07-1107Council File # U�`1 j� � Green Sheet # 3oy 6 09 y ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � An ordinance amending Ctiapter 161 to permit snow emergency tags to be written by third party vendors and to delete an obsolete reference to Ramsey County Municipal Court 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 ?6 r� �$ 9 0 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1 Chapter 161 of the Saint Pau] Leaslative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 161.01. Definitions. � �AN � 3 Zpp� As used thtoughout this chaptex, the term 'behicle" shall mean any self-propelled motor vehicle, and the term °street" shall mean any street, avenue, highway or other public way in the City of Saint Paul other than the public alleys. Sec, 161.02. Declarafion of emergency. Whenever in the opinion of the directar of pubhc works or his designated representafive an emergency exists in the city or in a secuon ar secrions thereof because of snow, freezing rain, sleet, ice, snowdrifts or other natural phenomena which create or are likely to create hazardous road conditions or impede the free movement of fire, health, police, emergency ar other vehicular traffic, or otherwise endanger the safety and welfaze of the community, the director of public works or his designated representative may declare an emergency to exist for a period of ninety- six (96) hours, but such emergency may be sooner ternunated if conditions pemut Notice of such emergency and termination thereof shall be given by press, radio and television and the news media shall be requested to cooperate with city officials and when given such notice shall consritute due and proper notice. Where, in the opinion of the duector of public works or his designated representative, such emergency contmues to exist for a period in excess of the aforesaid emergency period, he is hereby authorized to declare successive emergency periods. Sec. 161,03. Snow emergency plow routes; parking resh All "snow emergency plow routes" shall be designated by the director of the deparhnent of public works. Two (2) classes of plow routes for snow emergencies shall be designated as "night plow routz" or °day plow route." Signs shall be posted on all night plow routes or portions thereof, and a record of such night plow routes shall be maintained on file in the department, the traffic and accident secrion ofthe police department and the clerk of municipal court's ofrice. Vehicles shall not be stopped, parked, abandoned or left unattended on any designated night plow route for the durarion of a declared emergency; provided, however, that parkmg may be reswned on individual night plow route streets as soon as snow has been plowed from that portion of the night plow route street. Qn all other streets which have not been designated as night plow routes, no vehicle shall be stopped, parked, abandoned or lefr unartended on the day following the announced emergency between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight or during such hours as otherwise designated in the declaratiQn; provided, however, that paxldng may be resumed on individual streets as soon as snow has been plowed from that portion of the day plow route street. This provision shall not prohibit the stopping of commercial passenger vehicles for periods suffic�ent to load ar discharge passengers from such vehicles. Sea 161.04. Vehieles stopped; snisdemeanor. Any vehicle stopped, pazked, abandoned or otherwise left unattended In violation of section 161,03 is hexeby declared to be an obstrucrion to the public srteets and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ?3 74 �5 7b 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 34 Sec. 161.05. Vehicles stopped, removal. � I£ any vehicle is stopped, parked, abandoned or ]eft unattended in violation of the provisions of T1us chapter, the same may be moved or may be impounded in accordance with the terms of Chapter 162 of this Code at the expense and at the cost of tbe owner thereof. Sec. 161.06. Reclaiming vehicles. (a) As soon as gracticable after the removal of said vehicle pazked in violarion of the provisions of this chapter, the director of public works shall notify the chief of police of the removal of such vehicle and within twenry-foui (24) hours after such norificarion the police chief shall notify, in writing, the person Imown to be the owner of such vehicle by the registrarion thereof, of the following facts: (1) A general description together with the license number; (2) The approximate time and the reason for remova] and the place to which removed; and (3) The charge for such removal, which shall not exceed the amount for towing agreed upon in any current contract between the city and a contract tower, plus a daily storage charge. (b) The aforesaid norice from the police chief to the vehicle owner shall be addressed to the registered owner and shall be deposited with postage prepaid in the United States Mail at Saint Paul, Minnesota, as soon as practicable after receipt by the chief of police of the aforesaid norice from the director of public works. (c) Before any vehicle so removed and stored shall be reclaimed, the owner or other claimant shall satisfactorily idenrify himself and establish his right, ritle or ittterest in or to said vehicle and right to possession thereof and shall further pay ail costs or charges in connection with the removal and starage of such vehicle and norice thereof. (d) The payment of such chazges shall not relieve the owner or other person responsible for such violation from the payment of any fine or penalty far violation of the provisions of this or any other applicable ordinance of the City of Saint Paul. It shall be unlawful for any person to reclaim the vehicle so removed and stared without first paying all o£the said costs, charges or penalties. Sec. 161.07. Enforcement. The director of the department of public works may designate employees of said department or mav enter into a contract with aualified third parties to issue summonses for violation of the provisions of this chapter. Such summonses shall be in form approved by the Ramsey County �3nnieipa} District Court and shall have the sama force and efFect as though issued by a police officer or other peace officer. Secrion 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, ap�p,v�aL and publication. U JAi9 0 3 2Q9� Adopflon Certified by Council S cretary BY j / Approved by May � a ° _— 3y Requested by Department ot �'���u/� .� /1 $v Fom Bv. Fom g �UEUSNE6 JA6! p 3 ZO((� AdoptedbyCounciP Dafe ��//��r.�`�/)7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a7-il0? py�1 -r�nso wo� Co�rtad Person & Phone: Paul St. Mart� 26G61'IS Must Be on Counc�7 Agend 94NOV-OT Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-0ocumeM Required: N o�NOV-o� � ns�ign Number For Routing Ofder Green Sheet NQ: 3046094 0 u61k Works Paul S4 Mardn 1'(- °7 1 u6ticWorks D artme¢tD'¢edur ���� U? 2 ' Atto t 3 or's Offire Ma or/Assistant 4 5 ' Cierk C' 'Cferk DocumeM Contad: Paul St. Msrtin Cor�c[ Phone: 2666118 iotal � of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Amend Chapter 161 of the legislative code to petmit snow emergency tags to be wdttzn by third pacty vendors and delete obsolete refereuce tn Rauvzey County Municipal Court Recomme�Wations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the FWbwi� Quesdons: Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this depa�tmem? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Setvics Commi�ion 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. �ces this personlfirtn {rossess a skill not rtormatly p�ssessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach ta green sheM initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity �4Vho, Whaf, When, Where, Why): City of Saint Paul hires a third party to assist in simw tagging operations during snow emergencies. We propose to revise city code to reflect current practice. AtivarNages H Approved: City code wili match current practiees D'esadvantages If Approved: None. 07sadvantages if Not Approved: City code will not match current pracrices. ���V�m��� F� ��� Transaction: Funding Source; Fina�xial Information: (Explain) Activity Num6er: CostfRevenue Butlgeted: November 6, 20071'1:11 AM Page 1