07-779Council File # �7 �% Green Sheet # 3042161 Presented ORDINANC� �q OF S,�pINT PAUL, JKIIINNESOTA 1 An ordinance creating new legislation entitled "Department of Emergency Management" which 2 permits the creation of an executive Depardnent of Emergency Management. The new section shall 3 be numbered Administrafive Code Chapter 9A. 4 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � 1 Section 1 11 Chapter 9A. Denartment of Emergencv ManaEement 12 13 Sec. 9A.01. Department established. 14 There is herebv established an executive department of the Citv of Saint Paul to be known as the 15 depariment of emereencv management. The head of such deparhnent shall be the emergency manaQement 16 director, who shall be appointed by the mavor in accordance with the vrovisions of the City Charter and 17 shall have such aualifications as the council mav by ordinance provide. 18 19 Sec. 9A.02. Deuartment functions. 20 The department shall be responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and administration of a 21 comnrehensive emergencv management and homeland securitv nroaram within the city, and shall perform 22 the following functions: 23 � Coordinate the citv's emereencv and contin e�ncyplanning efforts. 24 �b Direct the development and implementation of emergencv and contin�encv plans for: the 25 miti�ation and prevention of natural, technolo�ical, man-made, and terrorist threats and 26 hazards; citvwide preoaredness efforts and nrotective measures; disaster response actions; 27 continuity of essenrial operations; and disaster recovery and restoration actions. 28 � Implement federal, state and reeaonal emer¢encv manaeement and homeland securitv mandates, 29 strategies, and pro�ram requirements citvwide. 30 � Promote civic, corporate, familv, and �ersonal disaster preparedness and participation activities. 31 � Ensure intee�ation of city emereency manaeement and homeland securitv efforts with federal, 32 state, and reeional aeencies and orQanizations and surroundin� iurisdicfions, and support 33 re¢ional collaboration beneficial to the ciYy's abili to miti ag te, prepare for, resnond to and 34 recover from emergencies and disasters. 35 �f Analvze risk and assess threats posed bv natural, man-made, technological, and terrorist hazards 36 and develop and implement plans, secure resources, conduct training and exercises, and build 37 response partnerships to conect anv deficiencies in citv capabilities, readiness. and resources. 38 � Plan, coordinate, and deliver public safe training and conduct emergencv nrenaredness 39 exercises to test and evaluate city disaster readiness, response, and recovery activities. 40 �h Coordinate the prepazation, submission and management of regional, state, and federal 41 homeland securitv and emerQencv management-related �rants. equipment donarion programs 42 and assistance citywide• o�-��q 43 Q 44 45 46 47 � 48 49 50 k� 51 52 53 � 54 55 � 56 57 58 59 Section 2 60 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and 61 publication. 62 � 6' Benanav Bostrom Thune ✓ Adopted by Council: Date � °` ' Requested by Deparhnent o£ � � t]a'�-- x 8� �En`t f=�Cy��Q�R,W� BY '�' �. F Approved ` b S y�City�ttorn��� �' � � �� y' 4�' Adoprion Certified by Co il Secretazy Form Ap o ed yor for miss� n to Council By: ' g � Approved b Date �� / 0 By: Coordinate the development and implementation of mutual aid agreements. Emergency Mana�ement Assistance Com�act agreements, and resource mana�ement systems to support the prompt, efficient, and safe delivery and receipt of resources during tnnes of emerQencies or disaster. Maintain and operate the Citds Emer e�nCy Operations Center, and assist and support the mavor to coordinate citywide response and recovery actions during and following an emergencv or disaster situation. Alert and notif�he public of imnendin� emer�encies or disasters, maintain and operate a communitv wauun� siren svstem or other alert and notificarion svstems, and nrovide duection and instructions to the public during emer¢encv or disaster situations. Possess the nolice nowers necessarv to carrv out the duties imposed upon them bv law, while enga�ed in the service of emereencv mana¢ement. Appoint additional assistants as necessarv and authorized to carrv out the above assignments. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �7 FR —F'se CoMact Person & Phone: Tim Butler 228-62'I5 musz ne on 01-AUG-07 Doc. Type: ORDINANGE E•OOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Elizabeth Davis Gontact Phwie: 266-8588 z�,��-0� ; Green Sheet NO: 3042161 � I uepartmenc aen� � o rerson 0 FSre � Assign i 1 e I DeDarfinentDirector Number q iryAttornev For Routing 3 a o1s OSce Ma odASSistant Order d ',Council I � 5 'ri Qerk I CStY Clerk I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) An ordinance amending the Saint Paui Administrative Code by creating new legislation enfitled "Department of Emergency Management" which permits the crearion of an executive Department of Emergency Management. �aauons: Hpprove (HJ or KeJeCi (K): rersonal Service Gontl'ac[5 must wnswer tne Following questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIBCommittee Yes No , Givil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employeel Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: DisadvaMages if Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial information: (Explain) GosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: July 25, 2007 1:07 PM Page 1