08-1011Council File # �O � 6 �/ Green Sheet # 3G58219 ORDiNANCE �� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 'resented 1 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 370 Of The Saint Paul 2 Legislafive Code To Outline Requirements For 3 Trade Worker Re� stration And Supervision 4 5 Section 1 6 7 Section 370.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8 9 Sec. 370.05. General requirements. 10 11 (a) Application. Any person submitting an application for a certificate of competency shall be at least 12 eighteen (18) years of age and, if a license is available under state law must be licensed by the 13 State of Minnesota. 'T'he appiication shall be submitted to the building official in such form and 14 contain such information as the building official may require, but shall contain a detailed statement 15 of the applicanYs training and experience. The application shail be made under oath. 16 17 (b) Examination. Each applicant shall be required to submit to an examination as to the applicant's 18 qualifications and competence in the work for which a certificate of competency is desired. Said 19 examination shall be given by a board of examiners, as provided in this chapter, and shall be given 20 at a time and place as the board may select. 21 22 (c) Examination fees: 23 24 Master plumber . . . . $82.50 25 26 Joumeyman plumber . . . . 82.50 27 28 All others: 29 30 Master . . . . 82.50 31 32 Journeyman . . . . 55.00 �U61,ISNE�`.� 33 34 Exaznination fees are not refundable. ��T � 3 70�� 35 36 Section 2 37 38 Section 370.17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 39 40 Sec. 370.17. d rr°""" ;°"s`°�'""""°� °��• Trade worker reeistration. direct supervision 41 and ratios. 42 ��-�ori 43 (a) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (b) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Definition. " " T :..:..:.... ..F A«...«,,..�:,.....1.;« ..« tl.e TT,.:te,7 Ct..t._.� T1a...,,+..,a..4..FT .,1...« �.....�.1,..,....e..t .....7 T.-..:«:„,. .....�..,.. ,,. . , �, . Trade worker shall mean anv person performine the tvpe of work described in section 370.02 who has not obtained a certificate of competencv as a master or journevman for the applicable trade classification. Registration required. �. ., .. „ ....... ........ u,.,, ....., ...,::�., .,.. �;:��a .. ... . .u.y .�s� Every trade worker who works on any building or structure within the City shall be reQistered with the department of safetv and inspections prior to nerforming anv twe of work covered bv section 370.02. Each trade worker is reauired to reeister with the denartment of safetv and insnections once each year he/she will be performine trade work covered bv section 370.02. The re�istration shail include the full name, em l�oyer, trade classification, vrevious trade work experience and contact information of each trade worker. (c) . °°'*'��°'� �°��~�~°`°~°� '��'a�-. Evaluation. Trade workers seekine to register with the deparhnent _ of safetv and inspections after four vears of exverience in the trade shall comrolete and submit a trade warker evaluation/�rogress report to the department of safety and inspections at the time of their fifth and all subsectuent vears of registrarion as a trade warker Information obtained throu�h this nrocess will be utilized by the deparhnent of safety and insnections to assess skill develonment facilitate nrofessional development and review the fee reauirement trade ex erience documentation and comnetencv test elieibilit�of trade workers with four or more vears of exnerience in their trade. (dl Registration fees. Each trade worker re�isterinQ to perform trade work covered by section 370 02 shall �ay an annual registration fee based upon the following schedule. 1. Tier 1(0 — 4 vears) — Trade workers that haue worked in the trade and have registered with the deoarhnent of safety and inspections for four years or less shall pay an annual registration fee as outlined in Charoter 31018 of the Saint Paul LeQislative Code. 2. Tier 2(5 — 6 vearsl — Trade workers that have worked in the trade and haue registered with the deuartment of safetv and insnections for five to six vears shall nav an annual re�istration fee as outlined in Chapter 310.18 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. 3. Tier 3(7 vrs. ar more) — Trade workers that have reQistered with the department of safetv and insroections for seven or more years and have six ar more vears of exnerience in the trade shall pav an annual reeistration fee eauivalent to the fees re uiq red by section 370 OS for the apnlicable trade. In lieu of navinQ the Tier 3 trade worker re¢istration fee, trade workers with six or more years of experience in the trade mav make application and submit to an examination as to the trade workers qualifications and comnetencv to obtain a certificate of comroetency in the trade ursuant to the requirements of section 370.05. (e) Direct sunervision. Re�istered trade workers may onlv work under the direct supervision of a iournevman or master who holds an apnlicable certificate of competency to verform the relevant tvne of work For the �urposes of this ordinance the term "direct supervision" shall mean that Q��l�fl 89 90 1. A supervisingjoumeyman ar master certificate of comnetencv holder in the type of work 91 being uerformed by a reQistered trade worker and employed bv the same emplover shall be 92 �hysicallypresent and immediately available for assistance and direction; 93 94 2. Electronic or telephonic supervision of anv kind shall not be sufficient to meet the 95 requirement that a supervisinQ journeyman or master be immediatelv available; 96 97 3. The su en rvising joumeyman or master shall actually review the trade work beine nerformed 98 bv the re�tered trade worker; and 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 4. The su ervising�ournevman or master shall be able to determine and shall determine that all trade work performed bv the registered trade worker is nerformed in compiiance with all applicable code requirements. (fl Ratios. On anv project the ratios of registered trade workers to journeymen or master certificate of comnetencv holders for the tvpe of work covered b�section 370.02 shall be as follows: 1. Fuel burner e�uipment and system installation and repair: i. Gas: No more than one reeistered trade worker far three journeymen or master certificate of com_petency holders. ii. Oil: No more than one registered trade worker for three journevmen or master certificate of com�etencv holders. iii. Fuels other than Qas and oil: No mare than one reastered trade worker far three iourneymen or master certificate of comnetencv holders. 2. Lathin2: No more than one registered trade warker for the first journevman or master certificate of com_petency holder, and thereafter no more than one registered trade worker for three joumevmen or master certificate of com etency holders. 3. PlasterinP: No mare than one ree�istered trade worker for the first journevman or master certificate of competencv holder. and thereafter no more than one reeistered trade worker for three journevmen or master certificate of competency holders. 4. Plunabing: No more than one registered trade worker for three iourneymen or master certificate of competency holders. 5. Re�ri�eration equipment installation and repair: No more than one re�istered trade worker for three journevxnen or master certificate of competencv holders. 6 Steam fitting and pipin�system installation and repair• No more than one re�istered trade worker for the first iournevman or master certificate of com ep tency holder and thereafter no more than one reeistered trade worker for three joumevmen or master certificate of com ep tencv holders. 6�-/D(/ 135 136 7. Warm air heatinQ work — residential: No more than one re�istered trade worker for each 137 ioumevman or master certificate of competencv holder. 138 139 8. ventilation work — commercial: No more than one re i�stered trade worker for three 140 journevmen or master certificate of competency holders. 141 142 9. Concrete masonrv and cement finishing: No mare than one re�istered trade worker for the 143 first iournevman or master certificate of competenc�holder, and thereafter no mare than one 144 r�istered trade worker for four iournevmen or master certificate of comnetency holders. 145 146 Section 3 147 148 Section 370.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 149 150 Sec. 370.18. Work performed by certificate holder only. 151 152 No master's certificate of competency holder shall allow or authorize any employee or other person to do 153 work for which a certificate of competency is required pursuant to this chapter unless such employee or 154 other person holds the appropriate certificate of competency or is a registered apg�en�iee trade worker. Any 155 violation of this section is a misdemeanor. 156 157 Section 4 158 159 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and 160 publication. 'ii tQl iCi.i�Pt Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom �/ Carter Harris Helgen Lanhy Stark � Thune � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �UfjJ�1p� Requested by Department o£ ��� �� Z ��� � Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approv y City Atto� ey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g By: Appxov byn a'yZ+ Dat �� lJ U� By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��- I D il co �o���, Contact Person & Phone: E11en Biafes 266-8671 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) '10-SEP-0B Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Jean Birkholz Contact Phone: 266-8673 13-AUG-08 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations foY Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3058219 D ooncil 1 ooncil De artment Director 2 i Attom (.ti Attorne 3 i Clerk C5 Clerk 4 5 Amending Chapter 370 of the Sain[ Pau] Legislative Code to Outline Requirements for Trade Worker Registration and Supervision idafions: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission q8 Committee Civil ServiCe Commission 'I. Has lhis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/irm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curre�t city empbyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OpportuniTy (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Sou�ce: Fi nancial Information: (Expfain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: August �3, 2008 11:49 AM Page 1