07-10271 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SUBSTITUTE 12j19/2007 �l by �� An ordinance amending Legislative Code § 64.414 pertaining to roof signs, c �`'= as that term is defined under Legislative Code § 64.120.R, by adding new y �'• language regulating the orientation, height and design of roof signs. ,.,., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN ��. �_ Section 1 That Saint Paul Le `guslative Code Section 64.414, entitled 'Roof signs," be amended to read as follows: Sec. 64.414. (ba) Roof signs shall appear be an architectural and integral part of the building itself, with no >u�portin the sign. c......,..«:..,. ,.,.i,........ ,.c.,.,...a , _ �w.,..°a . . . ... . ... . . . . . (cb) Roof signs shall be thoroughly secured aqd anchored to the frame of the building over which they are constructed and erected. Before any permiF�js granted for the erection of a roof sign greater in azea than fifty (50) square feet, the plans and details of the `supporting shucture of the new framework, in addition to the structural details and calculations of the existiir�upporting building roof system, shall be filed for review by the zoning administrator. These plans and det 'Is shall be certified by a registered professional engineer. i (de) Clearance and access. Passage clear of all obstructions shall be left k�x�e�eF around, °�--�-�� °��n'� all signs exceeding a height of four (4) fe"'et above the roof. Such passages shall be not less than three (3) feeY wide and four (4) feet high. �:� e a SectiOn 2 `" w. This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passa"`ge, approval and publication. ' ��: Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Boshom Harris Helgen Lanhy Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Approved by Mayor. Date By: Council File # 07-1027 WITHDRAWN 12/26/2007 Green Sheet# 3045537 ORDINANCE OF,�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by By: Form Approv By: � Form Approved by Mayor for Submissrbn to Council By: of: ;d by Ciry Attom''�y l-�e,r�•— / �2 �c f� — ��7 o�-ioz� � Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C� Conqct Perso & Phone: Jay Benana 266-8640 Must Be on Councii en Doc. Type: E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _ (Clip Amend Leg. Code § 64.414 to add new idations: Approve (A) or F Pla�ning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � � -. Green Sheet NO: 3045537 ounc0 ouncil De ar�ent D'uec[or i Attorne 1�'1'lN'� p+ or's Office Ma odAssistent ouncil i Clerk Ci Clerk �rson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any employee? _ , answers on separate sheet and attach to green srieet Initieting Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why); . In Council File No. 07-1010, the Council requested the Planning Commis 'pn to report back on the CounciPs pxoposal to add new . regularions for the orienkation and design appearance of roof signs in the ry. Pending the Planning Commission's report, the � proposed oidinanee amendment will be introduced and then laid over until the ommission's report is received. The proposal can � '� then proceed to a public hearing before the Cotmeii at the earliest date possible tm � the Charter. ,. - � � !. AdvanWges If Approved: Allows for the enachnent and effective date of the proposed ordinance at the earliest Disadvantages if Approved: None. 240CT-07 �/ Assign Number For Routing Order 0 I z 3 4 5 for Signature) for the orientation and design appearance of roof signs. 1. Has this persoNflrm ever worked under a contract for this department?� . „ Yes No 2. as this person/firm ever been a city employee? - s No 3. Yes � Explain all Disadvantages If Not Approved: Delays enachnent and effective date of the proposed ordinance. ", Total-Ampunt of Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: : October 24,.2007 130 PM Page 1 � . CouncilFile# 07-1027 Green Sheet # 3045537 ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented An ordinance amending Legislative Code § 64.414 pertauung to roof signs, as that term is defined under Legislarive Code § 64.120.R, by adding new language regulating the orientation and design `�}ppearance of roof signs. THE COUNCIL THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN Section 1 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Se ion 64.414, entitled "Roof signs" be amended to read as follows: Sec. 64.414. Roof signs. (a) The supporting members of a ro� bracing as angle irons, guy wires integral part of the building. Sup� shaped steel members may be er¢ public is minimized ar covered. sign shall appear to be free of any extra cables, so as to be an architectural and � ng columns of round square or te �f required bracing visible to the (b) Roof signs shall be tharoughly secured and�uichor building over which they are constructed and�e�rect� granted for the erection of a roof sign greater in�are feet, the plans and details of the supporting struc� framework, in addition to the structural details an existing supporting building roof system, shall be i zoning administrator. These plans and details shall registered professional engineer. to the frame of the . Before any permit is than fifty (50) square of the new alculations of the °d for review by the �certified by a (c) Clearance and access. Passage clear of all obstructions sha`kl be left under or around, and immediately adjacent to, all signs exceeding a,height of four (4) feet above the roof. Such passages shall be not less th�n three (3) £eet wide and four (4) feet high �\ � �emendicular to the front lot line. For a corner lot the sien may be pemendicular to the line separatinP the lot from either street Roof siens , shall be constructed in such a manner that the�appear to be an architectural blade which is part of the buildina itself. No visible �u,v wires braces or anele iron sunportin t�he sian shall be �ermitted No roof siQn shall exceed: two and one-half j2 and'/2} feet above the roof line of a one storv building or five (� feet above the roof line of a rivo or three 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 story buildings. Roof siQns for all other buildings shall not exceed the size limitations in the particular zoninQ district. For the purposes of this subsection only, an"azchitectural blade" is defined as a roof sie�with no legs or braces. desi�ned to look as thoug�h it could have been part of the buildinQ structure, rather than somethine suspended from or standine on the buildin� For the purooses of this subsection onlv, a roofline is defined as the hi,ghest point of the parapet, the break line far mansard and ambrel roofs or the avera e hei t between the eaves and rid e able and hi roofs. Section 2 This ordinance sh 11 become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. Requested byDeparunen[oC Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. Approved by Mayoc Date B o�-ioz� � Form Appro�d by C�ty Attomey � Fonn Apprwed by Mayor for Submisswn to Council � � Adopted by Council: Date PLANNING COMMISSION Bnan Alton, Chair CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrisiopher B. Coleman, Mayor December 14, 2007 Mayor Cl�ris Coleman and 25 Wut Fourth Street SaintPaul, MN55102 City Council President Kathy Lantry and Councilmembers Third Floor — City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 07-1026 07-1027 Q Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimile: 657-218-3220 RE: Planning Commission Recommendations on Roof Sign Amendments Dear Mayor Coleman, Council President Lantry, and Council Members: On December 14, 2007, the Planning Commission completed its review and recommendation on rivo alternative Zoning Code amendments initiated by the City Council pertaining to roof signs. The Planning Commission resolution with our findings, comments and recommendation is attached. The Planning Commission resolution does not recoxnmend one of the two amendments initiated by the City Council over the other. Rather, it provides background findings pertaining to roof signs, such as current Saint Paul regulations (limit roof signs to no more than 37%z feet above grade), impact of the proposed regularions (less than one new roof sign per year in recent years), and roof sign regulations in surrounding municipalities (most prohibit roof signs). The attached Planning Commission resolution also recommends some ¢hanges to the draft alternative ordinance to add restrictions for roof signs: a substantive change to language pertaining to the orientation of roof signs, and some specific recommendations for writing this ordinance more cleazly and simply, and deleting some redundant and superfluous language. Sincerely, Brian Alton Chair cc: Lany Soderholm Wendy Lane Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER 07-1026 07-1027 city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-�9 date December 14. 2007 WHEREAS, the City Council, by resolution adopted on October 24 , 2007, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.357, Subd. 4, requested Planning Commission review and recommendation on altemative amendments to Chapter 64 of the Zoning Code pertaining to roof signs ; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated two altemative amendments, one to pmhibit roof signs and one to provide additional restrictions for roof signs; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee ofthe Pianning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments on December 6, 2007; and W HEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission conside2d the recommendations of the Zoning Committee and made the following findings of fact: 1. Roof signs are defined under § 64.120. R. as "A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure." They are limited to a height of no more than 37% feet above grade under § 64.505(a)(3) and § 64.503(a)(3). 2. There have been only six new roof signs constructed in the last seven years . In all of these cases, wall or projecting signs could reasonably have been used instead of roof signs. 3. There have been three permits for replacement of existing roof signs in the last tv�o years. Two of these were replacement of nonconforming roof signs under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 462.357, subdi�ision 1 e, that allows replacement of legally nonwnforming structures. Replacement of such structures would continue to be allowed if roof signs were to be further restricted or prohibited. 4. With little demand for new roof signs and reasonable altematives for business signs provided in the Zoning Code (wall signs, projecting signs, and freestanding signs), prohibiting roAf signs would have little impact on the abilityto identify and promote business and industry in the city. 5. Roof signs are commonly prohibited in surrounding municipalities, including Minneapolis, Roseville, Woodbury, West St. Paul, and Bloomington. The Bloomington ordinance includes rationale behind their prohibition pertaining to aesthetics and harm to roofs . 6. Maplewood allows roof signs only upon review and approval by the City Council after review by the community design review board and a finding that, because of terrain, location, configuration of adjacent development and similar considerations, a roof sign best serves the property and public and meets the intent oftheir sign regulations as compared with any other permitted method of signing. moved by Mo,�on seconded by in favor Unanimous against