07-424Council File # D ���/� � Green Sheet # 3038893 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Selby Area Comm Dev Corp Inc duly petitioned to rezone 940 Selby Ave, being legally described as SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, LOT 5 BLK 3; SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL THE W 17 FT OF LOT 3& ALL OF LOT 4 IN BLOCK 3 Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) 022823210159 and 022823210243; from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on February 15, 2007, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 23, 2007, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Councii on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on March 21, 2007, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on April 18, 2007, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 19, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 940 Selby Ave, being more particularly described as: Councii File # Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 7 y SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL LOT 5 BLK 3 and SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL THE W 17 FT OF LOT 3& ALL OF LOT 4 IN BLOCK 3 be and is hereby rezoned from B2 to TN1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ����. �,.�> � Requested by Department of: Approved b i or Sub is 'on Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary •�� � � / / { ��.::�'�� ������. , By: Adopted by Council: Date: �/� O Form Approv by City Attomey By: ��!^�/YnM� 1'!4-0� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � o�-y�y . - -- --------- ' PE -P,� �,�-,�R-o� i Green Sheet NO: 3038893 � Contact Person 8 Phone: h Patricia James ! 266-6639 � Must Be on Council Agen Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Documefrt Required: Y DocumentContact: PatriciaJames � Assign Numbu For Routing Order 0 Plannine&EconomicDeveloomei PatriciaJames IA�'1-I°1.o 7 —"— { 1 lanoin & Economic Develo me� Cecle Bedor 2 'N Attornev Ciry Attorney '� '� _ �� 3 yor's Office MaYOr/Assistan[ i 4 ouncil I Commcil 5 City Clerk GSri Clerk Contact Phone: 266-6639 ToWI # of Signature Pages 1_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Adopt ordinance memorializing CiTy Council action approving the rezoning from B2 (Communiry Business) to TNl (Traditional Neighborhood) for property at 940 Selby Ave. between Chauworth & Milton (ZF#07-013-828). Public hearing held April 18, 2007. �danons: npprove (A) or rte�ect (K): rersonai service wntracu must nnswer me rouowmg c,suesnons: Planning Commission 7. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No - 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any , current city employee? Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Selby Area Communiry Development Corporation, Inc. requested a rezoning of this property to TNl to consh 4 live-work units and 4 townhouse units. The City Council approved the rezoning on April 18, 2007, afrer a public hearing. AdvantageslfApproved: Resoning ordinance will be adopted per Ciry Council intent. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvant�qes If Not Approved: CiTy Council acUOn will not be completed. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding 5ource: Financial Information: (Explain) t�in Cost/Revenue Budgetetl: Activity Number: �� r,t � ��; LOEi4 .s ��, Apri119,20079:14AM Page1 �q°�� �--������� # DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecile Bulor, Director Q U 7- CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Christopher B. Caleman, Mayor March 16, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: �t�R G �' ��a 1 would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, 2007, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: 07-013-828 Selby Area Community Development Corp Selby Area Comm Dev Corp Inc 940 Selby Ave, between Chatsworth & Milton Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 7- 0, February 15, 2007 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, February 23, 2007 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the April 11, 2007, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. I _ ��i.�.�`� Patricia James City Planner CC: File #: 07-013-828 Applicant: Seiby Area Comm Dev Corp Inc , Stephanie Hawkinson, PED Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson ZS West Fourth Slreet SaintPaul, MN55l0? Telephone: 651-266-6700 Fncsimi[e: 65/-?28-3220 ;,.., - � ,.: .._ " -- _ BOTICE OF HTBIdC HI:ARING - 19�e Saint Paul City Cotmc3l will con- duM a public hearing on WednesdaY, APril la. 2007 at s:3o p.m. in the c:ty councu CLambets. 3rd Floor, (,tity HaIl / Court- � house, 15 W. Keflogg Boulevand> St PaU1. NIN to consida the application of �Selby - Area Commun#y Development C`.orpora- tion M ivune propetty at,940 Selby Ave- nue @etween Chatswor[h and Milion �ers) from sz (commt,ntty susmessl to. _. -1tv1 [irdaitional xeig�torhooal. Ezoning �ile Dro. m-0�s-a2sl . Dated: March 21, ?A07 . . bfARY ERICISSON, - - � Ass3stanYGlty Councit Secrefiaiy . � �l�rarch-2s) _ ST.PAULIBGAL�L�d+'R, 22134770 ' i� . AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & � ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT CecileBedor, Di�ector ���„�� D�-��� '�i\T V L I, � ���� � CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Chrzstopher B. Coleman, Mayor P.oril 9. 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 310 City Hall �aini Paui, iviinnesoia 55 i 02 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: City Councii Hearinq: Staff Recommendation: District Council: ZSWestFourthSireei Telephone:651-266-6J00 SaintPcul,NLN55702 FacszmiZe:6�/-228-3220 07-013-828 Selby Area Community Development Corp Selby Area Comm Dev Corp Inc 940 Seiby Ave, between Chatsworth & Milton Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) April 18, 2007. 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers Approval District 8 recommended recommended approval Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 7- 0 Support: 1 person spoke in support and 2 letters were received. Opposition: 1 person spoke in opposition and 0 letters were received. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval recommended, vote: unanimous Deadline for Action March 26, 2007, extended to May 25, 2007 Staff Assigned: Attachments: Patricia James, 651-266-6639 ,�'� Planning Commission resolution: 07-12 Planning Commission minutes, February 23, 2007 Zoning Committee minutes, February 15, 2007 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File 07-013-828 Applicant: Seiby Area Comm Dev Corp Inc City Council Members District Council: 8 Wendy Lane Larry Soderhoim � Alian Torstenson Peter Warner nn-nDe-ESO E�ioy� a �- �a-� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 07-12 date Februarv 23, 2007 WHEREAS, Selby Area Community Development Corporaiion, inc., File � 07-013-828, has applied for a rezoning from B2 (Community Business) fo TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) under the provisions of § 61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code, on property located at 940 Selby Ave, Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) 022823210159 and 022823210243; SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ADDITION Tv TLIC �ITV �C �T D�I II I �T F R`t! R- C�AITL.J R�:� T RYLOR�v �vviT�v�� Tv Ti'iE viTY vF vT. PAUI THE W 17 FT OF LOT 3& ALL OF LOT4 IN BLOCK 3; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee ofthe Planning Commission, on February 15, 2007, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant fo said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the eudence presented to its Zoning Committee atthe public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact_ The applicant is proposing to purchase the eastem portion of this site from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and construct 8 ownership townhouse units. Four units located along Selby Ave. will include commercial space on the first floor (live-work units). Four units located at the rear of the site will be constructed by Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. This project cannot be constructed under the existing B2 zoning. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. This block of Selby Avenue contains a mix of residential and commercial uses. The intent of the TN1 district is "to provide for ... mixed-use areas of limited size...that primarily serve neighborhood needs. It is also intended to serve as a transitional use of land along majorthoroughfares, between commercial ...districts and residentiaf districts....° Rezoning this property from B2 fo TN1 is consistent with creating a transition between the retaii use on the comer and the residential uses west of this relatively small site. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Housing Chapterof the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 5.2 states: Promote good design solutions for housing that meets newer market needs and complements existing Saint Paul neighboihoods, designs thaf use the smaller development sites creafively and that provide fo�housing in mixed-use neighborhood centers. The Selby Avenue Small Area Plan (1997) states that ...requests for rezoning should 6 granted or denied based on a determination of whether or not the proposed residential or business development will improve the mixed use character of Se/by Avenue. The proposed live/work units permitted under TN 1 zoning will improve the mixed use character of Selby. � 2. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui Planning Commission, �ecommends to City Council, that the application of Selby Area Community Development Corporation, Inc for a rezoning from H2 (Communify Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighbofiood) for property at 940 Selby Ave be approved. moved by Morton seconded by � in favor Unanimous � against o�-��-� i Saint Panl Planning Commission City HaIl Conference Center �: i�nt; ,.,. ;i,...� � -�j ls�� ' Minutes February 23, 2007 � � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 23, 2007, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioi,ers Absent: Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Lu, Morton, Smitten, and; and Messrs. Alton, Bellus, Dandrea, Goodlow, Johnson, Kramer, Nelson and Rosemark. Mmes. *McCall, *Porter, '�Trevino and Messrs. *Commers, *C�dahy, *Gordon, *Kong, and "Mejia, "Excused Also Presenf: Lazry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Pa�icia James, Donna Drammond, Lucy Thompson, Menitt Clapp-Smith, Luis Pereira, Yang Zhang, 7essica Rosenfeld, Andrew Jacobson (intem), and Kate Flemmg, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. � � Approval of minutes February 9, 2007. MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of Februavy 9, 2007. CommissionerMot-ton seconded the motion. The motion carried un¢nimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair Alton'announced Commissioner Commers had a baby daughter on February 17, 2007, and expressed his congratulations. " � Planning Administrator's Annonncements Lazry Soderholm reported on planning-related business at the City Council for last week and their agenda for next week 1 � Zoning Committee NEW BUSINESS # 07-017-118 KinQdom Pathways. Freedom Iiouse —Rezoning from R4 (One-Family Residential) znd RTl (Two-Family Residential) to RMl (I.ow Density Multiple-Pamily Residential). d26 Oxford St N, i�TE come; ai Fu�ler and 1038 Aurora Avenue. (Luis Perei�a. G�1/lG6-G5J1) iVIOTION: Commissioner Mortorx moved tke Zonitzg Committee's recommendation to deny fhe rezoning. The motion carried unanirnously orx a voice vote. n 07-0 i7-129 Kinzdom Pathways, Freedom House — Conditional Use Permit for two �ansitional housing faciliries with 14 residents (Oxford) and 7 residents (Aurora). 426 Oxford St N, IQE comer at Fuller and 1038 Aurora Avenue; (Luis.Pereira, 651/266-6591). MO'I'ION: CommissionerMorton moved tkeZoning CommiKee's recommendation to der:y the conditionaL use permit The motion carried unaximozrsiy on a voice votz � 07-013-828 Selbv Area Communitv DeveIonment Corooration — Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TNl (Traditionzl Nei�borhood). (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Corrimissioner Mot2on moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the r-ezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. # 07-017-328 Selbv Area Communitv Development Comoration — Variances of parking (14 spaces required, 8 spaces proposed) and side yazd setback (6 ft. required, 3 ft. proposed on east side, and Sft. and 3 ft. proposed on west side} foi an eight-unit mixed use development. 940 Se1by Avenue between Chatsworth & Nlitton. (Pafricia 3ames, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Corrzmissioner Morton moved fhe Zoning Commiftee's recommenilation to approve the variances with conditions. Tke motion carried uaaniinousZy on a voice vote. Commissioner Moiton announced the Zoning Committee Agenda for the Mazch 1, 2007 meeling. V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Cominissioner poanelly-Cohen gave the Comprehensive Planning Committee report. The cominittee met on February 20, 2007, and discussed staff recommendations for the management of vegetation in the Mississippi River C4itical Area Regulations. 'The next committee will be on March 20, ZOb7 and they will continue discussing the Critical Area regulations. The committee is shooting for a Planning Commission pubFig haaring on flris sometime in May: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen said the committee also discussed how to deal with crossover topics that will be significant in more than one chapter of the comprehensive pian, for:exaxnple; sustainabilily, the Centrai Corridor, the Invest Saint Paul program, and city fiscal issues. The committee decided not to hold sepazate multi-�ask force meetings, but instead to assign primary responsibilityfor each topic to one of the comp plan task forces and have the task forces invite members of otker planning task forces to thea discussion of a crossover issue. Z . , . .. . - a7-��� i . � i � • put a lot of emphasis oa transportation. Cominissione* Rosemark gzve a b:ief report on the Ford Si:e PIa. Task Force meeting on Febr�a-� 20, 2007. They discussed the charge to ihe task fo:ce, the history oi the Fo: d Plant site, zoning, and fhe proposed revisions in the Critical A: ea ove:lay zoning that is cu:rently unde* *e� '!`r.e next ;. eeti-�e �-nii ;�e on March �, 2007: i± will be a�osio-ing sessio� to esce�li�h 1P_li,ia. gOa�S'dIlQ �LLi(lllle J'-iIlGiUi2.S. X. Old Business i�0iic XI New Business None XIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:27 a.m. Recorded and prepared by � Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, 1� " ' ' Larry S d hoim, AICP Planning Administrator PED�Fleming�February 23, 2007 � • . .. "_ . " _ . 5 b�-�� � Approved � � U7 ate) Mari1 Porter Secretary of the Pl g Commission a�-�-�-� • MiNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 3:30 p.m. City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 Wesf Keltogg Boulevard PRcSENT: Alion, Donneily-Cohen, Faricy, Gordon, Jonnson, Kramer, and Nlor[o„ EXCUSED: Mejia (left eariy) CT�FF_ Kata Flamin� Patrir.ia Jamac anri Pator\Namar The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Se{by Area Community Development Corp - 07-013-828 - Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood), 940 Selby Ave, beiween Chatsworth & Milton Patricia James presenfed the stati repert with a recommendation of approvai for the Rezoning. Ms. James also stated District 8 recommended approval, and there were 2 letters in support, and no letters in opposition. At the question of the commissioners, Ms. James stated the maximum height permitted in a � TN1 zone is 35 feet. All the buildings would remain in one associafion, and the variance appiies to the group of eight units. Additional parking in front of the garages and in the courtyard could be used, although they are not official spaces that meet code requirements. The app�icant, Art Weddington, Selby Area CDC, explained what they would like to accomplish in the community, including affordable housing, working with Habitat for Humanity, community engagement, business, commerce, etc. Upon the question of the commissioners, Mr. Weddington explained the units will be ownership units. He stated if would be possible to get a maintenance easement from the owners to the east and west of the property. The Selby Commons parking lot across Milton would allow extra parking, and it is about 200 feet from the property. Gar Hargens, the architect, stated there was an agreement when the Cify soid the property for the parking lot to the east that the parking would be shared. Mary Bradley, 937 Hague Ave., stated tfiat her concerns were the number of buildings on the site and the aesthetic effect that the project would have on the neighborhood. Upon questions of the commissioners, Gar Hargens explained the layout of the bui(dings and noted they were very concerned about the livability of the houses for families. He afso stated they do meet the code. He also stated that the existing large tree was a cottonwood, and wouid be removed because it is a liability. The public hearing was closed. • °���� Z. F. ,`: 07-013-828 February 15, 2007, Zoning Committee Minutes Page 2 of 2 After further discussion pertaining to the development and ifs impact on the neighborhood, Commissioner Richard Kramer moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Kafhi Donnelly- Cohen seconded the motion. The mo±ion passed by a vote ef 7-0-0. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0() Abstained - 0{) Drafted by: � S b itted by: Approved by: ��� r � Caroi Martineau Patricia James Gladys orton Recording Secrefary Zoning Section Chair s � � � Board of Direceors cn�� Steve W�wn—Hallie Q. &own Communiry Cenrer v��z cna�r Amy Michael Mitheile Beeman Secrerary T w� ��en TimJoriuen Ramsey Hill Pszxiavon Community Improvement and Safery. Chair Richard "Woody" Erickson Nelghborhood Developmen�, Chair n„ay Mo.� Communications and Oweach, Chair Dan Duddingrton Lutherzn Church of ihe � emer ie Hughes Selby Area Business assoaario� cari N��o� Uniry Church - Unitarian Pauline Eichten Fances coodfrn„ San Gardner Marqu"rtta {tansom Richard peinbaum Harry Oda Wendy Underwaod Mary Gard�rer Cristy Kruse Rosalie Moore Heide PFlaum � Charisaa Bryanc Kal el-ENendi i February 7, 2007 Ms. Patricia James Saint Paul PED 140C C::y Ha!! Annex 25 W est 4Th Street Saint Paui, MN 55102 Re: File 07-013-828 — 07-017-328 , .I.... .�I tV»� y�n�nca I ifOfil BG i0 i iv i, rair.ii �y Vai �ai iCc, .�i.,cy3f.. 52.......... 940 Selby Avenue Ms. James, v � � 7d" I'm contacting to you today to express ihe support of the Summit-University Planning Council for the proposed Live/Work development and Habitat for Humanity housing at 940 Selby Avenue. The Neighborhood issues Committee of the Planning Council heid a pubtic meeting on this issue on January 16, 2007. Prior to the meeting, the Councii distributed fliers to the residents surrounding the proposed developm2nt, as weli as posting the meeting on our Web site and distributing over 300 emaiis to neighbors. We had several neighbors attend that meeting, many expressing questions and concerns about the project scope, the parking impact on the neighborhood, design questions and more. Representatives from the Seiby Area CDC provided in depth information and those present expressed support for the project by the end of the meeting. This information was forwarded to the Summit-University Planning Council Board of Directors meeting on January 23. The full Board heard from Art Weddington at the Seiby Area CDC regarding this project, and we noted the inciusion of the cail for Live/Work housing in the Summit-U Comprehensive Pian. After discussion, the Board voted to support this project without objection. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Please let me kndw if you have any questions. Sincerefy, Steve Bo►and Executive Director 627 Selby Avenue - Saint Pauf, MN 55104 � Voice 651-228-1855 — Fax 651-225-I 108 httpJ/www.Summit-U.com — info@Summit-U.com 3 28/2007 Patricia James - Selb CDC Project Pa e 1 D?-� From: "1768devon i" <devoni@hdtmail.com> Zo: <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 2/7/2007 1:26 PM Subject: Selby CDC Project Dear Pafricia, i'm writing with comments pertaining fo the Selby CDC project. My husband and I live in the neighborhood at 912 Hague Ave. and recently attended fhe public hearing on Selby Area CDC's proposed project between Chatsworth and Milton. We are fully in favor of adding additional well-designed units to �ti;� tii��� ±har ?�o ?ff�,r��bly oriced to meet the needs of a range of low-and moderate income individuals that wish to become homeowners. We are in favor of rezoning from 82 to TN1 as well as the proposed parking variance and side yard setback variance. We continue to encourage development along Selby Avenue that will bring additional homeownership and affordable rentai opportunities to the community as these residents will in turn patronize and support small business along the Avenue and throughout St. Paul. Increasing the density of the Avenue and encouraging transft use is important to us as residents of this micro-community and the wider City of St. Paul. We applaud any project that combines a commitment to providing well-designed affordable housing with an opportunity to link residents to efificient transit Iines, in this case the 21 line of MeVo Transit (or bike and pedestrian options which are numerous throughout the neighborhood). Thank you for notiifying residents of this opportunity to provide comments, and please don't hesitate to confact us. Sincerely, Devon M. Pohiman David C. Pohlman 651-222-0020 From predictions to trailers, check out the MSN Entertainment Guide to the Academy Awards� http://movies.msn.com/movies/oscars2007/? icid=ncoscartagline1 � . • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN'I ,,,,,,_„ Cecile Bedor Di�ectar cz� oF sa�rr pau� Chrutooher B. Coleman, 1✓layor 25 F�es1 Fowih Stree[ Sam� Pau1, MN 55102 Telephone. 65I-266-6700 F¢csim tle: 65I -228-3220 March 16, 2007 Sc�.�', ��82 �0^,m �lcy i�nrn In� y i —�r Attn: Art Weddington 801 Selby Ave St Paui MN 55104-6621 Citv Of Saint Paul = PED Attn: Ms Stephanie Hawkinson 25 4th St W Suite 12 St Paul MN 55102 RE: Zoning File # 07-013-828, Selby Area Community Development Corp Dear Mr. Weddington: On January 25, 2007, you applied to rezone property at 940 Selby Ave. from 62 to TN2. After a public hearing by the Saint Paul Piannir.g Commission's Zoning Committee on February 15, 2007, the Commission voted to recommend approval recommended of your request on Feb 23, 2007. ` The Planning Commission's recommendation is being forwarded to the Cify Council for their action. Ninnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that ail city action on zoning applications be compieted within 60 days of the date the application is made, but allows the City to extend this period for an additional 60 days (total of 120 days). in order to accommodate the City Council public hearing on your rezoning, which is also required by state law, the City of Saint Paul is hereby extending the deadline for action from March 26, 2007 (original 60 day deadline) to May 25, 2007 (additional 60 day deadline). The City Council public hearing on this rezoning has been scheduled for April 18, 2007. At this fime it appears that City Council action will occur before the extended deadline for action. Please contact me at 651-266-6639 or patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions. Sinc ��� � � �� Patricia James City Planner cc: File # 07-013-828 Zoning Administrator License Inspector ' District 8 Community Council � AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER � � � ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT �� ��`� 1. FILE NAME: Selby Area Community Development Corp FILE #: 07-013-828 2. APPLICANT: Selby Area Community Development Corp HEARING DATE: February 15, 2007 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning-Council 4. LOCATION: 940 Selby Ave, between Chatsworth & Milton 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 022823210159, 022823210243; SMITH AND TAYLOR'S ,^,DDi � iON TO � � ic Ci � 1' 0= ST. P�UL, LOT � o�K 3, SiVii i H AND TAYLOR'S ADviTiON TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL THE W 17 F7 OF LOT 3& ALL OF LOT 4 IN BLOCK 3 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: § 66.300; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: February 7, 2007 EXISTING ZONING: B2 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEIVED: January 25, 2007 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 26, 2007 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) B. PARCEL SIZE: 97 ft. (Seiby) x 106 ft. = 10,282 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: The property is currently vacant. D. SURRCUNDING LAND USE: North: Low to medium density residential (RM2) East: Commercial and parking (B2) South: Low density residential (RT1) West: Low to medium density residential (RM2) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.300 includes the intent of the TN districts as well as a list of uses permitted and density and dimensional standards; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There is no zoning history for this property. The applicant is also requesting variances for this project (Z.F. # 07-017-328). G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 8 recommends approval of the rezoning and the variances. H. FINDINGS: 2. 3. The applicant is proposing to purchase the eastern portion of this site from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and construct 8 ownership townhouse units. Four units located along Selby Ave. will include commercial space on the first floor (live-work units). Four units located at the rear of the site will be constructed by Twin Cities Habifat for Humanity. This project cannot be constructed under the existing 62 zoning. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. This block of Selby Avenue contains a mix of residential and commercial uses. The intent of the TN1 district is "to provide for ... mixed-use areas of limited size...that primarily serve neighborhood needs. It is also intended to serve as a transitional use of land along major thoroughfares, between commercial ...districts and residential districts...." Rezoning this property from B2 to TN1 is consistent with creating a transition between the retail use on the corner and the residenfial uses west of this relatively small site. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 5.2 states: Promote good design solutions for housing that meets newer market needs and compiements existing Saint Paul neighborhoods, designs that use fhe smaller devetopment sites creatively and that provide for housing in mixed-use neighborhood centers. The Selby Avenue Smali Area Plan (1997) states that Z. F. # 07-013-828 0 � ��� Zoning Commiftee Staff Report Page 2 of 2 ...requests fro rezoning should b granted or denied based on a determination of whether � or not the proposed residential or business development will improve the mixed use characterofSefbyAvenue. The proposed livelwork units permitted underTN1 zoning will improve the mixed use character of Selby. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood). � � � PETIT[ON TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE � j Deparhnent ofPlanning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1400 City Hall Arznex - - - 25 West FnuRh Street Saint Pau1, !Y1N 551 02-1 634 (65I) 266-6589 � o�-��-� PropertyOwner Seiby Area Cor.m,iuni�y Developmea� Corporation Address 626 Selby Aveaue ' APPLICANT C ��, St. ?aul St. MN Zi 55104 p DaytimePhone 6�291-7204 ^ontacf Person (ifdifferent) Lisa Kugler �� 6i2 - o2 7-2189 I Address/Location 930 and 940 Selby Avenue PROPERTY LOCATION LegalDescription west 17 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4(HRA Owned) and Lot 5(SACDC owned} , all in CurrentZoning B 2 (attach addifional sheet if necessary) alock 3, Smitn & 2aylor� s Addition TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 61.800 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Selby Area Community Dev' t C orp . , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to f Mezone the above described property from a B 2 zoning district to a TN 1 zoning district, for!he purpose of: building 8 ownership townhouses; 4 units to be built by Habitat for Humanity and 4 Live/WOrk units facing Selby Avenue to include a 400 square foot store£ront space, intended for commercial use. r�� ,-, / '��, LAURA L. ECF�RT Notazy PublioMihnesota - rm.:' MY�ommistionE�i'ee.l�st.zwo (attacfi additianal sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: Site Plan X Consent Petition N/A Subscribed an� $wom to before me �� this � � day of January .2007 � ���� ��-�-,6I_ � w� ^!� `� � � � d�� c1w..�� a,ar,. do�7. Affidavit N/A v _ // Co r. ey: Title: Executive 'I � ry o � �c LAURJI EL�ADETN BOLST , NOTpRY PUBLIGMINNESOTA� MY Cmm:szon E.pves kn. 37.2010 � • •••� ••u• � • �MpMMAwMMAnlnnn�e v � ���a :�� 2 � _ �1 �� '� �s II.✓ �- LU � Z u X / Y M � W � � � ulNtiK anN�n� uol�iw . 0 � � �a� � 3 n€ F i�E a � OU ��3 Um� SfE N ��v a, _ � 0 � � i � Q L � U � � � y � � � y � Q N = � � �0 _: > � � Q ILQ ��s�ry F sy � � \ N N = c�aN�.— O �=�Ul o� � � � i � T � � � Q m w a �3 _ � � � o�-�ay � __.. - - �� �� =�. =_`-` �: ���'���� 62�Se`i�°.�vcr�e"���?�e�_�i�5{3FU��5��1=2�}? r?I)=��.c���>��c�ere-eed�aF� SUPPORTING INFORMATION - APPLICATION FOR ZONING VARIANCE - 940 SELBY TOWNHOMES Project Description The Selby Area CDC has proposed 8 for-sale townhouse units to be built on vacant land on the south side of Selby Avenue between Chatsworth and Milton. A portion of the property is owned by the HRA and a portion by Selby Area CDC. Selby Area CDC was designated as developer for the HRA land in November 2006. Finding an appropriate and feasible design for this site has taken more than two years. This pian supports commercial development afong Selby by re-inventing the "live over fhe shop" design fhaf worked wel( in fF�e pasf and can now serve the increasing number of people who work at home. Partnering with Habitat ensures that i � , half the units are affordable homeownership, a long-standing neighborhood goal. Two types of units will be built: one row of four �ive/Work units facing Selby Avenue and one row of four Habitat homes facing the interior courtyard. All are.three stories, with flat roofs, in keeping with the height of the adjacent buiidings. The Live/VVork units include a 400 square foof storefront commercial space on the first floor, suifable for as gall2ry, studio or office space. . Each unit has a total of 1,950 square feet, designed either 2 bedrooms plus kitchen, dining, living room and two full baths. The Habitat row consists of two duplexes separated by a . green/p[lay area The exteriors will similar to the LiveM/ork units but overall the units are slightly smaller 1,475 square feet and 1 I/2 baths. . use or 3 be =ii Page 3 of 4 � � ZF 07-013-828 and 07-017-328 Page 1 of 2 Site D �''�'a�� � � ... s A, "� � °, �r„ �s. ._ rh�- +nx ya a � _ 1 �'a'.- ,, r � , ' - n� M1 r� _ '�.'� , f S ���3� ^\�*e "?: � . �� Flr y j.f' _ �? .� .V .. ,/" 7''�. „a sz'-�. - ��_ ' ��{ . � :r 3 t i .-.:::..,_. ' � ' � "s`t�?' ^ z " �r ^.c-> ` ,��""'"�+" .. u�.: � '��-._�. . �'� .,.__ � � _ .7, �. _ � 1 L � CITiZEN PART!C??ATFOh �TS ICTS e ��-�a� _ S.PAYNE-PHkLEN � � ' � fi.NORTH Et�D - THOhiAS=.DALE y`� 8, MMIT-UNIVERSITY " (� � �i +� CITIZEN P�RTICIPATIOW PLAt�NING DISTRICIS 1.SUNRAY=6AT7LECREEK�HTGHWOOf7 2.6REATER EAST S.IOE 3.WEST �IDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF . : EST SEVENTH lO.COF16� .. . 11. HAML IN E-MI D4fAY 12. ST. ANFHOt�Y 13.M�RRIAM PK.-LEkI�f�TON HAMLINE � 74..GROVELAND�MACAL�STER- . � 75.HIGHLANI� � 96:SUMMIT HIL[. 17. �OWNT�41N 8 � ��-�. , � � SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY DISTR3CT 8 �N �" "� x°° "`° "� � SGLLE IH F« ' � �� �� \r i �� e � ' ��� =11E t� � j � '�- D VST—� � �� ��� r�� � _ DATE ! �� �-�� t,1A° : ' �� LEG�ND � zoning districl tuund=_ry �i��� suSj>d prop�r�y n�- o,�h -- ., o one family ¢ . ?�:;o lamily f�� � multiple (arnily • .� n COlilGle%=i2` 4 .�.� in�us�'�'• V vzca�: