attached to this Appiication. The seven parcels shall hereinafter be
referred to collectively as the "Site°. The Site is approximately 1.104 acres and is
situated at the soufheast comer of Randolph Avenue and Lexington Parkway.
Immediately to the east of the Site is Interstate 35E.
The majority of the Sife was residential long before (-35E was conceived or constructed.
In fact, numerous single family residences were acquired by the State of Minnesota for
purposes assembling the requisife amount of Iand for fhe infersfafe. And, while the
portion of i-35E adjacent to the Site was completed in 1984, the last component of the
project was not compieted untit 1990.
There is evidence however of the commercial character of the Site going back as far as
t he mid 1960's at which time a gas station was introduced on the northwest comer.
Su s equen commerc�a uses in uctea drive
automobile audio installation facility. And, while the remainder of the site remains
residential, the nat�re of the Site has changed dramatically with the cnanges witnessed
in traffic along Lexington Par{cway and Randolph Avenue; primarily the result of the I-
35E interchange. The completion of I-35E made this intersection important to the entire
neighborhood; as a result shopping habits and retail have changed dramatically. •
Logically, had the Site not been residential prior to I-35E, iYs unlikely any part of it would
be residential today. Rather, traditional urban land use suggests the appropriateness of
commercial applications at major surtace intersections and freeway connections.
A zoning classification of TN 2 wauld be appropriate for the site. As stated in city code
"Sec. 66.313. Intent, TN2 traditional neighborhood district. The TN2 traditional
neighborhood district is designed for use in existing or potential pedestrian and transit
nodes. Its intent is to foster and support compact, pedestrian-0riented commercial and
residential development that, in tum, can support and increase transit usage. !t
encourages, but does not require, a variety of uses and housing types, with careful
attention to the amount and placement of parking and transitions to adjacent residentia!
neighborhoods. "
The change to TN-2 would foster and support the type of development that is called for
under the guidelines as listed above. Required parking is minimized with over 50 stalls
of parking below the surface of the grocery store. The site is directly adjacent to a bus
stop and will further encourage the use of public transportation. Due to the site location
across the street from 172 apartment units, this will provide the residents with a
pedestrian friendly altemative to shop at for groceries and needed items.
We, the undersi�ned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contio ous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or so]d by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of
(name of petitioner) "
to rezon the groperty located at�pQD_IDSt{'t1UR��,�hfa
from a zoning district to a�` � district; and
��'� swu� �Wc.
2. A copy of sectionsi ��• .3 E M_ through �(o. 3 7=�_ inclusive of the Saint Paul Zonin� Code.
We acknowledge that we are aware of ali of the uses permitted in a_ i rS - Z_ zoning district, and we
are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of
��/vxa ��`'2 �'�1 �( I L� G e-t c�.CJ to ._ T� '� _ zoning district.
(name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or
his/her representative.
1 �JR'9 �Tuna /�✓�
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K�;s}i�.e � Sw�fz
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ieFF' t�ros.
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This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is
received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by
written request within that time.
We, the undersia ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or soid by THE-PE'I`IT'IONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
aclmowledb that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petirion of
(name of petitioner)
to rezqne the groperty located at � /R 4D �-t
� g ��r g > l� � ZWW90 3"�'�.
from a zonin district to a � �' zonin district• and
�+ g�p 2 'a�� inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code.
2. A copy of sections �!t, � ��_ throu h �6. �
We aclmowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a I 1 Y=� zoning district, and we
are a��t.kat anv of these uses can be estab2ished upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of
F�,An�a�h�� \� Ll.� �-� C5.`� toa T1`�_� zoningdistrict.
{name of pehitioner}
VVe consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicanf or
his/her representative.
lago ��1�„h
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P.o�dnt.� �•
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Ttus petition shall not be considered.as ofFcially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is
received by the Planning I?ivision. Any signator of this petition may wirhdraw hislher name therefrom by
yvritten request witfiin fhat time.
The petitioner, ���}1 ��� , l�L C, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that the
consent petition contains signatures of the owners of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all eligible properties
within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property contiguous to the subject
property that was owned, purchased, or soid by the petitioner within one (2) year preceding the date of
the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all
owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that properiy and that failure to
obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the
consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signature are the true and conect
signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
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�—` MYCOhltdiS�IGWE(PlEies131�2CJ- ;
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Subscribed and swom to before me this
� day of���, 2(L�
— , i � �lf+
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S'�"kcd`'4- �. S: M2(G . being first daly swom, deposes and states that he/she is tke person
who circulaeed the consent petition consisting of _ �3 , pages; that affiant is informed and believes that �
the parties described on the ccnsent peti:ion are the owners of the pam,els of real estaYe describec3
immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner
o prope wi eetzsf�e '
to the subject properry that was owned, gurchased or sold by the petitioner within one (1) yeaz
preceding the date of the petition; that the consent peddon was signed by each said owner; and that the
signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
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Subscribed and swom to before me this
�day of��'�r�v`�rlw.c� , 20OZ
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�+�hOV� i SW1�Y , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person
who circulated the consent pefit'on consisting of _� pages; that affiant is informed and believes that
thP pazties described on ti:e c;,nser.t pe:it�on aze the owners of the par:,els of real estate uescribed
immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner
of property within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property coutiguous
to the subject property that was owned, purchased or sold by the petitioner within one (1) year
preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the
signatures aze the true and conect signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
J -�7 t�-c? /�
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
�_� day of R�rsfubr� , 20 0�'
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• Folder Name: RandoIpfi Hill, LLC
North side ofRandolph
Site at SE corner Randolph and Leaington
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File #: 07 —179230 � /� � (O
• Folder Name: RandoIph Hill, LLC
File #: 07 —179230
Folder Name: Randolph Hill, I.LC
Jnno frontage
Jano frontage
Page 4
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Folder Name: Randolph Hill, I,LC
South side Juno
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(11/6/2007) Patricia James -zoning comm. meeting 11)8 ___ _ Page 1,
07- i79- Z3p
• From:
Highland District Council <hdc@visi.com>
Patricia James <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
11/6/2007 1239 PM
zoning comm. meefing 11/8
Hi PaVicia,
Here is the language of the resolution passed by the Highland District
Councit last night, November 5th, regarding the proposed zoning changes
for the development being planned for the intersection of Lexington and
Randolph Avenues.As I said in our phone conversation, I believe that the
president of our District Council, Biil Poulos, will be attending the
Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday.
I may as weil.
Be it resolved that the Highland District Council Community Development
Committee recommends that the portion of the proposed zoning request of
the plats now currently zoned RIV�2, be rezoned to TN-2.
Be it further resolved that the Highland District Council Community
Development Community recommends that the portion of the proposed zoning
request of the piats now currently zoned R-2 not be changed to TN-2,
uniess the developers work with the adjoining property owners on the
south side of Juno Avenue to make accommodations to find a workable
soiution for these residents.
Thank you,
. Georgia Dietz
Highland District Council
�(12/27l2007) Mary Erickson - Fwd: TRADERS JOE$ SUPPORT 'Page 1'i
From: Patricia 7ames �$ �c � b
To: City Council - Letters
Date: 12/26/2Q07 10:35 AM
Patrtcia James
»> On 12/25/07 at 1:39 PM, <slipekcCalaoi.com> wrote:
Happy Holidays! We wanted to take a moment to let you know that we greatly desire a 7RADER ]OE'S at the corner of Randolf.
We have shopped w/ l7 for over 20 years (I moved here from DC) at times even having items flown in. Now I spend our moaey in
St, louis Park and Woodbury! It would be nice to spend it in St. Paul and have our city capture the tax base (anything to help our
rapidly rising property taxes.) Also, less dnving will benefit the the environment.
Please support its deveiopment.
Deb and Chet Slipek
1861 Beechwood Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116
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(12128/2007) Mary Enckson - Fwd: Traders Joe`s in Highiand Park g
From: Patricia James
To: City Councii - Letters
Date: 12/26/2007 1:16 PM
Subject: 'Fwd: Traders Joe's in Highland Park
»> On 12/26l4� at 924 AM, <don(olschwartzoroperties.cnm> wrote:
Dear Couocil Members and City Staff,
i am writing to e>yress my support of the planned re-devefopment of the South East comer of Randolph and Lebngton Avenues.
Admittediy, as a reai estate professiooai, I may have some bias but my support is basetl on logic rather than emotion and
deveiopment for the greater good rather than protecting the interests of just a few indivitluais.
First, on the qualificaUons of the tleveloper Stuart Simek, I know Mr. Simek througfi fhe professional associatio�s The Muiti
Housing AssociaGon {MHA) and the Certified Commercial (nvesvnent Member (CCIM). Both are very weil respected organizaUons
in our industry. Mr. Simek bas played a strong roll in bofh organizations Iocally and national�y basetl on his high personal stantlards
of professionalism. Also, as a Iife long resident on St Paul, a business owner and resident of Hi9hland Park fie has a personal
stake in seeing this project succeed to the benefit of the neighborhood. As further evidence of Mr. Simek's qualifications I would
pant out the successful townhome projects completed in Highland Park over the past several years. Lastly, his partnership witb
TOLD Development gives the team additional resources and depth to ensure project success.
With any development there are many complex issues to iron out tluring the planning and approval process and this site is no
exception. Basetl on presentations 1've seen, this team of developers and architects has addressed the needs of surrounding
neighborhood with extreme sensdivity and has created a"sense of place" that vastly improves a blighted cornec Granted, there
are a few residenGS that would prefer their current view rather than a parking lot and commercial builtlings. However, the design
has been amended to minimize that impact and provide a view that is quite pleasing to a reasonable person. Lastly, the issue of
traffic is of great concern to many, myself included. 1 frequenily vavel through this intersection and will be directly impacted by the
additional usage. It seems a small price to pay tor such a great amenity. I woultl compare it to dealirtg with the iraffic at Lunds on
Ford Parkway. Is it a hassle? Yes. Is it worth ii? Again, yes. Will the additional Gaffic create a hazard? Perhaps, but thaYs what
traffic laws are for and the tlevelopment plan addresses those issues in a pragmatic way that minimizes ihe impact.
In the end, we need to decide if we want St Paul to stagnate and tlecline or change, grow and improve. I believe this is a clear
rase of growth and improvement for the benefit of the residents of St Paul.
On a personal note, 1 hke Trader Joe's products and will definitely be a customer. As a resident of Highland Park I believe this
project wtll prove to be a great asset to the community.
Thank you for your attention; please approve this pro�ect for St Paul!
Don Schwartz
Schwartz Properties, LLC
1664 Hartford Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55116
(612) 860-9797 (celI)
(651) 204-6482 (fax)
wwwschwartzproperties.com ( file://wwwschwartzproperties.COm/ )
a(12/31/2007) Mary Erickson - Fwd: Trader Joe's Page 1�
From: Patricia James
To: City CoanCil - Letters
Date: 12/31/2007 9:11 AM
Subject: Fwd: Trader Joe's
Mother letter in suppor[ af the Lexinginn-Randolph project.
»> On 12/30/07 at 823 AM, <Patriciama�lCcilaoLcom> wrote:
b �,��co
I'm a tairly new resident of Highiand Park, having previously livetl in Chicago antl Southem Galifomia where Trader Jce's is a
fixture. 1 drive to St Louis Park every few weeks to Ioad up on groceries antl wine. I still buy at the Iocal Lund's and Whole Foods
bat fhere are many items at TJ's ffiaf are either less expensive than or not avai(able at Iocai stores. Please bring Trader Joe's to
Highland Park. �t would be a great addition to the area.
Patricia Marac Geiser
2081 Viliage Ln
St Paul, MN 55116
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�, (12l31I2007) Mary Erickson - Fwd: TJ Support � Page 1 �
From: Patricia James
To: City Council - Letters
Date: 12/31/2007 9:00 AM
Subject: Fwd: TJ Support
FYI. E-mail received in support of LeuingtorrRandolph project.
»> On 12/25/07 at 1:39 PM, <slioekcC�aoi.mm> wrote:
Nappy Holidays! We wanted to take a moment to let you know that we greatly desire a TfZADER 70E'S at the comer of Randolf.
We have shopped w/ T) for over 20 years (I moved here from DC) at times even having items flown in. Now I spend our mor�ey in
St. Louis Park and Woodhury! It would be nice to spend it in St. Paul and have our dty capture the tax base (anything to heip our
rapidly rising property taxes.) Also, less driving will benefit the Uie environment.
Please suppart its devetopment.
Deb and Chet Slipek
1861 Beechwood Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116
More new features than evec Check out the new AOL Mail ( http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/mailtour/ao(/en-
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