07-925Council File # � � � as Green Sheet # 3041970 OF Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORDINANCE �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA AI DINANCE AMENDING LEGISLATIVE CODE § 140.06 REGULATING CONDUCT IN THE SKYWAY SYSTEM BY DELETING OBSOLETE LANGUAGE AND ADDING NEW LANGUAGE REFLECTING CHANGES IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS FOR REGULATING SKYWAY CONDUCT � 7 LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND. In Council File No. 96-1486, the City Councif repeafed 8 the ordinance establishing the Skyway Governance Committee. However, Council 9 File No. 96-1486 failed to remove all references to the Skyway Governance 10 Committee contained in Leg. Code Chap. 140. The purpose of this ordinance 11 amendment is to remove those references from Chap. 140. In addition, in Council 12 File No. 06-977, the Council accepted an invitation from the Capitol River Council to 13 establish within that Council, a Skyway Governance Advisory Committee whose 14 purpose would be to advise the City Council and City staff on issues relating to the 15 skyway system. The resolution accepted the invitation with the express provision 16 that the City retained all of its exclusive police powers to enforce skyway regulations 17 and permit processes. Further, the City's code has recently consolidated its various 18 code enforcement divisions into a single department of safety and inspections. It is 19 also the purpose of the amendments herein to provide the new department of safety 20 and inspections with the authority and procedures necessary to enforce the City's 21 skyway regulations. 22 23 24 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN 25 26 Section 1. 27 28 That Leg. Code § 140.06, entitled "Sales and performances" is hereby amended to z9 read: 30 31 Sec. 140.06.1 32 33 No group, entity or person shall promote, advertise or sell articles or conduct, 34 engage in or cause to be presented any type of exhibition, show, performance, 35 parade, race or entertainment in the pedestrian skyway system or other pedestrian 36 mall, or affix or cause to be affixed any type of banner or exterior sign to the skyway 37 bridges, unless such person, entity or group shall first have received a permit from 38 the ��••���• ^ ^ of safety and inspections. This 39 prohibition shali appiy irrespective of whether or not such person or group has a 40 license from the City of Saint Paul or other governmental body for such activity, a�-9�-5 41 except for advertising as permitted under section 140.07. 42 43 Before the department of safety and inspections may 44 issue aa� permits under this section, the ��department must develop 45 written rules or guidelines to govern such issuance, which rules shall be approved by 46 the Saint Paul City Council by resolution. Such rules and guidelines may properly 47 consider such factors as noise and traffic congestion in the pedestrian system and 48 may limit the number of permits granted per day or the size of groups allowed in the 49 pedestrian system, the nature of the activity or activities to be permitted and their 5o impact on unimpeded pedestrian passage within the pedestrian skyway system or 51 the locations in which such activities are carried on. The director of the department 52 of safetv and inspections in consultation with the chief of �,olice shall consider the 53 standards for issuance of a oermit as described in Saint Pau1 Legislative Code 54 Section 366A.06. 55 56 The rules may take into account the interests of a property owner or owners within 57 whose property the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall or part thereof is 58 located including the impact of nonpedestrian passage activity to be permitted upon 59 such owner's obligation to repair, maintain and secure the system or mail within the 60 owner's building and upon the owner's obligations to its tenants. The rules may 61 require a permittee to contract with the owner or manager of any building in which 62 the permitted activity will take place for utility, sanitary, janitorial, maintenance or 63 other service or services, and to provide casualty and liability insurance coverage 64 protecting the permittee, the city and the building owner against claim or loss 65 arising out of the permitted activity. However, the rules may not allow the 66 committee to arbitrarily or discriminatorily select one (1) group over another to 67 which to issue a permit, but this standard shall not prohibit selection of a permittee 68 by means of lottery or chance when circumstances require a limit to the number of 69 permits granted. The rules and guidelines as adopted by the city council shall be 7o reviewed periodically, and at least every two (2} years the skyway governance 71 committee shall submit its recommendations respecting rules changes. 72 73 The department of safety and inspections shali inform the CapitolRiver Council and 74 its Skvway Governance Advisory Committee within two (2) business davs of recei�t 75 of an application to use the skyway system utilizingthe applicable early warninq 76 notification system procedures as set forth in Admin. Code App. A-11. The 77 department of safety and inspections shall not issue a permit to use the sk�way 78 system until the department has received a recommendation from the Skywav 79 Governance Advisory Committee or until seven (� business davs have elapsed from 80 the date the notice of application was referred to the Committee without a 81 recommendation back from the Committee. 82 Sec. 140.06.2. Appeal procedure. 83 (a�Any applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial of a permit under this 84 section to the city council. The denied applicant shall make the a�peaf within five a�-�a� 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 l08 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 114 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 �5) days after receipt of the denial by filing a written notice with the department of safetv and insoections and a copy of the notice with the city clerk. The city council shall act upon the aopeal at the next scheduled meetin�followi�g receipt of the notice of appeal. (b) District Council 17 shall have the right to appeal the denial or apqroval of a permit to the city council. The district council shall make the a�peal within five (5) days after receiqt of the denial or approval by filing a written notice with the department of safetkand inspections and a coqv of the notice with the city clerk. The citv council shall act unon the apoeal at the next scheduled meeting following receipt of the notice of appeal. (c) In the event the citv council re�ects an applicant's appeal, the applicant may file an immediate request for review with a court of comoetent jurisdiction. Section 2 That Leg. Code § 140.10(6)(b), entitled °Safety requirements" is hereby amended to read: (6) On and after June 1, 1991, the owner of a building containing an element of the pedestrian skyway system shall provide, in the building owned, for the reasonable observation or surveillance of the portions of the pedestrian skyway system located by video cameras or by patrolling security personnel b. Patrolling security personnel used for observation or surveillance shali patrol during ail hours of skyway operation and the frequency of patrol shall be determined by the building owner. The building owner, when determining the frequency of patrols, shall consider the size and design of the skyway portion located in the building, the type of uses located in the building, incident trends and the means of surveillance implemented in adjoining structures. The department of safetv and ins�ections in consultation with the Sk wa Governance Advisorv Committee shall recommend minimum city standards for patrol and review for compliance to be approved by the city council. Section 3 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. D7��I� 129 � � :i �,' ,�;;, Benanav Bostrom Requested by Deparhnent of: ���, � Adopted by Council: Date �Q Adoption Certified by Coupcil Secretary / BY i // Approved May �: Date �� Z� O By: � �' � Thune ✓ Form Appro + y�ttomeY By: '�j... Form App , ed �yor for �b issio to Council B y' r .� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��-y� co -��� Contact Person & Pho�e: Councilmember Thune 266-8620 Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: Y DocumentCOntact: PatLindgren Contact Phone: 26E8621 18-JUL-07 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # ofiSignature Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Green Sheet NO: 3041970 0 ouncil 1 ouncil I Depar�entD'uector i 2 ,(,Sty Attorner I 3 'ty Clerk I 4 5 Amending Secrion 140.06 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code regularing conduct in the skyway system by deleting obsolete language and adding new language reflecting changes in the administraUVe process for regulating skyway wnduct. Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages lf Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: AMiviry Number: . . � �� S Gf W 1 LIIU( September 14, 2007 2:52 PM Page 1 _,,.�,.�.-.>v.. .x �,.. ��H-:�GF--k}�-9Zk�GYee :x :Skeete 30;419� `QRDINANCE ITY OF SAIt�TT PAUL. MINN Council File # ) �1 � �-�j� Green Sheet # 3043361 � [1i' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A�DINANCE AMENDING LEGISLATIVE CODE § `�40.06 REGULATING CONDUCT IN THE SKYWAY SYSTEM BY D�LETING OBSOLETE LANGUAGE AND ADDING NEW LAIV�UAGE REFLECTING CHANGES IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE k PROCESS FOR REGULATING SKYWAY CONDUCT LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND. In Council File No. 96-1486, the City Council repealed the ordinance establisli�ing the Skyway Governance Committee. However, Council File No. 96-1486 failed to.. all references to the Skyway Governance Committee contained in L�g. Code Chap. 140. The purpose of this ordinance amendment is to remove th�e references from Chap. 140. In addition, in Council File No. 06-977, the Council aecepted an invitation from the Capitol River Council to estabfish within that Council, a��ay Governance Advisory Committee whose purpose would be to advise the Ci Council and City staff on issues relating to the skyway system. The resolution acc � ted the invitation with the express provision that the City retained all of its exciusi e police powers to enforce skyway regulations and permit processes. Further, the City�code has recently consolidated its various code enforcement divisions into a single de�artment of safety and inspections. It is also the purpose of the amendments herein'�o provide the new department of safety and inspections with the authority and proced ��res necessary to enforce the City's skyway regulations. � TIiE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1. That Leg. Code § 140.06, entitled ��Sales and performan read: Sec. 140.06.1 hereby amended to No group, entity or person shall promote, advertise or sell arti�Jes or conduct, engage in or cause to be presented any type of exhibition, show, perf'�.rmance, parade, race or entertainment in the pedestrian skyway system or othe�,pedestrian mall, or affix or cause to be affixed any type of banner or exterior sign to�the skyway bridges, unless such person, entity or group shall first have received a perr�it from the department of safety and inspections. This prohibition shall apply irrespective of whether or not such person or group has'a license from the City of Saint Paul or other governmental body for such activity, ���"� �� ��� � �s�� HEREBY ORDAIN � � � b� � q 2�5 41 cept for advertising as permitted under section 140.07. 42 43 Before he department of safe� and inspections may 44 issue permits under this section, the �,",�deoartment must develop 45 written ru s or guidelines to govern such issuance, which rules shali be approved by 46 the Saint Pa ,I City Council by resolution. Such rules and guidelines may properly 47 consider such actors as noise and trafFic congestion in the pedestrian system and 48 may limit the n mber of permits granted per day or the size of groups allowed in the 49 pedestrian syste ,, the nature of the activity or activities to be permitted and their 5o impact on unimpe , d pedestrian passage within the pedestrian skyway system or 51 the locations in whi , such activities are carried on. The director of the department 52 of safet and ins ecti� s in consultation with the chief of olice shall consider the 53 standards for issuance a ermit as described° in Saint`Paufi Le islatiVe Co 54 Section 366A.06. A - ����� ��� � � 55 56 The rules may take into accou the interests of a property owner or owners within 57 whose property the pedestrian s way system or pedestrian mall or part thereof is 58 located including the impact of no edestrian passage activity to be permitted upon 59 such owner's obligation to repair, ma' tain and secure the system or mall within the 60 owner's building and upon the owner's bligations to its tenants. The rules may 61 require a permittee to contract with the o ner or manager of any building in which 62 the permitted activity will take place for uti 'ty, sanitary, janitorial, maintenance or 63 other service or services, and to provide cas Ity and liability insurance coverage 64 protecting the permittee, the city and the builc�'eng owner against claim or loss 65 arising out of the permitted activity. However, t rules may not allow the 66 committee to arbitrarily or discriminatorily selec�e (1) group over another to 67 which to issue a permit, but this standard shall not rohibit selection of a permittee 68 by means of lottery or chance when circumstances r uire a limit to the number of 69 permits granted. The rules and guidelines as adopted the city council shall be 70 reviewed periodically, and at least every two (2) years t e skyway governance 71 committee shall submit its recommendations respecting r les changes. 72 73 The department of safety and inspections shall inform tl 74 its Skyway Governance Advisory Committee within two 75 of an application to use the sk�wav system utilizing the 76 notification system procedures as set forth in Admin. Cc 77 department of safety and inspections shall not issue a� 78 svstem until the department has received a recommenc 79 Governance Advisory Committee or until seven (7) busi 80 the date the notice of application was referred to the Cc r �1� &� d ��, �"� � 81 recommendation back from the Committee. `'�:,, 82 Sec. 140.06.2. Appeal procedure. ` 83 (a) Any applicant shall have the riqht to appeal the denial of a permit under this 84 section to the citv council. The denied applicant shall make the appeal within five 6�-�l 2� (5) days after receipt of the deniai bv filing a written notice with the department of 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 loo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 l08 109 110 111 ii2 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 lzo 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Section 2 That Leg. Code § 140.10(6)(b);�entitled ��Safety requirements" is hereby amended to read: (6) On and after June 1, 1991, the wner of a building containing an element of the pedestrian skyway system s II provide, in the building owned, for the reasonable observation or surveill ce of the portions of the pedestrian skyway system located by video car�ras or by patrolling security personnel. / �� � ' L �� ��� b. Patrolling security p' rsonnel used for observation or surveillance shall patrol during al ours of skyway operation and the frequency of patrol shall be det mined by the building owner. The building owner, when determinin the frequency of patrols, shall consider the size and design of th skyway portion located in the building, the type of uses located in e building, incident trends and the means of surveillance impl ented in adjoining strucCures. The deqartment of safetv and in'�ections in Governance Advisorv Committee shall recomm standards for patrol and review for compliance the city councif. Section 3 minimum city e approved by This ordinance shall become efFective thirty (30) days after its passage, approva4 and publication. f��-��� 129 Adoption Cer[ified by Council Secretary B Approved by Mayor: Date � Requested by By: Form App� By: v Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �. � By: �� \ Adopted by Council: Date � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 6reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ���d J co ' -���� CoMact rson & Phone: Dave une 266-862 Must Be on Co cil Agen OSSEP-07 Doc. Type: ORDI CE E-Document Required: � DocumentContact: E Contact Phone: : ToW I# of Signature Page�. I 27-AUG-07 � � � � Assign � y (Date): Number i For Routing Order Benson 20 �\ Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3043361 0 ooncil 1 ouocil , De arhnent Director 2 'tvAttoruey � CtityAttorneV 3 i Clerk C� Qerk 4 I 5 An ordinan,¢e-amending Secrion I�6 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code regularing conduct in the skyway systetn by deleting obsolete language and adding new lan age. Planning Commission 1. Has this person/frtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission �,, 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No ��.3. Does ihis personlfirm possess a skill ttot rrormally possessed by any '`tcurrent city employee? "e, `7es No Expia�n all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: i Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial I nformation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. � � � � ' ��' August 27, 2007 2:10 PM Page 1 . . . . . ist<'.:!::`:3 r+r,.�-,-.M.+r \ ��� � ��.