D00299WMte — City derk P�nk — Financ� Dept. CanarY — Dept. . CITY OF SAI\'T ��AITL OYF1CiF: OF TyE MA1'OR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER i31'Il(:ET KE17S10\ No: �2qq Date: � � �� �� � ���'IS�.�TT�� �)�ER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Sect�on 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the �epartment oi P� ihl i r Haa l th to amentl the 19�qbutlget of the Sn2f i a 1 RPUOIIP fund. the Dvector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fo�lowing manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget SFBCiAL Fn"v3ni,:� - n3ni,Ta C� 3u�-3aia5-b"s4i niCB uISn YOi1Tri Prc03BGT - hQTOtt FOfiL 305-aaZ55-�1ana @iGfl SISn YGUiA "rn6JBUT - QFFiGn 3J"r"rLifiS 305-"s"s2S3-ui86 BI6B &ISn Y6Uiii PB07nCi - &n2a'PAL 30a-332a6-6i11 YUYU'v911ON BflSISD ititi. afiUIST&F - Pr",uSuAAnL SO�-53L�JC-U FOYGLA1.l1N 6ASEU iHi�, tcnGI�iBY - n�UiPIifiNT 30.00 �131��U s�Uo.a� $6i,i"v4.0U $u,000.GG �sa,i��.aa 3�OO.uO g2u4.OG i3i0Q,0ui (y&,OGQ,G9j 30,060.u0 'yU,UU 3a0u�u0 $a37.OG 3iau.0�1 $55,104,00 $ii �0�8�141.UU �iin�fiAS, ifln YUtSLt� E149Ll:I�H GBNTn& 3PBCiAL Fu67SCT5 1iBBD SPnNDiHG AUTHO&iTF iA HiCn aiSa i00TR d3L�J� FOu eiGTOS FGBL3 aii0 OF"rICE3 �IIFYLLifJa eND FuPULATIGi] flASBL iNei..�BGi9Tni r"0"s SflUiFIvENT, �BERBn5, innBfi IS SF6NDI',YC AiliiiOniTF ik HiGri &i3E 300Tn'S nBNTaL 'aND iN :OPUi,nii0� BaSEG iHM &BGI3iBATY'S Ffi&SONNB� THAi CG TisANSenB6nD. T'r.BHfi"rOxB 55 B�SQLvSD, T'r.ni TfiS H'aYG"u AFF&OVnS TiIS Cnni7CB i0 iriB 1594 BUDGni, � IV� � Appro : Mayor /D � a-° -�� 4� Date tE � �j DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNGL DATEINITIATEO GREEN SHEE N 18978 5 �� �— ` INITIAllOATE INffIAL/DATE A ERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CIN COUNCIL thy Mohrland 292 p ��� N OGTYATTOFNEY �qTYCIERK T BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BV (DATE) pOUTiNGFOR � BUDGEf DIflECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANI] � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: City signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various Special Project Activitfes. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Fieject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMf7TEE YES NO — � A � F 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUrtr _ 3. Does this person/firm pouess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATIN6 PPOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where. Why)� Public Health's High Risk Youth Project needs spending authority in motor fuel and fn off supplies. There is spending authority in rental that could be transferred. The Population Based Imm. Registry program received additional grant authority to purchase equipment. There is spending authority in Personnel that could be transferred. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Fuel for transportation of patients will be purchased. Office Supplies and Equipment wil be purchased. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' RECEfVE� NONE OCT 2 41994 G1TY CLERit DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. Wfll not be able to purchase fuel> office supplies and equipment oked by grants. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $_jy�.]_Q�1 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ��'++e ACTNITYNUMBER ��������7�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) � �