07-1106Presented By SUBSTITUTE 12/5/07 Council File # 07-1106 Green Sheet # 3046312 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 An ordinance amending Leg. Code Chap. 64 regulating signs by permitting the conversion of legal nonconforming advertising signs ("billboazds") to "dynamic display" signs in exchange for permanently removing traditional legal nonconforming advertising signs by adding a definition for such billboards and promulgating regulations for the conversion of such signs. Note: Single underlininQ and �'°�'° °'-����� show the changes from the existing Sign Chapter of the Zoning Code as submrtted to the Council for first reading on I I/21/07. Doub[e underlinine and show revisions made by the Planning Commission when itfinalized its recommendation on 11/16/07 and amendments requested by the president of the Counci[ prior to the public hearrng on 12/5/07. �7 ''U$L�SHED UfC 2 4 ZOp�, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN Section 1 That Legislative Code § Sec. 64.104.B and the vazious definitions contained therein are hereby amended by adding the following new paragraph under that Section to read: Billboard with dvnamic displav. A biilboazd on which the sign messa�e moves or changes, or appears to do sa throu2h any method other than phvsically removing and replacing the sign or its components, whether such movement or chanee is in the displav, the sign structure itself, or any other component of the siEn. This includes a display that incorporates a technologv or method allowin� the sign face to chan�e the image without having to replace the si�n face or its components phvsically or mechanically. This also includes any rotating, revolving, moving, flashin�, blinking, or animated displav and anv displav that incorporates rotatin�panels, LED li�hts manipulated through digital input, "digital ink" or any other method or technologv that allows the si�n face to present a series of images or displays, except for time and temperature displays that occupv less than twentv (20) percent of the billboazd face. e�-iro� 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 b8 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Section 2 That Legislative Code § 64302 entitled "Nonconforming signs; exceptions," is hereby amended by removing obsolete language regarding the "move to conformance" and in its place adding new provisions to provide for and regulate the conversion of existing legal nonconforming billboazds to ones with dynamic displays so as to read as follows: Sec. 64.302. Nonconforming advertising signs; e�eeA�ieas conversion to billboard with dvnamic displav. „ - - - - � Intent and �urpose. Studies show that there is a correlation between driver distraction and accidents. Signs with dynamic displavs can be a cause of driver distraction. Along highways, signs with dvnamic displays tend to distract drivers if they are waiting to see the next chan�e, especially if it is a continuation of the messa e o�r if the transition uses special effects. Siens with lettering that is too small to read at a elance also cause driver distraction; whereas, typical time and temperature signs, which can be read at a elance, are not a sienificant distraction. This section allows for the conversion of illuminated biliboazds to billboards with dynamic displavs subiect to standards that maintain hiehway safet� Dynamic displav technolo ieg s can ereativ expand the advertisin�apacitv and eraphic flexibility of billboazds. However, Section 64.420 nrohibits anv new advertising siQns in the citv in order to protect and imorove views, aesthetics, communit�pride and investment, and the visibilitv of local businesses. One nurpose of this chapter is to reduce the number of billboazds in the city.'-..` "-� �:'-. ��-.---~--` :° -� `---°,_ , =—=`-a ,.t:i:.. . � a,,.:_ _,....,.,._ ..i -rt_ __�_ :,.:�_.. �r.t,,. ___..,..,. ,.,.,...:,._ „__i . _rr__ . This section allows increased advertisine through the addition of dynamic disnlav technolo�es on existin� billboazds alone certain freewavs in exchanee for voluntarv reductions in the number of billboards in the citv. 67-1/�(0 ss 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 13Q 131 132 133 (b) Except in a B4 or BS zonin� district, a legallv nonconformine, illuminated billboard mav be converted to a billboazd with a dmamic disnlav if the following conditions are met: � The billboard is located within three hundred thiriv (330) feet of I-94 or I-35E north of I-94 and is desiaied to be read from the hi�hwav. � The billboazd is at least one (1) mile measured lineallv alon� the freewav from any other billboazd with a dvnamic dis�lav desiened to be read bv drivers headin� in the same direction on the highwav. � Onlv one sign face on a billboard structure is converted. , w���i�..tf . -- - - - • --_ _= ° - _ _ - ._---'.e.: - ___ ---- - __ - ' - ° - --== = _= __ •-- ---- - -- - �-•-- - - •- • - - -• - - --- _-_- ----_ ---= - - - - - - =_--•��_ _ --___ _- - -- The billboard is not in the visual field of anv residence, reeardless of municinal boundaries. that is in a residential ar TN traditional nei¢hborhood zonin� district and has windows which are facinQ and from which the dvnamic disrolav is directiv visible. Visual field means the cone- s haroed area in front of a billboard drawn on a maro that extends pemendicular from the center ofthe sien face for one thousand (1000) feet with a vertex angle of seventv-five (751 deerees and also includes neriroheral trianeles on both sides of the cone. which are delineated bv e tendine the line of the siQn face two hundred (20�1 feet in each direction from its center and from these two noints connectina to the two outer points of the cone. � The owner of the billboard shall arovly for and receive a sien permit for the conversion from the citv. � As part of the permit annlication, the applicant shall a¢ree in writin� to remove permanentiv other existing billboards in the citv; for each sc�uare foot of dvnamic display space bein¢ created, � six (61 sauare feet of illuminated billboard faces. or si� ei�ht (81 square feet of non-illuxninated faces shall be removed Billboards that the arorolicant owns or controlc in residential zonine districts or anv other locations desienated for billboard removal bv resolution of the citv council must be taken down before billboards taken down in other areas of the citv will be counted towazd this removal reauirement• !'��:�:,...1 A..,.., 1..,...i1�..1,�..:,......a,�A L]_�,�,.:,. A:..a_-'-�„ � a r _ t,:iit,,..._a _ .............i ti.- ..is-aE��i�E" €�`�,. ,.: � Billboards mav be counted toward 6 7-llD(o 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 the removal if they have been or will be removed between one (1) veaz prior to the apnlication and two (2) months followin� the issuance of the permit. The removals must include the complete removal of the billboard structures including the foundations of any freestandine billboards. Prior to approval of the si¢n permit, the applicant must aezee in writin� that the cit�may remove the billboards if the applicant has not done so before the new electronic message si�n is nut into operation, and the auvlicant must submit a cash deposit or letter of credit acceptable to the city to �av the citv's cost for that removal. The applicant must also ag�ee in writing that the removal of the billboards is done voluntarily and the applicant has no right, under anv law, to comvensation from any �overnmental unit for the removed si�ns. .-,.L..:i. TPaL,. ,.«...i:...�d,�.... : .,.A 4L�.... .........4 ..l...11 .. ..:C<.4........... . When a billboard is nermanentiv removed (includine the sien or disalav surface and all elements of the sien structurel far roumoses of dvnamic disnlav conversion under this section or when a billboard is roermanentiv removed for anv other reason. and the owner of the removed billboard surrenders in writina anv state and local nermits nreviouslv issued for the removed billboard. no new si¢n and/or siQn structure roermit will be issued for the real nroroertv on which the removed billboard was located. � If the removed siais are ones for which a state nermit is required the apnlicant and owners must surrender such permits to the state. The billboard with a dmamic displav mav not be nut into operation until roof is provided to the citv that such state �ermits have been surrendered. � In addition to the other re¢ulations in this cha�ter, a billboard with a dmamic displav shall conform to the following overational standards: � All alpha-numeric copy must be at least fifteen (15) inches hieh. � The ima�es and messages disnlaved must be static. and the transition from one static disvlay to another must be direct and immediate without any snecial effects. � Each ima�e and messa¢e displayed must be comulete in itself, and mav not continue on the subsectuent one. D 7—/101� iso 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 2ll 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 � � Each imaee and messa�e must remain constant for at least � twelve (121 seconds before chaneing to the next one. No sign mav be bri�hter than necessarv for clear and adequate visibilitv. �6,� No si�n may be of such intensitv or brilliances as to impair the vision of a driver with avera�e evesight orto otherwise interfere with drivers' oneration of their vehicles. �7,1 No sign mav be of such intensitv or brilliance that it interferes with the effectiveness of an official traffic si�n, device, �€ si�nal, or the safetv of the ublic, or located where it would do so, as determined bv the city traffic en�neer. � A billboard converted for dmamic dis l�ay, on which more than twenty (20) percent of the sien face is chan�eable, must have a mechanism that automatically adjusts the sien's bri�htness in response to ambient conditions. It must also be equipped with a means to turn off the displav or li¢hting immediately if it malfunctions, and the sien owner or oroerator must turn off the sign or liehtinQ immediately uvon notification by the city that si¢n malfunctions are causing it to be out of compliance with the operational standards in this section. � A billboard with a dvnamic disnlav should not annear to be brighter than billboards with extemal liehtin¢. The billboard's o�vner or onerator must adjust the sign to meet � this brightness standards in accordance with the city's instntctions. The adiushnent must be made immediatel uvon receivin� a notice of non-com�liance from the city however the si¢n owner or operator mav appeal the city's notice of non-compliance to the board of zoning appeals. Section 3 That Legislative Code § 64.201 entitled "Duties of the zoning administrator" is a housekeeping measure intended to reflect the reassignment of responsibility for sign variances from the Planning Commission to the Board of Zoning Appeals previously approved in Council File No. OS-632 so that Leg. Code § 64.201(e), in order to remain consistent with other paragraphs in the Zoning Code, shall read as follows: Sec. 64.201 Duties of the zoning administrator (e) The zoning administrator shall not grant any variances with respect to this chapter in can•ying out his duties as zoning administrator. Variances may be granted by the board of zonin� apneals. The zoning administrator shall grant a permit upon a finding of compliance with the conditions imposed by this chapter. 07-1(Olo 2zs 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Section 4 This ordinance amending Legislative Code §§ 64.104.B, 64302 and 64.201 shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. = ► oEc 2 4 aoo� Adopted by Council ��{`�/�/ Adoption Certif' d by Council Secretary AY � ,���,J/�il���ir Approved by P � p f Date: � Requested by Depamnent o£ Plannuig and Economic Development � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey B Pw. �✓.,,�. � z- s. O� Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b �-/10l� , . _ ---- - PE — P��ng&EwnomicDevelopment ,¢NO�-0� Green Sheet NO: 3046312 Contact Person & Phone: Larry Soderhoim 266-6575 Must Be on 21-NOV-07 � Doa Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: 1� Document Contact: ConWctPhone: Total # of Signature � veuammm� aem��rsum� I 0 lannin & Economic Develo me La Soderholm Assign 1 aonin &EconomicDevelo me D"vectodC.Bedor Number 2 Attorne CI Attome For Routing 3 a ar's 00'ice Ma odASSistant Order 4 aunc�l Gti Conncil 5 laonin & Economic Develo me L Soderholm (Clip All locations for Signature) � '�, Adoption oF amendments to the Zoning Code for electronic billboazds. The City Council established a moratorium on the conversion of bdlboards to digital technologies on Ol/24/O6. New regulations must be adopted and published by 12/21/07. _�_ Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirtn possess a sWll not normalty possessed by any � current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet '�, Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Nlhen, Where, Why): '. In January 2006, Cleaz Channel put up an electronic billboard that automa6cally changes messages every eight seconds. IYs on I-94 ; �ust east of downtown. The City Council impos,ed a one-yeaz moratorium and asked for a planning study and recommendations on ' the regulahon of elecVOnic billboazds. The Planning Commission has prepazed the attached ordinance together with a study, �ch will , be forwarded a week later than the ordinance. ' Advantages If Ap oved: �, The conversio�xisting billboards to elecironic technologies will be regulated with regard to location and operations. Some ' billboazds along I-94 and I-35E could be comerted, but not a3ong Hwy 52, Hwy 28Q or I-35E near Shepazd Road. The ordinance ! has operational standards to minimize driver distraction, and a trade-down requirement. Roughly ten billboards would be removed for I each electronic conversion. �, Disadvantages If Approved: �', The proposed ordinance could potentially allow the conversion of [en or fifteen existing freeway billboards on I-94 and I-35E north of downtown. Although electronic billboards aze not measurabley brighter than other lighted billboareds, they appear to be shazper ; and to have brigh[er colors. Allowing elec[ronic billboazds will inevitably lead to some complaints. Disadvantages If Not Approved: ' If the moratorium expires, more electronic billboard conversions will happen without regulations. The altemative of prohibiting '� electronic billboards was considered, but would be difficult to sustain legally given state law on nonconforming uses. Trensaction: Funding Source: N/A Financial lnfortnation: N/A (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: (�//{ N/A November �4, 2007 9:51 AM Page 1 Councii File # 11/21/07 Presented By 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An ordinance amending Leg. Code Chap. 64 regulating s�igns by permitting the conversion of legal nonconforming adve�ising signs ("billboards") to "dynamic display" signs in exch�nge for penmanently removing traditional legal nonconforming advertising signs by addang a definition for such billbo`ards and promulgating regulations for the conversion of�such signs. Note: Sinzle underlinin2 and si� Sign Chapter of 1he Zoning Code Double underlininv and � Commission when it finalized its ; �ttg#s show the changes from the existing to the Council for first reading on 11/21/07. � show revisions made by the Planning ion on 11/16/07. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI�T PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN \ � Section 1 � � That Legislative Code § Sec. 64.104.B and t e various definitions contained therein is hereby amended by adding the fo wing new paragraph under that section to read: � component of the sign This includes a disrolav that incorporates a This also includes any rotatinQ, revolvina movinp flashine blinkin¢ or animated disnlav and an�disnlav that incorporates rotatine vanels LED l�ts manipulated through dieital in�ut. "digital ink" or anv other method or technoloev that allows the sign face to present a series of imaees or disnlavs excent for time and temroerature disnlays that occupy less than twentY (20) percent of the billboard face. Council File ll 07-1106 Green Sheet # 3046312 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 97-//Dlo 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Section 2 That Legislative Code § 64302 entitled "Nonconforming signs; exceptions," is hereby amended by removing obsolete language regarding the "move to conformance" and in its place adding new provisions to provide f�and regulate the conversion of existing legal nonconforming billboazds to ones�with dynamic dispiays so as to read as follows: Sec. 64 �02. Nonconforming advertisinE signs; e�ee�ie$sconversion to rse!!r-�e�!i'ea � maintain highway safetv. benefits both to the nublic and to billboard owners. This section allows increased advertisine throu¢h the addition of dvnamic displav technolo¢ies on existina billboards alonQ certain freewavs in exchanee for voluntarv reductions in the number of billboards in the citv. �� i��� -� 87 (b) Except in a B4 or BS zonin¢ district, a legallv nonconforming, illuminated billboard � 88 mav be converted to a billboard with a dvnanuc displav if the following conditions are `�89 met: QO 9t�. � The billboard is located within three hundred thirtyf330) feet of I-94 or 92 �`�, I-35E north of I-94 and is desianed to be read from the highwa� 93 ��, 94 `� �2,� The billboazd is at least one (1) mile measured lineally alonQ the freewav 95 �� from any other billboard with a dmamic display desismed to be read bv 96 ���, drivers headin¢ in the same direction on the hi wav. 97 � 98 ��, Only one siQn face on a billboard structure is converted. 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ll6 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 � � � freestandin� billboards. �plicant has no riQht, under anv law, to comnensation &om anv �overnmental unit for the removed signs. ,� �I�33 13d: 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 160 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 1/I � D7-//o� No application mav be approved if the removed billboards can be le�ally rebuilt. If the application is approved the sig_n nermit shall specify terms and conditions for assurin� the permanence of the removals, which mav include penalties such as liquidated damaees. The terms and conditions shall give assurance to the citv that the owners of the properties from which billboazds are removed will not have anv riQht under anv law to re-establish the billboazds or to receive compensation from any �overnmental unit for the removed billboards. effectiveness of an official traffic sian, device, or si�nal; or located where it would do so, as determined bv the city traffic en ig neer•' , (20) nercent of the sip,n face is chanaeable, must have a mechanism that automatically adiusts the sign's brightness in response to ambient e. conditions. It must also be equipped with a means to tum off the display that sian maifunctions are causing it to be out of com�liance with the .� \ VL1430.LLV11 Vl U1G31 V41111i1GJ. � � i�9���, 180 ` 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 � D7 //o� operational standazds in this section. The billboard owner or operator must adiust the si�n to meet the brightness standazds in accordance with the citv's instructions. The adjustment must be made immediatelv unon receivinQ a notice of non-com�liance from the citv: however, the sim owner or operator may appeal the citv's notice of non-compliance to the boazd of zonine avpeals. Section 3 189 That Legisl tive Code § 64.201 entitled "Duties of the zoning administrator" is a 190 housekeeping meas� intended to reflect the reassignment of responsibility for sign 191 variances from the Pl ing Commission to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals previously 192 approved in Council File o. OS-632 so that Leg. Code § 64.201(e), in arder to remain 193 consistent with other para hs in the Zoning Code, shall read as follows: 194 ` 195 Sec. 64.201 Duties of the zonin administrator 196 �'�.� 197 (e) The zoning administrator shall no ant any variances with respect to this chapter in 198 carrying out his duties as zoning admini ator. Variances may be granted by the 199 � board of zonin a e s. The zoning administrator shall grant a 200 permit upon a finding of compliance with the onditions imposed by this chapter. 201 202 Section 4 . 203 204 This ordinance shall become effective thirty 205 and publication. 206 days after its passage, approval Requested tiy�Department of: Sy: By: d b City Attomey Ww.vrt-� �� ( _ 2! - c� -? Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �, ��- ���� Kathy, Thanks for the inquiry. I'm working on fi�ishing the packet with the Planning Commission's Electronic Billboards Study and will deliver it to the Council offices by 1 p.m. today. I will be at the meeting this afternoon for first reading of the ordinance and can answer questions if the Council wants to ask any. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO PUT THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S AMENDED VERSION OF THE ORDINANCE ON THE FLOOR? The answers to your questions are: 1. The revised ordinance containina the Planninq Commission's recommendations is attached. They made three changes to the ordinance in the Council's packet for first reading today: a. Increase the time interval for message changes from 8 seconds to 12 seconds. Motion by Jim Bellus, second by Bob Cudahy. In the discussion, this idea was mainly advocated by Barb Wencl. Motion passed on a vote of 12-1 (Morton) with two abstentions (Commers, Margulies). b. Increase the trade-down ratios from 4:1 (lighted boards) and (unlighted boards) to 6:1 (lighted) and 8:1 (unlighted). This was part of the same motion by Bellus, seconded by Cudahy, and the same vote of 12-1-2. c. Add a requirement directing that billboard must be removed first from the following areas: downtown, River Co�ridor, historic dist�icts, residentia/ly zoned /and, and any other locations designated bya Planning Commission orCityCounci/�esolution. This amendment was debated. Some members advocated an incentive for billboard removal in these priority areas in the form of a lower trade-down ratio of 4:1 (Rich Kramer, Kristina Smitten, George Johnson). Others favored a mandate that removals must come from these target areas first (Steve Gordon, Bob Spaulding, ]im Bellus). The advocates of mandatory removal from priority areas won on a vote of 7 to 6 with 2 abstentions; motion by Gordon, second by Spaulding. Then the general motion to set priority areas, including mandatory removal, passed on a vote of 10 to 3(Kramer, Smitten, Alton) with 2 abstentions; although the motion for priority areas with an incentive had been made earlier by Smitten, seconded by Kramer. Then the overall resolution recommending the Electronic Billboard Ordinance and forvvarding the Planning Commission's study passed on a unanimous voice vote with two abstentions. Larry S. Council File # Council File ll D����D�O Green Sheet # 3046312 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An dinance amending Leg. Code Chap. 64 regulating signs b pernutting the conversion of legal nonconfornung advertisi signs ("billboazds") to "dynamic display" signs in exchang or permanently removing traditional legal nonconformin advertising signs by adding a definition for such billboards d promulgating regulations for the conversion of such igns. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN Secti 1 That Legislative Code § Sec. 64.104'. and the various definitions contained therein is hereby amended by addin the following new paragraph under that section to read: exceqt for time and temqerature displavs that occupv less than twenty (201 percent of the billboard face. Section 2 That Legislative Code § 64.302 entitled "Nonconforming signs; exceptions," is hereby amended by removing obsolete language regazding the "move to conformance" and in its place adding new provisions to provide for and regulate the conversion of existing legal nonconforming billboards to ones with dynamic displays so as to read as follows: 0�7� //D10 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Sec. 64.302. Nonconforming adverkisin� signs; e�ee�ieasconversion to billboard with dvnamic display. � - •- - � S�2 maintain hi�hwav safetv. in the citv. met: � The billboard is located within three hundred thirty (330) feet of I-94 or I-35E north of I-94 and is desiened to be read from the hiehwav. D�-l1Ul� 87 � The billboard is at least one (1) mile measured lineallv along the freeway 88 from anv other billboazd with a d�namic displav desiened to be read by �89 drivers headin¢ in the same direction on the hi wav. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ll6 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 � Onlv one sign face on a billboazd structure is converted. � The billboard is more than one thousand (1.0001 feet from any residence, reeazdless of municioal boundaries, that is in a residential or TN \ traditional nei¢hborhood zonine district and has windows which are facin� and from which the dynamic dis�lav is directly visible. �E�7 � governmental unit for the removed si� govemmental unit for the removed billboazds. � is urovided to the citv that such state nermits have been surrendered. 0?- l/Ofo 133 134 � In addition to the other reeulations in this chauter, a billboard with a dmamic `�135 displav shall conform to the followin� operational standazds: 136 li7�, 138 �� 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 � All alnha-numeric copy must be at least fifteen (15) inches hi� � The images and messaees displaved must be static, and the transition from `,, one static displav to another must be direct and immediate without any special effects. �, Each image and messa�e disnlaved must be comnlete in itself, and may �not continue on the subsequent one. `� � Each ima�e and messaee must remain constant for at least ei t(81 seconds before changina to the next one. �5,� No si n mau be brighter than necessarXfor clear and adequate visibility. � No sign may be'of such intensitv or brilliances as to im�air the vision of a � No sign mav be of sucirintensity or brilliance that it interferes with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device, or signal, or located where it would do so, as determined by the citv traffic en ig neer• � A billboard converted for dvnamic dis�lay, on which more than twenty (20) nercent of the sign face is changeable, must have a mechanism that automatically adjusts the sien's brie�itness in resvonse to ambient operational standards in this section. �� Section 3 That Legislative Code § 64.201 entitled "Duties of the zoning administrato " is a housekeeping measure intended to reflect the reassignment of responsibility for sig� variances from the Planning Commission to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals previously approved in Council File No. OS-632 so that Leg. Code § 64.201(e), in order to remam `� �� U7- l�D� 179 'I$0 18l 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 consistent with other paragraphs in the Zoning Code, shall read as follows: Sec. 64.201 Duties of the zoning administrator �e) T'he zoning administrator shall not grant any variances with respect to this chapter in carry�ing out his dufies as zoning administrator. Variances may be granted by the � board of zonin¢ appeals. The zoning administrator shall grant a permit uptan a finding of compliance with the conditions imposed by this chapter. � �, Section 4 This ordinan�c.e shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department oE Plannin an onom c Develo ment By: l� Form Approved by City Attomey By: ,v��i� !l-/�-v� Form Approv ayor for Submission TO Couti'� By: � �- � Z� � �-//�� � z/ 5��(� 3 Council President Lantry, Councilmembers Montgomery, Thune, Harris, Benana�, Helgen, and Bostrom - My name is Andrew Hine and I live amongst Clear Channel's litter in the West End. I am not here today to ask you to take anyone to court. I just want you to know how I feel about old-style billboards, new-fangled billboards, and the United States of America. Clear Channel can easily be considered the worst absentee landlord in Saint Paul. No one else is more responsible for littering our neighborhood than they are. I can't tell you how many pieces of sign faces I have found polluting the landscape. You can see pieces of them in my garage, and you can ask Ya Ya Diatta how many times I have asked these litterers to be fined. Why do they continue to get away with it, I ask you? My grandfather taught me to make sure you are able to take care of what you already have before you go off accumulating more things. Clearly Clear Channel cannot properly take care of the property they have and have no business taking on the complications involved with electronic billboards. Once the vandals find out how much fun it is to ruin them, there will be even less concern and money for the disgusting things in my neighborhood and in yours. I have a tendency toward photographing peeling billboards. Not because I think it's fun — I do it to prove to you and to the world that the billboard industry does not care one iota about Saint Paul and so there is no particular reason for you to care about them. These photos are ugly, and anyone who thinks otherwise has lost touch with reality. For the record, here is a small sampling of the photos I have taken recently. <photos> The so-called "economic engine" created by the electronic board between E 7` and I-94 does nothing but pollute Saint Paul. ALL the money that exchanges hands in this deal is clearly channeled to people in cities OTHER than Saint Paul. Even little Marvin over here lives across the river. He and all the other selfish, greedy billboard pigs make money by trying to convince people in their cars to buy cable TV and watch stupid, mind-numbing programs. They make money by trying to get us to the casinos. They make money trying to get us to drink some crap out-of- state beer. They don't care about you or me. They could care less about Saint Paul. They don't care about a better, stronger America — they want us all to be broke and dnank in front of the television set. ; � ti .x� . t `r > • y 'y 3 F j � `� m � � l � ����: t �� ;� v � ;� � r � r-'��a � . z - .:� ..:..�� _ . �� � �; _ t .(�.• ,. � ,- ' . �� � . � F � �'$ A �I� . :.... ..� a �r':3: � � 1 �q ��. i�Y'% . V � M � _ A 3 ."' � � �4 � � � � �. y � ` ._ ; �. ` � _ �3 -'� �, �� r �w i :« . F � $ � � �.p �+- .c � .� ;y " �. "�' � �� rv�� , � - 9M - �+..s��•� , _�. I � � . � �� ���� y � ... . _ � �. �'" ��. � z$T i , /_ �- ;� � �,.�- ° x � = `� --� — � r ��; . - ,� 'v�;; � -' 4��. �=' .-. ' e� .._:, ,�-. a, _ � , . .. . .. f "" ' ' �N 3� � � -^ 3 { v � ��� � n -�� � r � �. ; �- a __ � .� 4 � . - � ,_ � �a� =� - _ �.. --�� ,. � -'��._� � � ��a� � � ��.' � �.,� ? . �. . .. F � �».a€'�°: . . � ... ,ry � .. - �� ` i -i _�:9� 3e �. t _=� ti°. °' � ' . �� r • _ :.�;'; - � G ` � �a. � : + ' :,c t�S.. 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