07-147ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Council File 1S �7'�� Green Sheet # 2(� 1 2 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 An ordinance amending chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to reflect the creation of new Deparhnent of Safery and Inspections. Section 1 , ; i r2° r�:=' The Title to Chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows °a�`� �� Yp� C8 Chapter 13, , . Department of Safetv and Inspections. Section 2 Section 13.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 13.01. Creatio�; head of department otfice; authority ge�erally; power to prescribe rules and regulations; responsibilities. (a) Creatiorz of department vffice. There is hereby created a Department of Safetv and Inspections. (b) Head of Department sffeee. The head of such depaztment afficc shall be the director, priarto , The director shall be accountable to the mayor and, subject to the mayor's supervision and control, sha11 administer the affairs of the department officc. (c) (d) Authoriry genera[Zy. The director shall have general authority and control over all department offrcc staff and shall oversee the proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department officc. Power to prescribe rales and regulations. The director shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as deemed necessary or expedient for the proper operation of the department offisc and to that end shall keep informed of the latest administrative practices. (e) Authority to designate depury and other assistants. The dizector may designate, with the approval of the mayor, an employee of the Department of Safety and Inspections of£ICe-of-kicaase; o perform the functions and duties assigned to the director by law during the absence ot disability of the director. This employee may be a manager of one of the functions of the Deparhnent. The Fire Chief, who is the head of the Denarhnent of Fire and Safety Services, shall consult with the Director regardinQ the selection and appointment of the Fire Marshal. (fl Powers and duties with respect to department affice personnel. The director shall have the power and duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, mcluding supervisory personnel, within the department o£fice and shall supervise their performance. o� iy� 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 �2 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Section 3 Section 13.02 of the Saint PauL Administrative Code is hereby created to read as follows: 13.02 General Responsibilities Enumerated. r__.�_ r_i _" ' __ '" �si r s r r �{�j Environmental Health. ��+�rltl�timr. The Depart[nent of SafetV and InsPections shall have duties related to environmental health. The duties shall incLude the enforcement of all health and sanitation programs as they relate to health and license inspection matters, including, but not limited to, inspections, investi¢ations, and enforcement of the ordinances reeardinQ swimming pools, water supplies, waste disposal systems, milk inspection programs and their coordination with other governmental entities; rooming/boardinghouses, massage parlors, massage therapists, tattoo/body art, noise and Qeneral pollution (includinQ the Ctean Indoor Air Act and reQUlation of indoor smokinQ); and the inspection, investiQaflon, and enforcement of laws reQardinQ all food-handling facilities, including, but not limited to, restaurants, bars, hotels, lodging houses, food vehicles, bakeries, Qrocerv stores, special food events, school and dav care food, institutional food and food vending machines, and food education. � oaawnunewnaanr.nor.wv�vr.me•�n�m+awnnnna�n+n e.w�a•r.�umvr.nw m.�.��n�n�v �nn�vr.n� n�iuvnunu m.i.i.nlm�uo�vmwv��� iuna :�...�.,�.... ;...�........�..���.��f . (bl Animal Control. The Denartment of Safetv and Insoections shall have duties xelated to animal control. The duties shall include the followinQ: I. Enforcement of animal control laws. 2. Rabies control 3. Maintenance of animat controt facilitv for impounding and boardin� of animals. �fdj Building bespection mrd-a'�esiga: The Department of Safetv and Inspections shall have duties related to building insnection. These duties shall be managed by the Buildin¢ Official who shall report direct(v to the Director of the Depariment of Safetv and Inspections. The duties shall include the followin¢. l.a. The physical inspection of all new and remodeled buildings in the city. Such inspection shall be made to ensure compliance with the State Bui(dinQ Code v�r3 0 7-/y� ioo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 110 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 2.b- nx:ehaniea�eedes, rules and regulations adopted by the city or made applicable thereto by federal and state la , ' , ' , , Making inspection reports, maintaining departmental records and keeping and updating deparlmental statistical reports in accordance with state law. 3.� Reviewing all plans and specifications submitted with building permit applications, and verifying after review that all applicable building, zoning, housing and fire prevention code requirements have been sarisfied. 4.d: Determining whether buildings in the city comply with the fiattsi� building codes and the zoning ordinances of the state and city, and, upon determination of any violation, taking the necessary and appropriate action to acquaint Yhe owner of the dwelling with the violation, and proceeding with enforcement in accordance with applicable law. .: :� .: : nmus+nuinr. i+:�r:�wr.iw�vi:ani.Ar.niiai�nibr.w�:iii:irnawia:iii�i iniiu:�:�n:i:i�e�n��nn: 5.€ The issuance of construction permits bmlding-nennitsand certificates of occupancy. � Code Enforcement. The Department of Safety and Inspections shall have duties related to code enforcement . The duties shall include the followine: 1. Inspect all owner occupied buildin¢s and prouerties as re uiq red bv citv codes. 2. Administer and enforce laws reeulatine the maintenance of residential pronertv includin¢, but not limited to, the citv's vacant buildine proexam, the citv's nuisance dwelline and nuisance abatement ordinances. the city's abandoned motor vehicle ordinance, the citv's truth in sale of housine ordinance and �rogram, and the citv's �raffiti removal �roeram• 3. Maintain ap�ropriate departmental records, includine but not limited to, earbaae service billin� records, excessive consumption of insoection services billin� records, ¢raffiti removal billine records, vacant buildin¢ reeistrations, and truth in sale of housing disclosure reports. � 5. Investieate and enforce the citv's boulevazd plantine ordinance and other rieht-of-wav maintenance reeulations. Enforce violations of the citv's codes related to propertv maintenance. utilizine enforcement tools in accordance with applicable law. �(-S�j—License and Permit administration: The Deparhnent of Safetv and Insvections shall have duties related to licenses and nermits. The duties shall include the followin¢: 1.� Providing and maintaining a system of processing ciTy business licenses and permits (except building permits) to achieve a coordinated process of administration. 2.b. Acceptance of all applications for business licenses and permits, requisite processing through the various city deparhnents and agencies, the final preparation of reports to be submitted to the ciTy council, and the issuance of receipts for all city business licenses and permits. 07 /y7 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 1�2 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 i8g 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 2a4 205 206 207 3.c. 4.d. Establishment of uniform requirements and standards for al] business licenses and permits and the maintenance of a complete records system. Maintenance of deparhnental records and the keeping and updatiug of departmental statistical reports and inspection reports for all license and permit administration. S.c Providing a license inspection unit, which shall make such inspections as are required by law and report all license violations to the city council in coordination with all proper city depaztments. Anv reference to the "license inspector° in the leqislative code, adminish'ative code, or ciry charter shall refer to the Director of the Depariment of Safety and Inspections and his/her designee. (fl Fire Insnection: The Department of Safetv and Insoections shall have duties related to Fire Insnection, these duties shall be superoised bv the Fire Marshal. 1. Duties of the Fire Marshal: The Fire Marshat shall report to the Director of the Devarhnent of Safetv and Inspections reQardinQ Fire Inspection duties. On all other matters, the Fire Marshal shall report to [he Fire Chief in the Department of Fire and Safetv Services. 2. Duties reQarding Fire Inspection: Under the supervision of the Fire Marshal, inspectors shatl be responsible for periodic inspection of all existing residential rental properties (except owneo-occupied xetttal properties with two or fewei dwellinQS) and commercial swctures for compliance with all safery codes includin¢ collection of appropriate fees. (g) Public Information and Complaint O(frce. The Deuartment of Safetv and Inspections shall supervise the public information and complaint office. The Department shall act as a liaison between complainants, the citv council and city offices and departments resPOnsibLe for respondinQ to citizen complaints and requests. The director shall be resoonsible for the proQram supervision, development and operation of the computerized referral svstem, the establishment of procedures, traininQ of personnel, making presentations to various Aroups, and [he provision of information on citv services and events. Consistent with these duties, the Department shall develon and operate a citv-wide computerized complaint svstem to do the followinQ: 1. Act as an advocate for cifizens in responding to requests and complaints that oertain to ciry services. 2. Work closelv with all city departments to cons[antLv improve the ciry's resoonse to requests and complaints. 3. Report regularly to the mayor and city council on the oerformance of city departments in response to requests and complaints and the relative satisfaction of Yhe citizens wikh the city's �esoonse. 4. Wotk closelv with citv-wide information services to opexate a fully comouterized complaint referral and follow-uo system. 5. Provide nublic information on city services, events, and who to contact for resnonse to requests and complaints. (h) Zonin�: The Department of Safetv and Insnections shall have duties related to zonina. The duties shall include the following: I. Determine whether buildings and proper[y comply with the zoninQ ordinances. This includes but is not limited to a review of applications for construction 07 zos 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 permits, licenses and changes in certificates of occupancy. 2. Provide staff recommendarions to the Board of Zonine Appeals. This includes preparin� a staff report for matters that come before the Board, makin� a recommendation to the board re¢ardinQ those matters; presentinq a written and oral reoort to the Board at the public hearinQ; and processinq the Board's decision and presentinQ anv appeals to the City Council. 3. Staff the site pLan review process as dele�ated by the Plannin� Commission. This includes the review and approval of all site plans required by code, coordination of site plan review meetinQS for inclusion of comments from other staff. When a public hearinn before the PlanninQ Commission is required, prepare staff repor[s, process the PlanninQ Commission's decision and handLe anv appeals to the Citv Council. 4. Enforce zonin� reQUlations, respond to complaints and investi¢ate comptiance with conditions of approvals attached to zoninQ permits and variances. 5. Review and issue siQn permits. 6. Heritaee Preservation: The Deparhnent of Safetv and Inspec[ions shall have _ duties related to HeritaQe Preservation. The duties shall include the followinQ: a. Safeeuard the herita¢e of the Citv bv identifving and oreservinQ areas, places, buildings, structures and other obiects havinQ historical, architectural, archeoloQical or en¢ineering siQnificance. 6. Provide staff sunport to the Heritage Preservation Commission which advises the Ci[v on heritaqe preservation matters, identifies historic resources, recommends sites for designation, conducts plan and desiQn review of Heritaae Preservation Sites and Districts, reviews street name chan¢es, and provides education. c. Promote the recoQnition, protection, reuse and preservation of historic resources bv develooinQ and administerinQ a Preservation Plan for the Citv in cooperation with the Ptanning Commission and the Department of PlanninQ and Economic Develooment. Section 4 Section 13.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby created to read as follows: 13.03 Reference to Former Departments. Any documents includinQ but not limi[ed to citv licenses and building permits containinQ the names of former departments eliminated when the Department of Safery and Inspections was created shall be xead to refer to the Department of Safetv and Inspections. These deuartments include: 1. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, ox LIEP. 2. The Department of NeiQhborhood Housing and Properry Improvement. 3. The Fire Insoection Division of the Deoartment of Fire and Safetv Services Section 5 07 /y7 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � 'l �_ s ..'�: � Requested by Department of: /��!`�L_�—=r Form By: Adoption Certified by Cou�cil Secretary Form App �by ay�r Submission to Cou�cil g / / .8q /�{! BY ��— .._ Approved byMayor. Date ��""K. °?• al�D� gy; //�-.l=� �/VrT7?f�i-/J ea:���:�:'e.T'�,. �r �, a _ � %;� Adopted by Council: Date � � ��/��L ������ 07 /y� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � LP - License/Inspecrion/EnvironProt � 25-JAN-07 Contact Person 8 Phone: Rachel Gunderson 266-8710 Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Julie Kraus Contad Phone: 266-8776 � Assign Number For Routing Orcler Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3036440 o �.icease/InspecflodEnviron Rot 1 �� icensellnso�tion/EnYuon Prot I Department DireMOr I 2 ,C7ri Attornev I 3 SYIavor's OS�e I Mavor/Assisbint I 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk CS Clerk Approval of the attached ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Administra6ve Code to reflect the crearion of the new Deparlment of Safety and Inspecrions. or Service Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Office of LIEP, Citizen Service Office, Fire Inspection and NHPI will be combining to create the Deparhnent of Safery and Inspections. The changes to the Adminisfrafive Code were necessary to enable the depariments to merge. AdvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: RECEIVED MAYOR'S OFFIGE � �m"�', Pa�+ • — �"�t �.t�.e+'`��1' J�N 2 � 2��7 CostlRevenue Budgeted: January 26, 2007 9:07 AM Page 1 v� � � Remarks by Bob Kessler to the Saint Paul City Council, March 21, 2007. The Creation of the Department of Safety and Inspections In August 2007, Mayor Chris Coleman emphasized in his budget address that he had two primary goals in mind for the new Department of Safety and Inspecrions (DSn. First, he wanted to create a sense of permanency for a function (Code Enforcexnent) that had been moved or transferred more than six times in the previous 15 yeazs. Second, he wanted to create a better model of service delivery for Saint Paul residents that is more effective and more responsive as well as more rewarding for the stafFwho perform some of our City's most difficult and important work. The work performed everyday by the employees of DSI does save lives, unfortunately we rarely lrnow or heaz about the successes: the lives we have saved or protected. We usually just read about the tragedies when someone dies or is seriously injured in a fire; or suffers some other serious injury as the result of a housing code deficiency; or a poorly managed liquor establistunent. Last December, the City Council approved, as part of the 2007 City Budget, the concept of consolidafing four sepazate units: Cirizen Services (Information and Complaint Office), LIEP (License, Inspections & Environmental Protection), NHPI (Code Enfarcement), and Fire Inspections. This new Depariment of Safety and Inspections will provide increased coordinarion across previously separate agencies; consistent service across the city; and, ultimately, stronger neighborhoods. The responsibility for public safety comes first; therefore, the new department's primary mission is in strong alignment with the Mayor's strategic objective to provide Safe Streets and Safe Homes: to insure the public health and safety of all residents and visitors. The Creation of DSI will help us make "Saint Paul the Most Livable City in America." Tn addition, the creation of DSI will provide: 1. Improved responsiveness; The Mayor and City Council and citizens will receive better and quicker services through a more transparent process. STAMP (The electronic property record system) will no longer say that a complaint has been "closed". Instead, the system will tell you the exact status of the complaint: abated, resolved, transferred to Pazks, in process, or what the follow up inspection date will be. In other words, you will know what has happened or what to expect. 2. More efficiency in the use of scarce City resources; We will be able to increase efficiency by cross training staff to perform multiple functions. In addition, we wiil be able to reduce the burden on the City's General Fund, shifting services gradually over to a fee based system whereby those who receive the service will pay for the cost of providing the service. � O�-� ��i 3. Greater accountability; The lines of responsibility will become clear under a single department of Safety and Inspecrions. We will have a"one stop shop" for approximately 90% of all the Complaints received by the City from bazking dogs, to loud music, to problem properties. One call will do it all: 651-266-8989. 4. Better coordination of services across departments; and DSI brings together several formerly separate and autonomous units, but more importanfly DSI will make it possible to better coordinate these services across departments to support city wide initiarives such as Invest Saint Paul, more efficient graffiti removal, and response to neighborhood problem properties. 5. A permanent home for the Code Enforcement function. DSI will establish an organizational "home" far the code enforcement funcrion and provide ancillary support for the staff who provide some of the most essential services for the long term health of the City's neighborhoods. In conclusion, it would be fair to ask exactly how we are going to make sure that we achieve the goals that we have laid out for ourselves and promised to you today. Our response is that we are fortunate to have the services of an excellent organizational development expert, LeeAnn Turchin, who is the City's "in house expert" or organizarional issues and strategic planning. LeeAnn's recommendations for the strategic pianning process to create DSI are described in the attached documents. Please let us know if you have any questions. Bob Kessler 3-21-07 F J � � W � ❑ Z 11J � Q N � N C � � . Q `� N U C Q C O .+ w � N w fC � C � a w � O �p mva� p a o . = O �a� - � m � � C -� � '6 N y� '7 m R rn O � _ ..� O � � c c � N O � � U U � � (Q L C � � -� � R � � U �a � N � -a C 9 � � O � cn a A N C N l6 � N � Q U L � N � O � :.+ _ � o v � N Q � N � rn ui o 7 ? > Q R O � �, O R N N ._ � �a _ m g O U1 �' o �6 N U � A � C � C N � R Q N � N « ° C � a C O 1 O c � � N � � N �p a� E o N � . V O R f- c � O N � Q � N � d � A O i O N U � .� U C N `� Q U � � fi R � i .� 0 v Q. w � N C �3 v `� U � 7 � N � � � U V L 4�� U '� O p ? � fl � � � : �_ r ,� " �... _�5;,: ��`, . _Q . L: : � d.._ , o�-��� � 7 � N N R c6 � t 7 � a �o a a w rn c > '� � a a �~ a = m� y a y ic 'g c a N � .�.. N = a, a N .� U N 4. 'p1 t � ..�. a>� O� N �. '• C � � O N• � N � O. N C�T Q � c �o � � a m n O N N Z � d � � � !- Senior Management Team Purpose: To establish the strategic direction for the Department of Safety and Inspections, manage the day-to-day operations and the overall transition process, and conneM fhe strategicplan to the daily work of employees. Membership: CQmprised of the five Division Managers. The Departmental Accountant and Administrative Assistant. �f Saint Pau/ - Department of Safety and Inspections Strategic P/anning P�ocess (Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, and StraYegies) Stakeholder Groups Purpose: Prepared by: Lee Turchin and DSI 5enior Management Team 3/7/07 Purpose: To deve[op a comprehensive, strategic plan to guide the DSI nrganization by May 30, 2007. Process Steps: ➢ Conduct Employee Fows Groups before beginning Strategic Planning process, ➢ Develop a drafr Shategic Plan based on focus group data. ➢ Seek stakeholders input and feedback. ➢ Create Tac[icai Implementation Plan(s), both deparhnent-wide and division-specific. ➢ Identify Projects and Project Manager(s). ➢ Evaluate and monitor progress. ➢ Adjust and finalize the Plan as needed. DSI Mana9ement Team Purpose: To assist Senior Management in managing the day-to-day operations of the DepaKment and to help guide the transition prncess within each functional area. Membership: Comprised of Senior Management staff and all supervisory personnel for the combined DSI operation. This is approximately 20 plus people. To seek feedback asd obtain input from the mulfiple irrternal and external stakeholders. Possible Stakeholder Groups: ➢ DSI Employee Focus Groups ➢ Labor-Management Committee ➢ External Stakeholder Groups Membership: To be determined as strategic planning process unfolds. Transition Steering Team Purpose: To serve as the steering team for the transition process, guiding and managing the merger of safety and inspection functions of the City. The Transition Team is advisory to the Senior Management Team and will be chosen once the draft Strategic Plan is finalized. Membership: Comprised of DSI employees who are subject matter experts who will assess implementation strategies from a big-picture perspective. O I i __.I